I built an armada

Chapter 135 Fire control radar illumination! Saturation strike death shroud!

The radar monitor shouted to Zhou Qinglei: "Report to the captain, the missile is expected to hit the Congyun in 3 minutes and 57 seconds!"

Zhou Qinglei stood there without saying a word.

In the 052C guidance and drive main control room, everyone looked solemn, looking at the YJ-101A anti-ship missiles roaring out one after another.

A salvo fired a total of 24 anti-ship missiles.

153 kilometers, at the speed of Mach 1.9 of the YJ-101A anti-ship missile, it takes 237 seconds, or 3 minutes and 57 seconds.

The Haishan was traveling at a speed of 13 knots and the Congyun was traveling at a speed of 30 knots. At this moment, the distance between the two was still 10 kilometers, and it would take 7 minutes and 30 seconds to travel in the opposite direction until they collided.

The missile was able to hit the Congyun before the two collided!

This is the best way to save the Haishan!

Whether it was reporting to the chief to wait for instructions or intercepting the Congyun missile, it was too late.

The missile radar emission cross section of the anti-aircraft main gun is too small, so you are lucky to be able to scan it accidentally! It's too difficult to lock in, almost impossible.

Even if it can be locked, it will be 153 kilometers across 3 minutes and 57 seconds before the YJ-101A anti-ship missile flies into smoke and it is too late.

This is still the main anti-aircraft gun. If the Congyun fired a missile towards the Haishan, the YJ-101A anti-ship missile would fly less than halfway, and the Haishan would be hit and sunk.

Zhou Qinglei knew all this in his heart.

It's just that the other party is the Donghuang tribe after all, which is completely different from the original Iron Monkey tribe.

It is said that the Dongzhou sea area is a house of monsters, but there are also strong and weak monsters. The Iron Monkey Tribe Navy is the bottom among them, and the Donghuang Tribe Sea is naturally the only one with the exception of the Eagle Tribe aircraft carrier strike group stationed in the Donghuang Tribe. Besides, he is the well-deserved little overlord of the sea!

A few months ago, Zhou Qinglei commanded 052B to sink the Mekong from a distance of 80 kilometers.

Not a single soldier was used, just a few missiles were consumed!

Compared with the previous extreme exchange of one with the heart of death, it is simply a day and a day!

Such a record is enough to make the three major fleets extremely excited! This is an unprecedented victory!

But now, how long has it been? It’s only a little over four months, if you plan on it all!

Now we can bombard the Cong Yun from a distance of 153 kilometers! The other party still doesn’t know who did it!

To wield a butcher's knife at the sea of ​​tribes in the Eastern Wilderness, in the past, the only option was to pay a heavy price and sacrifice one's life. How could one be able to watch the opponent struggle so easily like now?

And all this is because...

Zhou Qinglei subconsciously glanced at Su Dingping, who looked as serious as him beside him.

Zhou Qinglei was not 100% sure whether 24 YJ-101A anti-ship missiles could sink the Congyun in one go.

In his heart, the sea is a mountain that is difficult to climb.

Taking this psychological step to take the initiative to attack the little overlord in Dongzhou waters is more morale-boosting for the navy that has suffered for so many years than sinking the Mekong.

"What the hell, if we really sink the Congyun, even if we go to a military court, I will admit it!"

The missiles have been launched, and Zhou Qinglei is free and easy.

He would sink the Congyun, save the Haishan, and go to court-martial.

"Dingping, do you need another shuttle?"

Obviously, Zhou Qinglei was worried that the 24 missiles might not be able to hit the Congyun.

The corners of Su Dingping's mouth twitched sharply, and he shook his head quickly.

"Captain Zhou, that's just a warship. How wasteful is it for you to launch 48 missiles at once? That's all money!"

The YJ-101A anti-ship missile, as the most advanced anti-ship missile carried by the Navy, costs more than 3 million yuan per missile!

In this single salvo alone, more than 72 million people entered! Another round, and 148 million is thrown in at once. What kind of family can withstand such consumption?

