I built an armada

Chapter 143 The frigate was obtained, and the coast guard smiled crookedly!

Since he knew more about it and had contact with important confidential personnel, Zhang Zhaoxin deduced based on some previous events and Xu Dongguo's reaction that it was very likely that one of his own people had done the big thing that broke the sky!

Of course, before getting the exact information, he could only speculate and not dare to be 100% sure.

After all, this thing is too incredible.

He could understand the Meihe incident, after all, the Iron Monkey Tribe's overall strength was only that small.

But that was the warship owned by the Eastern Wilderness Tribe. The four fully-established Eighty-Eight Fleet was no less than a behemoth for the current navy.

I cannot afford this consequence.

After much thought, Zhang Zhaoxin couldn't figure it out.

"It's only been a few months. I'm on the show every day, and people are confused."

"Am I not keeping up with the times?"

Zhang Zhaoxin was in a daze.

He rubbed his swollen temples and continued to prepare for the next episode.

But at this moment, on the iron blood network.

The announcement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs a few days ago caused a huge stir on the Iron Blood Network.

At that time, they were busy studying what happened in the sea, and the announcement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs made their hearts clench. As a result, after several days of research, no important clues were found.

After these days of reflection, this matter seems to have been forgotten by military fans, but in fact it is still on their minds.

Finally, with the secret promotion of the White Bear Tribe, the news that spread wildly on the Internet was also known to the military fans who had access to the Internet.

"Hai Zi Zi damaged a warship on the high seas. Is there a rumor that it was ours?" 》

Not long after the post appeared on Tiexue.com, the entire Tiexue.com exploded.

"I am Cao, is it true or not! Hai Zi damaged a warship on the high seas? The time happened to be when something happened in the sea a while ago!"

"Let me tell you, at that time, the coast guard suddenly informed all ships not to go to a certain sea area! I remember a knowledgeable person at the time said that it is normal for the sea area to change with wind and clouds, clear skies and tornadoes! Now it seems that it is normal. Ah! What kind of tornado wiped out all the warships in the sea?"

"It probably wasn't us. If it was us, it would be unbelievable! Didn't the post also say that there is a high probability that the White Bear Tribe did it?"

"Whether it's the White Bear Tribe or us, as long as it's a Haizi warship that's damaged, I'll give it a thumbs up with both hands!"

"As I said before, I will donate one month's salary to the Iron Monkey Tribe! But when it comes to the Donghuang Tribe, I will not only donate money, but I will also do it myself!"

"Brother upstairs, I heard your abacus beads beating!"

As soon as this comment came out, the bottom line was all "Hahaha".

After a period of fun, the military fans also calmed down.

"What a pity. If we can find the person involved, we will know what happened!"

"Why do you know so much? Anyway, I think it was us who did it!"

"Be careful upstairs, don't cause trouble for our navy. Our navy's foundation is not strong enough right now. Even if we want to take revenge, we still need to accumulate strength!"

"This matter is unusual. Tomorrow on the "Military Intelligence One-on-One" program, we will trouble our Colonel Zhang again."

Soon, military fans set their sights on Zhang Zhaoxin.

Zhang Zhaoxin is currently the Navy's only 'window' to the outside world.

The next night, "Military Intelligence One-on-One" started as usual, and Zhang Zhaoxin, whom military fans had been waiting for for a long time, also appeared as scheduled.

After finally getting through the stage of listening to Zhang Zhaoxin's nonsense, we came to the stage of connecting with the lucky audience.

The host said: "Viewers, the first lucky audience has appeared. Colonel Zhang——"

Following the host's words, the camera returned to Zhang Zhaoxin again.

Zhang Zhaoxin, who had done his homework, smiled and said: "This audience, can you hear my voice?"

"Hello, Colonel Zhang, I can hear you."

"Say, if you have any questions, I will answer them for you if I can."

The other party was silent for a while and then asked: "Colonel Zhang, do you want to tell me everything you know?"

"Tell me everything you know!"

With Zhang Zhaoxin's words, the other party quickly asked: "Colonel Zhang, what do you think of what happened in the sea a while ago?"

"Sea area?" Zhang Zhaoxin was stunned for a moment, "The sea area is very calm."

"Colonel Zhang, let me remind you a little bit, August 2nd."

"August 2?" Zhang Zhaoxin suddenly realized, "Hey, isn't this a storm in the sea? It's normal. Anyone who has been to the sea knows that the weather at sea can change faster than reading a book."

Zhang Zhaoxin's answer obviously failed to satisfy the other party, and the other party continued.

"Immediately afterwards, our Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a serious statement! Yesterday, we already knew the news from the external network, Colonel Zhang."

Facing the other party's questioning, Zhang Zhaoxin did not panic at all. Ever since he was caught off guard a few months ago, he had done his homework every time.

