I built an armada

Chapter 221 The aircraft carrier comes eastward

"The Longxia tribe is becoming more and more arrogant and is about to escape our control. The Donghuang tribe can help deal with them."

"This is a good thing, Chief, you can promise them."

Other staff also spoke up and agreed, naturally more willing to let the Donghuang tribe charge in front and bite the Longxia tribe like mad dogs.

As long as they can delay the development of the Longxia tribe, they are still very willing to support the Donghuang tribe.

Military unbundling is just one of many means for them.

This is like containing many keys in the magic box that contains the Eastern Barren Tribe. Now all you need to do is take out one and open one of the many iron chains locked around the Eastern Barren Tribe's neck!

It's innocuous.

Anyway, as long as the home port of the Seventh Fleet is still in the Eastern Barren Tribe, and the army and air force are still stationed here in large numbers, they are not afraid that the Eastern Barren Tribe will rebel.

"Since you all agree, then I will agree to liberate them militarily."

"Let's go, continue to meet him for a while?"

"The military industry also needs them to purchase in large quantities."

Seeing that everyone had reached a consensus, the chief stood up with his hands on the armrests.

He led everyone back to the conference hall quickly, and after sitting down, they exchanged some pleasantries, and the two sides once again entered the heated negotiation stage.

"It is not impossible to untie you from military ties."

"It's just that this has released the shackles. I believe you will go all out to deal with the Longxia tribe. I have seen your loyalty."

"It's just that our Seventh Fleet will not take action easily. We will only use it when you encounter something that you cannot deal with."

"Do you understand?"

The chief said cheerfully, making his attitude clear directly.

I can support you, but you also need to rush to the front first. Only when you are really desperate will the Seventh Fleet take action to save you.

Kumamoto Tokugawa still had a bright smile on his face, but he was already cursing in his heart.

The Eagle Tribe is still so cunning. They actually let the Self-Defense Forces charge in front so that they can reap the benefits. What a good plan.

However, why does this sound so wrong?

What does the Great Chief mean?

Is it possible that their sincerity is not enough?


Kumamoto Tokugawa nodded quickly with a smile on his face.


"You don't understand."

"Forget it, let me make it clear directly. I need you to buy our weapons and equipment."

"How can you fulfill your important duty of guarding the door with the few weapons you have?"

"I'll give you half a day to go down and have a good discussion to see what kind of weapons and equipment need to be purchased."

The great chief raised his right hand and waved it slightly, and then said very straightforwardly.

If you don't show some sincerity in military procurement, then don't take away the military unbundling.

What is profit maximization?

Don’t you understand?

It seems that Kumamoto Tokugawa did not study it well when he came here.


"Thank you, Chief, for your tolerance."

Kumamoto Tokugawa was startled for a moment, then quickly stood up, bowed ninety degrees, and then led the people out of the Black Palace and returned to their hotel.

Each of them knows very well that if they do not agree to place a large order to purchase military equipment, I am afraid they will not be able to obtain military liberation.

Damn it.

The Eagle Tribe is really dark.

Obviously they were fighting fiercely in the central region and could not take into account the matters in the East Continent Sea, but they still forced the East Barren tribe to purchase weapons and equipment.


In this way, it seems that they will not suffer any loss. The Self-Defense Forces really need to upgrade their military equipment. If they can buy it from the Eagle Tribe, it is still possible.

But if this is the case, it will undoubtedly be a blow to the military industry within the tribe.

At present, both the 30 Heavy Industry Shipyard and several other shipyards can produce advanced warships. Only large-scale detection equipment and other weapons need to be purchased.

The other side.

Longxia tribe, Beijing.

In the tri-service headquarters building, a high-level counterintelligence meeting was held here.

The meeting was extremely serious.

In recent times, the enemy's espionage activities have become more and more rampant, as crazy as the rise of sediment.

Especially for the navy, they were arresting colonists and intelligence officers one after another, as if they could never catch them all, which made them very unhappy.

"Chief, this is the latest report."

"Five hundred and thirty-seven people have been arrested near the navy's major equipment manufacturing bases and integrated military factories."

