I built an armada

Chapter 186 The Eastern Wilderness Tribe is about to explode

Could it be that using iron rods to cause trouble for the Longxia Tribe Navy?

It is really surprising that even the exported 051C guided missile destroyer can achieve such results.

They knew something about the Longxia tribe, and they knew that this tribe had always sold weapons with inferior combat power, while keeping more advanced weapons at home for their own use.

The export model YJ-801A actually shot more than fifty-five kilometers and sank the 100,000-ton oil tanker into the sea within the bonus range.

From the public information, they also learned that it was a high-tech naval battle conducted in a complex electromagnetic environment.

The Ertu Tribe, equipped with the Perry-class guided missile frigate produced by the Eagle Tribe, failed in the end. None of the interceptor missiles and anti-aircraft guns launched intercepted the target.

This already explains a lot.

In the capital of the Iron Monkey Tribe, in a mysterious building, an emergency temporary meeting was held here.

Nancy Ding sat in the chief position, and the intelligence officer, Zhu Wen'an, Chen Fuyong and others sat here, all of them with extremely solemn expressions.

The development of the Longxia tribe's military strength, especially the growth of its naval power, is the focus of their close attention!

Regarding the many islands in the southern waters of the Longxia tribe, they took advantage of the geographical advantages to secretly occupy more than 20 islands, and even claimed sovereignty over the entire southern waters.

For this reason, they often make trouble in secret, always trying to undermine the Long Xia tribe.

The Longxia tribe's goodwill actions in fighting for peace are often considered to be weak and can be bullied. The last time they sent out ships for a sneak attack, they were beaten up by the Longxia tribe's southern navy and their warship was sunk.

This matter has always bothered them!

The Iron Monkey tribe has always been an ungrateful tribe that repays kindness with hatred.

The Longxia Tribe had helped them so much. Even when they became independent, they had the help of the Longxia Tribe. But in the end they became independent, but they also ignited their hatred and anger towards the Longxia Tribe, and wished they could destroy the entire southern territory of the Longxia Tribe. , and the ocean are all included in their territory.

Naturally, this time the Laxi tribe used the 051C guided missile destroyer to achieve such fruitful results, which severely stimulated their sensitive nerves.

"Sir, that's what it is."

"The 051C guided missile destroyer achieved its first actual combat results in the central region."

"The 100,000-ton oil tanker was indeed sunk while escorted by ships. Our people saw with their own eyes that there was still thick smoke rising from the ocean."

"The Ertu Tribe used the Eagle Tribe's warship, but it failed in the end."

The intelligence officer took out a document and looked at it, then began to report the latest situation with an extremely serious expression.

For them, this is definitely not good news!

It can even be called bad news.

Because this means that all the warships they equipped are lagging behind and cannot fight with the Longxia Tribe Navy at all. Perhaps they have been attacked from a distance by the Longxia Tribe Navy before they even get close.

Once there is a difference in weapons generation in a naval battle, there will be no chance of close combat.

After the news briefing was over, the intelligence officer raised his head and glanced at everyone.

Everyone present looked extremely ugly, especially Nancy Ding, who was so gloomy that she could almost squeeze out water. Things were not the worst, they could only be the worst.

"Is your news true?"

"Don't let others' ambition destroy your own prestige!"

The grumpy Chen Fuyong glared at the intelligence officer fiercely and spoke impatiently.

What he hates the most is this kind of violent propaganda about how strong the Long Xia tribe is, while their Iron Monkey tribe is such a noob.

The Meihe was one of their few remaining modern destroyers, but it was sunk by the Long Xia tribe, so this became an eternal pain in his heart.

That's a thorn!

It's like it's stuck in his throat. If he doesn't pull it out one day, or if he doesn't sink several modern ships of the Longxia tribe, it will be difficult to dispel the hatred in his heart!

"It's absolutely true, the Laxi tribe held a press conference for this."

"These are all public information. The Ertu tribe has also confirmed that although they did not hold a press conference, they have arrested the captains of the No. 1 and No. 2 ships."

"This incident has caused a huge stir in the Ertu tribe."

The intelligence officer quickly responded righteously, saying that this incident had shocked the entire Blue Star and shocked the world.

