I built an armada

Chapter 176 051C shows his glory in a foreign country

"There are two B2 stealth bombers in the eastern sea area of ​​azimuth."

The monitoring personnel hurriedly reported the situation, and everyone in the room immediately fell silent.

They all gathered around the radar screen.

They all know that no matter how good-looking the data of advanced equipment is, it will not be reliable until it can withstand the test in actual combat. For the Longxia Tribe, once it is confirmed that it is a stealth target, then they no longer have to fear the invisibility of the Eagle Tribe. Fighter.

After several wars, the Eagle Tribe's stealth fighter has become the Sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of the Blue Star tribes. Without the means to detect its traces, there will be no peace.

They all believe that even the current White Bear Tribe is probably in dire straits.

Everyone, including Xue Shuai, was extremely nervous. They all stared at the radar screen with wide eyes.

On the radar screen with a black background, two target red dots moved slowly, and the altitude, longitude and latitude were all marked very clearly.

Once the relevant instructions are issued to the low-altitude missile position, it will definitely be shot down.

"Really two B2 stealth fighters?"

Xu Dongguo was the first to speak in disbelief.

Su Dingping walked forward quickly, checked it on the screen, and carefully compared the relevant data. It was basically certain that the radar had captured the target.

I didn't expect that the Eagle Tribe would actually take action, and it would come so quickly.

The most powerful tribe in Blue Star is indeed well-deserved. At least the military's response was very fast. As soon as the Longxia tribe made a big move, they responded.

This is good, as it provides a detection target for the YLC-8B radar.

"Report, radar captured two stealth fighter targets, they are both B2 bombers."

"Our radar has passed the field test."

“The Eagle Tribe helped us validate the efficacy of this radar.”

After Su Dingping checked the relevant data, he breathed a long sigh of relief and turned around to report truthfully to Xue Shuai and others.

The YLC-8B radar has been verified in actual combat, which doubled his confidence.

With this decimeter wave long-range detection and early warning radar, the 052D shield ship will be able to detect stealth targets on future battlefields, thereby supporting a safe air defense network in the Longxia Tribe waters.

Even if the Eagle Tribe sends more stealth fighters, he won't worry.

Of course, according to the current information, the Eagle Tribe has only a few stealth fighters, such as the Nighthawk F117 and the B2 stealth bomber.

Relatively speaking, the B2 stealth bomber is designed with a flat delta wing and has excellent stealth performance.

The YLC-8B radar can catch it, so what is there to worry about?

While speaking, he cast a grateful look at Liu Huaming.

He knew very well that without Liu Huaming's help and the sudden and large-scale mobilization of the Air Force, the Eagle Tribe would not have attracted the attention so quickly, and even dispatched advanced stealth bombers like the B2.

It seems that the Eagle Tribe has been guarding the Longxia Tribe very closely.

"Okay, okay."

"Dingping, you have made outstanding contributions to the defense of Longxia tribe again."

"With this anti-stealth radar, how can we fear the Eagle Tribe stealth fighter jets?"

Xue Shuai, who had always been serious about his words, had a faint smile on his face, and patted Su Dingping's shoulder solemnly with his broad palm.

It is really a blessing for the navy and the Longxia tribe to have such talents!

The Longxia Tribe finally has a day of pride and pride. This is the best response to the Eagle Tribe’s brutal behavior!

Xue Shuai and his group came and left quickly.

They only stayed for half an hour before leaving by car, but each of them had a satisfied smile on their face.

Xu Dongguo stayed, and with him were some people from the Radar Research Institute.

Like Sun Yongguo and Lu Guangjun before them, they have now become fans of Su Dingping. Not only do they not dare to be disrespectful, but they are also full of enthusiasm for learning.

"It's so helpless that I have to teach them again."

"Old Sun, I'll leave this matter to you."

"When I get the land-based version of the YLC-8B radar out in the next two days, I'll give it to you to dismantle."

Seeing those silver-haired old men, Su Dingping felt a little embarrassed, so he simply left this task to Sun Yongguo. He didn't care about it anyway.

However, this incident also reminded him that there are many top talents needed after the expansion of the integrated military factory.

The institute needs to set up a special training institution, that is, a crash course.

