I built an armada

Chapter 119 Is this civilization and democracy? The seats are very unreliable!

Xu Dongguo sat in the back seat, looking at the scenery passing by outside the window, feeling particularly heavy.

It is an urgent matter to improve the morale of the navy and give reassurance to the people across the country! But similarly, the construction of an integrated military factory is also a top priority that cannot be delayed.

At the moment, you can’t have your cake and eat it too.

For the former, some deviations occurred in the latter's procurement plan.

Xu Dongguo sighed softly, his expression a little complicated.

Originally, the purchase plan was all in place, the money was given, and all related equipment was shipped!

Who would have thought that at this juncture, the West would take action to intercept the high-tech equipment and special materials being transported halfway?

We’re already halfway there!

If you don't sell it, I have nothing to say. After all, the technology is blocked.

But you sold everything, and now you are doing this again, what kind of freedom and democracy is this? Is this something a civilized tribe can do? Who better to imitate than the Eastern Wilderness tribe?

The shamelessness and shamelessness of the West taught Xu Dongguo a deep lesson, as well as the entire senior navy.

"Democracy? Freedom? Haha! What's good for you is called democracy and what's called freedom! What's bad for you, all democracy and freedom must be sidelined. That's endangering the security of the tribe!"

Xu Dongguo sneered, his eyes full of disdain.

Immediately, he looked helpless again.

How to give Su Dingping an explanation now?

It was quite difficult to build an integrated military factory in the first place, but now instead of being of much help, my own side is actually holding me back a little.

Thinking of this, Xu Dongguo felt quite regretful.

If we had known that the developed tribes in the West were still so wild, the navy should have endured it a little longer.

"I'm anxious, I'm still too impatient!"

While he was thinking, the satellite phone rang.

After picking it up, Xu Dongguo looked solemn and said: "Chief, I already know the matter."

Liu Huaming was in a good mood just after being praised by Xue Yunzhi about the navy.

Unexpectedly, I could only be happy for three seconds when bad news came from the West.

"Comrade Dong Guo, I will discuss this matter with Xue Shuai and see if the superiors can send someone to negotiate. But..." Halfway through, Liu Huaming changed the subject and said: "But the hope is very slim."

"Chief, I understand. I'm on my way to Dingping now! I will tell you everything about this and see if there is any back-up plan in Dingping. If not, we are thinking of other ways."

"Okay! Anyway, be prepared for the worst in this matter!" Liu Huaming warned again.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Dongguo said to the guard: "How long will it take?"

"Report to the chief, there are still 32 minutes!"

"I'll take a rest. Call me when you're almost there."

As he spoke, Xu Dongguo slowly leaned on the back seat. The golden sunset shone through the window on the side of his face, and he closed his eyes tiredly.

From yesterday to today, he didn't sleep a wink all night! I planned to take a nap for a while when I had free time in the afternoon, but I didn't know that something happened on the Shanhua No. 1 again.

Mentally exhausted, he had not slept for two days and one night.

On the other side, at the southern maritime military base, 956E Captain Wu Ruoming was walking back and forth in the control room anxiously.

Suddenly, the deputy captain walked over quickly.

"Captain, just take a rest. It's been a long time."

"How's the situation? When are we leaving?"

Wu Ruoming said anxiously.

He knew somewhat about the situation on the Shanhua.

More than an hour ago, Qian Wenbing had ordered the fleet to assemble since 052B discovered two Hainanese warships coming to meet them while intercepting the Shanhua.

The Eighty-Eight Fleet from the Eastern Barren Tribe cannot compare with the three modern warships of the Iron Monkey Tribe.

Not to mention the Iron Monkey Tribe, even with the Feibing Tribe, Thousand Buddha Tribe, etc., they are no match for the four Eighty-Eight Fleets.

Facing such a powerful enemy, once the conflict escalates, a Northern Fleet simply cannot withstand it.

It won't work if all three fleets come together.

But whether it works or not, it must be done.

"It will take a long time to reach the northern sea from our side! If we don't set off, the day lilies will be cold by the time we arrive!"

Wu Ruoming was extremely anxious.

Last time the Northern Fleet's 052B helped them sink the Mekong, this time the Southern Fleet will definitely go to help.

It’s just that the journey of more than ten hours is too long!

So he was so anxious that he couldn't calm down at all.

"Captain, don't worry. There is currently no movement from the Army and Air Force, and the situation should not be as bad as we expected! And..."

After a pause, the vice-captain continued.

"Something really happened in the north, and we won't be able to calm down here. By then, our main strength will probably be concentrated here to prevent the Iron Monkey Tribe from counterattacking."

"What the hell! I know!"

Wu Ruoming cursed fiercely.

"I don't know when the 052B will be installed in our southern fleet! If there are two 052Bs, plus the 956E, our side will be stable enough."

"Captain, it's only been a month! Even if we want to put it into operation, we still need to wait for the 052B production line to be successfully established." The deputy captain said worriedly: "The 051C production line took more than two months at that time, and the 052B is estimated to take more time. Long time! It is already very good to have a 052B launched into service within half a year."