In their impression, the warships produced by the Longxia tribe were simply unable to fight modern naval battles. The last time they were able to defeat them was purely due to luck.

But now facts speak louder than words.

If no adjustments are made, the gap in military technology between them and the Longxia tribe will become wider and wider, and eventually there may be a risk of generational differences.

This is not alarmist, but a real reality!

For them, this is definitely not a good thing!

After saying that, the intelligence officer distributed the relevant information to everyone and asked them to see it for themselves, so as not to waste his saliva and get nothing.

The data records relevant intelligence information in more detail, including the detailed performance data of the foreign trade version of the 051C guided missile destroyer, as well as the firepower configuration.

The same data was not recognized internationally before, but after being tested in actual combat, the situation is completely different.

No one would suspect that these data were fake. On the contrary, many people felt that the Longxia Tribe had deliberately lowered its bid.

Especially the range data of anti-ship missiles and anti-aircraft missiles.

A single shot of the YJ-801A anti-ship missile can easily break through the oil tanker that the Turkish tribe is guarding. Does this mean that this missile is not very explosive?

Even after reading the relevant content, no one at the scene raised their head to speak.

The relevant contents were shocking, and they were so horrified that their hearts turned upside down. This was terrible.

The 051C guided missile destroyer used for export is so powerful. Doesn't that mean that the Longxia tribe has more advanced warships?

"Let's talk about it, what should we do now?"

"Obviously, the 051C guided missile destroyer produced by the Longxia Tribe has reached a very advanced level and is completely a very modern destroyer."

"The warships we fought with last time were not so advanced, right?"

"None of us can win."

Nancy Ding glanced at everyone, and finally couldn't help but break the long silence of everyone, and said with difficulty.

He didn't want to admit such a fact, but he couldn't deny it.

The level of naval battleships between them and the Longxia tribe has been far apart. If there is no action, they may continue to suffer defeat.

"Sir, let's introduce advanced warships from other tribes around the world."

"With our financial resources, we cannot introduce large-scale warships, but we can introduce small and medium-sized modern warships."

"All in all, we absolutely cannot sit idly by."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhu Wen'an spoke. Facing the powerful Longxia tribe, they had no choice but to import advanced military equipment.

The Iron Monkey Tribe exists as a bully in the Dongzhou Sea. They do not have a complete military industry.

As for talking about relying on its own strength to build modern warships, it is simply a fantasy.

Since they couldn't build it themselves, they had to ask for external help if they wanted to upgrade their equipment.

Previously known as Blue Star's third military power, many weapons and equipment were imported from the Soviet Union. They received great support from the Soviet Union, not to mention money and a lot of military equipment.

However, after the war with the Longxia tribe on land, they were completely beaten back to their original shape.

Almost all the so-called advanced weapons and equipment have been stripped away.

"Damn Longxia tribe, they bully us just because of their size. I really wish we could raise troops now to kill them again because of their majesty!"

"Sir, we must import advanced warships as soon as possible."

"I think the White Bear Tribe is very good. They have advanced submarines and maritime ships. We can buy them from them."

"We don't need to be too large. We need to buy some medium-sized missile speedboats and warships. We must have enough missile tubes!"

"Once a war breaks out, we will shoot out all the anti-ship missiles, which will be enough for the enemy to drink."

Chen Fuyong also spoke. His voice was very loud and he seemed extremely determined. He just wanted to fight an asymmetric war. It didn't matter if the Longxia tribe's warships were advanced, they could still be defeated.

What's more, the Iron Monkey Tribe is not the only one who has territorial sea and territorial disputes with the Longxia Tribe.

Therefore, they can also join forces vertically and horizontally, establish contact with non-soldier tribes, mud-hard tribes and other tribes, and use a pack of wolves to besiege the Longxia tribe, making it impossible for them to exert their due fighting power.

If nothing else works, bring the Eagle Tribe in and fight against the Longxia Tribe together.

All in all, they must not suffer a loss, and they must not just be bullied without fighting back.

After the two big guys spoke, the rest of the people expressed similar opinions.

Import equipment from Mao Xiong!

Donghuang tribe, Haizi headquarters.

An emergency meeting was held here, and Murakami Hayaki sat in the chief position with a livid face.

