I built an armada

Chapter 212 The Eastern Wasteland tribe discovered clues

I have obviously been paying attention to the development of naval ships of the Longxia tribe recently, so why did a cutting-edge warship suddenly appear?

Feelings, did he pay attention to a loneliness before?

"Sir, look, this is the new battleship."

"I watched it over and over again. It was real, and it was a live-fire exercise."

"Look, it is really advanced and has far exceeded the level of the 956E we exported before."

"They have completely understood the technology on our 956E."

"To be honest, Longxia's naval equipment is developing very fast."

The assistant responded very seriously that as a professional, he can naturally see things that ordinary people cannot see, and that technological progress can be analyzed.

This mysterious guided missile destroyer has greatly surpassed the original in terms of hull, but in terms of the weapons and equipment used, it is a huge inheritance and development of the 956E.

Many of the weapon systems equipped on it have their own characteristics.

In particular, the 730 close-in defense cannon equipped on it is completely equipment developed by Longxia Navy itself, which has made huge progress compared to before.

"Hurry and show me."

Turgenev said hurriedly.

He knew that the assistant was an honest person and would not deceive himself for such a trivial matter.

The assistant hurriedly put the laptop on the table, then clicked on the player, and the video started playing immediately.

There is no previous scene, only the following fifteen seconds.

For them, reading the previous content is a waste of time. Naturally, it is faster to get to the topic directly.

For just a few seconds, Turgenev was stunned, his eyes shining with disbelief. This was not true.

Oh my god.

High freeboard, flat deck, square tail ship type!

The low superstructure controls the ship's center of gravity well and improves its seaworthiness.

The stealth of the ship was fully taken into consideration during the design. The superstructure and the side of the ship are integrated into one, and the side walls of the superstructure are tilted inward. The surface of the ship is very smooth, and it is obvious that it has been made invisible.

Everything looks so smooth and full of technology.

Compared with the warships they produced, I don't know how high it is. This is what a modern warship should look like.

When did Longxia Navy master such advanced ship design capabilities?

In fact, he knew very well that all the ships designed by the White Bear Tribe had not considered the issue of stealth.

For future naval battles, the adaptability is far less than that of this mysterious ship!

In that moment, he figured out why the Longxia Tribe directly canceled the order after importing two 956Es a year ago. No matter how he made concessions at the time, the other party's purchasing personnel were very determined.

It turned out that they had already been working on modern warships.

There are really experts behind Longxia Navy!

In the future, if they want to sell surface ships to the Longxia Navy, it will be difficult to imagine. This sales path has really disappeared.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

The more he looked at Turgenev, the heavier his breathing became. This was too uncomfortable.

Even the White Bear Tribe had not built the hull of such an advanced warship, and they did not expect that the Longxia Tribe not only built it, but also put it into actual combat training.

In terms of shipbuilding, Longxia Navy has already taken the lead.

A tribe that was even more backward than them suddenly surpassed them. It was really hard to accept for a while.

At this moment, there is no doubt that his mood is complicated.

"Turgenev, what's wrong with you?"

"Frightened by something?"

Just at this time, Kovsky came over, saw all the changes in Turgenev's expression, and asked curiously.

"Ah, you're here."

"Look at this video, Long Xia Navy has equipped with cutting-edge warships."

"That's something we don't have. I now suspect that this warship uses the latest nano-stealth layer material. The surface is very smooth and the radar cross-section will be very small."

Turgenev came back to his senses and pointed at the computer screen, gesturing for the other party to come over and watch with him.

As a professional technician, he has a very deep research on ships and can see a lot of information at a glance, which ordinary people cannot see at all.

Kovsky was stunned for a moment, then quickly walked over.

I put my head over it and took a look. Sure enough, the warship in the video was like a brand new warship. It had not been seen in the entire Blue Star, at least it had never been seen publicly.

"This, is this a ship of the Long Xia Navy?"

"are you sure?"

Kovsky almost subconsciously chose not to believe it. It was too sci-fi and looked like it was made by a computer.

"According to analysis, it does exist, and its firepower is quite fierce."

