The corner of Ying Zheng's eyes jumped, but then he let go of his heart, he could break through at any time, and then he would be able to deduce the characteristics of the next realm.

Wei Yanzi spoke: "Your Majesty, the minister is really curious, what kind of world did Lu Hou go to, and what world can have so much grain and meat production?" The minister calculated that the grain and meat consumed by Daqin could not be afforded even by ten Daqin..."

Ying Zheng nodded slightly: "Father Zhong has been in that world for a long time, let him tell you about it." "

Lu Buwei turned around, faced the group of ministers, and thought slightly: "In fact, that world can be seen as the world after Daqin unified the world more than two thousand years later. "

Xiao He: "???? "

Wei Yanzi: "????? "

Wang Yi: "?????? "

Qunchen: "????? "

What world in 2,000 years?

How do I not understand?

Lu Buwei patiently explained: "That world thousands of years ago also had three emperors and five emperors, there were also Xia Shang Zhou, and more than two thousand years ago there were also Xia countries, which they called the Spring and Autumn and Warring States eras, and the Spring and Autumn and Warring States eras were among them. "

"At the end of the Warring States period, the rise of Great Qin, the destruction of the Six Kingdoms, Han Zhao, Wei, Chu Yanqi, ruled the world, and the king of Great Qin was also called Yingzheng, and after unifying the world, he was also honored as the First Emperor."

"At the same time, the Great Qin of that world also has me, there are princes, there are Menghou, there are right phases, there are left phases, there are empress dowagers, historical development and Daqin are similar, but the time of His Majesty's unification is decades ahead of the Great Qin of that world."

Meng Xiao asked curiously: "Does Daqin last for two thousand years, one life, two lifetimes, but a thousand lifetimes, ten thousand lifetimes?" "

Lu Buwei shook his head slightly: "The Great Qin of that world only lasted for two lifetimes, and died in the second generation. "

"Lu Hou, are you kidding? How majestic is Your Majesty, how could Daqin rule the world die in the second dynasty? "

Wang Yi spread a look of doubt and disbelief.

Qunchen also looked incredulous.

Lu Buwei sneered, looked at Li Si viciously, and secretly cursed in his heart, waste! Anti-Bone Boy!

was actually led by Zhao Gao by the nose, and actually dared to tamper with the edict!

Lao Tzu really wants to slaughter you!

Li Si touched his nose, his eyes wandered, a little weak-hearted, he was a smart person and had realized something.

Probably, probably, maybe...

The death of the second emperor of Daqin is related to him?

What did the self of that world do?

So that the death of the Second King of Great Qin?

Betrayal of Your Majesty?


Qunchen looked at Li Si with his eyes, could it be related to this?

Many eyes pressed over, felt a chill in his spine, and squeezed a smile at the corner of his mouth, but it was even uglier than crying, he turned his gaze and looked at Ying Zheng, but saw that Huan Zheng seemed to be smiling at him.


Li Si's heart tightened, he definitely did something angry and resentful.

Calm down!

Don't panic!

His Majesty has long known, but he still uses himself, His Majesty must be broad-minded and did not take those things to heart, otherwise how could he become the head of the Ministry of Rites and Worship, one of the eight ministries, and become a heavy minister of Daqin?

Thinking of this, Li Si slowly calmed down.

It seems that this guy has a good quality in his heart.

Ying Zheng said.

Lu Buwei continued: "Great Qin ruled the world, and the kings of that world also considered themselves to be the three emperors of merit and the five emperors of virtue... For the first emperor, he intends to be the first, the second and the ten thousand..."

Lu Buwei slowly told that period of history.

"The first emperor of that world died of illness in Dune, and Zhao Gao took the trick of persuading Hu Hai to threaten Li Si, and after some conspiracy in the Dune Palace, the two forged the first emperor to issue an edict, and Hu Hai inherited the throne, and also accused Fusu of being unfilial to his son and disloyal to Meng Tian in the name of the first emperor, so that they committed suicide and must not disobey."

I'm panicking!

I'm really panicking!

Hearing this, Li Si finally knew why he and Lu Buwei had no grudges, but Lu Buwei was at odds with him everywhere.

It turned out that he actually did such a wrong thing, and his own in another world was daring, and he actually dared to tamper with the edict.

"Li Si, you are very daring..."

Meng Qiao smiled and looked at Li Si without smiling.

Wang Yi patted him on the shoulder, and his voice was cold: "Li Si, you are very good..."

I didn't do it!

Li Sijue's own resentment, he thinks that he is extremely loyal to His Majesty, and what the other world does himself, he doesn't say to do, even if he doesn't want to.

"By the way, the meng Tian of that world received the false edict, did he commit suicide?" Meng Yi asked, still a little proud in his heart, after all, the Meng family has always been used by His Majesty, and to Meng Tian's generation, he led an army of 300,000 alone, and Meng Yi was even a close minister of His Majesty.

Lu Buwei glanced at Meng Tian: "Meng Tian of that world committed suicide by swallowing medicine." "

Meng Xiao was slightly suffocated, and then glared at Meng Tian fiercely: "Idiot! "

Meng Wu also nodded slightly: "Idiot! "

Meng Tian felt wronged and defended in a low voice: "That's not me..."

Even he felt that the Meng Tian of that world was too stupid, with an army of 300,000 in hand, what could not be done? I chose the stupidest approach.


That's stupid!

With Fusu there, is it not good to directly lead an army of 300,000 Qing Monarchs?

Next, Lü Buwei slowly told the history after Hu Hai's succession, referring to the deer as a horse, and then to the world was rebelled, then to the Zhanghan Hangu Guguan Great Breaking Alliance, and then to Xiang Yu breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat, and then the Great Qin perished, Chu and Han fought for hegemony, Xiang Yu killed himself, and the Han Dynasty was established.

After hearing this, Qunchen's heart could not calm down for a long time, and Feng Yu handed over his hand: "Your Majesty, the minister thinks that Li Si is not suitable to be the minister of the Ministry of Rites!" "

"The minister seconded!"

"The minister also seconded!"

For a while, most of the ministers also seconded the proposal to remove Li Si from the position of minister of ceremonies.

Li Si let out a long sigh, it was very reasonable for the sinners who perished in the world to push himself and Zhao Gao first, and remove the position of the Minister of Rites. _

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