I built an armada

Chapter 132 The Chinese Navy can’t see through it anymore! Fishing plan to close the net!

Xu Dongguo looked at Fang Wenzhao with some surprise. He couldn't understand how he could say such words as moving a few warships to the coast guard.

Did you make my navy landlord rich?

You've just started to get better, and now you want to come over and fight against the rich?

"Lao Fang, what you said is wrong. What do you mean by moving a few warships to give your coast guard? Do you think our navy is like a wealthy family?"

"Old Xu, there's no use hiding it from me."

Fang Wenzhao said with a smile, as if he had everything under control.

"How many times have my coast guard ships been dispatched with your navy? What warships in your Northern Fleet do I still not know? That 052, don't think I can't tell, it's not a 052 at all!"

"I don't know what's going on with 052? Every time there is an emergency, the 052 is the first one! Does this seem like what 052 should do? This should be the responsibility of 051C!"

"051C is a modern warship, but 052 is not."

Fang Wenzhao's meaningful look made Xu Dongguo's mouth twitch slightly.

The navy is working hard to hide it from everyone and not let anyone know about the development of the navy.

Unexpectedly, Fang Wenzhao noticed the anomaly of the 052B through many opportunities of cooperation between the Coast Guard and the Navy.

Indeed, the model number marked with paint on the 052B is still 052, which is also a way to confuse spies.

Seemingly seeing Xu Dongguo's slightly changed expression, Fang Wenzhao continued.

"Your navy has an important mission, to protect our country! As for our Coast Guard, we are usually responsible for maintaining order in the sea area, protecting the safety of fishermen, and detecting dangers in a timely manner. The situation is tense now, and the broken ships of our Coast Guard will definitely not be able to withstand it. So much pressure.”

"We've been friends for a long time, let's open the skylight and talk openly!"

"My Coast Guard is not greedy for your covert 052, and I don't want 051C either! You can take any of the previous 051 or 052, and my Coast Guard won't mind."

"Old Fang! You are so open-mouthed! Do you really think that my navy is a landowner and a wealthy man?"

Xu Dongguo was anxious.

"051 has been retired. If it is put into service, will your coast guard's annual budget be enough for its maintenance?"


Fang Wenzhao coughed quickly.

"Isn't there another 052?"

"Hey you--"

Xu Dongguo almost laughed out of anger.

"052? That's a guided missile destroyer! Can it be used by the coast guard? Whose guided missile destroyer is used by the coast guard? You have too much appetite."

Although the Navy no longer likes the 052, the 052 is a guide after all. How courageous the Navy must be to give it up.

What's more, the cost of 052 is not cheap.

Looking at it at a glance, there are only three 052s in the three major fleets of the navy.

If one ship is moved, the fleet itself will not be able to survive.

"Then I don't care!"

Fang Wenzhao said shamelessly.

"How often do you need your navy's warships! Where are our coast guard ships? They used to be dispatched every three or five times! It's better now. I've been out and about every day for the past few months, and I can't even spare time for maintenance."

"The ashes you put there are just ashes. Move them out one by one."

Fang Wenzhao added: "Just one! No matter what model it is!"

Xu Dongguo looked at Fang Wenzhao and suddenly said with a smile.

"What if I say no?"

"Then I won't leave."

"I'll take care of your lunch!"

"Old Xu, you're too stubborn." Fang Wenzhao said anxiously, "You don't want our coast guard to use a coast guard boat to chase people away, do you? This is so unrealistic! They are all living targets. !”

"They won't be so impulsive!" Xu Dongguo said seriously.

"Humph! Three months ago, their activities were not so frequent!"

Fang Wenzhao's words immediately silenced Xu Dongguo.

Although Fang Wenzhao didn't say it explicitly, Xu Dongguo heard the other party's voiceover.

The navy took away the benefits and face, but now let me, the coast guard, clean up the mess!

Even if you are sending beggars away, you still have to give them some benefits!

In this matter, Xu Dongguo knew that he was in the wrong.

But then he thought about it, 052C was about to enter service! Which fleet will it be assigned to at that time?

The three major fleets all urgently need 052C, because it is too powerful, and the three leaders will definitely be red-faced! There were two 956Es and three people fought over them.

Nowadays, the Northern Fleet has decent warships, including a 052B improved from the 052, a 051C, two 053H3 frigates, missile boats, several multi-functional supply ships, a nuclear submarine and two conventional submarines.

