I built an armada

Chapter 101 The spotlight belongs to Su Dingping!

"Dean, we are all willing!"

More than a dozen military industry experts below suddenly stood up, looked at Lu Guangjun with serious faces, and said in unison.

Lu Guangjun stood at the front, watching these people quietly.

He thought there would be a few who refused the call. After all, this wasn't decades ago.

At that time, many people's beliefs were far more firm than they are now. In the eyes of those people, forging swords for the country incognito was an honor, a responsibility, and an obligation.

Lu Guangjun was moved by the determination on everyone's faces.

"Comrades, in the future you will remain anonymous and no one in the world will know what you are doing. Can you really endure it?"

Lu Guangjun asked again.

Everyone looked solemn.

“Dean, there’s no need to explain, I understand everything!”

"Dean, I am willing to forge swords for the country incognito!"

"Dean, we are all willing."

There were shouts all around, and Lu Guangjun nodded repeatedly.

"Okay! Okay! You are worthy of being a member of our 408th hospital! In this case, I will give you one day to deal with everything around you! Remember, keep the noise low!"

"Tomorrow afternoon, we will gather here and then rush to the next location!"

After a pause, Lu Guangjun warned: "At that time, everyone will undergo the strictest inspection! I hope you won't let me down!"

"Dean, no problem!"

"The content of this meeting is confidential! Okay, let's adjourn!"

Following Lu Guangjun's order, everyone quickly left the conference room.

Likewise, Southern Fleet Command, Qian Wenbing’s Office.

"Report to the chief, Dean Cheng is here!"


"Yes, Chief!"

Soon, Cheng Yiqiang came.


Qian Wenbing pulled Cheng Yiqiang to a seat aside and said.

"Comrade Yi Qiang, sit down."

After sitting down, Cheng Yiqiang suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Being called over so late at night and being so polite made him at a loss.

"Comrade Yi Qiang, do you still remember my little comrade?"

Qian Wenbing said.

Little comrade?

Cheng Yiqiang was stunned for a moment and reacted immediately.

"Comrade Su Dingping?"

"Yes! Comrade Su Dingping." Qian Wenbing nodded and said: "Right now, our navy has a major project, which will be handled by Comrade Su Dingping."

"Chief, I have no objection!"

Cheng Yiqiang immediately expressed his stance.

"Comrade Su Dingping's talent is obvious. I fully agree that he will lead major projects of our navy!"

After the last military training, he admired Su Dingping very much.

Especially after understanding the general situation from Sun Yongguo and others, I admired him even more.

Then he was a little confused. Why was he asking for his opinion on such an important matter? Our 702 Research Institute will only obey orders and complete targets, and will never interfere in major decisions of the Navy.

When he initially pushed for a second purchase of 956E, Cheng Yiqiang felt quite guilty when he realized it later. After experiencing military training, he often warned himself in his heart that he must do his duty well and not act blindly.

Qian Wenbing said as if he could see the other party's confusion.

"This project is very important and is related to the future 100-year foundation of our navy!"

"At that time, some people from your 702 Research Institute will be transferred to participate! And, at that time, these people will all obey the command and leadership of Comrade Su Dingping. Understand?"

Cheng Yiqiang reacted.

No wonder you have to tell yourself in advance, because you are afraid that the researchers who leave the 702 Research Institute will cause trouble due to dissatisfaction.

Think about it, every researcher has his own arrogance, going to a strange place and being commanded by someone younger than himself. Even if the other party has outstanding talent, there will be some resentment in the heart, and a group will inevitably form when the time comes.

This is very detrimental to major construction.

Although Sun Yongguo and Lu Guangjun were always amiable and cheerful with Su Dingping, they were very prestigious in their respective research institutes. With them around, there would naturally be no trouble.

Research Institute 335 is led by Sun Yongguo, Research Institute 408 is led by Lu Guangjun, and when it comes to Research Institute 702, Qian Wenbing is troubled.

Needless to say, Cheng Yiqiang's ability and prestige in the 702 Research Institute.

Due to the distance between the 702 Research Institute and the other two research institutes, there were fewer opportunities for communication. He was still worried that without a leader, factional problems would easily arise after these people went to Su Dingping's place.

The dispute between the North and the South has also occurred in the past three major research institutes.

Cheng Yiqiang said immediately: "Please rest assured, chief, I will do a good job in their ideological work! I will never cause any trouble to the organization!"

"Comrade Yi Qiang, I feel relieved with your words."

"Chief, I think..."

Before Cheng Yiqiang finished speaking, Qian Wenbing said.

"Comrade Yi Qiang, the three major research institutes will be adjusted in combination in the future, and you will have a heavy burden on your shoulders."

Cheng Yiqiang was not on Su Dingping's recruitment list.

Qian Wenbing also understands this. The three core research institutes cannot all be taken away at once.

"Chief, I understand."

Qian Wenbing breathed a sigh of relief after settling the matter at the 702 Research Institute.

Then, he called Xu Dongguo back.

The three leaders took a breath and arranged everything for the researcher.

