The Great Qin army was too strong, and the Korean cities were like paper paste, easily breached, and ten cities were captured, and the Qin army was slightly repaired, which gave South Korea time to react.

Shinjeong, South Korea.

Han Fei, Wei Zhuang, and Zhang Liang urgently discussed countermeasures.

Just as the intelligence of the Black Ice Terrace shows that the original Han Fei was ambitious, wanting to imitate the reform of the Qin State and also implement reforms in South Korea, trying to increase South Korea's national strength and get rid of the title of the weakest country.

It's a pity that the truth is always different from his strategy on paper, and the intensity of reform is too much because of the resistance of the Korean tyrants and aristocrats, pressure, and the resistance is too great, and they retreat again and again.

Daqin maintained a standing army of 800,000, which is a number that makes any country tremble, and so does Korea, and Han Fei does not know how many times he dreamed of the destruction of Korea and the Qin army.

So he discussed with Wei Zhuang and Zhang Liang, recruited a standing army, maintained the standing army of South Korea at 200,000, and provided these 200,000 troops with the strength of the whole country for one training a day and three meals a day.

After less than ten days of implementation, the supply and training frequency of the 200,000-strong army returned to the past, and the difference from the past was only that the number of standing troops increased, and the combat effectiveness did not increase much.

But Han Fei still gritted his teeth to maintain a standing army of 200,000, and there was no shortage of two meals a day, and the treatment was much better than in the past.

In the past, the Korean army sometimes had two meals a day, sometimes one meal a day, and ate the worst food, and even the food was mixed with sand, and it was common to be hit by sand to the teeth when eating.

The current Korean army, although it still eats the worst grain, but there is no sand, the military heart is still stable, and Wei Zhuang's means are strong, and he always controls the 200,000 army steadily.

Zhang Liang's face was extremely heavy: "Of the ten cities, two of which are the farthest away are nearly sixty kilometers apart, which is almost equivalent to the Qin army not encountering any resistance in these ten cities. "

The three of them knew that it was impossible for the Qin army not to encounter any resistance, and it was probably because the gap in combat effectiveness between the two armies was too large, so that the Qin army was like a bamboo, attacking ten cities in one day.

You know, the fastest marching speed in this era is only eighty kilometers a day, and this is still cavalry.

Of course, Huo Qubing led the wolf smoke essence to ride on the grassland, and even reached the marching speed of one hundred and fifty kilometers a day, because the grassland was basically a plain, and the cavalry march would basically not encounter any obstacles.

Ten cities were conquered in one day, the farthest kilometer, almost equivalent to the Qin army as soon as the city arrived.

"As I predicted, Qin Guo will definitely be the first to destroy me. It's just that I didn't expect that the ambitions of the Qin State were far more than that, and the army was actually divided into two ways, and the Zhao State was also attacked eight cities at the same time. Han Fei's brows furrowed, and his gloom was bleak.

The country of Zhao is located in the north, the people's style, the current combat effectiveness of the Zhao army should be one of the best in the country of summers except for the country of Qin, and there is nothing to resist in the face of the Qin army.

"These are the two types of armor that the Qin army is equipped with."

Wei Zhuang pushed the armor behind him and came forward: "This is what Han Yuan pulled from the two Qin Army soldiers after killing them, one is the Shenwu armor, and the other is the Hundred Battles Steel Armor. "

Han Fei leaned over and picked up the Shenwu armor, and saw a palm print that was slightly dented on it, and immediately gasped: "Han Yuan is a congenital master, he can't even break this Shenwu armor, is General Han mistaken?" How could such armor be worn by soldiers of the Qin Army? "

The general Han they were talking about was the border general of the border city between Korea and the Qin state, where South Korea stationed 30,000 troops to guard against the advance of the Qin army from the Hangu Pass.

Thirty thousand troops were guarding the city, and in their imagination, it was impossible to be broken so quickly anyway.

Because in this era, there were strong walls and enough grain, and it was no surprise that even in the face of ten times as many sieges, they could hold on for months and years.

The foundation of the three Jin kingdoms was laid by a siege battle.

During the Jin State era, Zhibo led Han and the Wei three families to trap Jinyang, and Jinyang was the territory of Zhao Wushi, the ancestor of the Zhao State, who defended the city for a year by virtue of the dangers and advantages of land and people.

Later, under the planning of Zhao Wushi, Wei and Han defected, the alliance turned against him, and the enemy was defeated, and Zhibo fell into disrepute, which brought disaster to the end of the Nine Tribes.

As a result, the dispute between the four secretaries of the Jin State has become the momentum of the three secretaries.

Zhibo, Han, and Wei Sanjia, who held on to the weakest Zhao Wuxi Lonely City, Jinyang, could only choose to besiege rather than attack, which shows how difficult it is to attack the city, unless it is a strong attack that does not care about human life, the price to pay is too heavy.

In Wei Zhuang's imagination, the Qin army attacked, Korea was defended from the city, the Qin army could not attack, Wei Zhuang led reinforcements to arrive, and finally the Qin army could not attack for a long time, so it retreated.

The best result is that the Qin army attacked the city, which was a tired division, and Wei Zhuang led reinforcements to arrive, waiting for work, maybe it could defeat the Qin army.

But this was not the case, South Korea lost faster than everyone imagined, the 30,000 army was completely destroyed, the city seemed to exist, and only a few generals in the army fled back.

What they said Han Yuan was in prison at this time.

It's not that South Korea doesn't want to deploy more troops at the border with the Qin State, but the situation does not allow, South Korea is in the land of three wars, the West is the Qin State, the South is the Chu State, and the North is the Wei State, these three countries are actually eyeing South Korea, and South Korea's land is narrow and long, long from east to west, and narrow from north to south.

Therefore, the border line with the State of Qin is very short, only one army is stationed, and the border line with the State of Wei and the State of Chu is more than five times the border line with the State of Qin, and such a long border line An army is naturally not enough. _

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