"If we encounter the 88th Fleet in the future, where can I install an extra ammunition depot for you?"

Facing Su Dingping's rhetorical question, Zhou Qinglei felt a little embarrassed.

The original serious atmosphere was diluted a bit.

"This time the distance is so far, the Congyun can intercept more times. After all, the opponent is the Congyun of the Eastern Wilderness tribe. It is not as good as the Meihe last time. I am also afraid of what might happen..."

"Captain Zhou." Su Dingping said seriously: "Mach 1.9, what is that concept? 24 salvos, how do you ask a warship to stop it? Even if the Congyun has an active detection range of 100 kilometers, it will not be able to stop it. No waves!”

Su Dingping is very confident about this!

Back in the Military Illustrated Forging Space, in order to push the limits of the 052C, he not only used the 956E and 052B, but also shore-based anti-ship missiles!

Even so, 052C still swept 956E and 052B!

Even 052B couldn't withstand a salvo!

"It's the first time I'm fighting against Donghuang Tribe Haizi in this attitude. I'm still a little uncomfortable for a while." Zhou Qinglei explained with some embarrassment.

"Captain Zhou, I understand what you mean. We are used to being poor, and we always think about one day there will be a blanket saturation strike." Su Dingping said earnestly: "But it is different now. Although we are still poor, we must Take the precise strike route!”

Immediately afterwards, Su Dingping patted the main console and added.

"I have confidence in 052C!"

With Su Dingping's words, Zhou Qinglei felt relieved a little.

Just when the situation in the sea is turbulent, domestically, the Iron Blood Network is in full swing.

An ordinary post caught the attention of some great people.

[A storm breaks out at sea, and a ship is suspected to be in danger. The Coast Guard is working hard to rescue the ship. 】

The content of the post was very ordinary. It briefly mentioned the extreme weather conditions in the sea area, and also attached a unified notice issued by the Coast Guard to all fishing boats and merchant ships.

Many knowledgeable military fans commented in the comment area.

"Indeed, I have a relative who is on a certain merchant ship. Not long ago, he received a notice requiring him to deviate from the channel immediately."

"My uncle is a boat owner. I called just now to ask about it. It's true!"

"But it's strange. The storm affected a wide area this time. I heard from my friends that coast guard ships were dispatched."

"Pray for the crew members in distress, hope everything is safe..."

Looking through these replies, the master with a keen sense of smell was confused.

The more he looked, the more doubts he had in his heart.

"Why do I feel something is wrong?"

Immediately, some military fans near the sea explained.

"When a ship is in danger at sea, it is normal for the coast guard to be dispatched. In the sea, it is normal for the situation to change suddenly."

"No! Haven't you noticed that the sea has become increasingly unstable in recent times? Not only the coast guard, but also the navy is dispatched more frequently!"

"Indeed, the sea has been very unstable in recent months. Could it be that El Niño is coming?"

"El Nino is big! I have studied carefully, and what I know about the rescue missions in the past few months is more than the previous two years! There is something fishy about such a large-scale dispatch this time!"

Soon, more and more military fans noticed the replies on this floor.

After a while, a netizen jumped out and said.

"My dad used to be the captain of a ship. Something happened a while ago. Now Xianfu is at home. The next time he will go to sea has not yet been decided. But one time I heard him scolding the Donghuang tribe after he drank too much. The scolding was very unpleasant, but I don’t know why. I asked, but didn’t tell.”

Although the sea has been unstable in the past few months, many things have happened and the authorities have taken measures to block the news. All relevant personnel involved have been issued a gag order.

Because of this, although the sea area is turbulent, most ordinary people are still unaware of it because the Internet is not as developed as in later generations.

Even the military fans with great magical powers are very few who know the inside story.

With this key reply, many thoughtful military fans suddenly started thinking about it.

At this time, another news came.

"Brothers, the latest news is that some crew members saw a warship dispatched! There is more than one! It seems that this is a major rescue!"

As soon as this news came out, military fans who were already thinking about it were shocked.

