The official position of Daqin is the third duke and nine qing, but all along, the prime minister among the three dukes is the head of the group of ministers, and the imperial lieutenant is mostly vacant, as for the imperial doctor, in fact, the status of the secretary in the dynasty is similar.

As for the responsibilities in charge of Jiuqing, there are overlapping situations, and there are quite a few, which leads to chaos.

"There are still prime ministers, divided into left and right prime ministers."

"The secretary is abolished, and the responsibilities are divided into ministries."

"Ministry of Arms, Ministry of Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Rites, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Finance, Department of Criminal Justice, Ministry of Defense."

Qunchen's face was solemn, this time the reform of the official system of Daqin is a complete change, correspondingly, the position under their ass will definitely change, that is, I don't know who is up and who is down.

Wei Yanzi continued to announce: "Lu Buwei is the minister of commerce! "

"Xiao He is the Minister of Finance."

"Li Si is the minister of ceremonies."

"Dugu seeks defeat and becomes the head of the Criminal Department."

Dugu was stunned by defeat, but he did not expect that Huan Zheng would actually appoint him as the Minister of Justice, because without Daqin's official position, he did not have a clear position around Huan Zheng.

"Meng Wu is the head of the military department."

"Wang Yan is the Minister of Defense."

Wan Yan is another son of Wang Yi, is Wang Bian's older brother, the military department and the Ministry of Defense seem to have overlapping responsibilities, but in fact they are different, the military department is responsible for the management, training, and promotion of generals in foreign wars, and has the right to mobilize soldiers within a certain range.

The Ministry of National Defense, in fact, has similar responsibilities to the later Ministry of Public Security, responsible for the management, training, and promotion of generals in various counties and counties.

One external, one internal.

"I am also the Minister of Agriculture."

"Ganluo is the minister of engineering."

Ganluo was clever since childhood, and entered the door of Prime Minister Lu Buwei as a young son. At the age of twelve, he sent an envoy to Zhao Guo. Using stratagem, he helped the Qin State to obtain more than a dozen cities, and with meritorious achievements, he obtained the position of Great Qin Jiuqing's imperial servant.

Just because he has always been regarded as Lu Buwei's concubine, after Lu Buwei disappeared, he became extremely low-key, like an invisible person above the court.

However, Ying Zheng knew that he was a talented person, and naturally he would not let such a talent go.

"I am the right prime minister, and Feng Yu is the left prime minister."

Next, hundreds of people in the court knew and heard their names, basically what they were originally responsible for, and what they are still responsible for now, but they have adjusted it slightly,

Someone goes up, someone falls.

Some rejoice, others worry.

"In addition, after Daqin, there will no longer be a military merit title system, and there will be only a twentieth-rank knighthood for military merit, which means that more than military merit can obtain a knighthood reward."

As soon as this matter was announced, most people would not go to the battlefield to obtain military merits, and naturally they would not be able to obtain knighthood rewards.

Unless the merit is great, an exception can be made to get the reward.

For example, public revenge is not a military merit, but it has made exceptions for the government several times.

At this time, Ying Zheng slowly stood up and said lightly: "In addition, Xu wants to form a cabinet to serve as Xuan's attendant advisor to help Xu deal with a large number of extremely government affairs, but the cabinet does not participate in political affairs, and is only responsible to Xuan. "


Attendant advisor?

Help the emperor with political affairs?

Except for Ying Zheng, no one in the group knew about this matter, not even Wei Yanzi, and suddenly his heart was shocked when he heard this.

In this way, even if the cabinet members do not participate in political affairs and have no responsibilities, they are also a group of important people in the court, not heavy ministers, but like heavy ministers.

Four people walked in outside the Qilin Hall, and someone whispered, "Isn't that Zhang Liang?" Former Prime Minister of Han State, His Majesty actually elected him as a cabinet member regardless of previous suspicions? "

"They are Zhang Liang, Chen Ping, Kuantong, and Ji Shiqi, all of whom are talented people discovered through excavation."

Ying Zheng introduced from left to right, without saying much, waved his hand to the internal attendant next to him, and the internal attendant thought: "There is something to start, nothing to retreat!" "

No one from the group of ministers came forward, there are too many things happening today, they need to go back and digest it well.



Shi Yaoqianqianyu pinched a grape and fed it to Huan Zheng's mouth, she nodded slightly: "Wen Tao saw a strange little beast in a small town bordering Daqin and the Western Regions, and he wanted to capture it and offer it to His Majesty, but he never thought that the little beast was extremely agile and fled from Wen Tao's hands. "

"But Wen Tao caught a little girl who had an intimate relationship with the little beast, originally Wen Tao just wanted to lure the little beast out, but he didn't expect that the little beast didn't wait, but waited for an old man, and then after some torture, he learned that the old man, the little girl, and the little beast were all from Loulan."

Ying Zheng is not worried about the torture of bad people, sometimes the torture is not tough, professional training can carry it, and some cruel torture methods cause pain far beyond the limit of body and soul.


Ying Zheng's eyes flashed, and it was not strange in his heart, as early as when he came to this world, he still thought that a glance at Pixiu could bear the Pixiu Seven Power Fruit.

That little beast is probably Pixiu, one of the nine sons of the dragon.

For the appearance of Pixiu and Loulan, Ying Zheng was not surprised.

After all, this world belongs to the subordinate world of such a higher world after ascending, and it is not strange that something strange happens.

"Xuan Wentao come in."

Ying Zheng said lightly.

Shi Yao's small mouth opened slightly: "Your Majesty, how did you know that Wen Tao is back?" "

Huan Zheng pinched her nose lightly and said with a smile: "It must have encountered difficulties, otherwise I am afraid I should have seen the little beast." "

"Your Majesty's name." Shi Yao smiled coquettishly.

Wen Tao walked in with light steps, and knelt on one knee: "The minister is incompetent, he failed to bring the little beast back, and he couldn't enter Loulan, Loulan seems to have a layer of enchantment protection, with the ability of the minister can not be opened, Yuan Shuai can not open it with all his strength, can only come back to ask for help from His Majesty." "_

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