I built an armada

Chapter 124 Maritime conflicts intensify! 052C first launched into the water!

At the headquarters, Su Dingping was busy making more detailed arrangements for the deployment of internal equipment in the integrated military factory.

The 900-acre integrated military factory is indeed a bit small.

But the current situation is special. No matter how big it is, the cost will increase significantly.

Fortunately, we are following the highly modernized route, so 900 acres is barely enough.

Except for Su Dingping, Sun Yongguo and others also didn't have a good night's sleep this week.

41 military industry experts are dizzyingly busy with the construction of a 900-acre factory.

There are many details that they need to pay attention to in person, otherwise it is easy to make mistakes. After all, it was the first time that those 500 technical workers were responsible for such detailed construction.

In the previous offensive and defensive construction, the slightly rough outer body did not affect its use.

But this time is different. It is no exaggeration to say that almost every inch of the 900 acres of land has been arranged.

And it is impossible for them to understand everything. In many cases, many details need to be carefully discussed with military industry experts before they can instruct naval officers and soldiers to operate.

Since the original replacement rate of 83% has been reduced to 77%, some equipment needs to take on more heavy responsibilities, so some internal details need to be smoothed out.

There are always more methods than difficulties. I worked day and night for a week, and finally I was almost done with the work.

"There seems to be no movement outside, it should be almost done." Sun Yongguo glanced out through the window and said.

"It's been seven days, it's almost time."

Lu Guangjun yawned and said a little tiredly.

He looked around and found that everyone was dirty, including Su Dingping. Everyone's hair was messy, and occasionally some cement blocks could be seen on their clothes.

Obviously, they have all been on the front line.

At this time, Wan Long opened the door and walked in.

"Commander Su, the last pouring is completed! Please inspect it!"

Su Dingping and others looked at each other and walked out quickly.

At this moment, under the bright moonlight, the newly built integrated military factory is extremely dazzling.

The person in charge of the fortification came quickly.

"Commander Su, comrades, it's all done!"

"Please review it, Chief Master Su!"

Not far away, the naval officers and soldiers said one after another.

"Please review it, Chief Master Su!"

At the last swearing-in meeting, Su Dingping's speech deeply touched their hearts.

After these days of contact, they found that Su Dingping was not as cold as they thought, but was instead very close to the people.

In the past seven days, they could often see Su Dingping at various fortification sites.

Not only inspecting and commanding, he would also go into battle himself in many cases.

Therefore, Su Dingping also won their respect.

"Dingping, please." Sun Yongguo said.

"Everyone, let's get together."

With that said, Su Dingping led Sun Yongguo and others down.

Every time they passed a place, the naval officers and soldiers in charge of relevant fortifications would shout in unison: "Hello, Commander Su."

"Good job, comrades."

Su Dingping responded very politely.

Sun Yongguo was sincerely pleased to see Su Dingping mingle with the navy officers and soldiers.

900 acres, in addition to military factories, research institutes, and shipyards, barracks and canteens for everyone to stay have also been built.

Right now, we are just waiting for all the equipment to arrive at the factory.

After two full hours, Su Dingping, Sun Yongguo and others finally took a tour.

"No problem."

Upon hearing these words, Wan Long and all the fortification leaders breathed a sigh of relief.

A simple sentence is the greatest affirmation to all naval officers and soldiers who have made contributions.

Su Dingping stood in front of everyone and said, "Comrades, I have worked hard during this period."

"You are doing a great cause! Your names will surely go down in history and shine through the ages, and the people will remember you."

The navy officers and soldiers collectively shouted: "Serve the people!"

"From now on, it will be called the Integrated Military Factory, and it will also be our home! What I promised you seven days ago will definitely come true!"

Su Dingping said, pointing to the large fortification behind him.

After the name was confirmed, the naval officers and soldiers present suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of belonging.

"Everyone, go get some rest and have a good sleep. When you wake up tomorrow, there are more important things waiting for you!"

Immediately, under the leadership of many fortification leaders, many naval officers and soldiers dispersed.

Watching everyone leave, Su Dingping walked towards Sun Yongguo.

"Dean, you can inform the chief to arrange for the equipment to be brought into the factory."

"No problem, I'll contact the chief right away."

On the other side, the Northern Fleet Command.

Xu Dongguo was extremely busy.

Ever since the brief battle with the Murasame in the East Barren Tribe on the afternoon of Navy Day, the situation on the sea has become significantly more complicated these days.

Fishing boats often encounter emergencies when operating at sea, and the coast guard cannot help at all. The navy has no choice but to mobilize warships to help.

These emergencies were not simply fishing boats in distress, but conflicts with the fishing boats of the Donghuang tribe. What's more, there were conflicts with the warships of the Eastern Wilderness tribe.

This involves an issue between the two tribes, which is very difficult to deal with.

Xu Dongguo knew that Donghuang Tribe Hai was trying every means to regain its position after suffering a loss last time.

Perhaps it was because Xue Shuai and Donghuang Tuohai had high-level negotiations last time, so the other party was relatively restrained and stopped.

But he also knew that this restrained situation could not last long.

Maybe one day, it will suddenly be broken.

In addition to matters on the sea, the Varyag aircraft carrier is still stuck in the Ertu tribe, and the other party has not let it go, which also makes Xu Dongguo quite irritable.

At this moment, the phone on the desk rang.

"Chief, Dean Sun's phone number."

"Turn in!"

Soon, Sun Yongguo's voice rang on the phone.

