When the enemy advances, I retreat, when the enemy is stationed in my disturbance, when the enemy is tired, I fight, and when the enemy retreats, I pursue!

The Wolf Smoke Spirit Rider led by Huo Qubing accurately conformed to these sixteen-character policies, and if he knew a librarian, he would definitely introduce each other as confidants.

Within a few days, the 100,000-strong army had been half destroyed by Huo Qubing, and the remaining 50,000 troops began to be afraid, in their eyes, Huo Quba was too terrifying, as if he could predict it, no matter what traps were laid, they could be accurately avoided by him.

And Huo Qubing can always cause great harm to them, where do they know that if Huo Qubing is digitized, if he is a hundred points, Huo Qubing's commander is a hundred points, force ninety-nine, intelligence ninety-eight, politics ninety-eight, charm ninety-nine perfect existence.

You think he is a pure martial general, no, in fact, he can also be a wise general, a strategist.

The remaining 50,000 troops began to be afraid, did not dare to encircle and suppress anymore, and began to flee, at this time, it was time for the wolf smoke spirit to chase and kill.

Until now, the Wolf Smoke Spirit Rider still did not give the grassland army the slightest chance to counterattack, this time biting you 3,000 people, the next time biting you 5,000 people, and the next time biting you 2,000 people.

And just like that, little by little, little by little, the army of 50,000 began to become less, 40,000, 30,000, 20,000, and then gave up resistance, became 20,000 slaves, and was taken over by the army of deception.

Wolf Spirit Sacrifice is the high priest of the largest temple in the grassland, and also a great master, since Huo Qubing wants to destroy the grassland, of course, he will not allow the existence of the grassland sacrifice temple, but unfortunately he is not Huo Qubing's opponent, he was chased and killed by Huo Qubing, every time after a fight, his injuries are heavier, and his physical strength and spirit have reached a limit.

The wolf spirit sacrifice has a feeling that it seems to be like a fish in a large invisible net, the fish is tightening step by step, and the hunter who casts the net is watching his fish.

Suddenly, the extremely fast and violent wolf spirit sacrifice suddenly stopped, he raised his eyes to look at the man in front of him, and said word by word: "Huo Qubing!"

Huo Qubing stood there holding Fang Tian's halberd, his legs seemed to have a sense of supporting the sky, his eyes were like stars and moons, majestic, facing the wolf spirit sacrifice, he looked indifferent: "Wolf spirit sacrifice, you have no place to escape." "

The Wolf Spirit Sacrifice let out a long breath, and his eyes flashed: "If you want my life, take it yourself!"

He knew that it was no longer necessary to escape, and in the pursuit and killing of Huo Qubing, he didn't even have time to recover from his injuries, and if time was not pushed forward by a point, his injuries would be one point heavier, and now he could still fight, and if it dragged on, he would not even have the capital for the first war.


Huo Qubing's body soared, and the momentum of his body burst out violently, and the heavenly painting halberd in his hand sounded, and the iron and blood aura spread out, as if turning this space into an iron-blooded battlefield full of killing.


Huo Qubing held Fang Tian's halberd and directly stabbed at the wolf spirit sacrifice, and the 100-meter space was regarded by him as nothing, really like killing people on the battlefield, and taking the enemy's first rank was like a general who probed and took things, and he was extremely domineering.

The Wolf Spirit Sacrifice only felt that the boundless killing intent was rolling, his whole body was cold and his hair stood upside down, goosebumps appeared all over his body, and his true qi all around him rioted.

"Wolf Spirit Protector!"

A huge wave seemed to appear behind the wolf spirit sacrifice, the wolf head roared above his head, and the wolf claws spread from the shoulder to the palm, and violently collided with Fang Tian's halberd.


Vigorous, sweeping the space of tens of zhang in a radius, his hands bounced high like an electric shock, the whole person trembled violently, his figure flew up involuntarily, and his palms were also bloody in the collision with Huo Qubing Fang Tian's halberd, revealing Sensen's white bones.

Before he could breathe when he landed, Huo Qubing had already risen into the sky, and Fang Tian's halberd left a burning white line in the air.

Bang bang bang!

Under Huo Qubing's stormy attack, the Wolf Spirit Sacrifice only retreated step by step, and blood sprayed wildly.

Laugh at!

A halberd stabbed and pierced the chest of the wolf spirit sacrifice with a pop, nailing him to a boulder.

Huo Qubing indifferently shocked Fang Tian's halberd, shaking the internal organs of the wolf spirit sacrifice into powder, and then the halberd blade swept away, and the wolf spirit sacrifice was directly beheaded.

After killing the wolf spirit sacrifice, Huo Qubing didn't even look at it, turned around and flew away.

Under the slaughter of the Wolf Smoke Spirit Horse and the 200,000-strong army led by him, the steppe tribe was destroyed, fled, fled, fled farther north, fled farther west, and the royal court that had been established for five years was also destroyed.

Hundreds of thousands of prisoners, countless cattle, horses and sheep, were sent to the Great Wall.

The steppe war has come to an end, and it is time for the squad to return to the dynasty.


Time passed like a white horse, and more than half a month had passed, and the army of Mengqiao and Huo Qubing had already received news that the squad division was about to return to the dynasty.

And at this time, the bad guys, Luo Net, Black Ice Platform, and Shadow Secret Guard are still suppressing the rebellion, clearing out the powerful and powerful, and the nobles.

The scene of Ba County has gradually spread to all counties of Daqin, and the nobles who are knowledgeable about current affairs plead guilt themselves, release illegal slaves, and can keep half to two percent of their fields, houses, and wealth depending on the severity of the crime.

But there are also nobles who are unwilling to give up the hard-working fields, efforts, wealth, and try to resist, but their rebellion is so weak under the suppression of the four special institutions, not to mention the large army to cooperate with the suppression.

Gradually, they realized that rebellion, rebellion was just a mantis as a car, grasshoppers shaking trees, it was useless, and many county nobles and powerful people had already listed their crimes before Yuan Tiangang arrived, leaving it to the imperial court.

They reminisced, and the imperial court seemed to eat soft rather than hard.

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