As for the gaps in the research institute, they have their own arrangements.

The equipment that has been purchased is being secretly shipped to the country. Although they are quite willing to spend money, some core equipment are still in difficult negotiations.

In addition, the personnel transfer of 4,500 naval officers and soldiers has been subdivided secretly.

As long as the time is right, it will be deployed secretly.

This time is Navy Day.

When all eyes at home and abroad are focused on Navy Day, it's time for them to take action.

As for the location, the three leaders currently don’t know.

Regarding the site selection, after final discussion, the three leaders decided to let Liu Huaming make the decision as Su Dingping said.

Although the information provided by the three chiefs was very comprehensive, Liu Huaming still arranged for several groups of people to conduct several investigations at different locations.

"All is ready except for the opportunity!"

Thinking of the integrated military factory, Qian Wenbing couldn't help but feel a little more excited.

This time, the navy pressed in with all their might.

Give it a try and achieve a brighter future.

On the afternoon of the 22nd, a special plane from the southern sea area military base took off and headed for the northern sea area military base.

Similarly, at the Eastern Sea Military Base, Lu Guangjun took some researchers from the 408 Research Institute to the Northern Sea Military Base.

Not only that, this Navy Festival is also held in Qingdao.

Therefore, all the storms gathered in Qingdao, and Xu Dongguo was under great pressure.

"Dark under the lights" is a very risky strategy, but with the cover of Navy Day, the transfer of those military industry experts seems reasonable.

Northern Fleet Command, Xu Dongguo's office.

"Report to the chief, the people from the east are on the way, and the people from the south are coming soon."

"I understand." After a pause, Xu Dongguo said again: "How are the preparations for the details of Navy Day going?"

"Reporting to the chief, everything is ready! It will officially start at nine o'clock tomorrow morning!"

Nodding, Xu Dongguo warned: "Send more people out, and the security details must be in place!"

"Yes, Chief!"

Not long after, Dongfang's special plane landed first.

At the airport, Sun Yongguo and others were already waiting.

The hatch opened and Lu Guangjun walked out first.

"Dingping, Lao Sun, I have brought everyone on the list, many of them!"

"Okay, Lao Lu, I can't tell you that your prestige in the 408 Research Institute is quite high." Sun Yongguo said with a smile.

"Hey!" Lu Guangjun said angrily: "Why, do you still have so few people in your 408 Research Institute?"

"Of course not!" Changing the topic, Sun Yongguo said: "Now it depends on the 702 Research Institute."

Lu Guangjun took all 12 people brought from the 408 Research Institute off the plane.

In front of him, Su Dingping and the original 18 people from the 335 Research Institute stood there.

"Comrades, you all know Dean Sun and others from the 335 Research Institute, so I won't introduce them."

Lu Guangjun said with a serious face.

"As for this young man, you have never heard of or seen him. Before this, his identity has been kept secret, but you have all benefited from him."

Except for Lu Guangjun and the two vice presidents of the 408 Research Institute, the other 10 had never met Su Dingping.

"Dean Lu..." Just as Su Dingping was about to speak, Lu Guangjun said: "The core technical data that I brought back to the institute that day to help us successfully improve the second improvement of 051B was the masterpiece of Comrade Su Dingping!"

Originally, everyone was curious as to why a young man was standing in the C position of the audience, and even Sun Yongguo was standing on one side.

Just hearing this, those 10 people were full of respect for Su Dingping.

They know how great this contribution is.

"The core technology of 956E was also conquered by Comrade Su Dingping." Lu Guangjun said again.

Everyone looked at Su Dingping with more and more admiration.

"During troop training, the 052B that defeated the 956E was Comrade Su Dingping's masterpiece!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

"What, 052B is this comrade's masterpiece?"

"The 052B that was responsible for the first attack on the sinking of the Meihe was made by this comrade?"

Everyone looked at Su Dingping in disbelief.

Although Su Dingping didn't say anything, the positions and expressions of the 18 people from the 335 Research Institute said everything.

Su Dingping was the undisputed core among everyone present.

After chatting for a few words, Lu Guangjun established Su Dingping's prestige in the hearts of everyone.

"That's right!"

Lu Guangjun said seriously.

"And you, me, and Comrade Yongguo, under the leadership of Comrade Su Dingping, will build warships more powerful than 052B in the future! Support the backbone of our navy!"

Everyone in the 408 Research Institute was shocked, feeling the blood in their bodies boiling.

This is more motivating than guarding countless uncertain results in the 408 Research Institute.

At this moment, they felt that their previous decision was very correct!

They're right!

After establishing Su Dingping's prestige, Lu Guangjun walked up to Su Dingping and said, "Dingping, how are you?"

"Dean Lu, thank you."

Su Dingping naturally understood Lu Guangjun's intention.

This is convenient for you to lead your team behind.

"Let's not talk about these things outside of ourselves." Lu Guangjun quickly waved his hands and said: "People from the 702 Research Institute will come in a while, and Lao Sun and I will help you hold the place together!"

Sun Yongguo also said: "Everyone must be united in this major project!"

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