In the sound of silk and bamboo gongs and drums, an old man walked out slowly, and hundreds of people behind him lined up in two rows, ten feet away from him, and followed.

The old man shook a goose feather fan in his hand, the sun shone on his face, but seeing that he was ruddy, full of white hair, three feet of silver hair under his chin, childlike crane hair, it was really like the fairy figure in the picture, but his proud demeanor destroyed all this, this old man glanced at the three, his gaze suddenly fixed on Shi Yao, coughed lightly, and gently swayed the goose feather fan: "Those three, do you know who I am?"

"Those three, you know who the old immortal is!"

Hundreds of people behind this old man roared in unison, the momentum was thick, and the roar was heaven-shaking.

Huan Zheng couldn't help but laugh, so obviously, he naturally knew that this old monster was Ding Chunqiu, but this person's four-like pomp made him laugh.

It seems like a Taoist priest doing things, like a person marrying relatives, like an official on patrol, and like a group of clowns singing.

"Boy, what are you laughing at!"

Ding Chunqiu's face turned gloomy in vain, although the Star Su Sect did not have any fame in the Central Plains, but he had been in the Star Su Sect for twenty years, and he was the overlord of hundreds of square circles, who saw him was not a former and later congratulation, and the laughter of Huan Zheng's obvious disdain suddenly angered him.

"Laugh at you like a clown, I am afraid that your thick skin is invincible in the world. Ying Zheng said lightly.

Gai Nie and Shi Yao looked at the strange pomp behind him, and they couldn't help but nod in unison.

"Find death!"

Ding Chunqiu's face suddenly became gloomy, dressed in a blue Daoist robe without wind, and the praise of the disciples of the Xingsu Sect had already sounded: "The old immortals of the Xingsu are as heavy as a weight, and the divine skills are overwhelming, and today's teaching you will open your eyes." "

"Dare to offend the old immortal, let you die today without a place to be buried. "

"I'll let you all taste the taste of the old immortal skill of the stars one by one. "

"The three of you join forces, lest you die too quickly!"

"Throughout the ages, no one can match the old immortals of the stars! Who dares to use his arms as a car, but he is only self-defeating. "

It turned out that the disciples of the Xingsu Sect hid gongs, drums, cymbals, and trumpets in their arms, and at this time they took them out to blow and beat, preaching the majesty of the master, and some people waved the green flag, yellow flag, red flag, and purple flag, shouting loudly.

In the sound of gongs and drums, a disciple of the stars took out a piece of paper and recited it aloud, but it was a "praise for the old immortals of the stars"

I don't know which corrupt man invited this person to write this song of praise, but I heard the high hat and the horse fly together, and the magic conch sounded the gong and drum together.

Gai Nie couldn't bear it anymore, haha: "Let's not talk about strength, your thickness is really unprecedented." "

Shi Yao on the side "giggled" and even tears came out.

He has also walked the rivers and lakes, but the Chinese people walking the rivers and lakes, and there are actually people next to cheer with gongs and drums, which is really unprecedented.

Ding Chunqiu originally wanted to kill Ying Zheng immediately, but Ding Chunqiu's biggest proclivity in life was to listen to the sycophants of others, and the more others said it, the happier he listened.

This has been held by the group of disciples for decades, and I have long believed that the songs and praises of the group of disciples are true.

If any of them did not praise him by three, he felt that this disciple was not loyal enough.

All the disciples were well aware of his temper, and whenever they had the opportunity, they all went all out and clapped with great fanfare, all knowing that if the praise was slightly inadequate, they would lose the master's happiness and do little things, and they would always worry about their lives.

These disciples of the Star Sect are not all born brazen, but firstly, they are forbidden, if they are not so, they will not be able to survive, and secondly, they have been practicing for a long time, habits have become nature, and sycophants come out smoothly, and no one is ashamed of it.

At this time, he was not in a hurry to kill Yingzheng, but he smiled, his eyes seemed to be closed, listening to the praises of all the disciples, and he was extremely intoxicated.

Ying Zheng is also happy, and he actually has an idea in his heart, wouldn't it be happy to capture this Ding Chunqiu and this group of disciples of the Star Sect and sing like a clown every day?

Ding Chunqiu's left hand was raised, and the chant stopped, and all the disciples said in unison: "Master's merit is overwhelming, and all the disciples are foolish, it is not enough to express in case." "

"Boy, obediently sacrifice this woman next to you, and I will let you die a little faster." Ding Chunqiu's eyes were gloomy as he stared at Ying Zheng.

Huan Zheng smiled dumbly: "Ding Chunqiu, not only is your thick skin unmatched, but your kung fu to die is also unmatched." "

Ding Chunqiu was furious, he couldn't help it anymore, his true qi burst out, and he pounced with a palm, and in the blink of an eye he crossed the distance of ten zhang, and as he slapped out a palm, a fishy smell instantly permeated a radius of ten zhang, and ordinary people would be dizzy as long as they inhaled a little of this taste.

Ding Chunqiu's disciples chanted loudly: "Master has a little trick, and let you die one by one without a place to be buried." "

"Master has the ability to penetrate the heavens and the earth, there are no ancients before, and there are no comers after, today I will teach you the pigs and dogs of the Central Plains to see the means of our Star Sect. "

"Master, his old man is invincible, invincible, and the heroes and good men of ancient and modern times are all invincible!"

Gai Nie slightly saw that the surrounding ten zhang were filled with poisonous gas, and his face was slightly heavy: "Use poison, use the means, taste it yourself!"

Before the words fell, the sleeves flapped gently, and a fierce wind blew violently on the flat ground, and all the poisonous gas suddenly blew back violently.


The poisonous gas flew back upside down, but it turned into needles of poisonous gas, piercing deeply into Ding Chunqiu's acupuncture tunnels.

The aura of this world is about seventy percent of the Qin Shi world, so Ying Zheng estimates that the top masters in this world are probably not as good as the Qin Shi world.

And this Ding Chunqiu's strength is only the appearance of a congenital peak at most, and the strength of Gai Nie Martial Dao Tianren is that he is the top master in the Qin Shi world, and he can pinch ten eight congenital peak martial artists at will. _

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