I built an armada

Chapter 192 Orders are coming in one after another

The display screen showed that the subsystems were disassembled from one battleship and assembled on another battleship.

Subsystems are interchangeable between battleships, providing customers with unlimited choices.

Fully meet customer customized needs.

This greatly meets the defense needs of customers without requiring customers to pay more.

Of course, 051C is also a key export military product on display.

"This is an anti-ship missile that has been fully proven in the war in the central region. Its maximum attack distance is 55 kilometers."

“As for the bonus, that’s an extra surprise.”

"We in the Longxia Tribe do not sell castrated versions. When you do business with us, you will never suffer a loss or be fooled. We will make every penny of your money spent wisely."

"Dear old friends from the central region, we are very willing to do arms trade business with you."

Zhang Zhaoxin was very happy to see these big guys looking straight in the eyes, and quickly introduced them again.

At the same time, he secretly admired it in his heart.

Sure enough, Su Dingping understood the urgent needs of customers. Many heads of relevant tribal weapon procurement from the central region clearly showed fiery eyes at the scene.

The open day for military fans is only the first two days, and the remaining days are the highlight. The exhibition will not be open to the public.

No Western tribal reporters will be allowed in.

Everyone knows very well that those reporters will not have anything good to say, and asking them to come over for interviews is just to disgust their own people.

Instead of that, we might simply close it to Western media.

These relevant personnel from the tribes in the central region also kept the entire process confidential.

Military trade has always been a very special trade. It is not just a simple commercial transaction. It involves various special factors.

For example, the Eagle Tribe has always tied military sales to politics.

When purchasing weapons and equipment from the Eagle Tribe, you must listen to the Eagle Tribe's words, and you must not have too close military contacts with the Longxia Tribe or the White Bear Tribe.

Troops equipped with Eagle Tribe weapons and equipment cannot conduct military exercises with these two tribes.

Such restrictions mean that the Western camp, headed by the Eagle Tribe, still regards the White Bear Tribe and the Longxia Tribe as competitors and strategic rivals.

Zhang Zhaoxin's comprehensive explanation allowed the relevant leaders of the military trade delegation from relevant tribes in the central region to fully understand one thing.

The Longxia Tribe will not only continue to sell the finished product 051C, but also sell subsystems on the ship to help them build warships that suit their own national conditions!

In this way, arms sales have become more flexible and more exciting to them.

"Dear representatives, the military products we sell are definitely not a one-time deal, let alone monkey-style weapons and equipment."

"Our data is real, and we will also provide you with complete after-sales service."

"We can even help you build a repair shop if you want."

"Of course, if you think this is not enough, we can also export related weapon systems and build warships that meet your needs in your own shipyards."

"In a word, we are full of sincerity."

Zhang Zhaoxin stood on the stage and gave the final introduction and lecture.

This method of arms sales completely shocked all the members of the arms trade delegation at the scene, and they were stunned when they heard it.

How can you still play like this?

Just as Zhang Zhaoxin introduced, the Longxia tribe is really sincere. Not only does it not have any additional conditions for arms sales, but it is also willing to export and transfer related shipbuilding technology.

This is not only teaching them how to fish, but also teaching them techniques step by step!

The Longxia tribe is really conscientious.

I would like to ask, when is the current international arms trade not a seller’s market?

They can only buy what the sellers have in their hands. No tribe really considers them, the tribes related to the central region?

But now the Longxia tribe has changed from its previous normalcy and directly carried out a complete revolution in international military trade!

This fucking thing is flipping the table.

Being able to export from the perspective of buyers makes them want to place an order without being tempted.

Those at the Military Trade Office saw the fiery eyes and moved expressions of these representatives from many tribes in the central region, and they knew that the implemented plan was a great success.

They have reason to believe that those delegations will be eager to place orders without waiting until the end of the exhibition.

As expected, just after Zhang Zhaoxin finished speaking, Ilyas from the Laxi tribe couldn't wait to come forward, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Colonel Zhang, we meet again."

"You actually changed your strategy and customized products for customers?"

"Is this true?"

Ilias held Zhang Zhaoxin's hand tightly and asked in disbelief.