Zhang Zhaoxin looked regretful and said: "I heard that Haizi lost a warship! Out of humanitarianism, I hope they are all still alive. The warship can be rebuilt after it is gone, but a dead person cannot be resurrected."

"Colonel Zhang, I heard rumors that we did it!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire studio fell silent.

The host at the scene was obviously at a loss.

How can such a topic be discussed in a TV program that is aimed at countless viewers?

Fortunately, the camera kept focusing on Zhang Zhaoxin and did not capture him.

Suddenly, Zhang Zhaoxin showed a sad look on his face.

"I've seen such rumors too! But our navy is still in its infancy, how can we have such strength! Does Germination understand? What's going on with his navy? It's already a towering tree!"

"I also hope that my navy can turn into a towering tree in no time, but it takes time, doesn't it?"

"I can understand everyone's expectation that our navy will become stronger soon, but I still advise you not to spread rumors if you don't believe them!"

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Zhaoxin said with a sincere face: "Give us some time, we will not let everyone down!"

In just a few words, Zhang Zhaoxin's sincere attitude caused countless military fans to fall into self-doubt.

Did we really guess wrong?

I got the first audience, then the second, and then the third.

Although the issues involved were somewhat sensitive, Zhang Zhaoxin dealt with them one by one.

As the "Military One-on-One" program came to an end, military fans couldn't help but sigh.

They had already seen through Zhang Zhaoxin's performance that they were all overthinking.

"Yes, our requirements for the navy are too high! We only had 051C a few months ago, and now we want to become a towering tree. How can we become a fat man with just one bite?"

After the military fans comforted themselves in their hearts, their enthusiasm gradually faded a lot.

Zhang Zhaoxin left the studio and got into the driver's seat.

Looking at the night scene outside the window, he couldn't help but sigh that he had been fooled again.

"It's getting harder and harder to deceive military fans these days. I just hope the noise won't be so big in the future, otherwise I won't be able to get through it."

Time flies, and most of the month flies by.

In the past half month, Haizi's warships frequently entered and exited the high seas at first, but gradually reduced the frequency in the later period.

I have been fishing for almost a month and haven't caught a single fish, let alone any fish.

This made Inoshita Wada, who was responsible for this matter, sigh repeatedly.

The key point is that based on the information that has been obtained so far, it does not seem like the White Bear Tribe is planning to cause trouble in the Dongzhou waters. This makes Inoshita Wada wonder whether the initial inferences of himself and others were wrong.

Looking at the navy opposite, Inoshita Wada still shook his head.

"I'm really confused. It's not good to doubt anyone. I actually doubted the navy on the other side!"

The intelligence work on the White Bear Tribe that Shushang Tianfu is responsible for is still advancing with difficulty. Until there is a final answer, the White Bear Tribe still has not ruled out suspicion.

Soon, the time came to early September.

The sea became increasingly calm, and the fishing boats that had been silent for a long time set out to sea in a mighty manner after receiving notifications from the coast guard.

North Sea Fleet Command.

Fang Wenzhao, the northern head of the Coast Guard, happily opened the door and walked into Xu Dongguo's office.

"Lao Xu, has the approval been received?"

As soon as he entered the door, Fang Wenzhao asked impatiently.

The Coast Guard was about to have its own warship, and Fang Wenzhao couldn't suppress the smile on his face.

During this time, he had already arranged the people and was just waiting for the arrival of the 053H3 frigate to start work immediately.

"Look, you're in a hurry." Xu Dongguo said angrily: "The approval has come out, and our Northern Fleet has surrendered a 053H3 frigate!"

"Old Xu, how can I say that you are doing practical things! I just want you to help me with the Coast Guard. If you need anything in the future, just say hello."

Fang Wenzhao took the approval document, read it carefully for a long time, then carefully put it away, and then said to Xu Dongguo with a smile.

When the frigate was obtained, his heart flew away.


Xu Dongguo was stunned for a moment, thinking of 052C, he couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

"What are you laughing at, Lao Xu?"


After looking at him suspiciously for a while, Fang Wenzhao suddenly looked around and made sure that no one was there, then he lowered his voice mysteriously.

"Old Xu, I was busy and didn't have time to see you a while ago. Today you can tell me something from your heart. Did you do the Congyun?"

Xu Dongguo looked confused, "Congyun? What Congyun? I don't know."

"Lao Xu, you are dishonest. We have been friends for many years, and you are still hiding it from me at this time? Can I try to trick you into other warships? I am already satisfied with one frigate."

"really do not know."

Seeing that Xu Dongguo's expression didn't seem to be fake, Fang Wenzhao was anxious but helpless.

He had already known about the accident on the Congyun.

But the people on the coast guard ship only knew that something happened to the Congyun and nothing else.