There are only 4 main battleships on the water!

However, compared to the Southern Fleet and the Eastern Fleet, the strength of the Northern Fleet has jumped from the lowest to the strongest.

With 052B here, when the time comes to compete for 052C, there is no chance of winning.

Thinking of this, Xu Dongguo couldn't help but have some thoughts. He suddenly discovered that giving a warship was a good choice.

Missile boats are definitely not given. They are used during wartime and are not large in size. Changing them into coast guard ships will reduce their value.

"Well, let me make an application to Chief Liu! How about we see if we can transfer a 053H3 frigate to your Coast Guard for use?"

Fang Wenzhao didn't choose, and immediately said happily: "It's just what I want!"

Xu Dongguo was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted.

"Are you waiting for this sentence from me?"

Even if the navy was in the wrong last time and the coast guard came to ask for a warship, it is impossible to directly ask for a guided missile destroyer!

Looking at it now, the other party is deliberately asking for a high price, and is just waiting for him to pay back the money.

Their target is the 053H3 frigate.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Wenzhao took out a document, stood up, handed it over, and explained.

"This is the letter that Director Li of the Navy Headquarters in Beijing asked me to give to you, Chief Liu! I ask you, Lao Xu, to deliver it to you."

"I'll leave you with the 053H3 matter. I have other things to do so I won't stay any longer."


After admonishing, Fang Wenzhao left happily.

As soon as he stepped out of the door, he couldn't help humming a tune, which showed that he was extremely beautiful in his heart.

After looking at the letter in his hand and then at Fang Wenzhao's back, Xu Dongguo smiled helplessly.

"Fell into his trap!"

With a sigh, Xu Dongguo immediately picked up the phone and contacted Liu Huaming, preparing to report the matter.

Fang Wenzhao, who got in the car and returned to the Coast Guard Northern Headquarters, was in a good mood and immediately reported the matter to Director Li.

Director Li was a little surprised to learn that Fang Wenzhao had handled the matter so easily, but he didn't think much about it and praised Fang Wenzhao for his efficiency.

Putting down the phone, Fang Wenzhao almost felt happy on his face.

"That's a frigate! Whose coast guard has this card? I need to do it well when I go back and repaint it..."

Just as Fang Wenzhao was thinking, the phone in his hand rang suddenly.

"It's me, Fang Wenzhao."

"Sir, something happened on the sea! The situation is very urgent!"

Fang Wenzhao was shocked. He hadn't been happy for a few minutes when bad things came to his door.

At the same time, Donghuang tribe came out of the headquarters conference room.

Just when Fang Wenzhao and Xu Dongguo were discussing matters, the Haizi headquarters held a secret meeting.

The supreme commander of the Haizi, Hayao Murashita, the head of the Haizi Intelligence Department, Tao Shugami, the head of the Haizi, Wada Inoshita, and others were all there.

The atmosphere in the conference room was extremely serious.

Inoshita Wada said: "General Hayaki, the fourth King Kong-class guided drive has been officially launched for testing. Hurry up and it can be officially put into service by the end of October!"

"Have all the problems been solved?" Murakami Saki asked.

"Hey! The big problems have been solved. Now let's see what small systemic problems we will encounter during the water test!"

"There won't be any accidents this time?"

"Please don't worry, General Hayaki, I can guarantee it here!"

Hearing this, Murakami Hayaki nodded with some satisfaction.

He received good news at the beginning of the meeting, and he was in a good mood.

Then, he looked at Tian Fu on the tree and asked.

"Mr. Tian Fu, how is the progress of your department's work?"

"General Hayaki, I sent people to secretly investigate the batch of high-precision equipment that was taken away by the other side for more than three months..."

Before he could finish speaking, Murakami Hayaki said directly: "Tell me the result!"

After hesitating for a moment, Tian Fu stood up from the tree and said.

"General Hayaki, nothing found."

"What! Not found?" Murakami Saki looked angry.

What happened more than three months ago was a great shame and humiliation for Haizi! It was like a thorn, always stuck in Murakami's throat. He couldn't swallow it and spit it out, which made him extremely uncomfortable.


Last time Inoshita Wada took the initiative and was only a hair away from a heated battle between the two sides. Murakami Hayaki had never used such foul language.

You can see the anger inside him.