If they could customize products, they might not have to spend so much money at one time to buy warships, but instead customize warships according to the Laxi tribe's own naval mission needs.

For example, they can customize a batch of light modern frigates that are only equipped with ordinary radars but equipped with YJ-801A anti-ship missiles.

Once there is a fight with the Ertu tribe, they can completely implement the wolf pack tactic.

With the two 051C guided-drive ships as the vanguard and several frigates with fierce firepower, a salvo of anti-ship missiles was enough to make the Turkish tribe drink a pot.

"Of course, we are willing to provide personalized service."

"Producing products that fully meet the needs of your navy's systematic operations, you can enjoy extremely considerate services without spending too much money."

Zhang Zhaoxin responded with a smile on his face. He could naturally see that the Laxi tribe had tasted the sweetness and was about to place another order.

Who doesn’t like spending the least amount of money to do bigger things?

However, he also calculated it in private.

The customized services are entirely aimed at the insufficient military expenditures of some tribes in the central region. Even with limited military expenditures, they can still make a lot of money.

Military products are consumables. After the missiles are fired, they need to be imported again, right?

We've run out of shells, do you need some?

Although the one-time profit is not as much as the export of large warships, the sum added up is no less than that!

This is the power of this new arms trade plan.

If they don't have money, they hesitate. But now that the Longxia tribe is willing to customize military products for them that meet their country's needs, will they still be reluctant and not decisively spend money to place an order?

What's more, there is also the 051C guide driver that has achieved fruitful results and is carrying the flag at the front.

"You really do think about us customers."

"Before I came, I accepted the mission to purchase another 051C guided drive. It seems that I can purchase more military products now."

"Wait for me, I will report this to the superiors immediately."

"I will definitely place a big order this time."

After receiving a positive reply, Ilyas decisively ended the contact with Zhang Zhaoxin and went to the private room specially provided by the exhibition to communicate on the phone.

There is no way, the Laxi tribal navy does need to be upgraded.

Now that the Longxia tribe was willing to provide such personalized services, he couldn't help but be tempted and wanted to complete the modernization of the Laxi tribe's navy at once.

Perhaps we can also hand over all the armaments production of the Laxi Tribe's navy to the Longxia Tribe, and customize and complete the navy's systematic combat armaments.

For the Laxi tribe, this was a major naval technological advance.

It didn't take long for Ilyas to return to the meeting room and sit down again to talk with Zhang Zhaoxin.

"Looking at Mr. Elias's appearance, the situation should be good, right?"

Zhang Zhaoxin spoke first, with a kind smile on his face.

"It has been agreed from above that we will purchase one 051C and three customized frigates, all of which will be equipped with YJ-801A anti-ship missiles."

"We also need to customize a batch of light escort boats and install anti-ship missiles."

Ilyas spoke directly and stated his needs. Customized services would naturally require close communication between the two parties in the follow-up.

"But there are still some concerns from above about safety issues."

Before Zhang Zhaoxin could speak, Ilyas said again.

"There is no problem with this at all. We will provide you with escort to ensure that many of them can return to your tribe's port area."

"Of course, we also provide military training arrangements to ensure that you can fight with it."

"In other words, you can drive back by yourself and conduct exercises along the way, or conduct military visits to friendly tribes, whatever."

Zhang Zhaoxin said softly with a normal expression. He was very happy to be able to obtain so many orders from the Laxi tribe at once. The total price was roughly over 600 million US dollars.

It’s not much different from the first military purchase.

He also thought of a problem. If the Longxia tribe did not change their strategy, they might only be able to earn money for one 051C.

"are you serious?"

"Can personnel training be included in the contract?"

Ilyas asked hurriedly, if training can be started from the beginning of construction, it means that the combat effectiveness will be formed when the ship is picked up, and it can go to the battlefield to fight when it is pulled back.

This has many benefits for the generation of combat effectiveness.

"Of course."

"We do business with integrity and we will never cheat people randomly."

"The level of export equipment will not be compromised either."

Zhang Zhaoxin picked up the teacup and took a sip, then slowly spoke.

"make a deal."

After everything was finalized, the two parties quickly signed the relevant contract.

