I built an armada

Chapter 227 Hai Zi wants to dominate the waters of Dongzhou forever

Su Dingping has always believed that a designer who has not experienced naval battles is not a good designer.

Only when designers go to sea with warships and experience the fierceness and intensity of modern naval battles can designers put themselves in the shoes of the sailors during design.

Especially in modern naval warfare, informatization and missiles determine the course of the war.

There were no relevant conditions for doing this before.

Now that the supercomputer is officially put into use, it is natural to bring Sun Yongguo and a group of people to experience it.

After fully understanding and verifying the relevant performance of 052D, isn't it a good opportunity to train the designer team?

Su Dingping wanted to make one thing clear to Sun Yongguo and other designers. The designed warships and related weapon systems were all for use by sailors.

Only by first putting yourself in the customers' shoes can you incorporate these needs into the design and best meet all the needs of sailors.


Sun Yongguo, Lu Guangjun and other personnel were all ready. They quickly entered into their roles, controlled their own warships and began to march towards the battlefield.

As designers, they all know that the paper data of the 052D second-generation shield ship exceeds that of the 052C and has a very powerful combat capability.

Situational awareness, information processing and data links have been fully upgraded.

If it hadn't used the 052C hull, I'm afraid it wouldn't be an exaggeration to call it a new generation of warships.

In the eyes of Sun Yongguo and others, Su Dingping did this simply because he did not want to expose the true strength of Long Xia's navy prematurely. When the strength was still relatively weak, hiding it was also a kind of combat effectiveness.

Once the enemy bullies the door, the 052D second-generation shield ship can become a killer weapon and inflict heavy damage to the enemy outside the defense zone, just like the 052C that was still in sea trials last time and took the opportunity to sink four Haizi warships.

Haizi was forced to admit defeat and withdraw his troops.

After learning from this naval battle, the entire Self-Defense Force has been honest for a long time. Later, if the Long Xia Navy released a recruitment video and released relevant videos, I am afraid that the Haizi side must have interpreted a lot of information from it.

"Didi, didi!"

Just as they sat down, the excitement had not passed when Sun Yongguo and others heard a rapid and loud radar warning sound.

I saw that one of the 052Cs shown on the situation map has been locked.

And it's still outside the 052C defense zone.

How long did it take before the war started?

Less than ten minutes.

One of the ships, the 052C, was written off and announced that it was withdrawing from the battlefield.

You know, Sun Yongguo's side was the attacking side. As a result, one of the 052D second-generation shield ships was sunk before even the hair of the 052D second-generation shield ship could be touched.

Suddenly, the expressions of Sun Yongguo and others suddenly changed, and they suddenly realized a very serious problem.

If they were really on board this 052C, wouldn't it mean that they were collectively reimbursed?

Modern naval warfare is really terrifying.

Destroy upon discovery is indeed not just a matter of words.

"Don't be discouraged, we still have the power to fight back."

"We still have three 052Cs and two 052Bs."

"Everyone remains vigilant."

Seeing that everyone's emotions were seriously affected, Zhou Qinglei, as the commander-in-chief of the attacking fleet, hurriedly spoke to calm everyone.

In fact, he also suffered a huge psychological impact just now.

052C was defeated so quickly.

He had personally piloted this warship before, and made a very beautiful counterattack in the escort and defense battle with Haizi, directly sinking four modern warships including the enemy Murasame.

He had just seen clearly that the 052C was seriously injured by a supersonic anti-ship missile without detecting where the 052D was, and there was no way to continue fighting.

052D is really not a billion points stronger!

This made him even more vigilant, and he did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

However, when commanding the battle, he took the time to click on the performance parameters of the 052D to check it out, and it turned out that it was more than a bit stronger.

A new generation of active phased array radar 346A is installed, with 48 units in the front and a 32-unit universal vertical launch system in the rear. It can launch both hot and cold systems. It has a full 80 craters and a maximum depth of 9 meters.

It can also load four bombs in one pit, which directly gives the 052D ample firepower output capability.

The new generation of 'Star' combat command system has doubled its data processing capabilities and the number of channels.

Although it uses a similar diesel-fuel combination power method as the 052C, the horsepower has directly soared to the terrifying level of 36,000 horsepower per unit plus two MTU-20 V956 TB92 diesel engines.

This directly enables the top speed of the 052D shield ship to reach 33 knots.

