I built an armada

Chapter 113 Encounter! 052B meets the Murasame-level guide!

As soon as Xu Dongguo's order was issued, the landline phone on his desk rang.

When I picked it up, I saw that it was Xiao Chongjun, the leader of the Eastern Fleet.

"Old Xu, I already know the situation. Do you need our Eastern Fleet to assist you?"

When he came up, Xiao Chongjun was unambiguous and asked directly if he wanted to help.

They all know in their hearts that the situation of the Eastern Wilderness tribe at sea is definitely not something that a single fleet can handle.

After pondering for a long time, Xu Dongguo Road.

"No need for now! Our purpose this time is to bring that cargo ship back. Now is not the time to fight against the opponent!"

"We still need time to continue to accumulate strength!"

"Okay! I understand!" Xiao Chongjun said: "Our department will be ready at any time to deal with the worst situation!"

After hanging up the phone, Xu Dongguo stood there with a serious expression.

The only thing the Eastern Fleet can handle is a 956E. The 052 and 053H3 can play too little role in the confrontation with the Eastern Wilderness Tribe.

The last military training situation was still fresh in Xu Dongguo's memory.

One 052B can suppress the three main battleships of the Eastern Fleet. If even the 052B and 051C cannot stabilize the situation, the impact of one more Eastern Fleet will not be too great.

He has personal experience of the power of modern warships. In this situation, non-modern warships would not even have a chance to appear.

At this moment, on the northern sea.

The cargo ship Shanhua made a big turn in the sea and planned to return.

In the main control room, Captain Shinshu Nohara is standing there, directing the cargo ship to return.

The first mate on the side whispered.

"Captain, are we really going back like this?"

"Otherwise?" Nohara Shinshu looked back and said angrily.

"It's nothing to go back. It's just that we finally opened the trade channel with the other side. If this happens, this road will be blocked in the future."

The first mate said helplessly.

The shipping company he worked for finally opened up the sea channel with the opposite side, but he didn't know that he had not shipped goods several times before encountering this kind of thing again.

How can there be any reason for goods to turn back halfway? And he also entered the opponent's sea area!

Once the news spreads, not to mention that this sea route will not be feasible in the future, the company's international reputation will be affected.

It was not a very big company in the first place, but after this incident, it will be even more difficult to grow in the future.

Nohara Shinshu sighed and said helplessly.

"This is an order from the Navy Headquarters. How can we resist it? Although I don't know what's in the cargo this time, I know that if I disobey this time, let alone continue to trade at sea in the future, I won't be able to eat it when I go back. Walk!"

"Those people in Haizi are not good people! They are all like lunatics!"

The first mate was silent.

The two powers harm each other, whichever is less. Obviously, the cost of returning is the smallest.

Compared with the growth of trade channels and enterprises, the key is whether they can make a living in the future.

"Since this is an order from the Navy Headquarters, it means that we have carried prohibited goods on the cargo ship. No matter what, it is better than going back to the lawsuit."

The topic changed and Nohara Shinshu said again.

"Then again, we are the people of the Great Eastern Wasteland Empire after all. No matter what the situation, we must put the interests of the Great Eastern Wasteland Empire as the first priority!"

As soon as these words came out, the first mate suddenly fell silent.

This is all on the line, what else can he say.

The Shanhua had just turned around and was heading back when suddenly the radioman shouted.

"Captain, the coast guard on the other side sent a message via the international public channel."

"what did they say?"

"Captain, the other party wants us to resume normal sailing immediately!"

Nohara Araki looked at the vast sea through the porthole, and then said: "Don't worry! Keep sailing!"

"Okay, Captain!"

On the other side of the same sea area.

The earliest ship '051B modified' is performing a cruise mission.

In the main control room, the new captain Jiang Shengrong looked slightly relaxed.

The Navy Day ended perfectly in the morning. They did not encounter any blind people on the sea, which allowed him to relax for a moment after being tense all morning.

Jiang Shengrong had just finished checking the route to be cruised next when he heard the correspondent shouting.

"Report to the captain, the commander's order came from the fleet command."

Chief's order?

Jiang Shengrong frowned slightly.

Nothing happened at such an important moment in the morning, could something happen now?

