I built an armada

Chapter 190 Western tribes continue to block arms sales

In the past, they provided complete warships and then exported them.

Now, a new design is directly based on customer needs, and the weapons are modular in design, completely breaking the previous model.

This model is more flexible and can better meet customer needs.

If the military trade was carried out from the perspective of the seller before, this time it has directly transformed into the customized production of warships from the customer's perspective, tailor-made for customers to build their own warships.

In total, this consumes more energy from the seller, but it is more in line with the needs of the buyer.

This is a unique approach to arms sales.

Suddenly, Xu Dongguo's eyes suddenly lit up. Even if such arms sales were blocked by the Eagle Tribe, I'm afraid those customers wouldn't be able to refuse, right?

It seems that Su Dingping not only made great achievements in military science and technology, but is also an expert in arms sales.

Totally for the Navy.

I'm afraid that the Navy's warships will also follow the modular design route in the future. Each subsystem is independent of each other and can also be optimized and combined to form a terrifying combat effectiveness.

Isn’t the Army also exploring modular formation for combat?

It seems that the Navy is already ahead of the curve.


"I think the plan proposed by Dingping is completely feasible."

"The modular design greatly reduces the difficulty of building warships. Even when orders are overwhelmed, it can be subcontracted to other shipbuilding bases for construction."

"The key is that the combat effectiveness will not be weakened."

After a moment of silence, Xu Dongguo said excitedly.

If someone else were to formulate a sales plan, they would probably be far less powerful than Su Dingping, right?

It’s crazy.

"Dingping also said the same. We standardize the design of subsystems in production."

"These weapon subsystems can be installed completely according to the needs of customers, and several types of hulls can also be launched for customers to choose from."

"Even the power can be selected, and it can also help them install weapons and equipment imported from abroad."

Seeing Xu Dongguo's excitement, Sun Yongguo relaxed a lot and then added.

He completely refined Su Dingping's opinions and put them into words.

As long as the above plan adopts this plan, in the foreseeable future, when the Longxia tribe goes out to organize groups for international defense exhibitions, the navy will also have a place.

You have considered the customers so much, but the customers are still not impressed?

He didn't believe it anyway.

"I took this plan."

"After you go back, you must tell Dingping to have a good rest."

"I don't want to see the treasures of our Navy being exhausted by the daily busy work."

"The Army and Air Force don't have to worry so much."

Xu Dongguo closed the plan, then raised his head and warned Sun Yongguo again very seriously.

He knew very well that once Su Dingping started working, he would be completely desperate, even more desperate than the desperate Saburo.

Only when you are young can you be so crazy.

But after all, he is a living person, not a god. Even a god works with such high intensity, I am afraid he will be tired, right?

Naval construction is not accomplished overnight, but requires a long time process.

Even though the navy is in the most dangerous moment now, doesn't it still have the air force and missile force?

If the Donghuang tribe dares to act recklessly, the three armies acting together will definitely be able to give them a head-on attack. What kind of era is it now, and one branch of the army still fights alone?

I haven’t seen it. Nowadays, whenever there is an exercise, it is a joint military exercise between the three services on a slightly larger scale.

"Yes, chief, I will definitely tell him."

"It's just that you also know the situation. Dingping is really working hard. He is the most talented and hardworking person among all the young people I have ever seen."

"I ask myself, at his age, I am not as good as him."

Sun Yongguo quickly accepted the order, but soon smiled bitterly. Only after working with Su Dingping did he know how terrifying this young man was.

Once you start working, it's a completely indifferent attitude.

There is only one word, do it!

There are twenty-four hours in a day, at least eighteen hours are spent working, and the remaining four hours are spent sleeping.

Even so, he sometimes wasn't sure. He often only had one or two hours, or even no time to rest at all.

I don’t know how he held himself up.

The most unbearable thing for him was that every morning after coming out of the laboratory, Su Dingping would appear on the playground on time to exercise, either running or doing various activities.

In fact, there are many young people in the integrated military factory, but none of them are like Su Dingping.