"Chief, the integrated military factory has been constructed, and now we are waiting for the equipment to enter the factory."

"Done? Okay!"

Xu Dongguo looked happy. These days, this is the only good news.

"Comrades, you have worked hard. I will notify the logistics department in a moment and arrange a batch of supplies for you to send over."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Dongguo immediately contacted Liu Huaming.

Liu Huaming is responsible for the high-precision equipment and precision materials, and any transfer requires the approval of the other party.

After Liu Huaming received the news, he immediately issued the deployment order.

Taking advantage of the darkness, the equipment and materials that had been deployed nearby were quickly transported towards the integrated military factory.

Before dawn, the first batch of equipment has arrived.

Su Dingping immediately summoned the person in charge of the fortifications and said.

"Comrades, from now on, all the equipment deployed will be handed over to you for operation."

Upon hearing these words, those in charge of the fortifications were immediately stunned.

Didn’t you agree to build an integrated military factory?

Didn't you say you still want to be an employee?

Is it impossible to return to the rhythm of the original army?

"Commander Su, I'll tell you the truth. If you asked us to go to the battlefield, we wouldn't even frown. But you asked us to operate those equipment...Commander Su, we don't understand it at all."

"Yes, Chief Su. Many comrades have no relevant experience. We have the courage to go ahead. If improper operation causes problems with the machine or affects the progress, what can we do?"

"Chief Master Su, how about..."

Before they could finish speaking, Su Dingping smiled and waved his hands.

"Comrades, please rest assured that we have taken these issues into consideration."

He pointed at Sun Yongguo and others behind him.

"In the next period of time, we will work with you to study those equipments! We will strive to train you to work in the shortest possible time!"

"Besides, the integrated military factory is your hard work after all, and you don't want others to come and take your credit, right?"

The fortification leaders looked embarrassed.

They could see that this was a major project that was of great significance to the future of the Navy. Everyone involved was a contributor, and naturally they did not want this credit to be taken away by others.

But considering their own abilities, everyone wished they had read more books in the early years.

"So please rest assured." Su Dingping continued: "We will teach each of you in a way that comrades can understand!"

"Each department is responsible for a batch of equipment. The team is led by technical workers, and military industry experts coordinate with each other. There will be no problems."

"Moreover, this is our Navy's own integrated military factory, and everything we do next is a key confidential project. You are all our own, I can rest assured."

Seeing Su Dingping say this, the people in charge of the fortifications felt a lot warmer.

Chief Master Su regards us as his own, what else can he say?

Just keep your head down and do it.

Immediately, they said seriously.

"General Master Su, please rest assured that we will do a good job in the ideological work of other comrades."

Soon, everyone left quickly.

Sun Yongguo came over and asked, "How is Dingping?"

"Six to seven points sure."

Sun Yongguo nodded silently.

Between voluntarily learning and following orders, the former is obviously more effective and progresses faster.

Those who can get into prestigious schools, in addition to their outstanding talents, mostly study voluntarily instead of being urged to study by teachers waving whips.

Zhang Gongnong is a very typical example. He was alone in the White Bear tribe and went from not knowing a word of Russian to being number one in the school. Self-drive is the main driving force.

Only half an hour later, the fortification leaders walked over quickly.

"Commander Su, comrades are all willing to learn! We also want to learn!"

"Commander Su, comrades have all expressed their willingness to contribute to the construction of the navy!"

Sun Yongguo, Lu Guangjun and others in the rear looked at each other, and a smile suddenly appeared in their eyes.

They felt that Su Dingping was becoming more and more like a chief engineer.

Whether in terms of talent, influence, or personal charm.

"Thank you for your hard work." Su Dingping said: "At noon, I will ask Comrade Wan Long to hand over the detailed directory distribution to you, so you can get familiar with it."

"When the equipment is in place, all comrades will need to enter the factory according to the assigned tasks. Dean Sun and others will be responsible for teaching you. In short..."

After Su Dingping explained some details, the fortification leaders quickly left here.

The construction of the integrated military factory has been completed, and all equipment and materials are entering the factory in an orderly manner. Everything is developing in a good direction.

At nightfall, Su Dingping could finally go about his own business with peace of mind.

Military Illustrated Virtual Space, Shipyard.

The 052C hull forged from high-strength special alloy steel has been completed, and the casting of related core components has also been completed, and they are all piled up in the northwest corner of the shipyard.

In the past few days, Su Dingping was busy directing the construction of the integrated military factory, and had not been able to calm down and be responsible for the subsequent welding and other processes. Now that he has his hands free, he can devote himself wholeheartedly to it.

Su Dingping waved his hand, and all the core components piled in the northwest corner appeared around the ship.

Accompanied by bursts of rumbling sounds, the large crane started, and all the welding equipment began working under the command of Su Dingping's thoughts. Harsh sounds intertwined around him, and each core component was welded on.

The efficiency is more than ten times faster than in the real world.

I was busy until the early morning of the 2nd, when the newly built 052C was launched into the water.

With a move of his feet, Su Dingping appeared on the deck of 052C.

Looking at this brand new 052C, Su Dingping couldn't hide his excitement.

1130 close-range anti-gun system, YJ-101 anti-ship missile system, Haihongqi-101 air defense missile system, 346 active phased array radar...

After checking around and confirming that there were no problems, Su Dingping appeared in the main control room.

Next, it’s time to go out to sea for testing.

As long as the tests and adjustments are correct here, we can start to tackle the difficulties in the integrated military factory.

There was a rumble, and 052C broke through the waves.

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