In fact, even the creator of "Casting Holy Court" is not sure if it is a void world, or if that world is just a concrete world that belongs to a concept in his mind.


As the information flowed in his mind, Ying Zheng's thoughts seemed to slowly detach from his body and project towards a certain underworld space.

Gradually, Ying Zheng has felt the breath of the conceptual embodied world, neither innate nor acquired, the color is chaotic, but it is not chaotic, it has the nature of all three, but it is not any of the three, which is very strange.


Ying Zheng's mind was shocked, looked around, and suddenly found that he had arrived in an unknown underworld, this place is chaotic and misty, but it is not chaos, there is no heaven and earth, it is not void, it is mysterious and lonely, there is no light and no image, no sound and no sound, and the flow of time and space does not exist.

"Dragon, phoenix, jiao, white tiger, Xuanwu, Suzaku?"

Ying Zheng looked around, shocked and inexplicable, only to see what he saw, it was like clouds and mist steaming, but it was by no means clouds and mist, and in these cloud-like spaces, a dragon, phoenix, dragon and other divine beasts that resembled clouds and mist stars, and exotic beasts slept soundly.

In addition to beasts, there are also the tree of clouds, the mountain of clouds, and the sea of clouds.

In addition to the sleeping ones, there are countless cloud and mist beasts flying and swimming, there are vermilion birds spreading their wings and flying, fire crows soaring in flocks, and dragons breathing hovering.

There are unicorns, dragon horses, white ze, nine-tailed foxes, flying fish, which are really strange, and most of them are plants and animals that Ying Zheng does not know.

"Huh? Such a big dragon?"

Ying Zheng's heart was shocked, and he didn't find that there was a huge creature sleeping beside him, and there was a faint snoring sound.

This big dragon is huge, the body is like a ridge, and the dragon fin on the back is like a mountain peak, at a cursory glance, Ying Zheng estimates that this big dragon is more than a million li, and Ying Zheng is not even an ant next to him.

Its snort ejected two long lines of white air, exhaled and flew out of the thousands, and when it inhaled, it returned to its nostrils, blowing hundreds of miles of this strange space, and thousands of miles of animals and plants flew around involuntarily.

Ying Zheng swallowed his saliva, Shen Nian made a tiptoeing motion, this big dragon can really spray him to death in one breath, and even Ying Zheng feels that this big dragon only needs to take a breath if he wants to destroy a world.

Ying Zheng tiptoed to leave, the big dragon turned the dragon's head, and the huge and lifeless head came to Huan Zheng, and the sun-like eyes blinked, as if he was curious about this strange creature.

"What are you doing here?"

The big dragon spoke, his voice booming into the boundless space.

Huan Zheng was taken aback, turned his head mechanically, and said with a dry smile: "?"

He was shocked in his heart, and he could see that although the plants and animals in this boundless space had thousands of postures, they were all unconscious.

In other words, all dead things.

Qilin, Ryoma, Shirasawa, Nine-tailed Fox, and flying fish are just some forms of these dead things.

And this great dragon has a consciousness.

"Why can't you talk?"

The big dragon shook his head and tail, stretched his limbs, seemed to be stretching his waist, stood up, looked down condescendingly, and seemed to be looking at a small ant: "Strange and weak humble creature, do you know how long I have been sleeping this night, do you know what kind of punishment I will face for disturbing my sleep?

Suddenly, this big dragon's big eyes kicked, and its limbs supported a huge body of more than a million miles rushed away, and in a blink of an eye, it disappeared into the field of vision of Yue Zheng.

"What's the situation?"

Ying Zheng looked inexplicable, slightly uncertain: "This big dragon... Seems to be running for your life?"

After a while, the big dragon sneakily poked its head out from a cloud mountain and said angrily: "It's you again!

This great dragon was furious, but he was afraid to die, and did not dare to come out, and said the most crazy words in the most humble posture: "Do you think I am afraid of you? How many times have you blackmailed me? How many times have you blackmailed me?

"Brother Long..."

"Don't threaten me!"

This big dragon was furious: "Zulong! I'm not afraid of you! I'm really not afraid of you! Do you think you can beat me, if it weren't for your face, for the peace of the heavens, you don't want to pay attention to you, this is my place, you don't want to grab luck from me anymore, I'm not afraid of you, you can't beat me, you can't threaten me..."

This big dragon is afraid of me?

Huan Zheng smiled and said, "Brother Long, I don't want much..."

"Shut up!"

The dragon whiskers of this great dragon qi trembled, and the color was fierce: "I have said that I am not afraid of you, you still come to threaten me, I am not bullying good and afraid of evil, just for the peace of the heavens, I can only give you such a little, no more I will be angry..."

This big dragon compared his fingers, he compared to a smaller dragon finger, but in the eyes of Ying Zheng, it was no less than a mountain.

"Thank you Brother Long. "

Huan Zheng's heart was furious: "If Brother Long can give me a little more..."

This big dragon immediately retracted, calculated alone behind the cloudy mountain, and said to himself: "Zulong this kid is a smiling tiger, the more polite the surface, the more bad water comes out of the heart, if I don't give it, he will definitely beat me up, the good man doesn't suffer the loss in front of him, or give him a little more..."

"Say, how much more do you want. "

The big dragon blinked, and then emphasized: "I am not coerced by you, I am full of iron bones, heaven and earth can be seen, I see that you have given you pity." "

"So much for it. "Huan Zheng originally wanted to stretch out a slap, but after thinking about it, he couldn't force this big dragon too hard, just compared it to a finger. _

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