Wu Ruoming sighed deeply.

It’s not that the navy is not strong.

At the level of the navy, it is not considered weak on any other continent in Blue Star. But it happened to be here in the Dongzhou Monster Room. But unfortunately, the sea area is too big and there are too many enemies.

If the enemy is too strong, the navy will appear weak.

Finally, news came.

"Captain! Good news! Good news!"

the deputy captain said excitedly.

"What's wrong?"

"The Northern Fleet successfully forced back two warships from the Eastern Wilderness Tribe!"

"How did they do it?" Wu Ruoming was worried and asked quickly.

He knew how powerful the warships of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe were.

Although the Northern Fleet has a 052B that is stronger than the 956E, there is only one 052B, which is difficult to save the overall situation.

With a warship as powerful as 052B, he had no idea how many ships there were in the Eighth Eighth Fleet.

He was very worried whether this time he would scare off the enemy by ramming the enemy ship desperately like before.

Immediately afterwards, the vice-captain told all the news.

After listening, Wu Ruoming froze on the spot.

It took quite a while before he recovered from the shock.

He kept mumbling: "Forcing the Murasame-class guided missile destroyers to retreat? Okay! Okay!"

"I knew the Northern Fleet would be able to do it!"

"I knew that the 052B developed by Comrade Su Dingping would definitely be good! Hahaha!"

As he spoke, Wu Ruoming grinned.

"This is more relaxing than sinking the Mekong! It's so satisfying!"

"After so many years, I'm finally getting through it!"

"Just wait until the 052B is installed later!"

The vice-captain also sighed with emotion: "Yes, this time the Northern Fleet has given my navy some face!"

The conversation changed and the deputy captain said solemnly.

"Captain, the leader ordered us to go to sea immediately."

"Where to go?"

"Patrol our waters! Prevent any disturbance during the night!"

"Okay!" Wu Ruoming waved his hand and shouted: "Notify the whole ship to prepare to set off!"

With the Northern Fleet's example, the morale of the Southern Fleet is now high.

They all saw the hope of the rise of the navy.

The Northern Fleet is like a torch held high, illuminating the confusion ahead of the navy. Su Dingping and others are the stalkers who lit the torch.

In the main control room, Wu Ruoming looked at the vast sea and was inexplicably excited.

"I really hope 052B can enter service soon!"

At the moment, they still don’t know that the Navy’s top brass has no plans to field the 052B.

If they knew that Su Dingping believed that 052B had no significance in fielding, they would definitely be shocked.

Isn’t the 052B, which has the confidence to compete with the Murasame’s guide driver, worthy of being commissioned into the navy? How high is this vision?

They dare not think about it, nor can they imagine it.

At the same time, Iron Blood Network.

They didn't know what was going on in the sea.

But they discovered some abnormalities through some clues.

"Have you heard that a sea line leading to the Eastern Wilderness Tribe was suddenly blocked?"

"The sea routes are blocked? What's going on? Is our navy conducting exercises? Otherwise, it would be impossible to block the sea routes."

"Definitely not. Isn't there a Navy Day held in the morning? If it was really an exercise, there must have been a notice. How could it be done quietly?"

While everyone was surprised, the master of Iron Blood Network jumped out and said: "The latest news is that a fishing boat encountered our warship when operating in the sea area! According to the information provided by the fishermen, the warship should be heading towards the sea boundary line! "

As soon as the news came out, those military fans couldn't sit still.

"Brother Yu, didn't you catch up and have a look?"

"Are you crazy? That's a warship! The fishing boat is smoking and it can't catch up!"

"Nothing will happen to the sea boundary line! I remember that something like this happened a few years ago. But at that time, the Internet had not yet become popular, and a lot of news could not be spread. It was only in the past two years that I heard from some great gods. heard about it."

"The possibility of something happening is very high! Our navy just held the Navy Day in the morning, and the modern warship 051C was unveiled. I don't know if other tribes can sit still, but the Donghuang tribe definitely can't sit still! You think about it, looking at the entire blue Xing, which tribe least wants us to rise? Compared with the Eastern Wilderness tribe, the Eagle Tribe and the White Bear Tribe have to step aside! That would be a feud!"

As soon as this inference came out, military fans became anxious.

They are eager to know the results on the sea.

"What the hell, before there was the Internet, we didn't know anything. Now that there is the Internet, we are still like squid in the melon field, we don't know anything."

"Don't panic, don't panic. There will be "Military One-on-One" tonight. Then we will all call the show team. I still don't believe that the show team won't win one of us?"

Call the show team collectively?

Now when the audience calls, you can win one no matter what!

Thinking of this, military fans were extremely excited.

There has never been a program like this that talks to the audience before, and military fans have nowhere to ask many questions. Now that Zhang Zhaoxin is a naval colonel, he must know something about it.

"I don't know why, but I always feel that Colonel Zhang is a little unreliable."

"Isn't that reliable? That's a naval colonel!"

"I can't tell, just a gut feeling."

At the same time, as the sun set and darkness gradually covered the earth, Xu Dongguo finally arrived at the military base in the northern seas.

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