Newly recruited people, regardless of their level, need an advanced crash course to provide them with surprise training. Otherwise, their arrival will only slow down the launch of the Navy's new warships.

Su Dingping didn't want this to happen.


Sun Yongguo did not doubt his presence and happily accepted the order.

He knew very well that Su Dingping's energy could not be focused on teaching and educating people. It would be too wasteful.

"By the way, you and Lao Lu will set up a crash course based on the institute."

"The more new equipment and new weapons we develop here, the more people will not understand them. This is very detrimental to the expansion of our second phase project."

"Especially in terms of talent training, we will eventually be unable to keep up."

When Sun Yongguo turned around, Su Dingping once again gave instructions that this matter must be implemented as soon as possible without any hesitation.

It’s time to take advantage of this opportunity and get started.

Just relying on the academy to provide talents is not enough.

"Okay, I'll do it right away."

Seeing that Su Dingping had nothing to explain, Sun Yongguo turned around and strode out.

As he left, a group of old experts from the Radar Research Institute also left, and they had no objections to this arrangement.

They are here to learn, no matter who comes to teach.

In their eyes, the integrated military factory is a mysterious place with a very high level of confidentiality. As military workers, they know exactly what they should and should not inquire about.

"The next step for you is to keep an eye on the radar and work around the clock."

"The radar frequency will automatically jump every once in a while, and there will be no risk of leakage."

"This time, you just want to verify the reliability of being powered on for a long time."

After Su Dingping explained to the test participants, he turned around and entered the laboratory to start the final research on the land-based version of the YLC-8B radar.

The land-based version is relatively simpler and easier, but he wants to concentrate this radar on military cards.

Mobile deployment must be achieved!

This is a major trend in the future. Fixed radar positions are very easy to be located by hostile forces, but if they are moved, the enemy will not be able to touch the specific location, making it impossible to input specific coordinates into the missile.

at the same time.

Donghuang tribe, inside the Haizi headquarters building.

In the large and bright conference hall, a high-level secret meeting was held here.

The meeting was presided over by General Murashita Hayaki himself, and a number of senior military officials including Tao Shugami from the Intelligence Department were present. Their faces were particularly cold, and their brows were full of anger.

The failures in recent days have made them realize the seriousness of the problem.

The original plot against the Long Xia Tribe Navy caused them to suffer huge losses and make them embarrassed internationally, but they did not expect that they were plotted against by a mysterious force.

Until now, they still haven't figured out which tribe those warships came from.

Even the Intelligence Ministry personally activated the spies deployed in the Longxia tribe, but no relevant information was found.

In fact, they have done careful research.

Except for the Longxia tribe and the White Bear tribe in the Eastern Sea, the other tribes really do not have the strength to build such advanced warships.

"Shu Shang Tianfu, do you have any relevant information recently?"

"There was news from the allies that a shield ship appeared in the eastern waters at that time."

"Who does this shield ship belong to?"

After Murakami Hayaki's gloomy eyes glanced around everyone present, he focused on the person in charge of the Intelligence Department and asked in a deep voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, Murakami Hayaki raised his hand and motioned to his assistant to open the big screen and show the blurry shield ship photo.

Seeing this shield ship, everyone present suddenly became extremely solemn.

The photo was enlarged and was still very blurry, but the four shields were very clear, and the hull design was very new. They had never seen it before.

They could even imagine the warships of the Longxia Tribe with their eyes closed. Not to mention the huge hull, the weapons and equipment stacked on it also looked disorganized. They were not even a little bit different from their King Kong class.

But the current shield ship is very simple, and its four shields exceed the King Kong class.

Obviously, this type of warship has entered the ranks of Aegis ships, and their type of warship is still in the research and development stage, and there is still a long way to go before it is launched.

Naturally, it is impossible to belong to the Longxia tribe.

But if it belonged to the White Bear Tribe, then why didn't they see it?

Whether by sea, air, or land, patrol aircraft are hovering in the sky all the time, and they are equipped with the most advanced reconnaissance equipment.

As long as the White Bear Tribe has a warship passing through the relevant waters, they will definitely capture it.

But now, they have found nothing about the situation of this type of warship.

For them, this is undoubtedly a very scary thing.