The full load displacement has reached 7800 tons!

The new generation of YJ-108A anti-ship missile has a maximum speed of Mach 3, a reaction time of 2 seconds, a reloading time of 3 seconds, and a maximum salvo of 24 rounds.

It has a range of 540 kilometers, and the warhead weighs more than 300 kilograms.

The "Haihongqi"-901B ship-to-air missile immediately switched to automatic tracking and launching procedures, and its maximum range also increased from the original 120 kilometers to 200 kilometers.

The reaction speed is only 2 seconds, and multiple volleys can be fired with less than a second interval.

Such reaction speed directly threw 052C several blocks away.

The 346A version of the Star of the Sea active phased array radar equipped on the ship is completely different in terms of sensitivity, anti-interference, and long-range detection!

T/R components are made of gallium nitride raw materials, which have low power consumption and the ability to detect farther.

In other words, under the same power, the 346A radar can detect farther and perform better.

Through the "S+C" band, it provides guidance services for missiles with a high degree of automation.

The detection range has been extended to more than 500 kilometers, directly doubling the performance of 052C.

At this moment, he finally understood why Su Dingping was so calm. He had seized the opportunity at the beginning and deliberately let the reckless 052C rush in, and then fired an anti-ship missile and ended it.

How neat and tidy.

If he encountered such a cunning opponent on the battlefield, he felt that he would definitely not win.

As a commander, you not only need to have a full understanding of the performance of your own warship, but also the performance of the enemy's warship. As the saying goes, know yourself and the enemy.

It was obvious that Su Dingping already had a full understanding of the two warships.

As a result, it will be very difficult for them to defeat this 052D second-generation shield ship.

"We need to be more vigilant."

"After comparing the data, our side has no advantage at all."

"The fine tradition of our navy is to defeat the strong with the weak and to fight guerrillas at sea."

"Now our side has the numerical advantage."

“Let’s go up together, keep the pace and move forward.”

Zhou Qinglei raised his head and glanced at Su Dingping not far away, and hurriedly gave instructions to Sun Yongguo and others.

Su Dingping was still so calm, as if he didn't feel any pressure, and looked confident of victory, exactly the same as the last sea trial.

Last time, he, the commander, felt so nervous that he simply went all out and achieved such fruitful results.

Su Dingping, on the other hand, from the very beginning to the end of the war, remained calm and unchanging, without any emotional change at all.

He is a born senior commander!

If this young man is not a master of science at the strategic level, if he joins the army, he must be an extremely excellent front-line commander, capable of commanding thousands of troops in combat.

As a troop leader, he knows very well how important psychological stability is for a commander!

He couldn't help feeling grateful that Su Dingping was from the navy and stayed in the country to help with economic construction. Otherwise, the navy would have encountered an extremely strong opponent.


Sun Yongguo and others responded in unison, their fighting spirit rekindled.

They know very well that if they want to break through 052D's defense line, they must go out of their way to find its defense loopholes and then exploit them.

In this way, the pressure is put on 052D.

This is a perfect opportunity to test his ability to react to the target, to withstand pressure at critical moments, and then carry out defensive counterattacks.

Hearing Zhou Qinglei's words, Su Dingping's mouth curved in a strange way.

For him, this kind of test has no value at all. It just displays the relevant performance of the 052D second-generation shield ship in front of everyone more intuitively, and takes this opportunity to find the defense loopholes of this ship.

After the loophole is found, it is natural to upgrade it.

"Old Zhou, then you will come together."

"I want to see if you can break through 052D's defense network."

Su Dingping raised his head and looked at Zhou Qinglei and others not far away, and responded cheerfully.

After two consecutive days, the simulated confrontation finally came to an end.

The result is obvious. The 052D has a complete victory. Only in terms of anti-submarine, there are still some shortcomings. The main reason is that the anti-submarine helicopter still uses the Z-901 light weight.

This type of helicopter cannot go far at all, and the weight it can carry is limited. It can only carry one large torpedo.

"It seems that the anti-submarine aspects still need to be strengthened."

"I just don't know when the Helicopter Research Institute will produce a 10-ton naval helicopter."

At midnight, when Su Dingping came out of the forging space of the Military Industrial Illustrated Book, he fell into deep thought. If it didn't work, he felt it was very necessary to make one himself.