"Holy shit! Don't tell me, this is not a storm on the sea!"

"Impossible! Why do they have nothing to do with our ships? This is unreasonable!"

"I don't understand! But I'm going to ask my relatives to see if I can get any inside information."

"I'll also ask my uncle."

"What the hell, why didn't I think of this before? I'll go find my friends abroad and find out what's going on."

Military fans are eager to know whether the incident is just a sudden storm at sea.

On the other side, the Northern Fleet Command.

The guards came quickly.

"Report to the chief, there is news from Captain Jiang."

"Read it!" Xu Dongguo said immediately.

"Reporting to the commander, the destination of Haishan is 110 kilometers away from our ship, which exceeds the radar's active detection range of 95 kilometers. The radar will be able to cover that area in about 15 minutes. At most, our department will be able to discover Haishan in 20 minutes. No. Trace!"

Hearing the news, Xu Dongguo breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously.

It only takes ten or twenty minutes to know the situation of the Haishan.

The active detection range of the radar is far enough, not only during combat, but also effective during rescue!

In addition, the speed of 052B is fast enough, so it is right to send 052B as the vanguard!

Immediately afterwards, Xu Dongguo warned: "Let Jiang Shengrong pay close attention to the situation in the sea area, and report any emergencies immediately!"

"Yes, Chief!"

Looking at the guard's leaving figure, Xu Dongguo still looked very serious.

It's one thing to be able to discover the Seamount, but it's another thing to be able to save the Seamount!

With such a long distance, the Seamount was ambushed again, not to mention it was still on the high seas. It might not be that easy to bring the Seamount back smoothly.

If you're lucky, you can still have some fun!

If you are not lucky, by the time the 052B radar finds the traces of the Haishan, the Haishan may have been captured.

If the Haishan really falls into the hands of the opposite party, the consequences will be disastrous!

When the time comes, when faced with all kinds of slander from the other side, I won’t even be able to explain.

"The other side is well prepared, this matter is quite tricky!"

Xu Dongguo paced back and forth in the office, unable to think of a good solution for a while.

He didn't sleep well last night, but he was now more awake than ever.

After thinking for a while, he finally took out his phone and dialed.

After a while, the phone call came through.

"Chief, something happened at sea."

As soon as Xu Dongguo finished speaking, Liu Huaming said: "I already know the general situation, tell me something I don't know."

Xu Dongguo quickly recounted the news he had just received.

After listening, Liu Huaming was silent for a while before speaking.

"Pay close attention and report any situation immediately! If your Northern Fleet needs anything, I will immediately ask Xue Shuai for instructions! The other side is getting more and more excessive now. If something goes wrong, no one will be able to get over it!"

"Yes! Chief!"

After putting down the phone, Xu Dongguo suddenly felt reassured.

At this moment, in the northern waters, 052B is speeding towards its destination.

In the main control room, Jiang Shengrong was pacing back and forth anxiously.

"Is something going on?"

The radar monitor immediately said: "Report to the captain, we haven't found it yet!"


Thumb thump thump——

Heavy footsteps echoed around.

The vice-captain walked over and said: "Captain, we have responded very quickly, and nothing should happen."

"I know."


Before the deputy captain finished speaking, Jiang Shengrong said again.

"How far are we from our destination now?"

"Report Captain, there are still 105 kilometers! The radar is expected to cover that area in 10 minutes!"

"Why are there still 10 minutes?"

Jiang Shengrong was so anxious that he wished he could give 052B a pair of wings and fly over.

"Captain..." Just as the deputy captain was about to persuade him again, Jiang Shengrong said: "I know it's useless to be anxious, but now I'm in a hurry, and I can't bear to be in a hurry! If they really take away the Haishan, this time Just slap my navy in the face!”

"The momentum we have built up over this period of time has suddenly fallen short!"

"Now is a special period. Our navy cannot make a mistake! We must not betray the people's trust in us! Do you understand?"

The vice-captain nodded helplessly.

He knew all this in his heart.

He was also anxious.

