I built an armada

Chapter 179 War is about to break out

"A junk naval ship like that wants to fight us and is looking for death!"

"Is it possible to double the cost by importing two warships from the Longxia tribe?"

"It can only be said that they are too naive."

Putting down the telescope, a sneer appeared on Samarkand's face, and he said with great disdain.

In his mind, the best weapons and equipment in Blue Star are those produced by the Eagle Tribe. As for the warships produced by the Longxia Tribe, even if they are highly modernized, but so what, they are also beyond his discernment.

He even felt that the two 051Cs sold to the Laxi tribe were just two outdated warships with no combat effectiveness at all.

When the warship arrived in Qi Laxi, a grand handover ceremony was held, and the media followed up with reports.

Everyone has been boasting about these two warships. In fact, they are just two junk warships. What is there to brag about?

No matter how much you brag, can you be as advanced as the warships provided by the Eagle Tribe?

He even felt that his frigate, which was retired from the Eagle Tribe Navy, was more advanced and more powerful than the destroyer that the Laxi Tribe had spent a lot of money to purchase.

"Captain, the intelligence says that the Laxi tribe navy will take revenge."

"Are they going to ambush us?"

The vice-captain stepped forward and handed a piece of information to Samarkand, his expression becoming extremely solemn.

In the past two days, he always felt uneasy and felt that something big was going to happen, but he could never find a clue.

"They dare!"

"Our warships are more advanced than theirs. If they dare to ambush, they are seeking death."

"Vice Captain, please stop worrying unfounded."

"After this escort mission is completed, we can go back to shore for vacation and relax."

Samarkand didn't take it seriously, and still didn't feel that a storm was coming, and there was a proud heart hidden under his calm look.

After saying that, he picked up the coffee cup and took a sip, looking completely sure of victory.

"Captain, we still have to be careful."

"Those two 051Cs are modern destroyers produced by the Longxia tribe themselves. They are versions that have not undergone any castration."

"It's never wrong to be careful."

Seeing that the other party didn't take it seriously, the vice-captain kindly reminded him.

At this critical moment, he would never allow any mistakes.

No matter who produced those two 051C destroyers, they are still capable of combat. If you underestimate them, you will definitely suffer disaster. There is no regret medicine in the world.

No one takes a big gamble.

It had been exposed several times in the past that the Donghuang tribe had suffered a secret loss. If there was no Longxia tribe behind it, he would not believe it.

After this idea emerged, it grew like a wild weed.

The more he thought about it, the more nervous he became, and he began to pray silently in his heart that an ambush would never happen.

"Your suggestion is good."

"Have you heard that? Cheer up and don't let the thieves from the Laxi tribe take advantage of this."

"We are a convoy fleet. As long as we successfully escort the tanker to its destination, our mission has been completed."

Samarkand picked up the ship's communicator and gave the order directly, but he was quite disapproving of it.

He really looked down on the two warships from the Longxia tribe.

In any case, the warship from the Eagle Tribe is still comfortable to drive, and it also has a special leather captain's seat, which is called soft and comfortable.

Driving such a battleship into battle is simply a pleasure.

Another escort ship is in the dark, that is, far away from the escort ship, and is following the outside. Once it finds something is going on here, it will immediately rush over for reinforcements to catch the enemy off guard.

There is no danger to defend on the sea, so it is natural to adopt different tactics to avoid this drawback.

If the distance between the battleships is long enough, the curvature of the blue star can be used to conceal it, so that the enemy's ship radar cannot capture the existence of the ship.

But Qiqiaqi was able to make full use of this hidden advantage to deliver a fatal blow to the enemy.

Schedelman is the captain of this battleship. He graduated from the same naval academy as Samarkand and has rich combat experience. He has participated in several battles for the territory of the Laxi tribe.

I am extremely familiar with this disputed sea area between the two sides.

Even at night, without the help of satellite navigation, he can safely drive the warship back to its home port. This time, using him to undertake the escort mission is completely overqualified.

Sitting in the captain's special seat, holding the coffee in his right hand and drinking it with great enjoyment, not to mention how comfortable it is.

From time to time, I pick up a telescope and take a look at the conditions on the sea. Everything is so normal.