Not to mention him, the 052B Captain Jiang Shengrong who was at the scene was equally confused.

"Forget it, I know I can't ask anything from you."

The conversation changed and Fang Wenzhao said.

"When should I pick up the frigate? If you have time, I happen to have time now. How about choosing a different day?"

Xu Dongguo smiled.

"Old Fang, you don't sleep overnight at all."

"You don't look busy. Let's go, let's go, stop inking! My people are still at the base waiting for me to take the warship back!"

Half pushing and half giving up, Xu Dongguo had no choice but to take Fang Wenzhao to the military base in the northern seas.

An hour later, at the military port of the base, the 053H3 frigate slowly came over.

Seeing the huge warship appear in front of him, the desire in Fang Wenzhao's eyes almost overflowed.


Our Coast Guard will one day have a frigate!

Just like a dream.

He took a deep breath, suppressed his inner excitement, looked at Xu Dongguo and asked.

"Old Xu, it?"

"that's it!"

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

Fang Wenzhao couldn't help but rub his hands.

Although the 053H3 frigate has been in service for some years and looks a bit old, the Navy has maintained it very well.

After all, what the navy lacks most is warships, so naturally it is hoped that each one can be used longer. So every time after returning from a mission, someone will be sent to clean it up.

"Lao Xu, I have already applied for the funds. Once the frigate arrives at the port... I'm telling you, next time you see it, I guarantee you won't recognize it!"

Fang Wenzhao said proudly.

If a destroyer and coast guard cannot afford to support one, how can one afford a frigate?

"Want it now?"


"Okay, I'll have someone send it to you! Then they will stay and be responsible for teaching your people how to operate the warship."

Fang Wenzhao said cheerfully: "How else can we say that we have a close relationship! Just based on your words, I will treat you to a drink next time!"

Afterwards, Xu Dongguo explained to the captain and others that they were about to leave with Fang Wenzhao.

"What's wrong, Lao Xu?"

"I'll take you back. Isn't your car still at my headquarters?"

"Who's riding?"

Xu Dongguo was stunned.

If you don’t go back by car, how can you go back?

Fang Wenzhao pointed to the frigate in front and said, "I'll ride it back! I'll also feel what it feels like to ride on a warship."

Xu Dongguo looked at the other party in surprise, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"Old Fang, can we stop acting like we have never seen the world?"

"You don't understand! Go back! I'll go by myself!"

After saying that, Fang Wenzhao happily followed the frigate captain onto the warship.

Standing on the deck, Fang Wenzhao waved to Xu Dongguo and said, "Go back!"

Then, he walked into the main control room without looking back.

"Hey - this old Fang."

Xu Dongguo smiled bitterly and shook his head, watching the warship gradually move away, and then returned to the headquarters.

Two hours later, the warship gradually approached the port of the Coast Guard Northern Base.

The port has long been lined with Coast Guard officers.

"The warship is coming!"

"Chief Fang is back with the warship!"

Everyone looked around and saw Fang Wenzhao standing on the deck waving to everyone.

Half an hour later, Fang Wenzhao stepped off the warship.

"Everyone, have you seen it? This is the frigate I told you about back then! Now it belongs to our Coast Guard!"

For a moment, there was thunderous applause.

Looking at the frigate, the coast guards couldn't hide the burning eyes.

Fang Wenzhao waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said.

"According to the previous arrangement, everyone, please move quickly! Finish the work as soon as possible and go to sea as soon as possible!"

"Yes, Commander Fang!"

Seeing everyone's enthusiasm and busy appearance, Fang Wenzhao nodded with great satisfaction, and then swayed towards the distance with his hands behind his back.

When the 053H3 frigate is ready and goes out to sea, who will encounter it and not be confused?

He wanted to share this good news with the other two coast guard departments.

Whose coast guard drives a warship?

I am the Northern Coast Guard!

He could already think of the envy of the other person, and he couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth just thinking about that scene.

After learning that Fang Wenzhao had successfully arrived, Xu Dongguo smiled.

A frigate is so happy. If a Type 052 destroyer is moved to him in the future, will he go crazy if he doesn't?

Move a destroyer?

Thinking of this, Xu Dongguo was stunned for a moment.

He found that his vision was getting higher and higher, and he actually came up with the idea of ​​moving the destroyer to the coast guard.

What kind of family uses a destroyer?

The company opposite has a big business and doesn't use frigates as coast guard ships.

Oh, its sea area is small.

Just then, the phone on his desk rang.

Not a dedicated phone line?

Xu Dongguo breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that it was not a big deal.

Picking up the phone, he said: "It's me, Xu Dongguo."

"Chief, we're calling from Northern Shipyard."

"Get in."


Soon, a voice came from the phone.

"Reporting to the leader, the fourth 051C will be completed and launched in 10 days! Four 051Cs will be ready for shipment by the 20th at the latest!"