"Compared with those warships we export, their firepower is obviously insufficient, and they also have stealth capabilities, which is a symbol of modern warships."

"It looks a bit like a Western tribal ship, but I'm sure it is more advanced and has a more reasonable design."

Turgenev responded with certainty, saying that he already had a deep sense of crisis, and the Longxia Navy would never import surface ships to other tribes in the future.

It is even very likely that Long Xia's navy will surpass the White Bear Tribe in strength in the future.

However, he was very fortunate that the Longxia Tribe and the White Bear Tribe had a back-to-back relationship and were strategic partners with a common enemy.

At the very least, there will be no fighting between the two tribes!

"Watts got Falk."

"It seems that the Longxia Navy has grown up under our noses."

"It's terrible, but thankfully they are not our enemies."

Kovsky cursed directly, but he was very grateful for the friendly relationship between the two tribes.

But it was a really big shock to him.

Soon the relevant video was transmitted to the Kremlin Palace and into the hands of the emperor.

The head of the Military Affairs Department, Davarich, sent it personally and cut out the next fifteen seconds of content.

"According to our analysis, the Long Xia Navy should have used this ship to conduct wars in Dongzhou waters."

"The Donghuang tribe was not a live-fire exercise, but a war with Long Xia's navy. They were defeated."

"The technological progress of surface ships of the Long Xia Navy is very rapid."

After Davarich finished playing the video, he said very seriously.

The Donghuang Tribe has a territorial dispute with them, and the Donghuang Tribe is the pawn of the Eagle Tribe, and has a fundamental conflict of interest with them.

"It seems that our friend Long Xia's naval technology has been improving."

"Instruct relevant agencies to contact the Longxia tribe and launch military cooperation with them."

"We should have access to the technology."

After the emperor thought for a moment, he quickly made a decision.

The progress of Long Xia Navy was so fast that he was surprised. However, relatively speaking, this kind of technological progress was good and was of benefit to the White Bear Tribe.

The Long Xia Navy was able to contain the Donghuang Tribe Self-Defense Force and part of the Eagle Tribe forces in the East Continent waters, which could greatly relieve the pressure they faced.


Davarisi quickly took the order.

As for the Eagle Tribe, they have recently been busy attacking the Keyi Tribe and launching military operations in the central region to seize more benefits. Naturally, they don't have much energy to pay attention to Long Xia Navy's recruitment video.

Besides, for them.

Long Xia's navy was still so weak that it was not worth mentioning at all.

They have the most powerful maritime armed force in Blue Star, with eleven aircraft carriers, advanced stealth fighters, and various advanced weapons and equipment.

In front of them, Longxia Navy was an inferior maritime armed force.

To put it bluntly, the Longxia Navy is just a maritime militia with no combat effectiveness at all.

Launching one or two advanced warships will not change the outcome of the war at all.

The Eagle Tribe, which existed for about two thousand years, possesses Blue Star's very powerful comprehensive national power, and also has Blue Star's strongest armed force, especially the navy.

They maintain garrisons in all the oceans and important water passages of Blue Star!

The Longxia Tribe Navy didn't even have a chance to stand up, and even if they saw it, they wouldn't take it to heart.

Donghuang tribe, in a bar in Ginza.

A middle-aged man with unkempt hair and unshaven beard sat there, his face flushed and obviously drunk.

He is none other than Yota Katsumura, a survivor of the naval battle.

Ever since he was released, it was as if his soul had been taken away, and he was in a daze. Even if he used alcohol to anesthetize himself, he would wake up from his sleep every night.

The naval battle that took place in the waters of Dongzhou will always be remembered in his mind.

He never thought that one day Donghuang Tribe Hai equipped with so many advanced warships would actually be defeated and several warships would be sunk.

And until now, they still don't know who the enemy is.

So much so that before, Haizi had to announce to the public that it was an accident during a live-fire exercise, which also resulted in the former Haizi general having to commit seppuku to thank the world.

Recently, he has also been looking for relevant evidence to prove that it was the Longxia tribe that did it.

But even the Eastern Wasteland Tribe couldn't find relevant evidence and asked the Eagle Tribe for help. They also found nothing unusual and just gave them a blurry shield ship photo taken by a satellite.