After a while, the correspondent shouted.

"Report to Captain, there is news from the headquarters, ordering our department to report any situation immediately!"

"I see."

As soon as Jiang Shengrong finished speaking, the radar monitor suddenly shouted.

"Report Captain, something unusual has been discovered! A ship was found 95 kilometers southeast of our ship, with a speed of 12 knots and a heading... Captain, something is wrong. The ship is heading away from our waters!"

Jiang Shengrong paused, then rushed forward with three steps and two steps at a time.

He thought he had found traces of the Haishan, but when he went over to take a look, he immediately noticed something unusual.

"Strange, why are you far away? Shouldn't you hide in my sea area? It's safe enough to hide in it!"

As he spoke, he immediately turned to the correspondent.

"Contact it immediately and see if you can get in touch!"

Immediately afterwards, he asked the deputy captain: "Where are the details of the Haishan?"

The deputy captain quickly called up the detailed information of the Haishan.

Jiang Shengrong glanced through it quickly and frowned slightly.

"Captain, what's wrong?"

"Something's wrong! The Haishan is traveling at 13 knots. Logically speaking, when they encounter an emergency, they should retreat at full speed! There's no reason to go in the opposite direction, and it's not at full speed."

"Captain, could there be cargo on it?"

“What’s more important, cargo or life?”

The deputy captain was immediately speechless.

"Have you been contacted?" Jiang Shengrong asked.

"Report Captain, we can't contact you!"

“Try using the international channel!”

"Report to Captain, I've tried, but still can't be contacted!"

Jiang Shengrong frowned, feeling suspicious in his heart.

Our own general channel cannot be contacted, and the international general channel still cannot be contacted!

Why is this?

Could it be that the other party's radio is interfered with and cannot receive messages?

He thought that the Seamount was unable to make contact because of radio interference.

"Captain, could this be a game?" the deputy captain asked.

"What's the meaning?"

"Is there a possibility that the Haishan is a chess piece, and the target is us?"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Shengrong looked stern.

Before, his mind was all on the Seamount, and he didn't think about it that much.

Now that he was reminded by the deputy captain, and when he thought about those abnormal situations, he couldn't help but feel that maybe the target on the other side was really the navy?

But on second thought, he felt something was wrong.

"Ambushing in the sea is not that easy! Especially the active detection range of the 052B radar is 95 kilometers! If there is a real danger, we will discover it as soon as possible!"

"Captain, if we need to go deep into the high seas, I'm afraid it will be... very dangerous with just 052B!"

Jiang Shengrong took a deep breath, this possibility was not small.

"Are they crazy? In order to earn back the face last time, they set up such a big plan to ambush us? I know the people in Haizi are crazy, but they shouldn't be that crazy, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the correspondent say: "Report to Captain, our department has tried many times, but the other party refused to call!"

Hearing these words, Jiang Shengrong's expression suddenly changed.

Rejecting a call and being unable to make a call are two different things!

All doubts were instantly solved at this moment.

No wonder there are so many doubts, it turns out that the other party is not the Haishan!

If the other party is not the Haishan, then the other party's whereabouts are worthy of scrutiny.

Was he deliberately trying to lure himself and others into the trap, or...

Suddenly, lightning flashed in Jiang Shengrong's mind.

Block the Seamount's retreat!

With this thought, Jiang Shengrong immediately couldn't sit still.

At this time, he did not know that the Haishan was heading towards the Congyun at full speed. If the Haishan retreated according to the original plan, it would appear within the radar monitoring range in a short while.

"No matter whether the opponent is retreating or blocking the Haishan's retreat, we must catch up, stop the opponent, and ask clearly!"

Jiang Shengrong said seriously.

The conversation changed and he said to the correspondent: "Report to the headquarters immediately! In addition, continue to contact the other party! If the other party still refuses to call, we will take necessary measures!"


Almost at the same time, the radar correspondent said anxiously.

