"Master! Master! "

Zhang Wuji's hurried shout came from outside the Zhenwu Hall, and then Zhang Wuji appeared in the Zhenwu Hall.

After Guangming Peak, Zhang Wuji came to Wudang Mountain, officially recognized his relatives, became the third generation of disciples of Wudang Mountain, and received Zhang Sanfeng's full cultivation, at this time he was already the second master of Wudang Mountain.

The two looked at him, and Zhang Wuji pointed outside: "The envoy of the imperial court is outside, saying that he wants to see the master." "

"The envoy of the imperial court..."

Song Yuanqiao frowned slightly, thinking about why the imperial court would send an envoy to Wudang Mountain at this moment.

Wudang Mountain is located in the territory of Daming, and the imperial court refers to the Daming imperial court.

Zhang Sanfeng's expression was flat: "Wuji, you go and let the imperial court envoy in..."


Song Yuanqiao suddenly thought of something, and just spit out two words, Zhang Sanfeng gently raised his hand, preventing him from continuing.

Not long after, the messenger walked into the Zhenwu Hall and saluted respectfully: "I have seen Zhang Zhenren. "

Zhu Yuanzhang respected Zhang Sanfeng and named him 'Julong Six Ancestors Hidden Immortal Cultivation Void Pudu Tianzun, so although Zhang Sanfeng did not serve in the Daming court, his status in Daming was very high.

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at him, and his expression was gentle: "No need to be polite, what did Emperor Ming send you for." "

The messenger solemnly said: "Daming is in difficulty, and I also ask Zhang Zhenren to help." "

Zhang Sanfeng was not a little surprised, as if he had already anticipated what the messenger was doing in Wudang, slowly closed his eyes, and then took a deep breath and nodded heavily: "Good!" "

The messenger was overjoyed: "Thank you Zhenren, I will return to Beijing to report this happy event to Your Majesty." "

He said to go, do not drag mud and water, Zhang Wuji and Song Yuanqiao in the Zhenwu Hall have a bad premonition in their hearts, Zhang Sanfeng looked at the heavy looks of the two, smiled and said: "Okay, don't be a child's gesture, Yuanqiao, you are the head of Wudang, you have done a good job, and the master is very relieved to hand over Wudang to you." "

"And you, Muji, Shigong hopes that you will truly become the pillar of Wudang in the future, like Shigong."

Zhang Wuji's eyes were red, his nose was stretched, and his voice choked: "Master..."

Song Yuanqiao's face was heavy: "Master, can't you not go?" "

"Daming named Wudang as the state religion, and there should be more preferential treatment, now that Daming is in trouble, I can't stand idly by."

"Master! Those invaders are powerful, even the countries, how did you resist..."

Zhang Sanfeng interrupted Song Yuanqiao's words: "Tens of millions of people are going to the end, Yuanqiao, even if you know the result, you must do some things." Planting cause and effect, since Wudang has enjoyed great preferential treatment, one day I will have to pay it back, if I did not accept the canonization of Emperor Ming, now I can stand by with peace of mind..."

Zhang Sanfeng had a heroic and smiling smile on his face, with an inexplicable meaning, and upon closer inspection, it was a kind of unswerving firmness and determination.

It seemed that he read that kind of determination from Zhang Sanfeng's eyes, Song Yuanqiao's heart was shocked, and the whole person was stunned, and he knelt down in a trembling voice: "Master!" The apprentice is waiting for you in Wudang Mountain. "

Zhang Wuji's tears fell: "Master, you must come back, I haven't remembered Taijiquan yet!" "

Zhang Sanfeng touched Zhang Wuji's head and smiled even more freely: "It's good if I didn't remember." "

Saying that, Zhang Sanfeng had already disappeared into the True Martial Hall, and his voice came from afar: "I'll go!" "

"Congratulations Master!"

Song Yuanqiao was crawling on the ground, his voice trembling and almost crying blood, and he was nearly sixty years old and burst into tears.

Although Zhang Sanfeng is his master, there is no difference between him and his father.

When he was still a baby, he was carried by Zhang Sanfeng on Wudang Mountain, and now more than fifty years of master-apprentice relationship, father-son relationship, where is it so easy to give up.

It is precisely because of more than 50 years of getting along that he knows Zhang Sanfeng too well, and he understands that Zhang Sanfeng is a person who has clear grievances and grievances, and if there is grace, there will be reward, and there will be revenge.

Since Wudang has received Daming's favor, he will definitely return it.

But he also understood that the enemy was too strong, and he did not want to involve Wudang, so he could only go alone.


Bai Qi led the Fourth Army to advance in an orderly manner, and every time a city was fought, the imperial court reserve who followed the Fourth Army would take over the city and begin a series of policies such as pacifying the people.

Part of the imperial court reserve is the imperial court selection of talents for training, and the other part is the meritorious name of the imperial examination, and the two parts here constitute the imperial court reserve officer.

There is a one-month applicable period, and if the performance within one month is not satisfactory, it will be replaced at any time.

If it is only to destroy Daming, regardless of other considerations, the Fourth Army can destroy Daming within ten days, and only needs to be pushed all the way to the capital of Daming.

But what Daqin needed was to conquer and rule, not simply destroy the country.

After capturing a city, they will wait until the reserve officer and the county soldiers sent by the Ministry of Defense have completely taken over before going to attack the next city.

Boom rumble!

Outside another important town in Daming, the Fourth Army galloped wildly, the earthquake shook, and the rubble and dust rose up, and under the horrified eyes of the general of the garrison of this important military town, this large army ordered to ban and suddenly stopped thousands of meters away from the city.

Everyone in the garrison looked at the army outside the city like a great enemy, and their expressions were heavy.

And thousands of meters away from the city, a fierce and tragic aura like a forest of banners, hundreds of thousands of armored soldiers, and thousands of troops and horses rushed to the heavy town city, and for a time the aura of slaughter stirred the clouds, making the garrison tremble.

Although there is news that this army is crisscrossing the territory of Daming and no army can be defeated, when he really faces this army, the general of the garrison knows that this army is even more terrifying than expected.

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