I built an armada

Chapter 225 The Eagle Tribe Wants to Take Over Blue Star

What he needs is to fight in the East Continent sea area, and he needs the Donghuang tribe to be the vanguard general.

Only when the Self-Defense Forces and the Long Xia armed forces clashed, and the fight between the two sides was very lively, and even the entire Dongzhou sea area became lively, then the Eagle Tribe would be able to reap the benefits.

This is his plan, and it is their plan.

The Self-Defense Forces are just the beginning.

There are so many tribes in the Dongzhou sea area, and the Donghuang tribe is not the only one who has conflicts with the Longxia tribe.

Moreover, his think tank has noticed that almost all the tribes around the Southern Sea, including the Iron Monkey Tribe and the Feilu Tribe, are concerned about the resources and interests in the Southern Sea.

This goes against the claims of the Longxia tribe.

Sooner or later, conflict will break out, and he certainly doesn't mind letting it come early and exacerbating tensions in the region.

Only in this way can they free up their hands to deal with the Keyi Tribe as soon as possible and bring the entire central region into the Eagle Tribe's sphere of influence.

The central region is not only the intersection between Europe and Asia, but also a strategic location. It is also a place extremely rich in oil and natural gas resources.

Oil is the blood of industry and food, and natural gas is a rare thermal energy resource.

The hegemony of the Eagle Tribe is based on military and US dollar hegemony, and the most important basis of US dollar hegemony is that oil must be traded and settled in US dollars.

Only in this way can the Blue Star of the US dollar be ensured, so that the whole world will pay for the mistakes of the Eagle Tribe, and it will also support their prosperity!

"Remember, we need all the tribes in the East Continent to stand up."

"I need them to attack the Longxia tribe together and bite off a piece of meat from the Longxia tribe."

"That's our minimum goal."

Before his staff could leave, the chief spoke again with a sinister glint in his eyes.

"The great chief is wise."

"As long as the Dongzhou sea area is in chaos, the rise of the Longxia tribe will not be so smooth."

"They want to rise, they want to return to the world, and there's a price to pay."

"If they disobey, they should be beaten hard."

The staff was convinced, and quickly gave a thumbs up and said pitifully.

For decades, the Longxia tribe has not fought any major wars. Instead, they have focused on development and economic construction, which is a huge potential threat to them.

They have demonstrated dozens of times that the Longxia Tribe has a large population and great potential, and is the only tribe that can challenge the Eagle Tribe's status as the international leader in the future.

If we don't defeat them now, will we wait for the Longxia tribe to rise and take them off the throne?

No matter what, they will never be able to accept being the second best in the world!

While the Longxia tribe hasn't risen yet, let's beat them hard and stab them in the back.

"By the way, Chief, it's based on the latest information submitted by the intelligence department."

"The Iron Monkey Tribe and the Feilu Tribe are ready to move, preparing to wait for the conflict between the Self-Defense Forces and the Longxia Tribe to take revenge and seize the resources and reefs in the southern seas."

“Are we going to add to this?”

The staff member soon told another piece of breaking news, and the grim smile on his face became even bigger.

Whether it is the CIA or military intelligence agencies, they have placed a large number of spies in various tribes around the world, and have also used technology to monitor senior officials of various tribes.

If there is any disturbance in the tribes around the southern sea area, they will know it immediately.

"This is really good news, and I like it very much."

“What is our purpose?”

"Karl, have you forgotten?"

"We need to keep the Eagle Tribe as the overlord of the Blue Star forever, and let us be the world's police forever."

"Do you still need to ask for permission for this kind of thing?"

"All the warships and personnel of the sect that are responsible for carrying out activities will be linked to me."

The great chief's old face was almost blooming with brilliant chrysanthemums, but his eyes were fixed on the target and he said in a somewhat stiff tone.

The Eagle Tribe is now the strongest in Blue Star, and it is Blue Star police officers who have to take care of everything.

Their interests have spread all over the world, so they naturally have to get involved in everything.

Only by disrupting the entire Blue Star and allowing other tribes to fight can they gain maximum benefits and ensure that no other tribe challenges their international number one status.

The chief knew very well that if he wanted to ensure the international status of the Eagle Tribe, he must cause other tribes to be in chaos.

