
Go down in flames!

Li Xunhuan, Chu Liuxiang, these people invited by Fan Yao ran away, they all wanted to pay back, it was impossible to pay back with their lives.

Yan Thirteen was the only one who returned with his life.

Fan Yao was seriously injured.

Yang Xiao was seriously injured.

Yin Tianzheng died.

Xie Xun was seriously injured.

Zhou Tuan was seriously injured.

Let me do it and get seriously injured.

The East was undefeated and seriously wounded.

All the core figures of the Ming Sect were wounded and killed.

Mingjiao is on the verge of rout.

Xuanci of Shaolin Temple loudly ordered: "Everyone, please destroy all the remnants of the Demon Sect on the field." The Wudang faction searched from west to east, the Emei faction searched from east to west, and the other sects chose a place to not let a single person from the Demon Sect slip through the net. Prepare the fire and burn the Demon Cult's lair. "

Then he clasped his hands together and said, "The Shaolin disciples each take the magic weapon and recite the scriptures of the past life, so as to eliminate the wrongs for the heroes of the martyrs of all factions and the members of the Demon Sect who died today." "

At this moment, the members of the Ming Sect and the Heavenly Eagle Sect, and the Sun and Moon God Sect all knew that most of the numbers were exhausted today, and all the believers struggled to get up, except for those who were seriously injured and could not move, each of them sat cross-kneeled, spread their hands and ten fingers, raised them in front of their chests, and made flames flying, and followed Yang Xiao to recite the scriptures of the Ming Sect:

"Burn my body, the flame of holy fire. What joy is life, and what is the bitterness of death? For good and evil, only light is the cause. Joy and sorrow return to dust. Have mercy on my world, there are many troubles! Have mercy on my world, there are many troubles! "

"Burn my body, the flame of holy fire. What joy in life, how bitter in death, such a mind is really benevolent and righteous! "

Gu Mingxue let out a long laugh, and her voice cleared the cracked clouds and shook the bright top.

Both Ming Sect and martial arts heroes focused their eyes on Gu Mingxue, this person was terrifying beyond everyone's imagination, and those top martial arts experts were like children in front of her.

One by one, the top experts did not leave a trace on her.

At this moment, no one can describe the shock and horror in their hearts.

The most doubtful thing in their minds is.

Who is this woman?

What kind of person can teach such a master?

Will Zhang Sanfeng be her opponent?

Gu Mingxue stood with her hands in her hands, standing against the wind, and said indifferently: "Very good, your eyes are very resolute, and the eyes that go to death calmly are very shocking, but what is the use, the eyes of the weak can't even kill ants." "

"The eyes of the weak only need to look up at the strong and fear the strong."

Gu Mingxue seemed to have turned on some kind of . is sighing: "Once I seemed to have fallen into a misunderstanding, in the Lord ... I used to not understand this in this horrible environment. I carefully maintained, fawned, and everything had to be planned and then moved. "

"But now, I understand that this one is strong enough, in this world, why should I be careful? As long as I'm strong enough, no one can threaten me? I have the strength to run amok. "

"Captain is crazy?" Optimus

Chen Linna shook her head and said, "No, the captain has understood, realized the truth of the Lord God Space, she used to care too much about other people's opinions, she was too cautious, so that he always suppressed his heart." "


"Sir, we really have no enmity with you, he will only attack you when he has a crazy blood attack."

Wang Zongchao sweated profusely and tried to explain that Shen Nian frantically wanted to launch the teleportation scroll, but the teleportation scroll seemed to be invalid, and there was no movement.

"How is it possible, how can the teleportation scroll fail!"

Wang Zongchao was panicked, he had never been more flustered than at this time.


Space for blockade!


9999+ fighting power is too scary, even the space is blocked.

At the same time, his mind frantically searched for perverts that might be hidden in the world of comprehensive martial arts.

Zhang Sanfeng?

Not like.

The little old man is nameless and does not want to.


Still not like.

Who the hell is it?

At this time, the weight on everyone's body disappeared, and Ying Zheng stood with his hands in his hands, overlooking everyone, and said lightly: "It's not that you still have use value, you are dead at this time." "

Although there was no heavy pressure, it was just a plain sentence, but Wang Zongchao and the others inexplicably felt the rich power, and involuntarily lowered their heads to show obedience.


Why should we obey?

I am not his courtier.

Wang Zongchao and Xiao Zhonghua looked at each other, made eye contact, and both saw the thoughts in each other's eyes, and both shook their heads slightly.

Indicates that this person should not be a plot character.

Most likely a goldfinger-carrying crosser.

Huan Zheng didn't see any movement, and he arrived in front of Wang Zongchao as if he was moving instantly.

It's teleportation!

Wang Zongchao's pupils shrank sharply, and he could see that this was definitely not a sign of teleportation caused by extremely fast speed, but a real leap across space.

In fact, Ying Zheng could not cross space in the Qin world, but he could cross space in the comprehensive martial arts world.

The spatial strength of the comprehensive martial arts world is not as good as that of the Qin Shi world, so Ying Zheng can easily break through the spatial wall of this world.

The seven tips of Xiao Zhonghua suddenly penetrated the blood snake, and his brain was dizzy.

She had just tried to capture the trajectory of Ying Zheng's movement with spiritual power, but she didn't know anything, but she was presumptuous, which almost made her brain explode.

"Now, I ask, shake my head if I make a mistake, and don't make a move if it's right." Ying Zheng said lightly.

"Please speak, my lord." Wang Zongchao nodded.

"Of the Lord God Space?"

Wang Zongchao was stunned.

How did he know that we were from the Lord God Space.

"Your task is to let Zhang Wuji get the Qiankun Great Transfer, become the leader of the Ming Sect, and keep the Ming Sect?"


Our team has undercover agents!

This was the first thought of everyone in the Huaxia team.

Next, Ying Zheng asked a lot of questions, if it was wrong, Wang Zongchao shook his head, if it was correct, he did not make a move, Ying Zheng asked hundreds of questions, so that Wang Zongchao was about to collapse. _

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