The 051C guided missile destroyer shined in the hands of the Laxi tribe, which made their collective faces dim. It also reminded them that the Longxia tribe was no longer the existence to be bullied by them.

They once threatened that a fleet of eight or eight could destroy the three major fleets of the Longxia tribe.

But now it seems that the rise of the Longxia tribe has sounded the alarm for them. If they are allowed to develop like this, Hai Zi's absolute combat advantage in the Dongzhou waters will not be guaranteed.

Undoubtedly, this is quite dangerous for them.

It is also absolutely unacceptable.

The crisis is already in front of them, and they must take it seriously!

"Intelligence officer, why didn't the spies you deployed in the Longxia tribe send back such important news?"

"Did you know that this was a major mistake by your intelligence department?"

"Why did the Longxia tribe master such advanced shipbuilding technology and military technology?"

Murakami Hayaki stared gloomily at the intelligence officer Shugami Tao not far away, and said in a deep voice, his tone full of coldness.

The intelligence department had not detected any signs of technological upgrades in the Longxia tribe's navy before. The most sensational event was the introduction of two 956E 10,000-ton destroyers from the White Bear tribe, known as aircraft carrier killers.

But after research, they found that there was nothing to worry about. After all, it was a castrated version.

Even if they are not the castrated version, they can still cope with it with dignity.

There are only two ships, and they have the function of yarn?

And now, the Longxia Tribe is using a modern destroyer like the 051C, whose combat performance is almost on par with the 956E, as a military trade product to earn foreign exchange.

You must know that even their anti-ship missiles cannot guarantee that they will be able to hit a 100,000-ton oil tanker after being subjected to strong electromagnetic interference. It is lucky that it did not crash.

"We have been strengthening our espionage work on the Longxia tribe and have invested a lot in this area."

"However, they have very strict control in this regard."

"There is an area in the Longxia Tribe that is blank to both us and the Eagle Tribe. However, according to relevant photos provided by spy satellites, large-scale construction is underway in that area."

"We have reason to believe that there are definitely hidden secrets there."

Hearing the scolding, Shushang Tianfu was startled, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he hurriedly defended himself.

He doesn't want to be the next Inoshita Wada who commits suicide!

"Hmph, the Longxia tribe has always been a show-off!"

"Then starting from today, you will strengthen the investigation activities specifically targeting that area. If they have top experts in this field, you can carry out assassination missions."

"We must use all means to prevent the upgrading of Longxia tribe's military technology!"

"They have advanced combat ships and that's unacceptable."

Murakami Saki looked unusually cold and stern, and directly made relevant espionage arrangements.


"I will definitely make relevant arrangements!"

Tian Fu on the tree hurriedly accepted the order and said that he would be lucky as long as he was not punished.

"By the way, that mysterious shield ship that I didn't find out last time."

"Sir, I have some suspicions that it is an experimental warship of the Longxia tribe. They have always adopted a sausage-cutting approach to advance technological progress."

When Murakami Hayaki didn't speak, Tao on the tree spoke again.

An updated intelligence document was immediately submitted.

It was just speculation before, but if 051C has achieved such shocking results, there is reason to believe that the Longxia tribe has the latest modern warship.

It's not impossible if you equip a shield ship!


"Is your information true?"

"Asshole, why didn't you report it earlier?"

Hearing this, Murakami Zaoki became furious and almost killed Tian Fu in a violent rage.

For them, this was very scary information and very serious content. If the shield ship belonged to the Longxia tribe, then the ships they had sunk before were most likely the work of the Longxia tribe.

But if they want to accuse the Longxia tribe, they must provide strong evidence!

"Sir, there is no relevant evidence before."

"It's just a guess and deduction from our intelligence department. Now that we have modern destroyers like the 051C as exports, we have reason to believe that the Longxia tribe has more advanced warships."

"We are currently looking for relevant evidence. The shield ship cannot be hidden."

Shushang Tianfu hurriedly explained. When he deduced this result, he was also shocked.

Because unknowingly, Haizi had been surpassed by the Longxia tribe's top battleship.

So far, they are not equipped with modern warships comparable to shield ships. At most, their combat performance is close.

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