Fortunately, Ying Zheng has not gone far in the "Great Law of His Transformation", and it is not very difficult to get out of this road.

If the Great Law of Otherness is divided into one hundred steps, he may have taken up to five steps on this law.


Ying Zheng's consciousness was completely immersed, and from the outside, his body was dead and there was no life.

His thinking was completely plunged into chaos, first very confused, I don't know how long later, he suddenly rushed out of the chaos, confusion and incomprehension suddenly disappeared, suddenly enlightened.

"My Dao! My Tao! The beginning of my way! "

He had a new understanding, his heart felt something, and God had some understanding.

He was immersed in a strange mysterious realm, and his thoughts were surging.

Wandering in a brand new world, the iQue was too empty, and he realized the infinite mysteries, and for a while he petrified, thinking and pondering there.

"I can throw away the foundation of the Dafa of His Transformation Freedom, but I will not abandon gold and jade and close to the iron stone, and the Dafa of His Transformation is the highest level of practice I have ever seen, and it is even better than the Demon Prison Xuan Births Sutra."

Ying Zheng's thoughts turned quickly, and the other his understanding of martial arts was already very deep, very complicated, and profound, at least he had seen hundreds of thousands of exercises in the Daqin world.

The second is his doppelganger who entered the main god space, disguised by the lord of nightmares who was erased from consciousness, his doppelganger mixed well in the main god space, and has gone through six task worlds, during this time, the doppelganger has seen many exercises of various systems.

Yuan Qi system, heart and spirit system, practice system, magic system, illusion system, true spirit system, séance system, killing system.

The mainstream of the exercises in the Daqin world is the Yuan Qi system, but some exercises of the Yin-Yang family belong to the magic system, and there are a few refining systems.

These exercises are generally not high-level, but they also expand the breadth of the understanding of the government.

And the system lottery has obtained many high-level exercises, the highest level belongs to "He Transformation Free Dafa" and "Demon Prison Xuan Fetus Sutra",

The Great Causality, one of the Three Thousand Avenues.

Secondly, there is the Dazenji Temple "Past Mita Sutra", "Present Rulai Sutra", and "Future Lifeless Sutra".

There is also the "Radiant Great Sun Rulai True Sutra" transformed by Big Big Wolf.

The thunderbolt bag play is really "Xuanzi Shengong".

"The Sword Robbery" in the Book of the Faun.

A fragmentary version of the Golden Seal of the First Emperor in the Venerable of the First Life.

The Hundred Flowers of Breathing in the Holy Ruin.

"Killing Immortal Recipe" in Immortal Rebellion.

The incomplete version of "Eight Nine Xuangong" in Journey to the West.

There are more than 20 kinds of exercises that are not wrong in the eyes of Ying Zheng, and some of the exercises that Ying Zheng can't see are more, such as Fengshen Legs, Eighteen Palms of the Dragon, and Ever-changing Gods...

Such a complex and profound knowledge, I am afraid that no one can compare.

There was an experience of creating "Qin Fist", and Ying Zheng's road was smoother this time.

Perhaps "Qin Fist" is an experiment in his own path.

The path you open up by yourself is definitely not as smooth as the practice of the Dafa of Others, and it will be much more difficult at the beginning, but it is always better to follow the truth of others than to follow the truth of others.

Going his own way, this cannot be done overnight, as early as a long time ago, he was thinking about his future path, the higher the strength, the deeper the cognition.

Now, step by step, he has established his own path and realized his own way, and he has gradually cleared the clouds and mist to see the blue sky, and suddenly has a sense of clarity.

As soon as the thought of winning the government moved, pieces of exercises and scriptures flowed in his heart.

He is at ease with Dafa... The Demon Prison Xuan Births Sutra... Eight Nine Xuan Gong... Baihua breathing method... The original gold medallion... Killing Immortal Recipe...

In the past, the Mita Sutra... Now as it comes... The future is lifeless... Radiating the Great Sun as the True Sutra...

Xuanzi Shengong... Sword robbery... Big Dream Heart Sutra......... Da Ya Qianyuan is invincible... Taiyi mixed up...

Onmyodontic... The sword... Great Zhou Tianxing Qi Method... Getaway... The method of sitting and forgetting...

Shape-Meaning Fist... Baguazhang... Shadowboxing...... Donkey Kong Wheel Fist... Tiger Roar Admiralty Hood... Turning the Tide

Huntian treasure book... Atomic Burst Fist... Congenital Qiankun Fist... Heavenly Demon Gong............

Fengshen legs... Three points to the vitality... The Northern Darkness Divine Skill... God is ever-changing...

All kinds of things, all the exercises and cheats that Ying Zheng had seen were turned into written information and flowed in Ying Zheng's mind.

One by one, ancient words jumped out and revolved around him, turning his mind into a sea of chaos.

The consciousness of the victorious government returned to chaos, lost some perception, and swam freely in this sea of chaos turned into words.

In a trance, he began to have nothing, as if he had been empowered, fell into an inexplicable artistic conception, and began to have a great enlightenment experience, in enlightenment.

The consciousness of winning the government returns, opens his eyes, is brilliant, and all kinds of exercises are blended together, and he must create his own Dao, transform and sublimate.

At this time, Ying Zheng became more and more majestic, like a god and demon sitting cross-legged, black hair scattered, closed eyes meditating, body as bright as divine gold, blooming immeasurable fairy light, full of immortal breath.

In his body, it was as if there were three thousand Buddhas chanting, and it was as if there were three thousand demon lords drinking angrily, revolving around him, and the avenue roared continuously.

In his body, it was like one Tao, Immortal, and I chanting sutras one after another, constantly blending, constantly merging, all the mysteries of the scriptures were blended together, evolving into the ultimate Tao.

His way, his way, taking shape step by step, will appear in the world, different, he will create his own way!

For a time, the void was full of wind and thunder, lightning and thunder, visions were numerous and frequent, and the heavens seemed to feel it, and it was shaken because of this.

"God is helping me."

In his original imagination, this time it was much more difficult to create the Dao, but the truth was much easier than he imagined, and now he suddenly realized that it was heaven that helped him. _

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