"Spare your life..."

Before Cade finished speaking, the giant palms had all closed, squeezed and tightened with great force, causing everyone in the palm to let out a scream that did not resemble a human voice.

"Hell... The devil..."

The unbearable force squeezed in, causing their bones and internal organs to shatter, and the saint suddenly realized that death was coming, and let out a desperate, resentful curse sound:

"God will... Punish you! "

The corners of Ying Zheng's mouth slightly hooked: "God? I look forward to God's punishment. "

Laugh at!

All sounds are gone.

The giant palm scattered, flesh and blood, bones fell, the saint, Cade, and everyone else were squeezed into a ball of flesh and blood, and the dead could no longer die.

With a flick of his flick, a flash of thunder flashed, burning the flesh and blood that had not yet fallen to the ground into black smoke, and he said to himself: "Is this the power system of the West?" Well, it seems to be very different..."

In that giant man, he felt a power different from True Qi, this power explosion nature was stronger than True Qi, but it was far less distant than True Qi.

In addition, the power in the giant man's body was scattered in every inch of his body, and when it erupted, every inch of power was concentrated in one place.

The source of the power of True Qi is derived from the Dantian in the body, and the True Qi Meridian Eight Veins must be attributed to the Dantian.

As for the power on the saint's body, it is similar to the true qi of Buddhism, peaceful, gentle, and cleansing people's hearts, but in addition to this, there is an additional holy breath, but Ying Zheng feels that this holy breath carries a demagogic smell, which looks strange.

Tens of thousands of people from the Inquisition and the army of the Eastern Crusade saw Cade, and the saint was pinched to death by Yingzheng, and her eyes were almost dull, and they could only look at Yingzheng who could now kill them.

Cade, the commander of the Eastern Crusade army, died.

The saints of the Inquisition also died.

All the masters who can get their hands are dead.

"Devil of the East!"

"The demon killed the Holy Daughter!"

"The demon who crawled out of hell killed the holy daughter of the Holy Court, kill him, and God will forgive us!"

"Kill kill kill!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The next moment, everyone pulled out their weapons, among them, the middle level of the Inquisition, the middle level of the Eastern Expeditionary Army all emitted an incredulous, angry roar, and a powerful force erupted around them, leading their subordinates to rush towards Ying Zheng.

"God bless us and kill the devil!"

Some of the loose white robed men of the Inquisition chanted mantras, and their eyes were full of fanaticism without the slightest fear of victory.

A stream of looming white light spread from them to everyone in all directions, attached to them, emitting soft white light, under the blessing of this white light, their strength, agility increased significantly, their eyes were more fanatical and fearless, and they rushed towards the government.

"Oh? Can you actually bless the power? Could it be that this is what is called a pastor? "

Ying Zheng's eyes swept over those who did not charge, but silently chanted mantras:









More than a dozen auras were blessed on the people who charged, instantly making their strength rise a lot.

"I'll give you a chance."

Ying Zheng walked down from the void step by step, indifferently looking at the people who rushed up madly, they almost burned some power that could burn, among which the middle-level masters also had innate strength, bursting out to approach the grandmaster, one by one, their eyes were crazy, and they looked fearless.

They knew that in the face of such a powerful and almost unrivaled enemy as Yingzheng, they had to pay the price of blood and desperately to kill this enemy.

"Fun aura, courage and will like a castle in the air."

Ying Zheng was like a person looking at a group of ants trying to challenge, and his eyes were indifferent: "It's a pity that everything is in vain. "


A thunderous roar suddenly erupted from Huan Zhenghun's body, and the power of thunder exploded.

In an instant, Ying Zheng seemed to incarnate the god of thunder, thunder and lightning roared, dazzling thunder snakes, thunder dragons spread out from his body, until the heavenly dome, thunder after heaven, rolling, flashing, containing destructive, explosive power, staggered a rolling thunder prison, covering a radius of several miles.


The rolling thunder prison fell with a bang, the thunder and lightning were deafening, and everyone was drowned by the earth-destroying thunder prison.


The devastating thunder light exploded, the air violently shook, and layers of wave-like shock waves surged in all directions.


The screams were endless, under the thunder of destruction, countless heart-rending screams sounded, and one by one, the people of the Eastern Crusade Army and the Inquisition were scorched black, and the thunder flashed all around, curled up on the ground, twisted, and screamed, like the roar of a beast before it was on the verge of death.

Those who can scream still have a certain strength, and the vast majority of people will directly chop them to death or directly destroy them when the destruction thunder floods them.

And even those who are barely alive will die of fright and pain.

The terrifying lightning not only contains destructive power, but also contains extremely strong heat, even if you barely survive, a large area of your body has been grilled by the high temperature to carbonize.

But thunder is not disorderly destruction, in the crusade army and the Inquisition, there are some survivors, they thought that they would also destroy and thunder together, but strangely enough, those thunder directly bypassed him, even if the chopped to death and them were only a meter away, did not affect them.

"Demon! God will punish you! "

Curled up, he moaned in pain, but his face was still full of abnormal fanaticism, fearlessness of death, and the joy that he would be punished by God in the future.

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