According to his memory, he clearly remembered that it would be a long time before the naval utility helicopter actually appeared in later generations.

Prior to this, the Navy used some helicopters including the Mi-28 and Z-9, all of which had huge flaws. The Mi-28 was too tall and was a crude model.

It is necessary to unlock the forging of Zhi-20 in Kailai.

I just don’t know if the Military Industrial Illustration is helpful.

He decided to go to the ship to study it tomorrow, and it happened that the helicopter factory had already sent Zhi-901 over.

At the same time, the Donghuang Tribe returned from the headquarters.

Murakami Hayaki sat in the chief position with a gloomy look on his face and said nothing.

I don’t know who leaked the relevant information. The last incident was not an accident caused by the Haizi exercise, but an attack by the Longxia Navy. This made the people of the Eastern Wasteland continue to burn with anger.

Especially under the crazy incitement of those right-wing elements, many people even went to demonstrations and attacked Haizi military bases.

It was obviously a naval battle, and they were known as the little overlords of the Dongzhou waters.

Now Long Xia Haijun was beaten violently, but Hai Zi concealed the truth of the matter. Wasn't this deliberately deceiving their feelings?

Such humiliation directly made these people furious.

They shouted protest slogans and demanded revenge and justice for Haizi.

Completely unaware that this incident was caused by a sea attack on the Long Xiahai naval escort fleet.

However, some people are reflecting on how the Longxia Navy, which in their impression was lagging behind, became so strong. Wasn't it always being suppressed by the navy?

Even so, many of their angry Donghuang talents would not care so much and directly began to attack the Haizi military base.

Even this morning, there have been several bloody conflicts.

This further ignited the anger of those people, and they even began to demand that senior Haizi officials collectively resign and step down and replace them with capable people.

It was already eleven o'clock in the evening, and there were still many people crowded outside the Haizi headquarters, shouting with loudspeakers.

Strongly demanding revenge from Haizi, launching a counterattack, and using the blood of Longxia Navy to wash away the shame!

Naturally, the Maritime Self-Defense Force came forward to stop and disperse the protesting crowd. However, these guys were like brown candies, dispersed and came back to continue the protest.

The entire Donghuang tribe has gone crazy, and none of the numerous Haizi military bases have been able to escape the fate of being blocked.

Hearing the protest again, Murakami Hayaki's face became more and more gloomy, and his cold eyes glanced at everyone present.

"Everyone, don't you have anything to say?"

"Who leaked the news?"

Shushang Tianfu and others shook their heads vigorously. He knew very well that this was a secret, and leaking it would give his competitors an opportunity to cause trouble.

Isn’t it time to come now?

Those guys are very capable of doing things. How can they deal with all the messy things if they are too busy with business matters?

At this time, no one dared to take the lead and admit that they did it themselves.

"Very good, you have what it takes."

"But it doesn't matter. We want revenge anyway. We're just waiting for the training of the second and third fleets."

Murakami Saki took a deep breath and said slowly, "I have given instructions to the shipyard. The missing warships must be replaced."

"Our navy needs a fully equipped Eighth-Eight Fleet."

At this point, he paused slightly and looked down at the document.

"Judging from various signs, Longxia's navy is indeed making progress, but it seems that our navy is lagging behind."

"First of all, let me tell you that I will never accept Hai Zi's lagging behind, never!"

"Therefore, we need to study the establishment of ten fleets."

Hearing Murakami Hayaki's words, Shushang Tianfu and others trembled, as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

What do you mean?

Is the maritime fleet going to be upgraded?

Doesn't the Tenth Fleet mean that there will be ten warships and ten helicopters?

Once such a scale is reached, doesn't it mean that Hai Zi's combat capability has reached a new level?

This is quite interesting.

But what should we do with the Law of Peace?

"I need you to remember that our navy was, is, and will be the first fleet in the East Continent Sea in the future."

"If any other tribe wants to surpass it, I won't agree."

"Even if the future successor shows weakness, you can overthrow him in one go."

Murakami Sayaki spoke again, his eyes filled with murderous intent, as if he was announcing to the world that Haizi would never accept defeat.

When Shushang Tianfu and others heard this, their hearts trembled. Murakami Saki was not only cruel to him.

Be even more cruel to your successor!

After this, who dares to despise Haizi’s military build-up?

Sure enough, he is a cruel person!

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