"Reporting to Captain, a missile was found 95 kilometers northeast of our ship! The speed is Mach 1.9, flying in the direction..." The radar correspondent looked at the approximate path of the missile simulated on the radar display, and was stunned for a moment: " Captain, the target of the missile is also over there!"


Where did the missile come from?

What about Mach 1.9?

Before Jiang Shengrong could figure it out, the radar monitor said in surprise.

"Report to Captain, multiple missiles found!"

"Report Captain, 12 missiles were found... no, 15... 19... Captain, a total of 24 missiles!" At this moment, the radar monitor's voice was trembling.

24 missiles?

Jiang Shengrong's expression froze.

He leaned in front of the radar display and took a look. He was extremely anxious.

The situation in the already foggy sea area is now even more chaotic.

A mysterious third party appears.

Who will the missiles of third-party warships hit? It’s definitely not the Haishan!

To capture the Haishan, there is no need to dispatch missiles at all! And there are still 24 missiles!

Even the 052B can only launch 16 missiles at a time! These missiles are so dense that there is a high probability that more than two warships will launch them at the same time!

Using so many missiles must be to kill with one hit!

In this way, the answer appears.

The warship opposite!

Thinking of this, Jiang Shengrong's back felt chilly.

"This is going to provoke a war between the two tribes! The Eastern Wilderness tribe thought that the mantis was stalking the cicada, but they didn't expect that there was a yellow bird behind it!"

The deputy captain was equally distraught.

The situation that there was still a little hope of being able to control will inevitably collapse.

"Captain, what should I do?"

Jiang Shengrong took several deep breaths in succession, forcing himself to calm down, and then pointed at the little red dot representing Lihe's number.

"Report the situation to the headquarters immediately! In addition, use fire control radar to lock the opponent and force them to contact us. I want to know what is happening over there!"

"Yes! Captain!"

At the same time, Lihe was in the main control room.

The radioman turned to the captain Shinetsu Kamikami and said, "Captain, you received the radio from the other side's navy. Do you want to reply?"

"They discovered us right now? I didn't expect them to move very quickly!"

Jishang Shinye sneered.

"Ignore it!"

After a while, the radio operator said again.

"Captain, the other party sent a message again!"

"I said, don't pay attention! I don't want to say it a third time!" Shinye Chigami said coldly.

At the moment all his attention was on the Seamount.

The Haishan was going to collide with the Congyun. If it happened, he would be finished.

Want to sink it? If it hadn't been sunk, the Seamount would have really hit it! But there was an order from above to capture him alive! Is it possible that Cong Yun will give way?

If the Congyun was frightened into giving in by the Haishan, Haizi would be completely disgraced.

Thinking of this, Jishang Zhenye felt complicated and couldn't help but curse.

"What a madman!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the narrow siren of the radar sounded in the main control room.

The third officer in charge of monitoring the radar hurriedly said: "Captain, the Lihe is locked by the fire control radar!"

At the same time, the radio operator also said.

"Captain, the other party has sent a warning. Open the communication channel immediately, otherwise all measures will be taken!"

"Baga!" Jinye Jigami said angrily: "The warship on the opposite side actually used fire control radar to lock on us. Is this going to start a war? Crazy, absolutely crazy!"

"Captain, what should we do?"

Everyone present knew that the other side used fire control radar to lock on them. This was the horn sound before the war.

Never do this unless absolutely necessary!

Maybe the next moment, there will be war.

They originally just came here to cooperate in intercepting the Haishan, but they didn't know they would encounter something like this!

Facing the warship, the Lihe had no room to fight back!

Everyone present was quite arrogant before, watching the Seamount struggle like a monkey. Now, after feeling the tough attitude of 052B, they suddenly panicked and looked nervously at Majestic Shinye.

No one dared to speak, only the narrow sirens of the radar echoed around.

"Open or not? This is high seas, they shouldn't dare to take action!"

"But right now we are ambushing the Haishan. If the other party gets desperate..."

Jishang Shinye was also struggling fiercely in his heart.

Put your life on the line?


Taking a deep breath, Shinji Kyogami said: "Contact the Congyun immediately and tell us that we are being targeted by the opposite navy! They will be arriving soon!"

