"Could it be that our Huaxia team will also be like those teams, in a mutated plot world, destroyed by some perverted existence that should not exist?"

Wang Zongchao and the others' bones crackled, and it seemed that they would fall apart in the next moment, and Xiao Zhonghua withstood the pressure like a mountain, trying to raise his head and look at the terrifying figure standing with his hands in his hands.

Huan Zheng slowly walked towards everyone, Wang Zongchao, Xiao Zhonghua, Xu You, and Jing Keer watched Huan Zheng walk over, his hair stood upside down, as if some great terror was about to come.

The least of them have also experienced five worlds, and they have experienced all the horrors of life and death, but at this time, they can only be powerlessly pressed to the ground and unable to move.

"Do I have a feud with you?"

An indifferent voice was like the will of the heavenly dome poured into everyone's minds.

Gotta get...

The sound of Xu You and Jing Keer's teeth chattering was extremely clear in the stone room, and Wang Zongchao raised his head with great difficulty, and looked up at the figure that seemed to be taller than the sky:

"This lord... It's just a misunderstanding..."


At this time, all the martial arts sects and forces almost gathered at the top of the light.

The major forces, the sects ranged from hundreds to thousands, and there were only a dozen people in one corner, and suddenly, a cold voice sounded in their ears.

"The siege of Bright Top is about to begin, and the Jianghu Sect is ready to join forces to besiege the Ming Sect Bright Top Altar, destroy the Ming Sect, and reward 50,000 for completing the task."

"Main mission 1: Attack the Ming Sect with the Jianghu Sect, break the main altar of the Ming Sect, kill the core figures of the Ming Sect, reward 1000 points in the early stage of killing the grandmaster, 1500 points in the middle stage of killing the grandmaster, and 2000 points in the late stage of killing the grandmaster."

"Main mission two: team battle mission, kill the reincarnation of the Ming Sect camp, kill one person each reward 1000 points, the enemy deducts 1000 points per person, vice versa, the final reward points are not enough, erase!"

The cold reward points and deductions, listening to the ears of these people, appear extremely cruel and bloody, making their scalps numb, and every reward is telling the death of a person.

Team battle!

This is the most cruel and bloody task in the main god space, either you die or die, there is no possibility of surviving together.

A woman with a strong figure, carrying a long sword, and her skin was bright, like a leopard, said lightly: "Zhang Yu, Xu Yang, you two are responsible for protecting newcomers, this is the most important task of our team battle, six newcomers, one dead whole team deducted one thousand, all dead deducted six thousand, our team has old age reward points are less than six thousand." "

Next to a fair-skinned porcelain doll, blonde hair, a beautiful face, a typical mixed-race woman tightly locked her eyebrows: "Death a whole team deducted a thousand each, it seems that there has never been a team battle in the past that is so fastened, the Lord God has developed the cultivation mode to the extreme." "

A cold young man next to him said indifferently: "Captain, according to my opinion, protecting newcomers is just a redundant move, newcomers die when they die, six newcomers die, we kill six more people, we have six newcomers, and there must be many newcomers in the hostile team." "

Saying that, the cold young man glanced at the newcomers, which immediately made the newcomers tremble, but he smiled grimly: "It's better to trade with the opposite side, we six newcomers kill them, they send six newcomers to kill us, both sides deduct six thousand, reward six thousand, directly leveled, how good." "


A tall and stout man like a human bear slapped the cold young man's shoulder heavily, and grinned: "Hong Jian, your idea is deep in my heart, captain, in my opinion, any plan is redundant, these tasks of the Lord God are ultimately encouraging us to kill, as long as we kill and kill!" It would be nice to kill all the core tasks of the Ming Sect and the hostile reincarnations! "

The captain was silent for a moment, ignoring the helpless, weak eyes of the newcomers, and said lightly: "Zhang Yu, Xu Yang, there is no need to protect them." "

As soon as she announced this, she almost announced the death of the newcomers, because once the team battle began, the position, distance, and range of all the opponent's team members would be displayed in the main god watch, and the position of the self-placed would naturally be displayed in the local main god watch, and these newcomers would not survive 100%.

"Fu Yin, tell me about your conclusion." The captain looked at a thin man.

Fu Yin is no more than one meter six meters tall, his eyes and mouth are half smaller than ordinary people, but his nose is very large, making his whole person look strange, almost deformed, and when he heard this, he smiled slightly, and his eyes almost narrowed into a slit:

"After I changed my appearance, I first went to fight with the Emei Sect and the extermination old nun, according to the comprehensive martial arts world, she is a late grandmaster, roughly equivalent to the three-star low to medium strength of the main god space, but this old nun leans on the heavenly sword in her hand, which is equivalent to the early master of the grandmaster, equal to the three-star medium strength."

"And then he and Hong Qi bus..."

After listening to Fu Yin's fighting experience, the captain came to a conclusion: "In this way, both the grandmaster and the grandmaster belong to the three-star range of the main god space..."

The extremely majestic man smiled: "Captain, the so-called masters of this world are completely sending us dishes, the lowest strength among the old people in our team has three-star high-level strength, captain, your strength has reached four stars, you can completely kill everyone in this world, I can't wait now..."

The captain shook his head gently: "Don't be impulsive first, wait for the team battle to start, and see what actions the plot characters have first." "

The majestic man was anxious: "Captain, the core characters of the Ming Sect are at least 1,000 reward points, if they die in the hands of the plot characters, they will lose 1,000 reward points in vain." "

The captain said indifferently: "Are you teaching me to do things?" "

The huge body of the majestic man trembled: "Don't dare." "_

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