"Stop talking about yourself, even I am not as good as him."

"Our navy is really blessed by God, allowing us to pick up such a big treasure."

"It's hard for the navy not to rise!"

Xu Dongguo echoed with emotion that top figures like Su Dingping are completely rare.

But the more this happened, the less he could let anything happen to Su Dingping.

Once something happens to Su Dingping, the development of naval equipment will be delayed for at least five years, which is absolutely unacceptable to the Longxia tribe.

Whether it is 051C or the current 052C, which one has nothing to do with Su Dingping?

Now they have developed anti-stealth radars ahead of other tribes in Blue Star, which directly cracked the stealth fighter aircraft that the Eagle Tribe was proud of, leaving them naked.

It can be said that this is an unbearable loss for the entire Longxia tribe!

After concluding the meeting with Sun Yongguo, Xu Dongguo set off for the imperial capital.

He must report the situation to Liu Huaming as quickly as possible.

The navy must seize this wave of arms trade.

at the same time.

The news also reached the White Bear Tribe, and the KGB immediately launched an investigation. The Naval Intelligence Department also launched an operation. They must investigate the situation as quickly as possible.

In the central region, the KGB still has many spies deployed.

Naturally, they quickly figured out the whole story and finally reported it to Chief White Bear.

"Don't worry about it, the Longxia tribe is our friend."

"I am happy for them that this 051C can shine in the Aegean Sea."

After reading the document, Chief White Bear responded with a smile and wrote three words on the document, Got it.

For the White Bear Tribe, the 051C is still a warship with not that advanced performance. The military shipbuilding technology that was saved from bankruptcy in the early years is still enough to last them for more than ten years.

Naturally, I look down upon guided missile destroyers like the 051C.

Eagle tribe, military department.

A military meeting was held here, and all the big guys from the three armed forces gathered, including of course the heads of the intelligence department.

They discussed many issues, but there was still no news about the mysterious shield ship.

The confidentiality was so great that they were all depressed.

However, they have issued a death order to the Donghuang tribe. No matter what method the other party uses, they must find out the whereabouts of the shield ship as soon as possible and then destroy it!

Tribes other than the Western Tribes will never be allowed to equip such advanced shield ships on Blue Star!

They must maintain their absolute dominance as the first navy of Blue Star, and the aircraft carrier must be able to sail freely in all sea areas on Blue Star without any scruples, without being subject to any military threats!

Any danger must be nipped in the cradle, and it must not be allowed to have the slightest sign!

It is even more impossible for them to accept that the Eagle Tribe naval warships are lagging behind.

"Sir, we have the latest news, coming from the Aegean Sea."

"The Laxi tribe used a 051C from the Longxia tribe and achieved very good results."

The intelligence officer took out a copy of the latest intelligence and distributed it to everyone.

When they saw this information for the first time, almost everyone had a surprised expression on their face. This so-called modern destroyer, which they had never looked down on before, had actually achieved such incredible results.


When did the Longxia tribe's military technology develop to such an extent?

"This is the performance data of the 051C guided missile destroyer."

Amid everyone's slightly surprised looks, the intelligence officer handed another document into everyone's hands.

The Eagle Tribe has the most powerful intelligence agency on Blue Star, including the CIA, FBI, etc. It has also recruited intelligence personnel from many tribes on Blue Star and bribed many executives and high-ranking officials.

The infiltration of the Laxi tribe is even more amazing.

Naturally, detailed data related to 051C was quickly delivered to them.

After everyone read the data, they compared it with the active ships they launched.

Oh, the gap is not small.

Naturally, they relaxed their vigilance.

This is nothing.

Not worth mentioning!

Bai Bai startled themselves, which made them quite unhappy.

"It seems that the Longxia tribe is just like that."

"Even exporting ships with such backward performance, it seems that we have overestimated the Longxia tribe."

"I can basically conclude that that mysterious shield ship definitely cannot belong to the Longxia tribe."

After reading the relevant data, the chief made a concluding speech without waiting for everyone to discuss. He really couldn't arouse the slightest interest in this 051C guided missile destroyer.