Let other tribes be the source of the nutrients they need.

Just like the British tribe did before, they turned the whole world into their colonies.

But in their view, Britain is just the junior version, and they are the senior version.

"Yes, Warchief."

"I'll do it right away."

The staff happily accepted the order and left, and soon the chief was alone in the office.

After looking at the relevant report sent by the Ministry of Military Affairs, the chief's eyes flashed with coldness. Although the effective resistance of the Kayi tribe had weakened a lot, the tribe still did not surrender immediately.

This made him very angry.

Even the small Kayi tribe can't win, so are they still considered the number one in Blue Star?

"Henry, speed up my attack on the Keyi tribe. I need you to take it down as soon as possible!"

“It’s so slow now, you know?”

"I need you to move fast."

"It's too slow. How can we prove our superpower status to the world?"

Putting down the documents on hand, the chief picked up the phone and called the Ministry of Military Affairs, giving a new order directly to Hawke Henry.

At this rate, he'd had enough.

Anyway, the myth of zero casualties has been broken, so he doesn't mind accelerating the pace of the attack, using speed to win, and directly forcefully occupy the entire Kayi tribe.

As for the chief of the Kayi tribe, he should be arrested and tried immediately!

Those who dare to challenge the might of the Tuxiongying Tribe are seeking death!

"Yes, Warchief."

Henry Hawke hurriedly accepted the order, not daring to be careless in the slightest.

As far as the current situation is concerned, only by ending the Kayi tribal war as soon as possible and completely overthrowing the bearded chief's regime can we obtain the maximum benefits.

After all, they had obtained relevant internal intelligence that the Khyi tribe troops were preparing to ignite those oil fields.

In other words, they would rather destroy everything than let them obtain the relevant oil resources.

This makes them furious.

Do you really think that the Eagle Tribe is working so hard to launch a war because the Key Tribe possesses weapons of mass destruction?

That's not because the area where the Kayi tribe is located is rich in oil resources.

If this whole thing burns down, where can they get oil?

Henry Hawke immediately ordered more than 400,000 troops in the central region to step up the war against the Kayi tribe and carry out crazy bombings here.

This day.

Integrated military factory.

With the improvement of the technical skills of the technicians in the base, as well as the refined division of labor and cooperation, in addition to the construction of warships for external export, all the slipways are used to build 052C.

After the third ship was successfully launched, the fourth and fifth ships are already under intensive construction.

If it weren't for the lack of personnel, I'm afraid all the next three ships would have been built together.

The upgraded version of the fly swatter anti-stealth radar has achieved breakthroughs in all core technologies. It has been built at the factory and can be installed directly after it is brought over.

With the exploration of the 052B and the construction and use of the first three ships, this type of warship has become mature. Whether it is the hull, the power system, the weapon system, the optoelectronic system, as well as the radar and detection system, all have been formed. Industrialized standard parts have been produced.

If it weren't for the fact that the 052C guided drive belongs to the first-generation shield ship and its performance is not perfect enough, it could be mass-produced and installed.

Compared with this type of ship, Su Dingping values ​​​​more the 052D second-generation shield ship.

With the 052D shield ship, the combat power of Longxia Navy will truly take a step up and become the leading combat power in the Dongzhou Sea.

Compared with those warships of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe, they are really inferior.

In just over ten days, two 052Cs were about to be launched. Xu Dongguo and other leaders were very happy after hearing this, especially Qian Wenbing, who was so excited.

If he hadn't been busy at work, he would have wanted to run over in person, hug Su Dingping and kiss her hard several times to express his excitement.

Is there anything more joyful than this?

As the supreme leader of the fleet, he naturally needs a large number of advanced warships.

Even though the 052C shield ship is a first-generation product, its combat effectiveness is simply not on the same level as the previous ones. He has seen actual combat cases.

One 052B and one 956E were unable to destroy the 052C even with full firepower. Instead, they were killed by the 052C.

Having the 052C also gives the Southern Fleet a regional air defense capability.

When he moved to the southern sea, the surrounding children were so frightened that they did not dare to raise their heads, let alone be as arrogant as before.

Just thinking about it makes me very excited.

He used to think that 956E was very strong and fragrant, but now he feels that 052C is awesome, the real sweetie, and 956E has become Mrs. Niu!

