Hundreds of thousands of exercises were imprinted on the black bell by him, and various patterns, whether swords or knives, guns or sticks, fists or palms, were quickly deduced, and countless mysterious comprehensions hit his heart.

The Demon Prison Xuan Fetus Sutra absorbed these hundreds of thousands of exercises, all-encompassing, and wanted to integrate these hundreds of thousands of exercises into one.

If he is alone, even if there is the Demon Prison Xuanfei Sutra, it will be difficult to complete this matter, but fortunately, there are many masters of the Hakka Division, absorbing their wisdom collision, flash, comprehension, and deduction results, and the speed of Yingzheng's deduction has accelerated by more than ten times.

The three stinkers are better than one Zhuge Liang, not to mention the masters who can enter the guest Qingsi, the wisdom in the martial arts is top-notch, and the flickering fire of their wisdom colliding together is extremely dazzling.

These days, he has to come to the Babel Temple almost every day to take a look, absorb their ideas and flashes, and accelerate the deduction.

Ying Zheng was not speaking, and the masters of the Tongtian Hall began to discuss and deduce according to the framework that Ying Zheng said.

Ying Zheng suddenly sat down, faintly feeling that his state of mind was complete, and he seemed to be fiddling with Zhizhu, and all his thoughts were under control.

This feeling seems to be true wisdom and understanding, seeing through everything, no matter what the principle, at a glance you can see through everything and clarify the principle.

He seemed to be combined with the black bell in his body, and the framework of a practice was deduced by him.

Ying Zhengpan sat motionless in the Tongtian Hall for three days, and none of the masters in the Tongtian Hall rested, but became more and more excited.

After the proposal of Ying Zheng, they seemed to have found the right path, and one idea after another was proposed, discussed, and established, contributing to the establishment of that exercise.

Everyone's wisdom was used to the extreme, and in these three days, everyone's progress was much faster than in the past month.

This is something that would never have been imagined in the past, these people were all grandmasters, grandmasters, and high status in the past, and it was extremely difficult to get them together, and it was almost impossible to get them together to deduce a practice.

But now everyone gathers together, for a goal, exerts wisdom, complements each other's strengths and weaknesses, and bursts into an extremely brilliant fire.

Donghuangtai's face was haggard, even with his strength, the deduction of these three days had made him consume a lot of energy and blood, and he glanced at some of them: "You guys go to rest first." "

The people he spoke of were emaciated as if they were ordinary people, pale and almost dead, sunken eyes, and looked like they were dying.

If it's just three days without sleep and rest, of course, it doesn't count for them, but in the past three days, everyone's spirit, qi and blood have been in a tense state, even if they are masters, they can't support it.

GOD felt the essence and wanted to lie down and sleep immediately.

However, even if they were extremely tired, everyone's hearts were excited and in a state of extreme excitement.

Because they have already built the general framework of the exercise that Ying Zheng said, creating an unprecedented exercise, which is close at hand.

The sparks of their wisdom collision were all absorbed by Ying Zheng, and their minds were hazy, as if there was a film blocking it, as long as they pierced this membrane, they could see what was behind the film.

Suddenly, Ying Zheng trembled, dozens of drops of blood dripped from Ying Zheng's pores, and turned into a small Ying Zheng in the wind, but half a finger high, all limbs and facial features, a serious expression, a flickering body, evolving various inexplicable fist techniques.

"What has His Majesty comprehended?"

Everyone looked at Imaginary Ying Zheng and seemed to understand something, and their eyes fell on him in unison.


Ying Zheng opened his eyes in vain, laughed, and took a long step to blast out, this punch is paradoxical, ordinary can no longer be ordinary, it seems that even the move of the black tiger heart is much more profound than the punch of Ying Zheng.

But everyone's eyes froze, and they saw something different from Ying Zheng's punch, although this punch seemed to be straight, but it contained changes, including an idea of breaking through countless skill changes in time with simple strength.

This punch is not the most powerful, nor the most subtle, nor tenacious, but it contains a taste of self-improvement, forge ahead, even if it is difficult, never give up.

Huan Zheng glanced at everyone: "In this world, most of them are ordinary people, compared to everyone here, they look stupid and stupid, but they are also the most important part of the composition of Daqin, although they are ordinary, but they want to give them hope, give them hope, they will also forge ahead, my fist, for Qin fist, everyone is like the fist of the dragon." "

With this punch, this technique has already been deduced.

The true meaning of martial arts is to make the weak stronger.

In ancient times, human beings were weak, fighting with desolate beasts, fighting and seeking a place, so martial arts were born, and the Terrans made themselves strong through the practice of martial arts, and could fight with desolate beasts.

Human beings are naturally much weaker than desolate beasts, but there is no way to be invincible, and martial arts is that glimmer of hope, and the Terrans seize this glimmer of hope in order to finally expel desolate beasts and occupy the land.

"Qin Fist!"

GOD muttered, looking at the dozens of villains drawn by Ying Zheng for a moment, people's hearts moved, their bodies stretched, and their limbs moved, and they actually mastered this dragon fist at a glance.

The 108,000 pores of his body stretched out, breathing in and out like thunder, his heart beat violently, and every beating was like a snare drum, shocking people's hearts, and then the gurgling qi and blood were like the flow of a big river rumbling. _

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