"Mr. Tian Fu, do you know what the people in the cabinet said about me? They said that the longer we live, the more we look back! Even the other side can ride on us!"

Murakami Hayaki stared at the other party with his sharp eyes and said coldly.

"I gave you so much time, but you couldn't find anything? Is this what you told me?"

"I'm sorry, General Hayaki!" Tian Fu lowered his head in the tree and spoke sincerely.

"After the accident happened, I immediately sent people to squat at the port where the Shanhua was supposed to arrive. In the end, the Shanhua was not squatted."


Shushang Tianfu quickly explained: "I concluded that the incident in the sea area made the other party alert, so the location was temporarily changed."

"I immediately sent someone to contact them, but later I learned that there were coast guard personnel from the other party on the Shanhua at that time, so the people on the Shanhua did not get in touch with us at that time!"

Murakami Saki asked: "Where are the people on the Shanhua? They should know the news, right?"

"Yes, General Hayaki." Shushang Tianfu said: "When they came back afterwards, I immediately led people to control them."

"After interrogation, I immediately sent someone to conduct a key screening based on the clues they provided! It took nearly a week in total to finally find the location where they unloaded the goods."

Inoshita Wada quickly asked: "Is it inconvenient to enter this important military area?"

He couldn't reach out to matters involving the Intelligence Department, and he didn't know the relevant situation.


"No? For such an important matter, they even dispatched warships to escort it, but they didn't send it to a military important place?" Inoshita Wada frowned, a little puzzled, "Could our previous inference be wrong?"

At first, they concluded that the sophisticated equipment on the Shanhua must be used by the navy to build new warships.

It is also reasonable to send it to a military important place.

The current situation is different from their speculation.

"It's just a very ordinary port." Shushang Tianfu quickly explained: "Later, I sent people to conduct a detailed investigation of the port, and found that all the records about the Shanhua on that day had been deleted! No matter what I sent, The investigation couldn’t find any valuable clues!”

"We guessed right! This matter is indeed related to the military!" Inoshita Wada said seriously, "Then what?"

"Then I investigated all the ships and planes that came in and out of our country during that period! I checked a lot of data and found a lot of traces."

"Still haven't traced his whereabouts?" Inoshita Wada asked.

Tian Fu on the tree gave him an annoyed look.

Didn't you hear a word of what you just said?

If I found out, would I talk so much about it?

"General Hayaki." Shugami Tao looked at Murakami Hayaki and said: "In the past three months, our intelligence department has not had a moment's rest and has been operating all the time. But obviously, the other party was very well prepared and did not give me any information. Leave behind clues and opportunities worth pursuing.”

"Please punish General Hayaki!"

Murakami Saki looked at him deeply, then changed the topic and asked: "Is the warship that appeared at the sea boundary line confirmed to be the 956E?"

The farmer on the tree said immediately.

"General Hayaki, I spent a lot of manpower and material resources to investigate this matter. Not only did I send people to investigate on the other side, I also sent people to the White Bear Tribe to check."

"Tell me the results."

"I can confirm one thing, it's definitely not 956E!"

Murakami Hayaki frowned slightly: "Not 956E?"

"Yes, General Hayaki! We bribed people within the White Bear Tribe Navy, and the data we obtained does not match the data provided by the Murasame!"

Hearing these words, Murakami Hayaki slowly closed his eyes and then leaned back on the chair.

He has done a lot of analysis on this possibility before.

But considering the situation of his Haizi, he thinks it is most likely to be a complete version or an enhanced version of 956E!

Even so, he was prepared.

The reasons for the unrest on the sea during this period were partly to regain face, but also to force the warship out and confirm whether it was 956E!

He was not at ease until the results were fully implemented!

Sure enough, what he was most worried about and least wanted to see happened.

The warship that can compete with the Murasame-class guided missiles is not the 956E!

For a moment, everyone present was silent.

This news is not good for Haizi.

"General Hayaki, isn't it just a warship that can be compared with the Murasame! It's not a big deal!" Inoshita Wada said immediately.

"Besides, that ship only showed its air defense level. Its actual combat level is a matter of debate! We are most likely overestimating it!"

"In any case, the Murasame is only the first batch of Murasame-class guides launched into the water! There are several ships that are stronger than the Murasame!"

After a pause, Jingxia Wada said seriously.