"All six 052Cs are mine, all mine."

"Just thinking about it makes me feel very refreshed."

"Grandma is a bitch, let's see how arrogant the Iron Monkey Tribe and the Feilu Tribe are!"

"As long as they jump around, I will kill them!"

"Just when the tiger is not showing its full potential, do you think I'm a sick cat?"

Qian Wenbing raised his eyebrows and said with an unkind expression. If it weren't for the overall situation and the overall development, he really wanted to wait until the six 052C ships were in place and then command them to patrol the southern waters.

If anyone doesn't have eyesight, just wipe them out completely.

You dare to make a noise with our southern fleet, and you are turning the world upside down!

"Report, latest news."

"There is news from the production base. In four or five days, we will be able to send people to pick up the ship."

"Ships No. 4 and 5 are launched at the same time."

The staff officer on the side took out a document and handed it over, and then reported it very seriously.

He was actually surprised. The production speed at the integrated military factory had reached a terrifying level, and two ships were launched at the same time.

This is simply unprecedented, the first time in the world.

I wonder if this day has ever happened in the history of the navy?

Absolutely not.

This is the speed the navy needs.

It is said that this was carried out without full personnel. If there were enough personnel, wouldn't it be faster?

"This is a good thing. He really didn't disappoint."

"Go and organize the trained personnel and order them to set off for the production base."

"Tell them to form combat capabilities for me after receiving the ship."

"The surrounding waters have been extremely unstable recently. If they drive a cutting-edge warship and fail to do well for me, I will serve them with military law!"

Qian Wenbing raised his head and gave the order very decisively.

Taking over two warships at the same time, the happiness came so unexpectedly, making him feel that the navy's happy moment was coming, and it was completely a highlight moment.

I couldn't even dream of it before.

Now under the leadership of Su Dingping, it has really been realized.

He remembered clearly that the future 052D is the Navy's target ship and will be built in large quantities. Wouldn't it be faster to receive ships in the future?

Thinking of this, he actually panicked.

Damn it.

If personnel training cannot keep up, wouldn't that be a huge problem?

It is said that people have to wait for equipment, but equipment cannot wait for people.

It seems that the current personnel training model needs to be changed. It is necessary to have at least three to six personnel in each position and implement a helping and guiding system.

"Dingping, you really gave me a difficult problem."

"But I like this puzzle."

Qian Wenbing was not angry at all, but looked cheerful.

That's right, the Southern Fleet is now the most equipped among the three major fleets, and it naturally has to shoulder the important task of training the entire naval combat personnel.

They are the seed fleet and need to provide talents for the other two fleets!

Even if Liu Huaming didn't say it, he still had to have this awareness.

But in this case, he would need to report to Liu Huaming, hold a training meeting for internal navy personnel, and put the cultivation of talents first.

The remaining two fleets all sent personnel to participate in the operation and learning of modern ships.

Qian Wenbing has always had a fiery temper, and he is also very resolute in his work.

If you think of it, do it.

He directly picked up the phone and called Xu Dongguo and Xiao Chongjun respectively, inviting them to go to the imperial capital for a meeting.

Naval Headquarters.

In the spacious and bright office, Liu Huaming sits in the chief position.

"Qian Wenbing, if you need anything, just get started."

"This meeting was held at your request."

Liu Huaming was the first to speak, looking directly at Qian Wenbing and getting straight to the point.

Seeing Xu Dongguo and Xiao Chongjun staring at him with burning eyes, Qian Wenbing did not feel embarrassed at all, but was very proud.

There is a feeling of elation.

He remembered clearly that Xu Dongguo secretly dismantled 956E before, and the delivery period was delayed again and again, which made him very annoyed.

It wasn't until he learned the truth later that he realized that his situation was too small.

He even began to be jealous that Xu Dongguo had recruited a strategic-level science master like Su Dingping.

Now, he has almost five 052Cs in his hands. This is simply a superior force value, directly leaving the other two fleets behind. Just thinking about it is very relieved!

He finally felt proud one day and could hold his head high.

"Chief, there are also Lao Xu and Lao Xiao."

"Convening this meeting, I have two things to announce."

"First, the Northern Fleet and the Eastern Fleet should organize their troops as soon as possible and come to my place for training."

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