It sent shivers down their spines!

"Not a word?"

"Did it appear out of thin air?"

After such a long time, Murakami Hayaki's face became more and more gloomy, almost dripping with water, and he spoke again.

"General, we have indeed received no relevant information recently."

"Based on the external characteristics of this shield ship, I infer that it comes from Europa?"

"They have been working on new warships recently."

Hearing this, Shushang Tianfu was so frightened that his neck suddenly shrank. After taking a few deep breaths, he bit the bullet and came up with his guess.

The existence of this shield ship makes them now put the enemy on the line, and many of their extermination plans against the Longxia Tribal Navy cannot be implemented.

They have always been thinking about the vast territory of the Longxia tribe.

The war against the Longxia tribe lasted for thousands of years, but none of them succeeded.

During those crazy years, they robbed many resources from the Longxia tribe and arrested many workers, allowing the Donghuang tribe's economy to achieve rapid growth and becoming a powerful nation.

The sweetness of the past is like poison, irritating the hearts of everyone in the Eastern Wilderness tribe, especially those in power.

He was always thinking about how to completely destroy the Longxia tribe's navy and let them bury themselves in the sea.

With this premise, Haizi's warships can gallop unscrupulously in the waters related to the Longxia tribe, burning, killing, looting and doing whatever they want.

"Shu Shang Tianfu, I don't agree with what you say."

"Europa is our friend. It is impossible for them to dispatch such warships to carry out operations against us."

"It is even more impossible to help the Longxia tribe sink our warship."

As soon as he finished speaking, a general immediately stood up and retorted, which also hit the point.

Suddenly everyone was silent.

This is impossible, that is impossible, did this shield ship fall out of thin air?

"I don't care what methods you use, I must find this shield ship."

"I will take personal command and completely annihilate them."

Murakami Saki roared in a low voice and looked at Tao on the tree with sharp eyes.

"Shu Shang Tianfu, I will give your intelligence department three days to find him."

"Otherwise you should commit suicide and apologize!"

Hearing this, cold sweat broke out on Tian Fu's forehead in the tree, but he had to agree immediately.


He responded simply, but lacked confidence.

Before, he had used all the spies across many tribes in the eastern sea, but found nothing.

When the Eastern Wilderness Tribe launched its operation, the Seventh Fleet of the Eagle Tribe also sent out all available reconnaissance equipment, including submarines, to search the eastern waters.

Every inch of the sea was not spared, and an overwhelming number of sonar buoys were deployed.

On the other side, the Aegean Sea is turbulent and filled with clouds of war.

At midnight, the dark night shrouded the sea area, turning the sea into a giant beast that devoured all things. Waves bombarded the coast one after another, as if a pre-war horn had been blown.

Taking advantage of the dark night, the two 051C destroyers secretly set sail and headed towards the disputed waters. All the lights on the ships were turned off, and even the whistle was not triggered.

Everything was done so covertly that even the ships around the military port didn't know what was going on.

Night is the best cover for battleships.

In the command module of the No. 1 ship.

Ares looked serious, staring directly at the integrated information command platform, always watching for information coming from all directions. This trip to the sea meant that a battle of revenge against the Ertu tribe had begun.

His No. 1 ship and Nix's No. 2 ship were the main force in this secret operation.

For the first time, he felt the weight of the mission on his shoulders, but he was still enthusiastic. Once successfully promoted, he and Knicks would become the heroes of the Laxi tribe in the new era!

This is a battle with no retreat, only success and no failure.

Therefore, he must bring all his command skills to the extreme and fully unleash the powerful performance of the 051C destroyer.

In fact, what surprised him the most was that no matter whether it was the No. 1 ship or the No. 2 ship, not one was a castrated version, but all were regular versions.

In other words, the Longxia Tribe Navy will use whatever state it was originally using.

In terms of arms sales, the Longxia Tribe Navy did not hide anything from them, and some cooperated candidly.

As a captain, Ares needs to know information from all aspects. Naturally, he also knows that the Ertu tribe seized the Varyag aircraft carrier purchased by the Longxia tribe on the grounds of safety, and set very harsh conditions. Humiliate this great Eastern country.

But will the Longxia tribe really swallow their anger?

Obviously not!

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