The general of the Yan Kingdom saw the eyes of everyone who looked like fools, and shouted: "Just as our ancestors submitted to the Son of Zhou, we submitted to the State of Qin, recognized the State of Qin as the orthodoxy inherited to the Zhou Dynasty, honored the King of Qin as the Son of Heaven, and then ceded the land and paid reparations, and the kingdoms became the princes of the Son of Qin Tianzi." "

This suggestion was very shameful, and the countries of Zhuxia were all princes divided by the Prince of Zhou, and later the Zhou Dynasty weakened, and the princes gradually became dissatisfied with being princes, so they became kings one after another.

The princes finally changed from princes to kings, and now they want to retreat and become princes again?

Isn't this driving a historical rewinding car?

But after thinking about it, everyone suddenly thought that this suggestion was very good.

It is better to cut the land and pay reparations, and submit to the subject than to destroy the country, right?

The title of vassals of various countries is only nominal, and the state can still be intact after all, and it can secretly accumulate strength and seek development.

Your Qin Kingdom can't be so strong forever, and one day Qin Tianzi's order will not leave Gyeonggi.

It depends on who can stay up longer.

The eyes of the crowd changed from contempt to contempt for fools.




But this suggestion should be implemented, what if King Qin agreed to it?

"What do you think?" Only King Zhao could call the shots of the people present, and asked slowly.

"I'm afraid that King Qin won't agree."

"Why don't you say yes? It is easy to get our submission and rule the summers, and I think it is very likely that he agrees. "

"It's better to do both."

After everyone deliberated for a long time, the general of the Wei Kingdom stood up and said, "I need to order someone to return to the country to repay my king..."



An undisguised sound of footsteps came, each step seemed to step on the hearts of everyone, making people's hearts tremble, almost vomiting blood, and the entire hall seemed to be in line with the frequency of this person's footsteps.

Meng Tinglong walked in with a tiger walk, carrying the outside of the Fierce Hall and laughing loudly: "Have you forgotten me?" "

His laughter was wild and domineering, full of eyes in all directions, penetrating the power of people's hearts, and everyone could not help but rise up in this laughter.

Everyone, including King Zhao, stood up in unison.

They had all seen Meng Ting and knew that the Harmony was connected, and they all suspected that this person's strength was at least a Martial Dao Celestial.

Meng Ting nodded slightly, glanced at everyone, and finally settled on King Zhao, and said lightly: "You are discussing the matter of peace?" "

King Zhao sighed and said, "Your Excellency, although the allied forces of various countries have the advantage in numbers, no matter how we deduce, the chance of victory is very small, it is better to seek peace, find time, and wait until the right time to plot against Qin." "


Meng Ting glanced at King Zhao obliquely: "Do you think I made peace by letting you get together?" "

He paused, and an evil and confident smile appeared on his face: "I asked you to divide the Qin Kingdom, and the 600,000 army of the Qin State can be handed over to me." "

His words were an understatement, it seemed that the 600,000 army of the Qin State was not 600,000 people, but 600,000 ants, which could be trampled to death with a few random feet.

"Your Excellency!"

As soon as Meng Ting's words fell, everyone's faces changed wildly, looking at Meng Ting's eyes as if they were looking at a madman.

You are strong, you can recklessly break into the palaces of various countries, no one can help you, promote the alliance of various countries, and it is also suspected that you are a martial arts heavenly person, but even if you are a martial arts heavenly person, it is impossible to be the opponent of the army of 600,000 Qin countries.

Ants are mostly able to bite dead elephants.

The army of the 600,000 Qin State of at least four grades can definitely hang a Martial Dao Celestial.

The most important thing is that these 600,000 troops practice the same exercises, and if there are Qin State soldiers and masters who form a soldier killing battle, so that the strength of the 600,000 army is gathered on one person, they can easily strangle the martial arts heavenly people.

"You don't believe me?"

Meng Ting stood with his hands in his hands, staring in the direction of the Qin Kingdom's army, his eyes were full of domineering, and undisguised ferocious and tyrannical killing intent, and laughed maniacally: "You ant-like people really can't understand my strength, but it's time for you ants to see my strength..."

Meng Ting stretched out his hand to shake the void outside the city, and then in the sluggish and even frightened things of everyone, his body stiffly watched as a mountain peak hundreds of meters high outside Handan City slowly rose into the sky.

"You say, if this mountain peak falls directly, how many people will die in the army of the 600,000 Qin Kingdom?"

Meng Ting smiled viciously, a multi-million ton hill slowly rose in everyone's sight, immeasurable smoke and dust stirred in all directions, and the shadow cast by the rising hill in Handan City was palpitating, giving people an incomparably strong sense of oppression.

Many people in Handan City saw the hill slowly rising into the sky, knelt down and called for a miracle.

A hill more than a hundred feet high and weighing millions of tons was directly held up by Meng Ting and lowered in the air, what kind of scene is this?

Martial Dao Tianren can easily burst this hill, but it is unknown if he wants to hold up this hill.

King Zhao, wherever Xiang Yan went, there were still dirt faults hanging at the foot of the hill, and the sun in the sky was also obscured by this soaring hill.

As soon as the coalition army changed, whether it was King Zhao, the generals of the major commanders, or some ordinary generals and soldiers, they were all stunned, their mouths were open, they couldn't close for a long time, and their eyes were almost glaring, looking at this rising hill.

This hill is only more than a hundred zhang high, and usually no one outside Handan City will pay attention to it, but when this hill more than 100 zhang high is suspended in the air, everyone sincerely feels a chill spread from the soles of their feet to their backs, and then quickly spread to their whole bodies.

King Zhao shivered, realizing that Meng Ting's statement that one person would destroy the army of 600,000 Qin Kingdoms was not arrogant. _

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