I built an armada

Chapter 202 Creating a talent highland

Whether in the past life or in this life, the development of aircraft carriers is an unbeatable thing for the Longxia tribe.

Everything is destined!

If the Longxia Tribe wants to become one of the best tribes in Blue Star, the aircraft carrier is an indispensable toy.

Just like the Eagle Tribe, no matter where the aircraft carrier is moved, who is not afraid of three points?

This is influence!

If you have missiles, others may be afraid because they are one-time. After the war, it means the two countries declare war, but they will not be afraid. With the aircraft carrier, this threat will be continuous.

The deployment cycle of an aircraft carrier fleet is also very long, often lasting several months or even several years.

You can completely arrange it according to your own intentions.

"To be honest, the aircraft carrier is a huge system project."

"After it comes back, we will be able to establish supporting industries, which will be completely beneficial to the national economy and the defense industry."

"Chief, I think it is not a question of whether to continue the construction or not, but a question of money."

"It's a matter of talent training, as well as related supporting fighter aircraft and other issues."

"Our country still has many gaps in this area, and we need to start addressing them immediately."

Before Xu Dongguo could speak, Su Dingping once again said very seriously that besides money, time is another precious thing for the navy.

It doesn't take hundreds of years to build a navy.

The enemy would not give so much time to the Longxia tribe to slowly build up its combat effectiveness.

"Haha, I didn't expect that our Dingping is also impatient."

"More anxious than the rest of us."

"It seems that you are not only doing research, but also paying attention to the Blue Star situation."

"You are right, we really need to implement this as soon as possible."

"Then I have made a decision now. Based on our Northern Fleet, we will establish research projects related to aircraft carriers as soon as possible."

"Dingping, just ask me to be a consultant."

Hearing this, Xu Dongguo's body suddenly trembled, and his eyes looked at Su Dingping with shock.

He was even more certain that the young man in front of him was a strategic scientist comparable to the father of rocketry. It would be a blessing for the Navy to have him!

He also knew that Su Dingping was very busy, but there was really no way to leave him when it came to the aircraft carrier.

After the aircraft carrier is brought back, it will definitely be sent to the integrated military factory for internal surveying and mapping, and there will be various instructions. This is destined to be a long process.

During this period, as the aircraft carrier's continued construction begins, supporting systems related to the aircraft carrier will also be fully developed.

As Su Dingping said, if we really launch relevant supporting projects at that time, it will be too late and there will be no time at all.

"I have no problem."

"Chief, let me make a suggestion to you."

"We must now take advantage of the opportunity of the aircraft carrier to raise talent training to a new level."

"It is better to let talents wait for equipment than to let equipment wait for talents."

"With the talent and equipment in place, we can quickly develop combat effectiveness through brief training."

Su Dingping nodded slightly, and then said with great seriousness, no matter what, the construction of the talent team must be raised to a new level.

The navy, in particular, is a high-tech branch and is also a talent-intensive branch.

No matter what kind of equipment, in the end it still needs someone to control it.

Equipment and people, that is really too tragic, he must start doing this kind of thing in advance.

"Okay, okay."

"Your idea is quite good. I will implement it when I go back."

Xu Dongguo was shocked when he heard this. He couldn't help but feel very lucky that he was right to come to Su Dingping and had thought of many things he hadn't thought of in advance, including those mentioned above.

It really benefited him a lot and made him feel suddenly enlightened.

In fact, after learning that the aircraft carrier was released, he was extremely excited, but after the excitement passed, he was completely confused about what to do with the aircraft carrier.

An aircraft carrier is a huge project. It is not as simple as building a warship. It involves many related supporting industries.

If there is a problem in one link, the aircraft carrier cannot be allowed to move.

Therefore, he didn't even know where to start, let alone come up with relevant plans.

No wonder the chief asked him to find Su Dingping by name during the meeting. It turned out that the chief knew Su Dingping better than he did.

Just thinking about it makes me ashamed.

Xu Dongguo even took out the notepad he carried with him and wrote down what Su Dingping just said.

Talents can wait for equipment, but equipment cannot wait for talents. What a brilliant statement.

