I built an armada

Chapter 122 Chief Master Su makes a public appearance! All eyes are on you!

After "Military One-on-One" ended, Zhang Zhaoxin was sweating all over his back when he walked out of the studio.

This time, Jun Mi exerted such force that he almost couldn't resist.

Many of the manuscripts originally prepared were not used.

He made a lot of plans to deal with 051C, but netizens were all chasing what happened in the afternoon.

It took a lot of effort for him to get over it.

After sitting in the car, he quietly wiped the sweat on his forehead due to nervousness.

"Although a month has passed, I still have to continue to improve my professional level! If this continues, it will become increasingly difficult to withstand the enthusiastic military fans."

Zhang Zhaoxin never expected that at his age, he would still have to advance non-stop on a new track.

Zhang Zhaoxin was happy from the bottom of his heart that the navy was becoming more powerful.

But it also means that his workload will increase greatly in the future.

Times have changed, the Internet has gradually developed, and military fans are not so easy to fool.

“There is no end to learning!”

With a sigh, Zhang Zhaoxin drove and disappeared into the night.

Those military fans who had watched "Military One-on-One" gathered again on Tiesue.com and launched a heated discussion on some of the answers Zhang Zhaoxin gave that night.

"I always feel that Colonel Zhang is not very reliable!"

"Really? I think Colonel Zhang is very reasonable."

"It's hard to say. Anyway, I don't think what happened in the afternoon was that simple. But I checked on the Internet and didn't see any unusual news."

"That means what Colonel Zhang said is true. Whenever there is a disturbance, the external network will explode first! The last time the Mekong was in trouble, our officials didn't say anything, and the external network spread the news."

"It makes sense! If we had secretly had friction with the Eastern Wilderness tribe, the Western media on the Internet would have publicized it! It seems that we really thought too much this time."

After some discussion, the military fans found many clues, but the external network is still calm so far, which means that all the clues are due to their overthinking.

In spite of themselves, they still felt a little bit disappointed in their hearts.

Now that the navy has improved, it would be great if it could perform well in the confrontation with the Eastern Wilderness Tribe Haizi.

But when I thought about the fact that I had bullied the Iron Monkey Tribe last month, I comforted myself in my heart, taking my time and taking my time.

All the grievances and unwillingness will be slowly recovered.

The Iron Monkey Tribe is like this, and the Donghuang Tribe is like this.

At this moment, Donghuang Tribe returned to his headquarters, and the atmosphere in the conference room was extremely serious.

For many years, Haizi has never suffered such a big loss from the opposite side! Just thinking about it made them feel like their chests were about to explode.

If it were other tribes, it would be normal for them to have occasional wins and losses, and they would be able to accept it.

But the opponent happened to be a feuder with a blood feud. With such a vast territory and rich resources, they dreamed of moving their whole family there.

Now this feud is slowly becoming stronger, and even the navy is slowly rising, which is completely unacceptable to them.

Murakami Hayaki took the first seat, sitting there with a serious face and didn't say a word for a long time.

Inoshita Wada, who was in charge of this operation, sat there with an embarrassed look on his face and also did not speak.

Several other navy leaders sat there quietly, seeming to be waiting for something.

Soon, Tao Shugami, the head of the Maritime Intelligence Department, ran in.

Inoshita Wada quickly asked: "Mr. Tian, ​​have you found anything?"

Tian Fu on the tree shook his head: "No valuable information was found."

Hearing this, Ishita Wada's expression darkened.

The Murasame and Harusame had just arrived at the base not long ago, and Kitahara Sosuke and Katsumura Yota made detailed work reports to Inoshita Wada respectively.

Among them, Inoshita Wada attached great importance to the news that a warship on the opposite side was able to intercept the Murasame's four anti-ship missiles.

Without any ambiguity, Inoshita Wada reported the news.

Murakami Hayaki was also curious about this.

Originally, the Murasame launched four anti-ship missiles, and he had the mentality that the other side could not intercept them, so he ordered Inoshita Wada to inform Kitahara Sosuke to start the missile self-destruction process midway.

On the one hand, it demonstrates the power of Haizi, and on the other hand, it brings a strong deterrent to the other side, letting the other side know that no matter how powerful the warship is, let alone the 051C, it will still be like paper in front of Haizi.

Unexpectedly, this episode happened. He failed to show his sword and was slapped instead.

