I built an armada

Chapter 162 What is humanitarianism? The warship has arrived!

Ning De didn't know what Bird Edin's confused eyes meant, so he could only keep smiling.

And it was this ordinary smile that seemed to have a hint of depth and elusiveness in Bird Edin's eyes.

Bird Edin felt a huge wave surging in his heart. He looked back and lowered his voice.

"Crown Prince, this matter sounds strange, and I'm not sure."

He quickly recounted what happened a few days ago.

After listening, the crown prince on the other end of the phone fell silent.

The timing was so coincidental that he couldn't help but think about it.

"Okay, I understand. See you on the 30th!"

After hanging up the phone, the crown prince paced back and forth in the room.

Originally it was just a matter of buying a few warships, who would have thought that something like this would happen.

“I didn’t expect there would be an unexpected discovery this time!”

The crown prince looked strange: "It seems that the Longxia tribe is hidden deeper than I thought!"

"If all this is really done by the Longxia tribe, or is related to the Longxia tribe, then my previous worries are completely unnecessary!"

Hai Zi inexplicably damaged several warships, which gave him a huge shock.

And this incident was most likely related to the Longxia tribe, which made him feel flustered.

Who would have thought that the Longxia Tribe Navy, which was still purchasing warships from the White Bear Tribe last year, would actually be involved in such a major event that would shock the entire Blue Star.

"Isn't everything just an illusion?"

"The Longxia tribe has been hiding their clumsiness from beginning to end?"

Since the 051C escort operation was intertwined with the damage incident of the PLA warship, the crown prince knew more clues than the other tribes.

It was this extra clue that gave him endless daydreams.

Similarly, Bode Edin, who put down the phone, looked at Ning Decai again with an obviously different look.

"Mr. Ning?"

"Mr. Bird Edin, what happened?"

Faced with Ning Decai's inquiry, Bird Edin smiled.

"It's okay. The crown prince asked me about the progress here."

"Don't worry, it will be delivered on time on the 30th! We have a good reputation in Blue Star!"

Ning Decai was decisive.

Not even Haizi's warships could stop the escort fleet. Looking at the remaining half of the journey, which tribe's navy could stop it?

That's why Ningde has this confidence.

"I can rest assured that you will do the work."

Bird Edin replied with a smile.

If it hadn't been for the call from the Crown Prince, I would still have been kept in the dark!

Mr. Ning, you worked so hard to hide this from me.

Since Ning De didn't want to break it, he didn't bother to break the layer of paper.

Anyway, once 051C arrives safely, his mission is completed.

It’s okay to know some things well, but it’s not good if you ask too many questions.

At the same time, after receiving the news, Dmitry paced back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back.

Ever since Zhao Quanfa personally came here half a month ago and asked him to pay attention to the situation of the Tesha tribe later this year, he has been sending people to keep an eye on it secretly.

Unexpectedly, there was no new news from the Tesha tribe, but there was shocking news from the Dongzhou sea area that made his heart tremble.

"The PLA Navy's warship overturned during a drill? Is it really a drill?"

"Mr. Zhao asked me to pay attention to the Tesha Tribe, but he didn't tell me to pay attention to the Donghuang Tribe in the Dongzhou Sea."

"Is it possible that these two things are related?"

At this moment, Dmitri felt his head buzzing.

The timing of these two things was so strange that he couldn't help but think about it.

He tried to connect them together, but based on his past understanding of the Longxia tribe's navy, the other party should not be able to do such an earth-shattering thing!

Strength doesn’t allow it!

"Is it really just a coincidence? Is everything overthinking?"

"But what will happen to the Tesha tribe that Mr. Zhao asked me to pay attention to? It's been very peaceful these days!"

Dmitry was puzzled and confused.

As news about the Haizi spreads at the Blue Star level, more and more people know about the accident involving the Haizi warship.

When the news came back to the Longxia tribe, the entire Iron Blood Network was almost in a state of panic.

"There is great joy and joy, and an accident occurred on the naval exercise warship!" 》

Under the post, countless military fans were delighted.

"What's this called? This is called making one's own mistakes and not being able to survive!"

"That's right! That's right! What retribution! It's so funny that such a major accident can happen even during a drill!"

"Didn't you say that he is known as the little overlord of the Dongzhou sea area? I think it is nothing more than that."

"I used to worry that a collision with the sea would result in an egg hitting a rock! Now it seems, tsk tsk tsk, my worries were in vain."

Over the past few years, they have been reading "Warship Knowledge" every month, and they are very greedy for the warships in the sea.

Now that he discovered that such a powerful Haizi could even make mistakes in exercises, the special aura he had for Haizi in his heart instantly dissipated a lot.

Most military fans didn't think too much about it and thought this was a command error.

After being a bully for a long time, it is completely understandable that something will happen to you if something happens to you.

However, some military fans with a keen sense of smell immediately noticed something was wrong.

