Donghuang Taiyi was still respectful: "Your Majesty guessed correctly, I come from the fairy world, the name of the world has been passed down for hundreds of millions of years, and I occasionally learn the name of Your Majesty..."

Next, Donghuang Taiyi 1510, how he spied into the future fragments, how he came to this world, how he planned, what was the purpose, 1510 all explained clearly, without a trace of concealment.

It is also true that Ying Zheng said that he is very powerful, and he was once one step away from becoming an immortal.

Placed in the Sky Covering World is the strength of the Great Perfection of the Dragon Secret Realm.

In the perfect world, it is the strength of the peak of the divine fire (pseudo-god), which is two great realms stronger than the victory government.

However, even if he was ten realms stronger than Ying Zheng, he did not dare to be presumptuous with Ying Zheng.

Although the fairy world has declined, and not a single immortal has been born for hundreds of thousands of years, the fairy world has also been prosperous, and the fairy world has also been full of immortals, and the immortals are not as good as dogs.

The powerful change the world and move the stars and days with a snap of their fingers, and they can even easily reverse time and space.

Therefore, there is a record of the Immortal Venerable level powerhouse that once appeared in the Immortal Spirit World, and the Creation Dao is a sect born from the ancestor of the Creation Dao excavating an ancient ruin, and there is a record of the Immortal Venerable level.

He remembered very well that Immortal Venerable had another title, named Da Luo.

At the end of the road, there is Da Luo.

Once preached, its own timeline has covered its past and future, and there is no time for weakness.

Judging from the fragments of time he glimpsed, being able to rule the Great Qin that spanned the heavens, the First Emperor of the Great Qin was definitely a strong man above the Great Luo.

He suspected that if he made a move against the current Yingzheng, he was afraid that he would not know that a black hand would stretch out from that time and space and pinch him to death.

Of course, although Ying Zheng himself is weaker than Donghuang Taiyi now, he is not afraid of him, and mobilizing Daqin's luck is enough to suppress Donghuang Taiyi.

If it was just a dynasty, the luck contained in the imperial dynasty itself was not enough to suppress the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, but the Holy Court was different.

Ying Zheng was a little surprised, he didn't expect that Donghuang Taiyi would actually tell the truth, looking at his posture, Huan Zheng would tell him truthfully even if he asked him what color his underwear was.

However, he was not surprised that Donghuang Taiyi glimpsed the future, because he also heard the same words in the mouth of the big dragon in the Qi Luck Space.

"Aren't you afraid that you will cultivate a white-eyed wolf, or that I will ban Daqin's protection of you with a word?"

Donghuang Taiyi said in a deep voice: "Even if a stone is placed in the heart, it will cover the heat, not to mention that Concubine Yan is not a stone, she is a living person, I am also a person, her life, I have been with it longer than anyone else." "

"Although I have selfish intentions, I also sincerely regard Concubine Yan as my apprentice, my... Daughter...... I treat her with sincerity, and I bet she will treat me with sincerity. "

"As for whether Your Majesty will ban Daqin's protection of me, I am also gambling, I can see clearly from the inside out now, not to mention, I am indeed Concubine Yan's master, I know that Your Majesty is not a desperate person... So, I'm betting too..."

Huan Zheng looked at him deeply: "You bet right." "

The ascension of a person to heaven does not mean that if he has a blood relationship with the righteous person, he will be blessed accordingly.

For example, if Concubine Yan is a white-eyed wolf and does not pay attention to the kindness of Donghuang Taiyi's master and father, then even if she has the name of master and apprentice, Donghuang Taiyi will not get any benefits.

The Eastern Emperor was overjoyed: "Thank you, Your Majesty!" "

As Donghuang Taiyi said, although Ying Zheng could ban Daqin's protection of him with one thought, it was not necessary, because he did not show the slightest malice towards Daqin from beginning to end.

As for Concubine Yan, it was not Donghuang Taiyi who forced her to marry Ying Zheng, it was her own choice.

The huge face burning on the heavenly dome gradually dissipated, and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi breathed a long sigh of relief and was recognized by Yu Zheng, and from then on, he really had a foothold in Daqin.


"Start today's draw."

This is something that Yingzheng will never forget every day.

The Yun Dynasty has been opened, Daqin has become a holy court, and many subsequent matters need to be explored by the Great Qin Qunchen themselves, and there will be a great change in the way things are done.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Ten Thousand Realms Ball of Knowledge! 】

"Huh? What is this? "

After reading the introduction of the Ten Thousand Realms General Knowledge Ball, he was very happy, which was simply a tiger for the current Daqin.

[Ten Thousand Worlds General Knowledge Ball, from the World of One Life]

The Wanjie General Knowledge Ball appeared in his hand, and Ying Zheng's eyes were dark, all deep, as if shuttling through a time tunnel, as if he saw different pictures of the past in his previous life, and then the black and white light lit up, illuminating the darkness and disintegrating the depth.?

His head vaguely saw a pair of black and white yin and yang fish, wrapped in the end, dyed into a ball, condensed into a point, bloomed black and white flowing light, and each light is differentiating into a smaller millilight, black and white change, infinite spread, forever growing.?

The Ten Thousand Worlds General Knowledge Ball is black and white, seemingly imaginary, seems to communicate the two worlds of illusory and real, deep into each other, not limited to building bridges, seeing it, I seem to see the world of cause and effect, the world of the mind, the mysterious realm, the universe in dreams, see the epitome of the real world, the corresponding star sea and all the living beings in the universe.?


Ying Zheng seemed to hear the roar of the sky, and then the black and white light quickly condensed, condensing into a round ball that was both virtual and real, quietly suspended in his hand.

"Is this the Ten Thousand Realms General Knowledge Ball?" Ying Zheng looked at the Ten Thousand Worlds General Knowledge Ball in his hand, showed a strong interest, and began to study.


"You're here too?"

"Huh, you're here too? I don't know what His Majesty has called us. "

Before Wei Yanzi arrived at the gate of the palace, he found that Feng Hao had also arrived, and just after standing, Huo Qubing also arrived, and said hello to the two, and the two quickly returned the salute.

"Right phase, left phase, Hou Ye."

After a while, Li Si also arrived and saluted the three respectfully.

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