Such a backward warship should be thrown into a museum!

He even felt that it was a waste of time.

His words were naturally unanimously agreed by other members present.

"Although their warships are very backward, we absolutely cannot allow their military trade to continue smoothly."

"Continue to put pressure on the tribes in the central region and prohibit them from purchasing weapons and equipment from the Longxia tribe."

"We must block any path for the Longxia tribe's navy to rise!"

Even though the performance was lagging behind, it did not deter Donald Henry from his determination to prevent the Longxia tribe from exporting weapons and equipment.

For them, those tribes that purchase weapons and equipment from the Longxia tribe are using money to support the improvement of the military strength of the Longxia tribe.


Everyone said in unison.

On the other side, the Judah tribe is also paying attention to the 051C guided missile destroyer.

As regional overlords, they have always been particularly sensitive to the goings-on in the region. Because of this, they established Mossad and collected intelligence about the world, especially in the central region, to a very crazy level.

What they fear most is that the camel tribes have obtained more advanced weapons and equipment.

After 051C became famous, they obtained relevant information.

Some camel tribes are beginning to make plans to import weapons and equipment from the lobster tribe, especially naval ships.

In recent times, the head of the intelligence department, Barnya, has received a lot of relevant intelligence information about this modern destroyer.

He made a summary directly, then got up and headed to the administrative building.

Entering the office, Barnya actually saw that the army boss Galante was also there. After saying hello, he found a seat and sat down at Netanya's signal.

"Sir, the latest news is that 051C has become famous in the central region, and many surrounding tribes are ready to buy it."

"There are many of our opponents among them."

"For example, the Pharaohs, the Kayi tribe, and even the Persian tribe have intentions in this regard."

Barnya submitted a piece of intelligence to Netanya, which contained relevant performance data of the 051C guide drive.

Netanya took it and looked at it carefully.

The 051C's reputation is indeed not a good thing for them, not to mention that the Tesha tribe is equipped with four ships. If other tribes are really equipped, it will also be a great threat to them.

Therefore, his expression gradually darkened.

"Galant, look at it, it's also a lot of pressure for you, especially the Pharaoh tribe."

"They've been having trouble with us recently."

After taking some time to read it, Netanya handed the document to Galante.

For the Judah Tribe, the Longxia Tribe is not from the same camp, so naturally they have no good impressions, and are even a little disgusted. They have always followed the Eagle Tribe around.

They are the wedge that the Eagle Tribe uses to drive into the central region, specifically designed to check and balance the Camel Tribe in this area.

Recently, the Pharaoh tribe had a territorial dispute with them, and a powerful high-level official came to power, which naturally made them very nervous.

Originally, they had seized a lot of territory from the Pharaoh tribe with the support of the Eagle tribe.

Doesn’t the hardliner who comes to power now want to take back the territory?


"Damn Longxia tribe, they are just a bunch of bastards, white-eyed wolves."

"We must stop this from happening."

"We can even find an opportunity to sink the two 051Cs of the Laxi tribe."

After reading it, Galante seemed a little excited. They will never allow more advanced weapons to enter the central region!

As a result, the Judah tribe also launched an action to block Long's continued export of advanced weapons and equipment to the tribe.

While many tribes were carrying out operations with ulterior motives, many tribes were also paying close attention to every move of the Laxi tribe, watching as they continued to use 051C to carry out revenge actions against the Ertu tribe.

After tasting the sweetness once, the Laxi tribe completely let go of themselves.

Striking while the iron was hot, they launched several retaliatory actions against the Turkish tribes. The two sides had several rounds of conflicts in the disputed areas of the Aegean Sea.

After several conflicts, thanks to the presence of the 051C guided missile destroyer, the Laxi tribe was no longer passively beaten as before, but actually had a slight advantage!

The two 051Cs became more and more fierce in the Vietnam War. Whether the Turkish tribe conducted warship-to-warship operations at sea, launched air strikes against them, or even dispatched submarines to attack, they did not get the slightest advantage and even sunk two warships.

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