Recently, they have been performing escort missions, from time to time to oil tankers and other civilian ships, so that the Laxi tribe did not dare to break in at will.

This sea area has become the inland sea of ​​the Ertu tribe. Anyone who comes over will be expelled by force.

It is precisely because of this capital that they are known as the Husky tribe in the central region. They are as fierce as a horse and are completely iron-headed, not to mention that they have the support of the Eagle tribe behind them.

It is not an exaggeration to call them regional bullies.

In addition to actively introducing modern warships from the Eagle Tribe, they are also actively seeking to develop their own advanced warships and even aircraft carriers.

All in all, they will continue to firmly occupy the territory they snatched from the Laxi tribe.

"Cheer up, everyone."

"The Laxi tribe has introduced two 051C destroyers, and they want to make a difference."

"We absolutely cannot give them that opportunity."

Schedelman picked up the communicator and said with a smile.

The two 051Cs imported from the Longxia Tribe were really worthless. If they were imported from the Eagle Tribe, he might still be wary of them.

After all, the Eagle Tribe has dominated the ocean for such a long time, so is the Longxia Tribe just a loser?

He looked through the warships of the Longxia Tribe, and they were not even as good as the Eighth-Eighth Fleet of the Donghuang Tribe. Can such a warship be called a warship?

It’s not that he is looking down upon, the reality is so cruel!

The only thing they were worried about was that the Laxi tribe was playing tricks on them and ambush them on the road.

"Radar department, keep an eye on me."

"We cannot let go of all unknown targets in the sea area."

"The warships they introduced are not very good, but we must also prevent the Laxi tribe from engaging in trapped beast fights!"

After Schedelman thought for a moment, he spoke again. The battlefield environment was changing rapidly, and he would never allow accidents to happen.

The comprehensive strength of the Ertu tribe's navy can completely crush the Laxi tribe, but it can't capsize the ship in the ditch and make them the biggest joke in the world.


the radar monitor responded hastily.

If a warship is compared to a person, radar is the eyes of the warship. How far it can see depends entirely on how far the radar can detect.

If there is a problem with the radar, then the warship is blind and a living target on the sea.

After all, radar must not only see far and clearly, but also provide target guidance for various weapons such as naval guns and missiles, guiding them to attack the enemy.

Naturally, he has the heaviest burden on his shoulders, and he does not dare to be careless for a moment.

"It's been a few days, will they show up?"

"Don't the Laxi tribe just give in?"

Schedelman frowned and pondered. No matter from any angle, he felt that the Laxi tribe would never swallow it. After possessing modern warships, they would continue to swallow their anger.

Having dealt with the Laxi tribe's army for a long time, he knew the nature of the Laxi tribe very well.

When he was worried, with the help of the No. 1 ship sneaking in the night, under the leadership of Ares, he crossed the actual control line between the two tribes and officially entered the disputed waters.

Since the two sides had an armed conflict half a year ago and the Laxi tribe suffered a disastrous defeat, no warship has ever set foot here.

Seeing that this line of control did not exist in reality, Ares became furious for no reason.

This line is a shame for the Laxi Luo Navy and a stain on the faces of the Laxi Tribe. Its existence means that the Laxi Tribe Navy has paid a heavy price in casualties.

For them, this is a sad line.

Ares couldn't help clenching his fists, and the veins on his arms bulged out like horned dragons lingering on his arms, and the veins on his forehead bulged out.

He wants revenge!

That's right, I want revenge!

He couldn't help but thank the Longxia Tribe for selling these two modern destroyers that had never been emasculated. They were much better than the Perry-class frigates sold by the Eagle Tribe to the Ertu Tribe.

As tribes on this same sea area, the two sides were in armed conflict. Naturally, he would not miss any information about the Ertu tribe.

When it comes to monkey version weapons, the Eagle Tribe is famous for being extremely expensive.

Previously, the senior officials of Luo Xiluo were planning to purchase from the Eagle Tribe, but the Lion kept silent and all the battleship data would be known to the Ertu Tribe.

Warships are used for fighting. If the relevant data is leaked, then they will still be fighting a woolly war.