Next, the relevant person in charge of the Pharaoh tribe also came over and held negotiations with members of the Ministry of Military Trade represented by Zhang Zhaoxin.

The Pharaoh tribe was smart and simply carried out a series of arms purchases, including two 051Cs, plus a series of missile speedboats and light frigates.

The total value added up directly exceeded the total purchase amount of the Laxi tribe this time and reached an astonishing US$1.2 billion.

Then came the Kay tribe.

They did not purchase the expensive 051C guided missile destroyer, but built customized warships according to their own needs, as well as several guided missile speedboats.

Even though the Kayi tribe is also a tribe sitting on the oil fields, in recent years, due to the Iran-Iraq war and the continuous pressure and sanctions from the Eagle tribe, their economy has set back a lot.

But the total value of their contracts exceeds US$700 million, and they need to modernize their navy to defend their homeland against eagles.

The missile speedboat not only reaches an astonishing speed of 60 knots, but it is also equipped with eight YJ-801A anti-ship missiles. An AK630 close-in anti-ship gun is installed on the bow of the boat. This firepower is quite fierce.

This missile boat adopts a streamlined design. When sailing on the sea, it feels like drifting on the sea, and its control is very flexible.

In addition to the orders placed by many tribes in the central region, there are also several tribes from the Black African continent.

While many military trade contracts were being signed here, good news also came out of the integrated military factory.

After days of intensive research, the land-based version of the anti-stealth radar has finally been developed. It can detect and track traditional multi-mission combat aircraft at a distance of 500 kilometers, and the tracking distance for low-detectability targets is about 300 kilometers. !

It also has strong anti-electromagnetic interference capabilities and is an improvement and upgrade on YLC-8B.

It is installed directly on the chassis of the motor truck, giving it strong mobility.

The wide antenna can be automatically set up and removed, making it very convenient for mobile deployment. You can just find a flat piece of land to start working.


"Finally, it's done, and it lives up to expectations."

Looking at the huge radar antenna that had been erected, Su Dingping let out a long breath. After so many days of hard work, the results were finally achieved.

This anti-stealth air defense warning radar is specially built for the Army and Air Force. It can detect all kinds of aerodynamic targets including stealth aircraft. It can fully undertake the mission of mid-to-high altitude, medium and long-range air warning and guidance, and achieve target targeting. Search, track and guide, and can be used as a large-scale backbone radar for radar networks.

It adopts a two-dimensional phase scanning plus azimuth machine scanning fully digital active phased array system. It mainly has technical features such as excellent anti-stealth capability, strong anti-interference ability, high reliability, and good maintainability. It can achieve long-range detection of stealth aircraft. Early warning detection mission!

It effectively reduces the interference equipment's ability to recognize radar signals, resists the complex external electromagnetic environment and active interference from multiple different directions, and has strong clutter suppression capabilities, greatly improving the reliability and maintainability of the radar!

"Professor Ding, what do you think of this radar?"

"Can it fully meet the army's detection needs?"

Su Dingping turned to look at the silver-haired old professor beside him, with a faint smile on his face.

At this time, the silver-haired old man's face was filled with shock as the radar antenna unfolded and rotated. He never expected that in just a short time, the land-based version of this radar would be developed. .

He had been working on radar for most of his life, but he felt like he had just entered college in front of the young man in front of him, and he had already graduated with a doctorate.

This is the difference.

"It, it serves as the flagship version of our tribe's anti-stealth radar."

"I think it can be deployed on a large scale!"

"Comrade Dingping, you are really amazing. You have made another great contribution to our defense cause."

Professor Ding excitedly gave a thumbs up and said with great emotion that once this radar is deployed, the Eagle Tribe's stealth fighter planes will never be able to get close to the Longxia Tribe's airspace!

If used in conjunction with surface-to-air missiles, it can have the effect of one plus one greater than two, and support a peaceful airspace for the tribe!

"I think so."

"Dean Sun, I'll leave this to you. I have to work on upgrading the third 052C."

Su Dingping immediately handed over to Sun Yongguo as the boss, leaving Professor Ding and teaching the working principles of these experts and professors to Sun Yongguo.

The third 052C was about to be launched, but he wanted to replace the Yagi antenna radar on it with a fly swatter.

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