How big of an accident must it be to cause an accident on a warship during an exercise?

Under normal circumstances, it is simply impossible! Under abnormal circumstances, if an abnormality is discovered and adjustments are made as soon as possible, it is impossible to suffer such a big loss!

Therefore, they instinctively felt something was wrong.

"I feel like there's something fishy about this matter! No matter how big the accident is during the exercise, it's impossible for a general to take the blame and commit suicide, right? So I don't think this matter is as simple as it seems!"

"I think so too! But there haven't been many valuable clues recently!"

"It's a pity. In the past, something happened in the sea area, and we couldn't hide it at all! Later, the control was strengthened. Now, even if the sea area is turned upside down, it is difficult for us to get some valuable information."

"I heard that the Coast Guard has strengthened its management of people going to sea, and even ordinary sailors have to learn the law! Now even relatives can't ask questions."

Many capable military fans sighed helplessly.

If the Coast Guard hadn't strengthened special management and something like this happened, they would have searched all the connections they could find.

"I only know that it happened two days ago, and I don't know anything else!"

"Next time on the "Military Intelligence One-on-One" program, ask Colonel Zhang! He is from the military after all, and he must know more inside information than us!"

"Indeed! I'm afraid Colonel Zhang is hiding it from us!"

"Then just listen to the opposite! What a big deal!"

After some discussion, all the military fans felt that their only communication bridge with the surrounding situation was Zhang Zhaoxin.

After all, this time the Longxia tribe was not even mentioned on the external network, so they did not think about themselves at all.

Suddenly, someone asked.

"Do you think this matter has anything to do with us?"

As soon as this reply appeared, the entire comment area exploded.

"I am Cao! Impossible!"

"Absolutely impossible! If we really did it, how could Haizi endure such a tone? He would have declared war long ago!"

"That's right! There are only two possibilities for this matter. First, it is indeed an accident! Second, the opponent is too strong. Haizi can only break his teeth and swallow it in his own stomach! There is no third possibility! And our navy is not here Within the second possibility! If ten or twenty years pass, it may still be possible!"

After thinking about it, the military fans thought it made sense.

Ten or twenty years, if you rush quickly and slowly, it will be almost the same.

It's impossible to be overwhelmed by the sea for the rest of your life. Then life in the navy is so difficult.

"Oh, ten or twenty years is so long!"

"It's not easy to catch up with such a big gap in ten or twenty years! If I give you ten or twenty years, can you get admitted to Huaqing University?"


Although this matter has nothing to do with our own side, the military fans are still very happy to eat.

The more embarrassing the enemy is, the happier they will be.

The next night, on the "Military One-on-One" program, Zhang Zhaoxin explained calmly in the face of overwhelming inquiries from the audience.

"Ask me what I think about the accident in the Haizi exercise? Audience friends, besides watching it at home, how else can I watch it?"

As soon as these words came out, the audience laughed until their stomachs ached.

They found that besides not telling the truth, Zhang Zhaoxin was also quite interesting.

Any sentence is a joke.

"I'm glad that everyone cares about the military situation! But the military exercise next door collapsed, so we can just close the door and take a look at this kind of thing. Discussions in a high-profile manner show that we have no sympathy!"

Changing the topic, Zhang Zhaoxin continued.

"Besides, what happened to the damaged warships and so many navy soldiers on the warships? We have to sympathize! For example, did the people who sacrificed get the compensation they deserve?"

"We need multiple perspectives! These are what we need to care about! We need to have a humanitarian spirit!"

At first, the audience was stunned for a moment, but they realized later that this was not a good thing to say.

This is not a humanitarian spirit. Isn't this a clear sign of ridicule?

We are laughing at each other openly, but you are doing it in a negative way!

Under Zhang Zhaoxin's gag, this matter was quickly forgotten by the military fans, and no one doubted themselves too much.

Zhang Zhaoxin, who had finished "Military One-on-One", was sitting alone in the car and was also in distress.

Did we do this?

In other words, does this matter have anything to do with us?

Zhang Zhaoxin was confused.

Unlike last time, Zhang Zhaoxin guessed some insider information through Xu Dongguo's words.

But this time, he didn't even get a hint, which made him helpless.

"The chief is becoming more and more vocal now, and there is no news at all!"

Zhang Zhaoxin let out a long sigh.

He also hopes that this matter has something to do with him.

That means that our own navy has opened up new horizons.

But he felt from the bottom of his heart that this was impossible.

"I don't know what happened to the escort plan!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Zhaoxin's body shook violently.

I am Cao!

How could I forget this!

Zhang Zhaoxin twirled his fingers to figure out where to go, and his eyes suddenly revealed a look of disbelief.

"Two time points, what a coincidence!"

"This matter can't really have anything to do with us!"

"Oh My God!"

Zhang Zhaoxin took several deep breaths in succession before suppressing the ups and downs in his heart.