Wouldn’t the Ertu tribe continue to suppress them?

If you want revenge, you don’t know the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

Fortunately, the Longxia tribe sold these two 051C modern destroyers, otherwise, they really would not have the equipment to fight against the Ertu tribe.

"Sound the whistle!"

"Salute to our fallen brothers!"

"Tell them we're coming!"

Ares glanced at the electronic chart and then issued an order.

So what if the Ertu tribe discovers it?

Are they still afraid?

After days of training, he has long understood the comprehensive capabilities of this warship. Its air defense and anti-submarine attacks on the ship are very comprehensive. Even if the Turkish tribe discovers it, he can deal with it calmly.

Moreover, he can also teach the Ertu tribe a profound lesson!


The whistle was sounded immediately at the watch, and the loud sound, like a charge horn, resounded throughout the sea area.

As for the second ship, it still remained silent.

"Turn on the lights!"

"Officially declare to the Ertu tribe that we are here!"

Ares then issued relevant instructions. No matter what, this was the territory of their Laxi tribe, and they wanted to announce to the Ertu tribe that the Laxi tribe's navy was coming.

If you don’t accept it, then fight!

We all carry one head on two shoulders, who is afraid of whom?

Before there were no modern warships, they lost the war, but today, they changed their guns for cannons!

They also have what the Ertu tribe has, and they have larger tonnage, stronger maneuverability, and more ferocious firepower!


Along with the sound of the switch, the lights on the bridge lit up, especially in the cab.

Even so, the light still looked very dim.

If the outside world wants to judge that this is a large destroyer, it still needs to get closer!

Inside the Laxi Tribe Naval Command Center on the shore.

"Bah bang bang!"

Seeing that the red dots representing the two warships crossed the actual control line, everyone couldn't help but smile brightly and happily, and everyone couldn't help but applaud.

They did not cross that line for many days.

And on the other side of that line, a lot of it belongs to their territory.

Those islands were lost because their naval equipment was not strong, and today their warships entered here again.

"Sir, they have crossed the line of control."

"We are finally in our territorial waters again."

Commander Ilyas quickly walked up to Dmitri and reported excitedly.

One day, they finally set foot on the sea area that was robbed by the Ertu tribe again. It was a very memorable moment for them.

How much hatred and resentment I had suppressed could finally be vented.

Next, it depends on the performance of Ares and the Knicks!

Good equipment also needs good people to use it.

The battlefield environment is changing rapidly, and it depends on how the two of them deal with it.

"I see."

"Next, implement the relevant plans."

"Now that it's over, we need to give the Ertu tribe some color and let them know that they have seized our territory and territorial waters, and they really can't do it without paying the price!"

"Tell them to let me go free and I will bear all the consequences."

"The credit goes to them!"

Dmitri's eyes flashed with fierce light, and he said extremely firmly.

There is no way to make him swallow his anger and swallow the bitter pill of territorial occupation!

He wants revenge and makes the Ertu tribe pay the price with blood!


Elias said.

At the same time, the Ertu Tribe Naval Command Center.

The long-range warning radar has detected that the No. 1 ship has passed the actual control line. For them, this is a slap in the face.

According to information submitted by the nearest observation station, the warship that crossed the line of actual control also sounded its whistle.

This is a slap in the face of everyone in their Ertu tribe.

This is a declaration of war!

Everyone at the scene looked extremely gloomy, and the atmosphere suddenly took a turn for the worse.

"Damn bastards, they're so arrogant."

"Not only did they cross the actual line of control, but they also blew their horns. What are they going to do?"

"Obviously they are starting a new war with us!"

Nazim looked gloomy and roared.

The Laxi tribe was simply arrogant and didn't take them seriously at all.

"Where are the nearby battleships?"

"Why didn't they intercept it? Why didn't they drive it away?"

Nasim looked at the on-site commander and asked loudly.

The commander-in-chief was suddenly confused. Why did this become his responsibility?


Aren't there several warships deployed on the front line?

Why didn't any of them show up at the scene to drive off that damn battleship?

"Keep an eye on it and see what it wants to do?"

"Notify our ships in the relevant sea areas to prepare for battle, and we cannot let them take advantage of the loopholes."

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