The woman was wearing a white special robe, originally with her eyes closed, suddenly, the woman opened her eyes, and her brilliant golden eyes made the whole courtyard brighter a lot, with his holy, flawless face, as if a real angel had descended to the world.

"God, invisible and eternal, from eternity to eternity, He directs us to find true meaning, gives guidance and guidance to mankind, and under the light of God, all evil has nowhere to hide."

The woman looked at the man on the cross, her eyebrows were smiling, but the depths of her eyes were the most cold and ruthless, like a high god looking down on an ant: "But if God's light shines on you, your soul will always return to God, God is merciful, as a servant of God, I know that God cannot bear to take your soul." "

Behind him, a man dressed in thick armor that looked like an iron can stepped forward, he was majestic, carrying a giant sword like a door panel, and said lightly: "Holy girl, I believe that God will not have mercy on these yellow-skinned mongrels, these lowly yellow-skinned mongrels, I feel disgusted when I see them, and God should banish them to the depths of hell, never to live beyond life, and to wail for eternity." "

"Cade, God is the same." The saint frowned slightly.

Cade was noncommittal: "It seems that the saint is not suitable for this kind of thing, let me come... Bastard, tell him where he is hiding, I'll let you die a little faster! "

In the past few days, the resistance of the survivors in the city has all been set off by a person, this person is like a rat, the resistance has been suppressed, but he has never been able to catch him, and he always comes out in places that everyone does not expect, leading the survivors to resist.

Although it did not cause much damage to the white-skinned army, it annoyed them.

The man on the cross raised his head with difficulty, glanced at Cade, and spat out one by one: "The white-skinned pig raised by the bitch killed me somewhat!" "

Caide leaned away, dodged this phlegm, and said lightly: "To be honest, your woman's figure is very good." "

The man's body stiffened slightly, and only his eyes, which had been all along, suddenly widened, and he roared fiercely: "Beast! What did you do to my daughter! "

Cade walked up and clapped his hands gently, and two soldiers brought in a young girl, the girl was not old, but everything that should have grown up was grown, her skin was snow-white, her face was better, and she looked terrified,

"Father!" The girl called out to the man with a crying voice.

Cade walked to the girl's side and gently put his palm on the girl's head: "My patience is not very good, tell me where the little mouse is hiding, I will let you die a little faster." "

"If not, I will let my guards enjoy it first, and then let her become a military prostitute and be played by thousands of people."


Before Cade's words fell, his guard couldn't help but swallow, his eyes staring at the girl, as if he couldn't wait to enjoy it.

"Father, save me..." seemed to see her miserable end, the girl struggled, but could not break free, and looked at the man pleadingly, wanting her father to save herself.

"Hahahahaha, you know what to choose..."

Cade laughed, and the vicious laughter was like a big hand grabbing the man's heart, if there were teeth, he would definitely be a steel tooth now.

"Qian'er, father is sorry for you..."

The man's body that was shaking like a sieve suddenly stopped, and he looked at the girl calmly, his voice was flat, but to the Holy Girl and Cade, it sounded like a desperate whisper from hell.

It contains a resentment that cannot be washed away from all over the world, despair, and chilling.


A tooth burst out of the man's mouth, piercing the girl's eyebrows with a snort.

"Not good!"

Cade felt bad, but the distance between the man and the girl was too close, and there was actually a tooth in his mouth, and he did not stop him even if his strength was a hundred times higher than that of the man, allowing the man to kill his daughter.

A relieved smile appeared at the corner of the girl's mouth, and she slowly closed her eyes.

"Hahahahaha... White-skinned pig, aren't you very angry, kill me if you are angry..." the man laughed maniacally.


At this moment, the entire heavenly dome suddenly darkened, and it seemed that the entire heaven and earth were about to overturn, and then an unprecedented pressure struck from a distance like Wang Yang.

It was like a tsunami on the sea, which roared, causing the entire void to boil.

What's going on!

Cade, the Holy Daughter, and the other masters were startled in their hearts, and they all looked up in the direction where the pressure hit.

"My Daqin masters are here, white-skinned pigs, you wait for death!" The man shouted frantically.

The next moment, everyone saw that the sky that was still bright just now darkened in vain, the clouds were dense, the heaven and the earth suddenly darkened, the wind roared in all directions, the dark clouds roared like a tsunami, stirring, and seemed to overturn and destroy the earth.

The void suddenly trembled, as if some unpredictable danger was about to come, and the aura of threat permeated.


The void shook violently like a tide, and suddenly, the void suddenly spread out, and a god-like figure appeared in everyone's field of vision, and the god-like figure stood on a strange beast.

That figure was obviously only one person, but it seemed to hold up a piece of sky, and the entire sky seemed unable to go against his will.

"So you are the so-called yellow-skinned master he said? I'll see if you can pick me up with a sword!" "

Seeing Ying Zheng's face clearly, Kade was first stunned, and then laughed, and the giant sword with thousands of pounds on his back was held in his hand, pointing at Ying Zheng from a distance, and laughed viciously: "Say, yellow-skinned master, how are you going to die!" "

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