Time flies by.

For several days, all the tribes in Blue Star were shocked by the big action of the Eagle Tribe, and the accident to the Haizi warship was quickly forgotten by them.

Many tribes are quietly discussing whether the Eagle Tribe will perform an earth-shattering show of muscles like it did ten years ago!

Since the White Bear Tribe placed most of its intelligence forces in the central region and the west, the investigation of the Haizi incident progressed very slowly.

For a time, the entire Blue Star situation became tense.

Seeing the storm pass quietly like this, Haizi's senior management couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The public's attention is attracted to the central region, which is what Murakami Saki hopes.

What troubled him was that Katsumura Yota failed to obtain valuable information during the second and third interrogations after he recovered a lot!

Moreover, no unusual findings were found in the investigation of the Eagle Tribe.

This made Murakami Hayaki mutter in his heart: Could it be that we have gone in the wrong direction?

Although the most improbable thing was probably the truth, he really couldn't connect the culprit to the Long Xia Tribe Navy.

Soon, the time came to September 30th.

While all the tribes were paying attention to the situation of the Keyi tribe, the senior leaders of the Tesha tribe, who were also in the central region, were overjoyed.

Because the four 051Cs they purchased from the Longxia tribe have entered the inland sea and are about to arrive!

In the palace, the crown prince would ask about the situation every now and then.

It was not until about ten o'clock in the morning that the news reached the crown prince.

"Crown Prince, they will be here in half an hour!"

Upon hearing this, the crown prince couldn't sit still and said quickly.

"Quick, prepare the car!"

Twenty minutes later, at the Tesha Tribe Pier, the crown prince came happily with a group of senior officials.

Standing on the shore, he could already see the huge warship.

The sight of four brand-new warships shining brightly in the sun made the crown prince feel in a trance.

"Not bad, not bad, quite good!" The crown prince turned to the people behind him and said.

Outside the sea area of ​​​​Tesha tribe, 052C quietly guarded and did not enter.

Only 052B, who took the lead, personally entered the sea area and successfully delivered 051C.

As the warship stopped, Bird Edin and Ning De, the leader of the 051C, walked off with a smile.

"Crown Prince, you have lived up to expectations and successfully delivered the goods. Please inspect the goods!"

After getting off the warship, Ning Decai quickly stepped forward and shook hands with the crown prince, and then said.

The crown prince glanced at Bird Edin, then smiled and said: "No need! I believe in your credibility!"

Although he said this, his body still wanted to board the warship sincerely.

The thoughtful Ning De saw through the other party's thoughts, so he said: "Crown Prince, board the ship and take a look."

Bird Edin also said: "Yes, Crown Prince, go up and have a look."

"If that's the case, then I'll go up and take a look! Just take a look!"

With that said, the crown prince happily boarded the warship.

More than half an hour later, the crown prince stepped off the warship happily.

He knew the relevant data half a year ago, and now that he saw it with his own eyes, he felt even more satisfied.

"I'm very satisfied with the warships of the Longxia tribe!" The crown prince told Bird Edin: "Has the remaining payment been paid? We will continue to cooperate in the future!"

"Don't worry, Crown Prince, I called him ten days ago!"

"I can rest assured that!"

Afterwards, the crown prince greeted everyone and arranged for Ning Decai and others to have lunch.

After lunch, the Crown Prince planned to send a special plane to take Ning Decai and other important entourage back home, but Ning Decai refused.

"Crown Prince, I'd better go back on my own warship!"

"Okay! That group of people?"

"Don't worry, Crown Prince, they will stay here for a while and be responsible for teaching your people!"

After hearing this, the crown prince smiled with satisfaction.

What the Navy promised half a year ago is exactly what it said!

With this group of naval officers and soldiers, the Tesha tribe will soon be able to cultivate professional naval talents!

The smile on the crown prince's face never stopped when he thought that he was about to have a modern fleet.

At the same time, the events of the Tesha tribe quickly reached the ears of Dmitri of the Lasi tribe.

"051C? To the Tessa tribe?"

Demetri looked surprised.

"No wonder Mr. Zhao specially told me to pay attention to the Tesha tribe that day. It turns out that they have other buyers for a long time!"

"In this way, my previous worries are indeed unnecessary! The Longxia Tribe Navy has the strength to send warships out of the Dongzhou Tribe!"

After a while, he sighed with emotion: "In this situation, the Longxia Tribe Navy can send out four warships, which is quite powerful!"

He was completely relieved about the two 051Cs he had previously ordered.

Not surprisingly, at the beginning of next year, my two 051Cs will also arrive!

Thinking of this, he felt very good.

Now facing the powerful Ertu tribe, his navy had the confidence to fight.

He doesn't know yet that selling warships to them is just the first link in the Longxia tribe's navy plan!

The real target is the Varyag, which was seized by the Turkish tribe!

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