"I always believe that that warship cannot compete with the Murasame-class guided missile destroyer!"

Murakami Saki said nothing, still leaning on the chair with his eyes closed.

What he was considering was not the comparison of the combat capabilities of that warship and the Murasame-class guided drive.

It's that the other party was able to achieve a major transformation of warships from non-modernization to modernization in such a short period of time. The meaning behind this is by no means as simple as comparing combat levels.

After a while, he finally said something.

"The navy on the other side is suddenly a bit unclear."

Murakami Hayaki said this, Inoshita Wada opened his mouth, and immediately swallowed the words that came to his lips.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit solemn, another person in charge of Haizi immediately spoke.

"General Hayaki, the fishing plan is still being implemented. Is it necessary..."

Hearing this, Murakami Asagi immediately opened his eyes, looked at the other party and asked.

"Hiroki-kun, how is the progress?"

The so-called fishing plan was the back-up plan prepared by Murakami Hayaki, aiming to find out the bottom line of the warship.

Now that it has been found out that the warship is not the 956E sold by the White Bear Tribe, there is no need to execute the fishing plan.

"Everything goes well, the fishing net has been spread out and the bait has been hooked!"

After looking at the time, Harada Hiroki continued.

"As long as we catch the bait, the other party will be anxious by then, and everything will develop according to our pre-planned plan. It's just that the current situation..." Glancing at Tao Shugami, Harada Hiroki did not continue.

After thinking for a while, Murakami Hayaki said: "We have reached this stage, let's continue to implement it!"

"Hey! I'll notify you right away and prepare to close the net!"

After speaking, Harada Hiroki hurriedly left here.

Glancing at Harada Hiroki's leaving back, Murakami Hayaki waved his hands.

"The meeting is dismissed!"

After speaking, he stood up and left with a heavy heart.

The changes in the navy on the opposite side made him feel a sense of crisis for no reason.

Can't say why, but it does exist.

On the other side, the end of the sea area just turned white.

At the far northern sea border, the medium-sized fishing boat Haishan is sailing toward the high seas ahead at a speed of 12 knots.

In the main control room of the Haishan, Captain Zhang Ruizhu stared at the sea ahead.

Although the scenery of the sun rising over the sea was beautiful, Zhang Ruizhu was not in the mood to watch it and seemed preoccupied.

Obviously he couldn't see anything, but he didn't know why he felt a little uneasy.

Taking a deep breath, he suppressed his inner uneasiness and asked the first mate.

"How long until the destination?"

"Captain, hurry up, we'll be there in more than two hours."

"More than two hours?"

After looking at the distance, Zhang Ruizhu said: "We are about to enter the high seas. Let me inform you that you must be careful after entering the high seas. The high seas are very unstable during this period."

"Yes, Captain!"

Zhang Ruizhu walked back and forth in the main control room.

The Coast Guard issued relevant notices earlier. It is best not to go fishing on the high seas unless necessary.

Some precious fish resources are more likely to be caught in the high seas than in the exclusive economic zone of the sea.

There is no way, everyone has been fishing in the exclusive economic zone of the sea recently, resulting in fewer and fewer precious fish resources being caught.

Zhang Ruizhu knew that the high seas were unstable and did not want to come, but due to the company's request, he had to command the Haishan to fish.

"Hope everything is safe!"

Two hours later, they were about to arrive at their destination, and the first mate quickly gathered people to prepare for fishing in this area of ​​​​the sea.

After arranging the division of labor, the first mate walked into the main control room and said to Zhang Ruizhu: "Captain, there are no ships nearby. We will definitely not be so unlucky."

Zhang Ruizhu warned: "Brothers, please move quickly and go back as soon as possible after finishing the work!"

"Don't worry, Captain, I just warned you!"

Zhang Ruizhu nodded, feeling slightly relieved.

As the sun gradually rose, the third officer responsible for monitoring the radar situation suddenly said.

"Captain, there's a situation!"

Zhang Ruizhu asked quickly: "What's going on?"

"Captain, a mysterious ship was found 20 kilometers southeast of our ship, with a speed of 12 knots!"


Isn't that exactly the direction of the Eastern Wilderness tribe?

With a speed of 12 knots, it should be a fishing boat or a merchant ship.

Are they from the Eastern Wasteland tribe?

Zhang Ruizhu couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Are you sure it's from our side or the Eastern Wilderness tribe?"