Murakami Saki also felt bad.

It was because of this incident that he ordered Shushita Tianfu to send people to the other side to investigate the news, and they must find out the situation of the warship.

As a result, nothing was found.

"Have you activated the dark sub?"

Faced with Murakami Hayaki's inquiry, Shugami Tao quickly said: "I activated a few of them, but no valuable information was obtained."

After pondering for a while, Murakami Saaki asked.

"Mr. Tian Fu, what do you think?"

Tian Fu in the tree thought for a while and then said.

"General Hayaki, since we haven't found any valuable information, it means that the mysterious warship we expected may not exist at all."

"After all, no matter how smart they are, it only takes one year for the 956E to arrive! It is impossible to develop a warship that surpasses the 956E within this year!"

Hearing this, Murakami Saki nodded.

Putting the same situation in Haizi, he felt that it would be very difficult to give Haizi one year to develop its own modern warship through 956E. It is impossible to surpass 956E in just one year!

Looking at the many tribes across Blue Star, there is no such example.

Based on the facts, although the identity of the warship was doubtful, he could only attribute it to a certain 956E!

"Perhaps, the 956E sold by the White Bear Tribe is not the foreign trade version we found out before! It is most likely a self-use version, or even an improved one."

Tianfu on the tree explained.

In fact, even before 956E arrived, people from Haizi had received relevant news and conducted a secret investigation.

When they found out it was the foreign trade version of 956E, they didn't take it seriously.

956E is not bad, but the foreign trade version is also known as the castrated version.

The castrated 956E poses no threat to Haizi.

"Since the previous situation was wrong, we need to adjust our subsequent strategic deployment! Increase the danger level of 956E!"

Murakami Hayaki said.

What happened during the day has happened, and there is no point in saying anything else.

Then, he looked at Tian Fu on the tree and said, "In addition, during this period, we will send people to continue to investigate the purpose of those high-precision equipment!"

"You have to be prepared, you know?"

"I don't want things like what happened this afternoon to happen in the future!"

While speaking, Murakami Hayaki glanced meaningfully at Inoshita Wada.

"Hi!" Several people in charge present nodded.

"Get busy."

Waving his hands, Murakami Saki stood up and left the conference room.

It wasn't until Murakami Hayaki walked away that Inoshita Wada asked: "Mr. Tian Fu, has the relevant information been leaked?"

"Wada-kun, please don't worry. I sent someone to check, and there is no movement from the outside world."

Hearing this, Inoshita Wada breathed a sigh of relief.

This time Hai Zi lost face on the sea, and he naturally didn't want the news to spread.

"This account will have to be settled sooner or later! Let them grumble for a while first."

The other people also looked indignant.

Obviously, they remembered this holiday deeply in their hearts.

Once there is a chance in the future, I will definitely regain my position.

Meanwhile, a deserted stretch of coast north of the river mouth.

Wan Long rushed all the way with 500 people and arrived here.

"Is this our destination?"

Wan Long looked at the desolate surroundings and couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

The deputy battalion commander looked at the map and said, "Batalion Commander, this is where it is."

At this moment, the person Liu Huaming deployed here to take care of the situation came out of the darkness.

"Comrade Wan Long, this is the final destination!"

After a pause, the person who responded continued: "According to the commander's instructions, your troops will be stationed here from now on."

Wan Long looked around carefully and found several hidden outposts deployed in the dark.

"Who are we protecting here? Didn't the chief say anything?"

The other party shook his head: "Sorry, we don't know this either."

"Okay, I understand." With that said, Wanlong sent someone to investigate nearby.

After a while, the teams sent out came back one after another.

"Reporting to the chief, there are a large amount of sand, gravel, cement, steel frames and other construction equipment piled up in the north."

"Reporting to the commander, there are a number of cranes, cutting machines and other equipment for building offensive and defensive facilities piled up in the South China Sea."

"Report to the chief..."

As all the news was gathered, Wan Long instantly understood that a large military project was about to begin in this seemingly deserted place.

After understanding the situation, Wanlong quickly made arrangements.

They are not good at building offensive and defensive facilities, but finding hidden terrain to set up sentries is their specialty.

As time came to the early morning of April 24, the first batch of naval officers and soldiers had arrived at the scene.

As soon as the personnel from both sides met, the second batch of naval officers and soldiers also arrived.

Immediately afterwards, urgent marches arrived one after another.