The core issues are highlighted in a concise and concise statement.

No wonder the chief held a flying captain class more than ten years ago because he wanted to cultivate more talents.

To him, this matter was clear to all.

"Dingping, please pay more attention to the renewal of the aircraft carrier and put forward relevant plans in advance."

"The steel company may be slower to tackle the problem, but we also need to be prepared in advance, right?"

"After the aircraft carrier is pulled back, it will definitely enter the integrated military factory."

Before leaving, Xu Dongguo specifically entrusted Su Dingping with an extremely solemn message.

Looking at all regions in the country, only integrated military factories are the most suitable for continuing the construction of aircraft carriers, especially now that the second phase of the project is nearing completion.

Huge shipyards can be used to build aircraft carriers without occupying the territory of other shipbuilding bases and preventing those shipyards from receiving orders to build commercial ships internationally.

After Xu Dongguo left, Su Dingping hosted a meeting on talent recruitment.

What they need are high-end talents, who basically belong to technical jobs.

Such people can only be recruited from top universities or research institutes, and the remuneration must be very adequate.

"Everyone, do you realize a problem?"

"In the past, when we were engaged in military and scientific research and were materially poor, we could live by our emotions. It didn't matter if our salary was less, because everyone had very little."

"But modern society is different. Everything is centered on economic construction, so people's ideas will inevitably be affected."

“We can’t recruit top talents just by relying on emotion.”

"So we're going to give treatment."

Su Dingping took a deep breath, glanced at everyone's faces one by one, and said very seriously.

We are all human beings, and we all need money for life, old age, illness and death.

Although they, military workers, have good welfare benefits and are all covered by the tribe, what should we do if those people from society come in?

The reason why the Eagle Tribe is able to attract so many top scientific and technological talents from around the world is that good treatment and a good scientific research environment are what people value?

The scientific research environment of the integrated military factory can be regarded as the first in the country, but there is still a gap between it and the world's first-class level.

In terms of hardware, Su Dingping is working hard to make changes with the major leaders. All the necessary instruments and equipment are available. If not, he will make them himself.

"A penny beats a heroic man."

"I think the treatment of our integrated military factory will also be improved."

"We still have to give top talents what they deserve."

"We also need to solve housing and employment problems for family members, of course, immediate family members."

Su Dingping picked up the tea cup and took a sip. After moistening his throat, he spoke again.

As a military expert in his previous life, he was very familiar with the sufferings of the world. Whether it was education, medical care, or housing, they were all a huge burden on young people, so much so that they could hardly breathe.

Therefore, people don’t dare to get sick and don’t have much time for entertainment. They are all working hard to make money.

Even so, I still feel that the money is not enough.

Because of this, he wanted to put this issue out in advance.

Without welfare benefits, even the problem of food and clothing cannot be solved. Who the hell is willing to talk about feelings with you?

Sun Yongguo, Lu Guangjun and others were shocked when they heard this, with horror in their eyes. In their opinion, people like Su Dingping, who seemed not to eat fireworks on weekdays, did not expect to have such insight into society and human nature. profound.

Although they spend almost most of their time in the integrated military factory and engage in scientific research wholeheartedly, they will inevitably get together with their families, relatives and friends during holidays.

The topics of discussion will inevitably involve how much money someone makes in a year, or buying a house or a car.

Who is not envious?

Seeing Su Dingping say this, everyone else breathed a sigh of relief.

They all knew that as long as Su Dingping took the lead, the welfare matter would basically be settled.

The integrated military factory will not only be the navy's most powerful scientific research and production institution, but also a place with the best welfare benefits.

With so many layers stacked up, are they still worried that they won’t be able to recruit the top talents they want?

"In addition to improving welfare benefits, we also need to provide these people with a room for advancement."

"In other words, our integrated military factory must also be the scientific research highland of our Longxia tribe, equipped with more advanced scientific research equipment."

“It can also help them improve their academic standards.”

"We want to expand the scale based on the original education and training and provide a more relaxed academic atmosphere."

Su Dingping then said that no matter what, he would continue to improve the integrated military factory and turn this place into not only the Longxia tribe, but also the military industrial highland of Blue Star.

