The Thunder Department is responsible for rainfall, in addition to this, he also takes charge of punishment.

For example, a certain bad pus, a person who is difficult to write, will suddenly have a thunder descend from the sky and directly chop him to death, this is the thunder department zhengshen to carry out punishment.

For example, the main god is the main emperor of the plague, and he is responsible for the diseases of the world.

For example, Doubu Zhengshin, the main god is the Purple Flame of the Arctic, the Forever Sitting Kan Palace Doumu, and the official order.

For example, the gods of the three mountains and five mountains are in charge of the earth, and the land public land mother is under their command.

There is also the Tai Sui Division, which is in charge of the change of seasons, the flow of time, and the reversal of time.

There is also the God of Wealth Department, whose main deity is Zhao Gongming.

There are also Yingxiang Nafu, chasing down and arresting the god of death.

Many duties of the Heavenly Court should have been canonized by the Star Immortal Officials and made them each receive their own duties, but now none of the Great Qin Qunchen could afford these powers, even if they were forcibly canonized and given them authority, they were also decorations and could not use their powers.

In the final analysis, it is still the reason of strength, in their position, seeking their government, their strength cannot bear the power of authority.

Therefore, all the authority is concentrated in the government of Yingzheng, and he is in charge of thunder punishment, clouds and rain, changing seasons, reversing time, and other authority positions in the territory of Daqin, all in one thought.

When it is hot, he is in charge of thunder punishment, clouds and rain, and he can barely afford to change the seasons, but he can't afford to turn time upside down.

Even so, within the territory of Daqin, he can be said to follow his word.

Let whoever dies die, without having to do it yourself.

Envy! Eat one's heart out! Almost crazy!

This is what Ghost Guzi, Chu Nangong, thinks now.

Xun situation, thinking that his heart is rock solid, Taishan collapses in front and does not change, and the elk is happy on the left and his eyes are not instantaneous, and he is also envious.

Hundreds of times the speed of cultivation, the true spirit does not destroy them, they will not die.

These two points alone almost drove them crazy with jealousy, not to mention all sorts of other benefits.

"Knowing this, I should have defected to Daqin earlier, with my ability, there is still no pressure to mix Jiuqing, Tian Guang and the six-fingered black man are really lucky, and they have caught the tail of time."

Xun Cheng sighed faintly, regretting that it kept eating his heart like a worm.

The Confucian disciples, those of his apprentices and grandchildren, who joined Daqin, now enjoyed dozens of times the speed of cultivation.

Tian Guang is now the vice minister of agriculture, enjoying the holy position and enjoying two hundred times the cultivation speed.

The six-fingered black man is the deputy director of the Divine Machinery Division, enjoying the five-rank holy position and enjoying two hundred times the cultivation speed.

Among the eight ministries, under the minister is the director, the machine division is special, and although the public revenge is only the deputy director of the divine machine department, the status is not lower than that of the eight ministers.

"It's no rush to join now." Chu Nangong's cloudy eyes shone brightly.

Ghost Guzi shook his head slightly: "Now that Daqin has been decided, the ministers of the imperial court, the directors, the county guards, the county order, from top to bottom, there are asses sitting in all positions, it is impossible for the first emperor to cross the river and tear down the bridge for us to sit on, now surrender, Xun situation, I am afraid that you are still under your apprentices and grandchildren." "

Xun Chuang showed hesitation, and then his heart was crossed: "I don't believe that I can't make a difference with my ability?" Not faster than those rabbit cubs crawling? I don't want to have my apprentices and grandchildren reach the Shattered Realm by then, and I'm still a Martial Dao Celestial!" "

Duke Chu Nan's back straightened up all of a sudden, and his eyes burned to look at Ghost Guzi: "Zhao Yi, Gai Nie is the leader of the Praetorian Guard, qualified to face the First Emperor directly, can you let Gai Nie pass a message to the First Emperor, what treatment can we old guys give when we turn to Daqin?" "

Although the three of them were all highly respected grandmasters in the past, and now they have all achieved martial arts heavenly talents, they are no longer so conspicuous in the current Daqin, and they are not qualified to face the government directly.

To be precise, they can see each other at any time, but they want to see Zhengzheng but it depends on whether Zhengzheng is in that mood.

Oniyako nodded: "I can help you deliver this, but I won't fight with those juniors." "

Xun Wei was stunned: "Zhao Yi, are you confused? Are you not afraid of falling behind? "

Oniyako sneered: "I won't be confused if you guys are old." "

"The greatest achievement in my life, the most accurate thing I have done, is to take Nie as an apprentice."

Saying that, he looked shocked:

"Even if I don't enter the Great Qin Imperial Court, I can still enjoy a hundred times the speed of cultivation."

Chu Nangong's eyes widened: "By what? "

"Have you heard of a chicken dog ascending to heaven?"

Oniyako triumphant:

"Gai Nie has obtained the fourth-grade holy position, enjoying two hundred and five times the cultivation speed, I suddenly found out just now that I have received the blessing of cultivation speed, which is about more than a hundred times, but I don't have the Great Qin Holy Position, after thinking about it, it is probably the reason why I am Gai Nie Master."

Call...... Call......

Xun Xun's breathing became slightly rapid, and he casually glanced at Fu Nian and Yan Lu.

Seeing Xun Cheng's resentful eyes, Fu Nian felt wronged: "Uncle Master, don't look at me like that, you and I are not a master-apprentice relationship, and it is unknown whether the relationship between master and nephew has such a connection."

"Moreover, even if there is this connection, I don't look like Gai Nie, I followed the First Emperor a long time ago, even if I am in the imperial court now, I am afraid that I am also a holy position of the lower third grade, and you will not get much blessing of cultivation speed."

Chu Nangong thought thoughtfully: "All those who have the Holy Position of Daqin, those who are close to them, such as masters and wives. Or fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters and other blood relatives, can probably get a certain degree of cultivation speed blessing, this is the so-called one-person Dao chicken dog ascending to heaven. "

Did he suddenly have a strange idea, and spoke: "You say, the Meng clan is Mengqiao, Mengtian, and Mengwu. Wang Clan's Wang Yi, Wang Bian, Wang Li. All three generations of them have the Holy Position of Daqin, is there any effect of one of them ascending to heaven? "

Xun Guzi, Ghost Guzi looked at each other, and shook his head in unison: "Who knows." "_

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