That shield ship was like alien technology. It mysteriously appeared in the relevant sea areas and disappeared mysteriously.

After scanning every tribe in the entire Dongzhou sea area, they could not find where the shield ship was.

So far, Haizi is still burdened with the failure of live-fire exercises and major accidents, not only the loss of ships, but also a large number of casualties.

Many nights, he dreamed of the sailors who fought side by side with him.

Several of them are his relatives, and they are very close brothers.

He thought about taking revenge, but he couldn't find anyone to take revenge on.

"...Long Xia Navy released the latest recruitment video and launched a new round of military expansion and war preparations. They flexed their muscles to the outside world and once again showed their ambitions."

"The Longxia tribe is a tribe full of ambition and aggression. This is very worthy of our vigilance."

"The subsequent 15-second video showed the atrocities committed by the Longxia tribe warship..."

Suddenly at this time, the voice of a beautiful woman reporting news reached Katsumura Yota's ears. In a daze, he raised his head and saw the scene of 052B launching missiles on the TV news.


This video picture was like a bomb that hit his head, causing his whole body to tremble suddenly, and he woke up instantly. His eyes instantly stared straight, staring at the TV.

"Boss, play it again for me."

"I want to see!"

But the news soon passed, and Katsumura Yota immediately started yelling, as if he was suddenly mentally ill.

"That's news, not video."

"If you want to watch it, just go to an Internet cafe and watch it online."

"Bagaya Road."

The boss walked over quickly, looking very annoyed.

What kind of person is this? He’s so drunk!

Is that because the news broadcast on the TV station cannot be distinguished?

I became like this after drinking.

If it weren't for the sake of his old customers, he would really have punched Katsumura Yota out with his fists.

"Internet cafe?"

As soon as Katsumura Yota heard this, he turned around and rushed out of the bar, even forgetting to pay for the drink.


"Stop, you didn't even pay for the drinks, you bastard still want to run away?"

"Drink money!"

The boss rushed forward, grabbed Katsumura Yota by the collar, and shouted coldly.

Yota Katsumura was helpless and struggled to leave the place immediately, but when he saw the boss's strong body, he had to pay for the drinks in the end.

After paying the bill, Katsumura Yota found an Internet cafe nearby as quickly as possible.

Entering the news website, I saw the latest admissions video released by Long Xia Haijun, which also included very shocking news.

From the perspective of the Donghuang Tribe, any military action taken by the Longxia Tribe will be interpreted as aggression.

In other words, expansion.

Just skipping the news content, Katsumura Yota clicked on the video to play.

The front part was filled with conventional weapons and equipment, and it was just an introduction to the major branches of Long Xia Navy, which could not attract his attention at all.

If the video didn't have a fast-forward function, he really wanted to drag it to the end to watch the key part.


Finally, the video played to the last critical part. Yota Katsumura stared at the video with his eyes wide open, unblinking for fear of missing an important detail.

This mysterious warship was sailing on the sea, but the surrounding sea area gave him an extremely familiar feeling.


"Damn Long Xia Navy, our fleet was sunk by you!"

"Asshole, you finally let me find the evidence."

At the last moment, Katsumura Yota jumped up, roaring like an angry hyena.

He clearly saw that the last missile intercepted was the anti-ship missile they launched. The wings and body of the missile were so clear.

At this moment, the many broken pictures in his mind seemed to be restored automatically, quickly spliced ​​together.

Finally, he got a complete battlefield picture.

This is not a live-fire exercise scene at all, but a scene of a previous battle between the two armies.

After they discovered the 052B, they immediately launched an attack and fired several anti-ship missiles in succession, all of which were flying fish imported from the Eagle Tribe.

The maximum speed reached Mach 0.8, and he pressed the launch button himself. The Feiyu anti-ship missile burst out of the launch tube and rushed directly towards the target.

But just when they thought they were sure to hit the target, they suddenly discovered an anti-aircraft interceptor missile approaching quickly.

In the blink of an eye, several Exocet anti-ship missiles were shot down.

The missile echo disappeared instantly!

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