"Each of these guys used the excuse that they were military fans or were lost."

"Are they lost? They are all carrying professional cameras, and some are carrying special spy cameras."

"Various evidence shows that the enemy has stepped up its intelligence spying on us."

Having said this, Xu Dongguo directly submitted a piece of information and distributed it to everyone present.

After everyone got the information, he started talking again.

"Not just the production base, but also some military ports, those guys were also found around the military base."

"The enemy has launched operations against our navy."

"It seems they want to get all our secrets."

Xu Dongguo's words made all the big guys present look extremely solemn. The situation of the counter-espionage struggle was extremely serious, and it was time to take more severe measures.

"Chief, our Southern Fleet has also discovered traces of espionage activities and arrested a group of them. There are not as many as the Northern Fleet, only about 130 people."

"It seems that the enemy is bullying us, and it's time for us to take drastic measures."

"In our tribe, the enemy has bribed many colonists."

Qian Wenbing then spoke. He could feel that the reason why the enemy collected intelligence so rampantly and did not hesitate to expose the lurking spies was enough to prove that the enemy was brewing a huge conspiracy.

And this conspiracy must be against the Longxia tribe navy.

"Chief, this matter is not simple. Our Eastern Fleet also arrested a group of them."

"Based on the review, they were taking orders from the Internet."

"We requested further investigation and the security department intervened in the investigation."

"Currently, we are suspecting two Eastern Wilderness tribes and the Eagle Tribe."

Xiao Chongjun of the Eastern Fleet spoke next, with a hint of uncontrollable anger in his brows. It was obvious that the colonists who had forgotten their ancestors had made him angry.

A good Longxia man behaves inappropriately, but he goes to lead the way for the enemy.

If we don't kill such people, what's the point of keeping them?

When it comes time to fight, they will be traitors, the Imperial Alliance Army!

They are the most hated group of people.

"I think our current main suspect is the Donghuang tribe."

"They have always been evil towards us, Long Xia."

Before Xue Shuai could speak, Qian Wenbing interrupted and added that he had taken full precautions against every move of the Donghuang tribe.

Even though he was far away in the Southern Fleet, he never relaxed his vigilance.

"Xue Shuai, our navy needs the cooperation of the security department."

"Completely cut off such rampant espionage activities."

Liu Huaming spoke at this time, clearly stating his tough attitude.

You must not be merciful when dealing with spies and colonists, otherwise you will be irresponsible to the Longxia tribe!

This reminded him of the past, before the Anti-Japanese War, the Donghuang Tribe launched a terrifying and intensive espionage campaign against the Longxia Tribe, making all aspects of the Longxia Tribe extremely clear.

Even the maps printed by our own people are not as accurate and clearly marked as the Japanese.

What a sad thing.

He didn't want this to happen again.

"Okay, I understand."

Xue Shuai nodded with a serious face, then turned to look at the heads of the security department on the side, "Lao Jiang, you also heard that the current counterintelligence situation is serious."

"It seems that we need to work closely together."

The person in charge, known as Lao Jiang, nodded in agreement. In fact, the security department also arrested a lot of people.

But he didn't expect that the navy would catch more.

Moreover, the enemy carried out obviously targeted espionage activities.

All kinds of professional espionage equipment are emerging in an endless stream, making it difficult to guard against. If both sides work independently, I am afraid things will become even more difficult to deal with.

"Xue Shuai, you are right, we need to work together as a team."

"Then starting today, we will work together to catch those spies and destroy their lairs in our territory!"

Lao Jiang glanced at Xue Shuai and made a decision immediately. This had already reached a higher level, and the more severe situation forced him to make a prompt decision.

After this meeting was held, the Longxia tribe launched a vigorous counter-espionage campaign.

On the Xinwen Network, other local stations also followed up to promote counterintelligence.

Live footage of the capture of spies was even shown.

Such a high-profile act is to clearly tell the enemy that the Longxia tribe no longer tolerates it, but will fight the enemy to the end. If they want to invade the Longxia tribe, you're welcome!

Central region, Kayi tribe.

After one round of air raids after another, the Kayi tribe finally couldn't stand it anymore.

