"Yang Xiao is willing to paint the ground for His Majesty the First Emperor, and is willing to be the pawn of Daqin!" Dead and gone! "

After many thoughts quickly flashed, this Ming Sect envoy gently shook his clothes, knelt on his knees, and threw his five bodies on the ground and said loudly.

The sound floated to the bright top, and the top of the bright top was instantly sluggish.

Preempted by this guy!

Yang Xiao! You shameless goods!

Actually robbed me of the first!

After Ying Zheng said the second choice, the high-level of the Ming Sect knew how to choose, although it was not the same world, but in the end, everyone was human, and it seemed that it was okay to submit to the First Emperor.

It's just that they still have a face, and they were still hesitant, and they were preempted by Yang Xiao.

The next moment, the high-ranking members of the Ming Sect all knelt on the ground: "Fan Yao is willing to paint the ground for His Majesty the First Emperor, and is willing to be the pawn of Daqin!" Dead and gone! "

"Do whatever I want..."

"The East is undefeated..."

"Wei Yi smiled..."

"Xiang Tian's wish..."

"I can't say it..."

"Leng Huan willing..."

"Zhou Tuan wish..."

The Ming Sect King now only has Wei Yixiao, the bat king, the eagle king Yin Tian is dying in the siege of Bright Peak by the martial arts sect, the lion king Xie Xun has been missing for many years, and the dragon king Daisy has also left the Ming Sect and disappeared.

"Let's all get up."

Ying Zheng said lightly.

The Ming Sect people were extremely in awe, carefully got up, bowed and saluted: "Thank you, Your Majesty." "

"Your Majesty, Daqin wants to unify the world, I don't know what needs to be done by the Ming Sect?"

In addition to awe, the faces of the high-ranking members of the Ming Sect were filled with an extremely dreamy meaning.

A sword with bare hands slashed the top of the light, that kind of power was more than a hundred times stronger than their combined experience, like the power of an immortal god.

The Great Qin Group Army descended across the void and fought in all directions, and the war legion that was forbidden by order made their hearts unable to calm down for a long time.

Huan Zheng flicked his finger lightly: "Although there are hundreds of thousands of Ming Sect believers, although they are all over the world, in fact, most of them are useless, and these people are eliminated." "

The role played by the vast majority of Mingjiao believers was to help Daqin, but in fact, the role was not much.

"Also, the altars in various parts of the Ming Sect are very heavy forces, your most important task now is to mobilize all the intelligence forces of the Ming Sect, Yang Xiao, all the intelligence forces in the Daming territory are responsible, it is extremely necessary to ensure the accuracy of the intelligence, fast, cooperate with Bai Qi, and make a slight mistake, I am asking for you!"

"Yang Xiao takes orders!" Yang Xiao was excited, if this matter was done well, it would definitely leave a good impression in the hearts of His Majesty the First Emperor and lay the foundation for his future reuse.

Everyone else looked at Yang Xiao enviously, looking at Ying Zheng.

"Fan Yao."

"The minister is here!" Fan Yao's character entered quickly.

"Your task is to mobilize the intelligence forces of the Ming Sect in the Northern Song Dynasty and cooperate with Li Cunxiao!"


Huan Zheng looked at the others again, and finally his gaze fell on Dongfang Undefeated: "Dongfang Undefeated, your task is to mobilize the intelligence forces of the Ming Sect in the Southern Song Dynasty and cooperate with Chen Qingzhi." "

"Let me do it, your task is to mobilize the intelligence forces of the Ming Sect in Western Xia and Dali to cooperate with Li Xin."

"Monk Peng, your mission is to mobilize the intelligence forces of the Ming Sect in the Western Regions and cooperate with Han Xin."

The soldiers and horses did not move, and the grain and grass went first.

Logistics is undoubtedly the most important factor in the war, but at the same time, the importance of intelligence is not inferior to logistics, and the intelligence agencies of Daqin cannot be paved in a short period of time, and can only rely on the intelligence power of the Ming Sect.

The Ming Sect is especially superior to other countries in this world information, and as for their strength, it is dispensable for the current Daqin.

"Your Majesty, how can we contact the generals and prove our identity?" Yang Xiao asked.

"It's easy to do."

As soon as Ying Zheng's mind moved, fifty golden dragons crossed the gate of time and space to the top of light.


The golden dragon roared, deafening, fierce, and the wild aura made everyone in the light top stand upside down, and a feeling of trembling hit their hearts.

They looked at these fifty fierce beasts that suddenly descended with horror, their whole bodies covered with golden yellow scales, shining with a metallic luster.

They stood next to these behemoths, and the shadows cast by the sun completely covered them, like little people.

These golden dragons' icy eyes looked at them coldly, without a trace of emotion, as if they were looking at a pile of food.

"Like a dragon."

"It's not a dragon, the dragon body is slender, and it's a divine beast, these are just dragon-like shapes."

"Ying Long has wings."

"Although Ying Long has wings, he is not so fat!"

Huan Zheng spoke, "These are fifty golden dragons, each of which has the strength of a grandmaster. "

Fifty Great Masters...

Today's shock is enough, and the Ming Sect people have become numb

"You guys take ten of them, and any information you have can be transmitted through the Golden Dragon to ensure that the intelligence is fast."

Thousands of people walked out behind the gate of time and space, and the people at the head were Beiyugong, Zhao Gao, Zhang Handan, Yuan Tiangang, and saluted together: "Your Majesty." "

Huan Zheng bowed his head gently: "Black Ice Platform, Shadow Secret Guard, Luo Net, bad people, you can use the intelligence of the Ming Sect to build your own intelligence network." "

Building an intelligence network from scratch is the hardest, but it's much easier to borrow chickens and lay eggs.

The intelligence of the Ming Sect is that chicken.

When the eggs hatch, the chicken's mission is over.

A trace of sadness rose in Yang Xiao's heart: Mingjiao is going to be eaten and wiped clean by Daqin.

Immediately Yang Xiao threw this idea out of his mind, the Ming Sect was destined to become historical dust, and he could only be glad that the Ming Sect was fortunate that there was still a little use for Daqin, and there was a place for them to be useful.

Being able to be used proves that you still have some ability.

Sometimes being ignored is the saddest thing. _

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