At two o'clock in the morning, many people had gathered at the scene.

"Battal Commander, the number of people has exceeded 4,000." The deputy battalion commander said to Wan Long.

"I know." Wan Long nodded and said, "It seems that not all the people have arrived yet! There is a lot of movement this time!"

"Battal Commander, I don't feel like setting up a military base this time!"

"How to say?"

"The venue is not suitable!" said the deputy battalion commander: "It is inconvenient for personnel to enter and exit."

After quite a while, Wan Long said: "The level of confidentiality this time is very high. It may be different from what we expected."

"Don't think too much about it now, you will know when the time comes."

At this moment, someone came to report.

"Report to the chief, a vehicle is coming."


Wan Long's eyes lit up.

So many arriving naval officers and soldiers were marching in a hurry. After four or five hours, they finally saw the first vehicle.

Not far from the destination, several transport vehicles are coming here.

In the car, it was Su Dingping and others who were sitting in the car.

As the vehicle arrived, Su Dingping and others got out of the car and saw Wan Long and others walking over.

"Comrade Wan Long, thank you for your hard work." Sun Yongguo said to Wan Long after seeing the scene in front of him.

"We have just arrived." Wan Long said, "Everyone, please come this way."

"Major Wan, how many people are there?" Su Dingping asked.

"In addition to our 500 people, 4,200 people have arrived so far!"

"Soon!" Su Dingping nodded.

Not long after, the last group of people arrived.

4,000 naval officers and soldiers, 500 naval technical workers, all gathered!

At the same time, Xu Dongguo also came.

The northern part of the river mouth is not too far from Qingdao, so the three chiefs discussed it and Xu Dongguo went there in person.


"Comrades, thank you for your hard work on this long journey."

Xu Dongguo said humanely to Su Dingping.

These military industry experts had never suffered like this before. After a few hours of bumpy weather, all of them looked a little pale at the moment.

"Chief, everything is ready." Sun Yongguo said: "Still the old rules?"

Xu Dongguo nodded, glanced at the newly built temporary podium, and nodded.

Before any major project begins, there will be a swearing-in meeting.

This is an old rule.

As soon as Sun Yongguo arrived, he asked Wan Long to make arrangements.

"Dingping, let's get to know the comrades?" Sun Yongguo looked at Su Dingping.

Su Dingping glanced at the crowd of naval officers and soldiers gathered in front of the rostrum. They were so busy that he felt flustered.

"Chief, you better come. There are too many people and I'm nervous." Su Dingping said towards Xu Dongguo.

Xu Dongguo smiled and said: "Dingping, you are the chief engineer of this project appointed by Chief Liu. I just came here to take a look! How can there be a chief engineer watching the swearing-in ceremony?"


Su Dingping looked around and saw everyone looking at him.

"Chief Master Su, you did a good job the last few times! I believe you, there will be no problem this time."

Sun Yongguo said solemnly.

Even the title has changed.

Lu Guangjun and others nodded.

"Comrade Dingping, I believe you too!" Xu Dongguo said equally solemnly.

There used to be only one or two hundred people, but now there are more than 4,000 people. To say that I'm not nervous is definitely a lie.

This was different from the situation on the training day, when he only had to follow Liu Huaming and others. This time he needed to play in person.

From behind the scenes to the front.


After taking several deep breaths, Su Dingping, dressed in military uniform, strode towards the podium.

Under the rostrum, more than 4,000 naval officers and soldiers watched a strange young man walking towards the rostrum, feeling quite surprised in their hearts.

A young man about the same age as himself was actually a lieutenant colonel!

A small number of people thought they looked familiar. After thinking about it carefully, they suddenly realized that the other party was with Liu Huaming on the day of the training.

They remember that the other party was still a captain at that time!

It’s only been a month!

The former captain has become a lieutenant colonel!

"It turns out it's him, I have an impression!"


"I met him at the Southern Naval Military Base a month ago! He was with several chiefs at the time. I remember, he was a captain!"

"What? I was a captain a month ago and now I am a lieutenant colonel? This promotion is too fast!"

"Look at the merit medal on his chest! Two individuals with first-class merit! Who is he? He has achieved such an achievement at this age!"

Many naval officers and soldiers present were shocked and filled with confusion.

As Su Dingping stood in the middle of the podium, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

Xu Dongguo and others were also watching quietly from one side.

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