It doesn't make sense.


"Report to the captain, the leader ordered us to dispatch immediately to intercept the Shanhua cargo ship on its way back! Coast Guard and 052B will assist us! The leader requested that the Shanhua cargo ship must be brought back safe and sound!"

Return halfway?

It's nothing for a cargo ship to alert the coast guard. Even 052B was alerted. Obviously, the cargo on this Shanhua cargo ship is very important.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shengrong said: "Contact the Coast Guard immediately to retrieve the registration information of the Shanhua cargo ship!"


Soon, information about the Shanhua and its specific route came over.

The cargo ship Shanhua is a medium-sized cargo ship owned by Donghuang Tribe Shipping Company. It has a fully loaded speed of 15 knots and a sailing path...

After reading the information, Jiang Shengrong said: "Report the specific coordinates of the Shanhua!"

"Reporting to the captain, the Shanhua is 60 kilometers southwest of our ship and is heading towards the Donghuang tribe at a speed of 15 knots according to the original route."

The location of the Shanhua exceeded the active detection range limit of the radar on the 051C, so naturally the opponent's position could not be seen on the radar display.

However, based on the opponent's route map sent by the coast guard department, the approximate location can be deduced with a little calculation.

After all, ocean-going cargo ships are not small fishing boats. All routes are fixed. It is easy to get into trouble if they run around and break into sea areas that they should not break into. If you can't explain it at that time, you will be detained!

"Shanhua's speed is 15 knots, and our speed is 31 knots. It is not difficult to intercept it in our waters."

Jiang Shengrong said hurriedly.

"Calculate intended interception location."

"It's the captain!" After a while, the other party said: "Report, there are two feasible interception locations! Captain, please give instructions!"

Jiang Shengrong leaned over and took a look, frowning slightly.

The first plan is for the warship to drive directly south. As long as the Shanhua slows down halfway, it can successfully intercept it at the intersection of the two inclined routes.

This plan is far enough away from the maritime boundary line between the two sides and safe enough.

The second option is somewhat risky.

051C needs to travel in the southeast direction, and be mentally prepared for the Shanhua to return without slowing down halfway.

In this way, although 051C will intercept the opponent before it crosses the sea boundary line, this location is very close to the sea boundary line, only about ten kilometers, so it is easy for something to happen.

"Captain, which plan should we adopt?" the vice-captain asked.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Shengrong said.

"Contact 052B immediately, I want to speak to Captain Zhou!"

"Yes! Captain!"

On the sea more than 30 kilometers away from 051C, 052B is cruising according to the originally scheduled route.

In the main control room, the correspondent said.

"Report to the captain, the chief has sent the latest instructions."

After receiving the telegram, Zhou Qinglei glanced at it, his expression instantly solemn.

A Shanhua cargo ship alarmed the Northern Fleet's most powerful modern warships 051C and 052B.

Without thinking too much, he knew that this cargo ship was very important to the navy!

If it is an ordinary cargo ship, it is enough to dispatch the Coast Guard. If it fails, the 053H3 frigate will be dispatched! How could a modern guided missile be dispatched to intercept a cargo ship?

Normally, the Coast Guard would first request assistance, instead of becoming the Coast Guard to assist them like now.

Intercepting the Shanhua is only one aspect, dealing with accidents that may happen at any time is the key!

The Shanhua cargo ship may have alarmed the Eastern Barren tribe to go to sea!

In just a moment, Zhou Qinglei thought of a lot.

Having stayed with Su Dingping and others at the military base in the northern waters for a long time, he knew something about the situation.

The Navy is about to make big moves.

Now that something happened suddenly again, he boldly speculated that the cargo on the Shanhua might have a great impact on Su Dingping and others' plans.

"Contact the Coast Guard, I want to know the detailed path and coordinates of the Shanhua!"

"Yes, Captain!"

After a while, the information from the Coast Guard came over.

"Report to captain, Shanhua is 98 kilometers southwest of our ship, traveling at a speed of 15 knots..."

98 kilometers?

Just exceeded the limit of the active detection range of the 052B radar.

Just as Zhou Qinglei was about to give the order, the correspondent said again.