In the past, everyone worshiped and believed in the advanced weapons and equipment of the Eagle Tribe and looked down upon the Longxia Tribe. But he was going to completely change this situation and let people all over the world know that the best weapons and equipment in the future would be in the Longxia Tribe.

If they want to buy weapons and equipment, it is best to come to the Longxia tribe. Not only are they cost-effective, but they are also very durable. Who knows who actually uses them.

Sun Yongguo, Lu Guangjun and others are not fools. On the contrary, their IQ levels are very high.

Basically, after Su Dingping finished speaking, they basically understood the meaning of his words and the profound meaning contained in them.

This is tantamount to absorbing all the top talents of the Longxia tribe into the integrated military factory and turning this place into a talent highland and an academic highland.

He has used all the means to attract talents from abroad, and even has a natural advantage. This is the Longxia tribe.

You can get a high salary and a dream job without having to leave your hometown.

Moreover, it is still engaged in the military industry. As long as you go out from here, you will find high-end talents wherever you go, and you will have the foundation to start a business.

"Dingping, do you want to build our integrated military factory into a technological highland in the future?"

"Just thinking about it makes me feel extremely excited."

Sun Yongguo was the first to speak, unable to suppress his inner excitement.

He didn't know how to formulate a talent recruitment plan before, but now Su Dingping directly gave a broad scope, sufficient salary, and sufficient development prospects.

Although the others did not speak, the fire in their eyes was not fake at all.

"Dean, you are too young."

"What I want is not just a talent highland, but to build our integrated military factory into the strongest military factory in Blue Star."

"The military products coming out of here must surpass the Western tribes in terms of quality and actual combat level."

"You are right, what I want is for our Longxia tribe to become the leader in the future military trade field."

“And we are the heart of this sheep.”

Su Dingping glanced at Sun Yongguo, his eyes shone with an extremely determined light, and he said seriously.


These words suddenly exploded in the conference hall like thunder on the ground, making everyone's heads buzz.

It seems that Su Dingping is not only an arms dealer, but also the strongest arms dealer in the world.

My dear mother.

What is he going to do?

Is it a monster?

The Eagle Tribe and Western weapons and equipment will all be left behind by them.

I'm afraid only Su Dingping would dare to have such an outrageous idea.

Then their welfare benefits will get better and better in the future?

After the shock, they became extremely passionate.

Sure enough, Su Dingping's goal was lofty.

He previously said that he would make the Longxia Tribe's navy the strongest in Blue Star, but now he has turned to the field of military trade, and wants to make the Longxia Tribe's military trade the top one in Blue Star.

Doesn't he know that military trade is not just a simple trade in military equipment, but a reflection of the comprehensive strength of a tribe?

It seems that Su Dingping is full of confidence in the future of the Longxia tribe.

Thinking of this, each of them felt excited.

The heart of being a leader.

What domineering words.

When it comes to arms trade, their integrated arms factories are doing their part.

No wonder Su Dingping was so crazy that he directly set the scale of the integrated military factory at more than 5,000 acres.

It turns out that he not only wants to produce weapons and equipment for the Longxia tribe, but also produces equipment for other tribes in the world and become a military-industrial enterprise in the world!

After the relevant talent recruitment plan was deployed, Su Dingping became busy with various issues related to 052D core technology research.

Sun Yongguo and others formulated relevant talent recruitment plans based on the content at the meeting.

Soon it was mid-March.

On this day, a piece of news was broadcast on the evening news. It only lasted two minutes. It broadcast a talent recruitment plan signed by the Navy Headquarters.

It is a modern service for the whole society to recruit senior talents for the navy. It implicitly mentions the naval production base, which is also the external name of the integrated military factory.

Since it is oriented to the whole society and high-end talents, the integrated military factory will naturally emerge, but as in the past, there will always be a reasonable name for the outside world.

Looking at the entire development context and history of the Longxia tribe's navy, this has never happened before.

It is the first time that the enrollment and recruitment plan has been published through the news, and it has never been done before in the three major military services.

Not to mention, it took up two minutes in the news.

How big a deal is this for a news column?

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