The army began to become very disorganized, as if it had no fighting spirit at all. There was no effective counterattack organized at all. There was really no way.

They were facing Blue Star's strongest armed force, and they were cut off from the military.

The troops who lost contact and could not find the location of the enemy were no different from a group of stragglers.

What's more, they were beaten to pieces more than ten years ago.

This time it was just being ravaged again.

Some armies simply transformed into local armed guerrillas.

Public sentiment has become extremely pessimistic.

Even though the Kayi tribe's various propaganda made them feel powerful, in fact the outcome of this war was doomed from the beginning.

This is the tragedy of small tribes!

The central region once again saw the power of the Eagle Tribe's army. Many tribes that had been divided on both sides were shaken one after another. The hard-liners in the territory seemed to have had their bones removed and turned into soft-footed shrimps.

Who is not afraid of the powerful Eagle Tribe?

What's more, they are all small tribes and do not even have a complete military industry system.

Once a fight starts, you will only get a beating.

After several days of sailing and towing, the Varyag aircraft carrier has left the Western Food Sea and officially sailed into the Atlantic Ocean, heading eastward without encountering any obstacles.

This is undoubtedly a great thing for the Varyag aircraft carrier, which is eager to return home.

Previously, I originally wanted to return home via the Suez Canal and the Red Sea.

However, taking into account a series of issues such as the tense situation in the central region, we finally chose the longer route around the Cape of Good Hope.

When leaving Xida Shihai, the Laxi tribe sent ships to escort and tugboats to help pull.

I have to say that the Laxi tribe still knows how to be grateful.

At the same time, it also further demonstrated to the outside world that there is a close military cooperation relationship between the two tribes.

This friendly scene directly made the Ertu tribe angry.

"Sir, the Varyag aircraft carrier has gone to the Atlantic Ocean."

"The Laxi tribe dispatched 051C escorts throughout the entire journey."

"They were clearly demonstrating against us."

In a luxurious office, Nazim brought the latest information, his face full of displeasure.

He did not expect that the Laxi tribe would so blatantly show off its close relationship with the Longxia tribe. Isn't this an obvious way to give them eye candy?

What’s more, it uses the 051C guide drive, which is famous in the central region.

Too much!

It's really too much.

"Fake, damn the Laxi tribe, are they bullying us?"

"Give instructions to the Navy and ask them to step up preparations for war."

"While the Eagle Tribe is launching the second war between Iraq and Iraq, we must deal with the Lacxi Tribe and let them know who is the strong one in the Aegean Sea!"

Emil was furious, with blazing flames shooting out of his eyes, almost burning the entire office clean.

He had never felt so humiliated one day.

And it was brought by the Varyag aircraft carrier.


Nazim took the order and left.

After several rounds of negotiations, the Eastern Wasteland Tribe finally reached a package purchase agreement with the Eagle Tribe on military procurement.

It can be said that except for the hull of a warship, almost all the weapons and related equipment are purchased from the Eagle Tribe, which directly feeds the military-industrial complex.

As a result, the military industry that originally relied heavily on the Eagle Tribe has become more dependent.


Even so, Kumamoto Tokugawa accepted it happily.

Facing the powerful Eagle Tribe, they had no room for bargaining and could only bear it silently.

As a result, they were liberated from military ties and gained the right to fight.

From the perspective of the Eastern Wilderness tribe, this is a huge victory and another big step towards normalizing the country.

Soon the two tribes held a press conference, attended by the chief and Tokugawa Kumamoto, right on the Kuromiya lawn.

Reporters from many tribes set up their spears and cannons early to prepare the latest news for global reporting.

They all knew that Kumamoto Tokugawa was leading a large delegation to do something big.

"In view of the continued tension in the waters of Dongzhou, we have decided to militarily unbind the Donghuang tribe."

"Give them authority to engage in war."

"I am very happy to have very friendly and close exchanges and cooperation with the Donghuang tribe."

"I believe that after they get the right to engage in battle, they will definitely make the Dongzhou waters more peaceful, and the surrounding Xiaoxiao will not dare to move."

The great chief stood on the stage, glanced at the reporters below, and began to talk non-stop.

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