The strength of the entire Daqin is now nearly two million in total.

He rudely divided it into ten army groups.

Two hundred thousand one army group, a total of ten army groups.

Of course, the 20,000 Wind God Guards and Dragon and Elephant Guards led by Bai Qi, Chen Qingzhi's 7,000 white-robed army, and a total of 150,000 wolf smoke spirit horses, golden fire cavalry and hundred battle armor-piercing soldiers were not among them.

Huo Qubing was the commander of the First Army and the Wolf Smoke Elite Horse.

Meng Xiao was the commander of the Second Army and the Golden Fire Cavalry.

Wang was the commander of the Third Army and the Hundred Battles Armor-Piercing Corps.

Bai Qi was the commander of the Fourth Army and Dragon Xiangwei, Fengshen Wei.

Meng Tian was the commander of the Fifth Army.

Wang Ban was the commander of the Sixth Army.

Han Xin was the commander of the Seventh Army.

Li Xin was the commander of the Eighth Army.

Chen Qingzhi was the commander of the Ninth Army and the 7,000 White Robe Army.

Now, Li Cunxiao is about to become the commander of the Nightmare Group Army of the Eleventh Group Army of Daqin, although this group army has only 80,000 men.

Among them, the 10th Army belonged to the Xianyang Praetorian Guard, mainly responsible for guarding Xianyang and the surrounding area of Xianyang, and the commander belonged to the general of the Great Qin Sect, belonging to the kind of unknown in the past, no bright performance, rarely mistakes, but loyal and capable of middle and upper caliber.

The name is Ying Hao, and he is the same generation as Ying Zheng according to his generation, but he is more than 20 years older than Ying Zheng.

"Go, soldiers, go and submit them!"

The voice of Ying Zheng sounded in the ears of the 100,000 soldiers, and their eyes suddenly sharpened, shooting around, locking on the nightmare unicorn they wanted to submit.

The strength of the Nightmare Unicorn is probably all in the ninth rank and innate, and these 100,000 soldiers are also nine rank and innate.

Next, the space roared, hissed, and clashed, including blood and scales.

In the end, all 100,000 soldiers chose their favorite mounts, of course, among them, Ying Zheng secretly attacked, according to normal circumstances, only a little more than 90,000 soldiers could subdue them.

It's really that these nightmare unicorns are too defiant and wild, even if they lose both, they will not surrender, unless they have a great advantage, it is difficult to make them surrender, so Ying Zheng can only make a secret move.

Mengqiao, Huo Qubing each divided 30,000, happy, only Wang Yi was very depressed.

The other 80,000 Nightmare Unicorns and soldiers all joined Li Cun and became members of the Eleventh Group of Daqin.

Li Cunxiao and Li Yuanba are both the world's number one fierce general, but if Huan Zheng chooses one of the two, Huan Zheng will definitely give priority to Li Cunxiao.

In addition to force, Li Yuanba is far inferior to ordinary people in any aspect.

And Li Cunxiao, not only has super force, but also is not weaker than his force in leading troops, and just about to discuss it, Ying Zheng feels that Li Cunxiao and Xiang Yu are similar, both in force and in command.

Holding the Mang Dragon Halberd, lightning bolt under his crotch, Li Cunxiao Mang Dragon Halberd held high, staring at the 70,000 Nightmare Group Army, murderous, thick almost condensed into substance The anger spread away, he roared: "I am Li Cunxiao!" From today onwards, I will be your commander, and you will be my soldiers! Give you one last chance! Who disobeys me! Stand out, me! Give you a chance to speak! "

No one spoke, and they saw the process of Li Cunxiao's submission of lightning from beginning to end, and it was clear that the commander of this nightmare group army had an outrageous value of force, and no one disobeyed.

"Very good!"

Li Cunxiao nodded slightly, revealing a look of satisfaction: "Since no one disobeys, from now on, you all have to listen to me!" My words are military orders! The command is like a mountain! Disobey military law! "

Saying that, Li Cunxiao jumped off the lightning, and Long Xinghu stepped in front of Huan Zheng and said, "Minister! Nightmare Group Army Commander Li Cunxiao! Meet Your Majesty! "

Huan Zheng raised his hand vainly and smiled slightly: "I hope that one day, the prestige of the Nightmare Group Army will resound throughout Daqin and the heavens." "

Li Cunxiao's voice was sonorous and powerful, full of decisiveness and confidence: "Li Cunxiao! Will live up to His Majesty's high expectations! "

"Love it?"

Ying Zheng's voice was very abrupt, Mengqiao, Wang Qi, and Huo Qubing were still looking at the lightning obsessively, which was simply the mount they dreamed of.

To be honest, with their strength, the 100,000 nightmare unicorns only have lightning that they can see, but it is a pity that the lightning is already Li Cunxiao's, and they can only look at drooling.


Wang Yi suddenly looked at Huan Zheng and shook his head slightly: "Like is like, but it's not easy to win people's love." "

"Let's take you to choose a mount."

Huan Zheng shook his head slightly, and led the three to the place where the dragon cliff and the golden dragon were placed.

"This is..."

As soon as the three people looked up, they saw behemoths, these behemoths were covered with golden yellow pieces, emitting a dazzling metallic luster, the length of the head and tail was more than twenty meters, the height was at least seven or eight meters, a pair of flesh wings spread more than thirty meters, and the huge head was hideous, covered with blade-like sharp and hideous bone spurs.

It was a creature they had never seen before, full of primitive and reckless aura.


Huo Quying's pupils shrank sharply, there were about 10,000 behemoths here, all exuding a primitive and reckless and powerful aura, and the lowest strength was all great masters.

The three people of Daqin's background knew at least ninety percent, Rao was so, seeing the golden dragon with the strength of more than 10,000 grandmasters, he was still shocked beyond words.

"Pick one."

Ying Zheng's voice sounded faintly.

"Your Majesty, can you choose those few?"

Meng Xiao pointed to several Golden Dragon Kings and said.

More than twice as large as other golden dragons, the length of the head and tail is about fifty meters, more than twenty meters high, a pair of flesh wings spread out more than sixty or seventy meters, standing there taller than ordinary trees, the strength surpasses other golden dragons at a glance, more powerful, reaching the level of martial arts heavenly people. _

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