"Also, call back to the other side, our ship will talk to them in one minute!"


The first mate looked at Jinye Jigami and said in surprise: "Captain, one minute?"

"You're stupid! Delay the other party first! It's not us who has the final say whether the communication channel between the two parties will be established in one minute? And it's not long, the other party can accept it!"

Jishang Zhenye waved his hand and said helplessly: "Let's delay it for as long as it takes!"

"Captain, you are so wise!" the first mate praised.

"Now it depends on Colonel Hiroki's attitude! I hope they hurry up, otherwise we won't be able to hold it!"

Jishang Zhenye said worriedly.

With the appearance of 052B, all his good mood disappeared.

He didn't know at this moment that the situation on the Congyun was even more chaotic than on his side! The moment of life and death has come.

In the sea area 15 kilometers away from the Lihe, the radar alarm in the main control unit of the Congyun never stopped.

As early as a few minutes ago, the Congyun was still 11 kilometers away from the Haishan and 18 kilometers away from the Lihe. At that time, Captain Fujii Hiroki looked like he had the overall situation in hand.

It wasn't until he discovered that the Seamount was turning around to hit him that he became a little serious.

As the first warning shot of the main gun failed, Fujii Hiroki's heart sank slightly.

A minute later, the order was given to fire another warning shot.

"I want to see if they are really not afraid of death!"

Fujii Hiroki said fiercely.

A minute later, a second warning shot was fired.

However, the Seamount still didn't care, looking as if it was death.

Looking at the crazy Seamount, Fujii Hiroki couldn't help feeling panicked.

The other party is really not afraid of death!

"Captain, they..." The deputy captain became anxious.

"Baga! They are really not afraid of death!"

Fujii Hiroki looked gloomy.

Now the trouble is thrown to them.

To sink or to avoid?

Sunk, the mission is not accomplished!

Get out of the way, Haizi’s face will be lost!

Thinking of this, Fujii Hiroki planned to leave this trouble to the headquarters.

He immediately said: "Report to General Hiroki Harada immediately!"


Just when the correspondent was busy contacting the Haizi headquarters, suddenly, a rapid alarm sounded in the main control room.

Before anyone could react, the radar monitor shouted.

"Report Captain, our ship is locked by a missile!"

"The radar passive detection range shows that the missile comes from the north-northeast of our ship, 110 kilometers away from our ship, and the speed is Mach 1.9! The number is 1, no, 3, no, 5, 8, 16..."

Reporting the number, the radar monitor's tongue curled up.

twenty four!

There are actually 24!

The Congyun's radar is not advanced enough. Even if it is locked by a missile, the radar will only give an early warning after the missile enters the 110-kilometer passive detection range of the Congyun radar. Switching to 052C, there is also a special infrared sensing photoelectric early warning system.

Looking at the dense red dots on the radar display, he swallowed hard and trembled.

"Ship...Captain, a total of 24 missiles have locked onto us!"


Where did the missile come from?

There are 24 missiles!

After hearing the news, Fujii Hiroki instantly stayed where he was, with the coldness on his back rushing straight to his forehead.

At this moment, his mind was buzzing and his mind was blank.


Why did another enemy suddenly pop up?

Now that the missiles were coming, he couldn't care about the Haishan anymore.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Fujii Hiroki shouted: "What are you doing standing still? Quick! Intercept!"

The deputy captain looked embarrassed.

"Captain, our radar's active detection range is only 70 kilometers! The current distance is too far, and our radar cannot lock the missile at all! If it cannot lock the missile, it cannot launch the missile..."

"Baga! Do you think I don't know?"

Fujii Hiroki was so angry that he cursed.

"Are you just looking at me like this, waiting to die?"

To shrink from 110 kilometers to 70 kilometers, the YJ-101A anti-ship missile takes 62 seconds.

During this period of time, without the help of fighter jets and carrier-based helicopters, the Congyun could only watch from top to bottom, with no solution at all!

Waiting for death in anxiety.

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