The third officer shook his head: "Captain, we can't confirm it unless we contact the other party."

Zhang Ruizhu looked at the first mate and asked, "How long until we arrive?"

"About half an hour."

"Half an hour?"

Zhang Ruizhu frowned and felt complicated.

It's not that I'm afraid of the other party's fishing boats.

The main reason is that the Coast Guard just issued a notice some time ago, and we must try our best to avoid unnecessary conflicts with the other party.

Moreover, the other party seemed to have taken a bullet and took the initiative to cause trouble.

Although he didn't know what the reason was, he didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble to the country because of a trivial matter.

But then I thought about it, the company's tasks must be completed, otherwise the brothers' wages will be affected.

They all rely on this to support their families!

Just as he was struggling in his heart, the third officer said: "The other party doesn't seem to be coming towards us."

Moving closer to the radar display, Zhang Ruizhu focused on it for a while.

After confirming that the ship's course was not aimed at him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Be sure to hurry up soon!" He warned the first mate again.

"Okay, I'll go give you instructions right away!"

As soon as the first mate stepped forward, the radioman spoke.

"Captain, received the radio from the other party."

Zhang Ruizhu raised his eyebrows.

The other party actually took the initiative to contact me. Could it be a friendly force?

"What did the other party say?"

"Captain, the other party said that he is a fishing boat of the Donghuang tribe. This is just a simple operation. I hope both parties can live in harmony!"

Zhang Ruizhu muttered secretly: It's strange, the weasel is giving New Year greetings to the chicken!

He knew that most of the recent incidents were caused by the other party finding various reasons.

Now he suddenly came up to express his attitude, which made him very confused.

Maybe it’s for survival just like us.

He comforted himself in his heart and then said.

"Inform the other party immediately, and we will keep the same!"

Since it was no trouble, Zhang Ruizhu's anxious heart suddenly relaxed a lot.

Although the two routes are different, they are heading towards each other and the distance is getting closer.

"Captain, we've arrived at the location, and we can start operations." said the first mate.

"I see!"

Zhang Ruizhu stood by the porthole, looking at the fishing boat that was getting closer and closer to him and about to pass by.

Finally, the two sides passed each other and nothing happened.

Zhang Ruizhu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He felt that the other party was what he thought.

At this moment, the third officer suddenly shouted.

"Captain, we've discovered the situation."

"what happened again?"

"A second ship was found 20 kilometers east of our ship, traveling at a speed of 15 knots!"

"15 knots? That should be a merchant ship!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Ruizhu added: "Don't be surprised, it's very scary!"

The third officer smiled awkwardly.

After a while, the third officer stopped laughing.

"Captain, something seems wrong. The merchant ship seems to be heading towards us!"

"Coming towards us?"

Zhang Ruizhu was stunned for a moment, and then thought of a possibility.

Are the routes conflicting?

Possibilities were possibilities, but he still felt a little uneasy.

Immediately, he looked into the distance and saw only a small black dot at a distance of 19 kilometers.

Suddenly, the third officer said again.

"Captain, the first ship has changed course! Captain, something is wrong, come and take a look!"

Zhang Ruizhu leaned in front of the radar display again and glanced at it. Sure enough, he saw that the fishing boat was making a big circle, as if it was going to go behind his own side!

Almost subconsciously, he took out his telescope and looked toward the east.

At a distance of 19 kilometers, he could only see a small black dot with the naked eye, but through the telescope, he could see a huge object lying across the end of his sight, but it was still a little blurry.

As time passed, Zhang Ruizhu wiped the telescope again and again.

Finally, the blurry shadow revealed its clear outline.

The first thing that caught the eye was a dazzling flag, fluttering in the wind.

The totem flag of the Eastern Wasteland tribe!

Looking down, Zhang Ruizhu swallowed hard.

Oh, this is not a merchant ship!

It's a warship!

The warship from the Eastern Wilderness Tribe!

The majestic warship appeared at a speed of 15 knots. Even if he thought with his toes, he knew what the other party's intention was!

Almost at the same time, Zhang Ruizhu's inner uneasiness reached its peak and he shouted.

"Quick! Turn around! Stop operations! Turn around and return!"

Everyone in the main control room was stunned and had no idea what was happening.

Zhang Ruizhu roared angrily.

"What the hell, why are you still standing there! Hurry up!"

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