"Okay, I understand. Thank you for your hard work."

For five and a half months, the four 051Cs were finally completed after working day and night at the Northern Shipyard.

Just wait for the four 051Cs to arrive at the Tesha tribe, and the remaining half of the cost will be paid.

There is enough money to build the third 052C!

He thought of what Su Dingping had told him originally, that the second 052C was expected to be launched at the end of October.

By the time New Year's Eve next year, the Navy will have three 052Cs. By then, the Navy's strength will have undergone earth-shaking changes.

The future of the Navy is bright.

For a moment, Xu Dongguo was in a good mood.

"When 051C successfully arrives at the Tesha tribe and gets its name out there, we will need to expand investment promotion! It is better to make money faster by selling warships!"

"After the three 052Cs, I don't know what new warship it will be! It's really exciting!"

Picking up the phone again, he called Zhang Zhaoxin.

It was Zhang Zhaoxin who had contacted the Tesha tribe in the first place, so it was naturally more convenient to deliver the news through him.

After contacting Zhang Zhaoxin, Xu Dongguo thought for a while and then contacted the foreign procurement secretary Zhao Quanfa.

The Laxi tribe also needs to be taken care of.

After learning about the situation, Zhang Zhaoxin immediately contacted Bird Edin of the Tesha tribe.

At the Tesha Tribe Palace, Bird Edin walked in anxiously.

"Crown Prince, there is news from the Longxia tribe. Four 051C guided missile destroyers will be shipped on the 20th! They are expected to arrive on the 30th or 31st!"

"The Longxia Tribe said it would be more than five months. Their credibility is indeed good! The situation in our central region is very tense right now. The Eagle Tribe may attack the Keyi Tribe at any time. With a few more warships, the situation will be chaotic. This will give us a little more breathing space.”

The conversation changed and the Crown Prince said.

"Go there in person on the 19th. After confirming that everything is correct, send someone to remit the remaining money to them as soon as possible!"

"Okay, Crown Prince!" After a pause, Bird Edin continued: "Then I will be responsible for escorting the warship. There can't be no one of our people on the warship. If something happens on the way, we can't be together. A black eye."

"Be careful and you won't make a big mistake, that's fine!"

After discussing with the crown prince, Bird Edin left in a hurry. He wanted to make arrangements in advance for the people he had brought there.

He knew nothing about inspecting warships and needed someone who knew.

On the other side, Zhao Quanfa, who received the news from Xu Dongguo, took a special plane and flew directly to the Laxi tribe.

To deal with the Varyag, we need the assistance of the Laxi tribe, so we need to give them some reassurance in advance.

As soon as he got off the plane, he met Dmitri who came to pick him up.

Every time he came, Dmitri personally picked him up. Zhao Quanfa was deeply moved by how much the other party valued him.

"Mr. Dmitry, I have brought you news from our leader!"

"Has 051C been built?" Dmitri blurted out, and then said in surprise: "I remember that the original time was next year, right?"

"The goods you want are already being manufactured. You don't have to worry about this."

Zhao Quanfa smiled and said: "Our leader said that I hope you will pay attention to the situation of the Tesha tribe at the end of the month!"

"Tesha tribe?"

Dmitri blinked, confused.

"Yes! That's what our leader said. I don't know the details. But please believe that I will never let you down."

Zhao Quanfa knew clearly that the Laxi tribe was still worried about whether the warship he bought could arrive smoothly! They are well aware of the complexity of the situation in Dongzhou waters.

Dmitri asked for a long time, but he didn't ask the reason. He could only say that he would pay attention to the Tesha tribe when the time comes.

He believed that the other party's leader would not act without aim.

There must be a reason for this.

Meanwhile, Northern Fleet Command.

"Bird Edin wants to bring someone to inspect the goods? That's no problem!"

"What? He still wants to pledge the goods in person? Okay, I get it!"

After hanging up the phone, Xu Dongguo frowned slightly.

Four warships were dispatched together, so it was reasonable for the other party to send people to escort the goods. But Bird Edin personally guaranteed the goods, which made Xu Dongguo confused.

As the other party's identity, it would be no problem to send a group of people over to guarantee the goods, but now they have to do it themselves.

Originally, 052B was quietly sent to escort them with two frigates, and everyone was happy.

Now that the other party is engaged in such a big battle, it is difficult to refuse in the spirit of the customer being God, lest the other party think that he has a guilty conscience.

After all, it is worth 1.48 billion U.S. dollars, so it is reasonable for the other party to pay attention to it.

"There must be nothing wrong with the first order! Otherwise, the sign will be damaged."

Thinking of Haizi's crazy behavior last month, Xu Dongguo was worried that unnecessary trouble would be caused if the news leaked.

"It seems that the original escort plan is going to change."

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