"As for the rewards of others in the war, Gong Nan, you are solely responsible and cannot make a single mistake! Something went wrong for you to ask! "

Gong Nan's heart trembled, and he bowed and said, "Oh! "

Huan Zheng opened Wei Yanzi's recital and said, "Okay, Wei Yanzi, it's your turn." "

"Since the beginning of the reform, Daqin has begun to build roads, and by now, 16,000 kilometers of official roads have been built in Shi County in the entire Xianyang and Gyeonggi County, and eight official roads have been built from Xianyang to all directions, each of which is three zhang wide and can accommodate four chariots at the same time."

"Hedong County, Nanyang County, Hanzhong County, Beidi County, and Shangjun around Neishi County have all begun to build new official roads, and it is expected that the entire Daqin area can implement the full range of new official roads in eight months."

"The second is to encourage childbirth, last month compared with the same month last year there were 180,000 new pregnant people, this month the new pregnant population 300,000, it is expected that by next year Daqin can add more than 1.4 million babies."

Meng Xiao's eyebrows fluttered when he heard this, and he couldn't help but praise: "Good! "

Ying Zheng looked at the playbook and basically saw the same place as the place that Wei Yanzi said.

"There are also agricultural officials trained by the imperial court who have been sent to all counties and villages in Daqin, grain has been planted, and there are permanent agricultural officials in each village to guide the people to grow grain, and the output of barley, wheat, millet, and rice is expected to increase at least twice as much."

"There are also corn, potatoes and other secondary grains that produce nearly ten times as many staple grains, and after the grain harvest, even if the imperial court does not care, the people of Daqin will be able to eat, and there is more than enough."

"Of course, thanks to the many water conservancy projects built, with the improvement of the Shenji Division, the efficiency of water conservancy projects has improved a lot, and many arid fields have been able to grow rice because of water conservancy projects."

"There is also the wisdom of opening that His Majesty attaches the most importance to, all counties and counties have built school palaces, and even the school palaces in various villages are being established, under the supervision of local officials, children taller than six years old must enter the school palace to study, because the school palace is free and also provides a meal, and many mothers are very happy to send their children to the school palace to study."

"It is expected that by next year, the literacy rate in Daqin will increase from 5 percent to 20 percent, and the year after that to 40 percent."

Ying Zheng bowed his head gently: "What the people who rule the fools do, the oligarchs want to rule a group of smart people, if the people of Daqin are all smart people, the widows will probably laugh in their dreams."

"The copper and iron, the currency system was nationalized and borrowed the guidance of the great king, a total of fifty-eight mines were found in the Qin range, and there was more advanced mining, iron smelting technology, and large coins had begun to be updated, and it turned out that the new money was more popular with everyone."

"In terms of the army, General Meng should be compared to it, or General Meng should say it."

Meng Xiao stood up, this originally dying General of Daqin now looked like a middle-aged man from the appearance, extremely vigorous, and when he heard this, he said: "The standing army of Daqin is now 750,000, in addition, 10,000 Golden Fire Cavalry, 10,000 Hundred Battle Armor-Piercing, 10,000 Wolf Smoke Essence Riders, and 10,000 Dragon Elephant Guard and Wind God Guard. "

"Since the reform of the Great King, the Daqin Standing Army has implemented one training a day, plus the "Tiger Demon Refining Bone Fist" and "Bull Demon Powerful Fist" that are most suitable for the soldiers' cultivation, and the unlimited supply of meat and food, the soldiers' strength has increased rapidly."

Now in Daqin, the soldiers are definitely the best group of people, it can be said that the average noble, the powerful may not eat as well as them, eat more.

Half of the food and meat transported from the Dragon and Snake World entered their stomachs, three meals a day is only a basic supply, there are big fish and meat, and vegetarian nutrition matching, and because the cultivation of "Tiger Demon Refining Bone Fist" and "Bull Demon Powerful Fist" itself is digested quickly, some soldiers eat six meals a day, eight meals.

Meng Xiao sometimes saw that the stomachs of these rabbit cubs were bottomless pits, and the muscles in the corners of their eyes were beating violently, not only lamenting the gap between the treatment of the Daqin army in the past and now.

Wei Yanzi sometimes received feedback that the army's food and meat consumption was so large, and he was a little distressed, but more often he was happy.

Because the more you consume, the faster your strength will improve.

Renxian martial arts is to transform what you eat into essence to improve your strength, and the more you eat, the better you eat, the faster your strength will improve.

"Now the 750,000 army is generally the strength of the fourth grade, a small part is the strength of the third product, some have good qualifications, and those who work harder have reached the strength of the fifth or sixth grade, and the stupid big Yingbu who followed the army to fight this time has reached the seventh grade."

"The feedback of the Divine Machine Division is that the Shenwu armor has been hoarded 200,000, the Divine Machine Crossbow is 150,000, and the City Breaking Crossbow is 5,000."

"Shenwu armor is the most sophisticated armor in Daqin, the strength is lower than the ninth grade, it is difficult to cause fatal damage to soldiers wearing Shenwu armor, in addition, the hundred battles steel armor, the use of as much steel as possible, the production speed is much faster, can prevent damage below the sixth grade, Daqin hoarded half a million pairs, even if it is a hundred battles steel armor of this quality, in various countries only above the hundred people are qualified to wear."

"As for the divine machine crossbow, the horror of the city-breaking crossbow, the great king has already shown it to you on the Qilin Hall."

"A soldier wearing Shenwu armor, carrying a divine crossbow, and holding a Daqin sword and spear halberd is worth more than a hundred gold in one body, while other countries, even the most well-equipped South Korea, the most elite soldiers, the value of one equipment will not exceed hardware." _

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