"Report to Captain, 051C Captain Jiang requests a call!"


Soon, the call channel between the two parties was established.

"Captain Zhou, have you received the relevant information?"

"Captain Jiang, I was just about to tell you about this! We are the closest, have you made a plan?"

Facing Zhou Qinglei's inquiry, Jiang Shengrong said immediately.

"Two options..."

Jiang Shengrong explained both plans.

The two discussed it and finally chose option two for the sake of safety.

After all, the final interception points of Plan 2 and Plan 1 are only about thirty kilometers apart.

If the captain of the cargo ship Shanhua is strong enough to rush forward with his head covered, there is a risk of accidentally crossing the sea boundary if he pursues further.

Thinking that the Shanhua cargo ship might be carrying important cargo, Zhou Qinglei didn't want to bet but didn't dare to bet.

After the plan was finalized, the two warships adjusted their routes and headed straight for their destination, planning to have a 'chance encounter' with the Shanhua.

Time flies by.

More than an hour later, in the main control room of the Shanhua, the radioman shouted to Nohara Araki.

"Captain, the other side's coast guard sent a message again, asking us to turn around immediately and sail according to the original route!"

"Do not care!"

Nohara Araki said calmly.

During this period of time, they have received messages from the other party's coast guard many times, but they have ignored them even once.

At this time, the third officer in charge of observing the radar said: "Captain, the other coast guard ship has appeared within the monitoring range of our radar and is 30 kilometers away from our ship."

"They came so fast?"

Nohara Shinshu glanced at the radar display and immediately said: "Contact the company and report the situation."


After a while, the radio operator suddenly said: "Captain, Colonel Kitahara Sosuke of the Navy Headquarters wants to talk!"

Colonel Kitahara Sosuke?

Nohara Shinshu was stunned for a moment. He had no impression of this person.


Immediately, Kitahara Sosuke's voice sounded in the communication channel.

"Shinju-kun, I am the captain of the Murasame, Kithara Sosuke! We have received the news from your department. Our ship is cruising in the surrounding waters. We are expected to meet you at the sea boundary in two hours! Understood! ?”


Murasame, the first warship to enter service among the eight Murasame-class guided missile destroyers!

The Eighth Eighth Fleet, the first reorganized fleet, has a total of two Murasame-class guided missile destroyers, one is the Murasame and the other is the Harusame.

The dispatch of the guided-missile destroyer Murasame to pick up the Shanhua shows that the Donghuang tribe attaches great importance to this operation.

Nohara Shinshu immediately felt relieved when he learned that the Murasame would pick him up.

"Continue to return at full speed!"

"Yes, Captain!"

At the same time, in the sea area, the main control room of 052B was getting closer and closer to 051C.

"Report to Captain, we expect to arrive at the scheduled interception location in one and a half hours!"

Zhou Qinglei looked at the moving little red dot representing the Shanhua on the radar display and nodded slightly.

As long as the Shanhua is stopped before it crosses the maritime boundary line between the two sides, the rest will be easy to handle.

In addition to the coordinates representing one's own side, the radar display also has the coordinates representing 051C and a coast guard ship.

Three guarantees and one, Shanhuahao has no wings to fly!

At this time, a new small red dot appeared in the southeast direction of the radar display.

The moment the other party appeared, the radar monitor said immediately.

"Reporting to Captain, a third-party warship was found 95 kilometers southeast of our ship, with a speed of 32 knots! The navigation path is temporarily unknown, please give instructions!"

As soon as these words came out, an idea suddenly appeared in Zhou Qinglei's mind.

The warship from the Eastern Wilderness Tribe!

Then, the other party said again.

"Reporting to Captain, a second warship was found 95 kilometers southeast of our ship, traveling at a speed of 32 knots!"

Two warships?

This is not good news!

After taking a look at the radar monitor, Zhou Qinglei's heart sank for no reason.

The predicted sailing routes of the two warships are the same. After a little analysis of the sailing routes, it can be inferred that the other warship is here to meet the Shanhua cargo ship.

The two sides are competing for the title of Shanhua, and no one can guarantee whether unexpected situations will occur.

Almost subconsciously, Zhou Qinglei clenched his hands slightly.

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