Zhu Yuanzhang lay on his back on the dragon chair, blood gushing out, invading the dragon robe, accompanied by his death, and the collapse of a dynasty.

His empress, concubines, princes and grandsons froze for a while.

They never expected that Zhu Yuanzhang would make the most decisive decision.

Martyrdom with your body!


"Grandpa Huang!"

"Your Majesty!"

The next moment, there was a heart-wrenching cry in the hall.

Huan Zheng said lightly: "Liu Bowen." "

Liu Bowen wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and bowed, "Your Majesty the First Emperor." "

"Emperor Ming chose to martyr the country with his body, respect him, according to the rules of Daming, the emperor died, the funeral was organized, the cemetery was chosen, and he did what he wanted." Ying Zheng ordered.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the First Emperor."

"Queen Mother!"

With another harsh scream, Empress Ma also slowly fell beside Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Your Majesty, how should these people deal with it, whether..."

A sharp color flashed in Bai Qi's eyes, and his palm gently swiped between his throat.

Huan Zheng shook his head gently: "No, none of these people are comparable to Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Yuanzhang still can't make any waves, let alone them, Daqin is big enough to accommodate them." "

Although Zhu Yuanzhang and him are enemies and opponents, he does respect Zhu Yuanzhang, so he does not want to kill Zhu Yuanzhang's descendants, provided that Zhu Yuanzhang's descendants can settle for the status quo in the future.

Suddenly, a smile appeared at the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth, just now, Li Cunxiao reported in the Ten Thousand Realms General Knowledge Talisman that Bianjing had been captured, the Northern Song royal family had been captured, and the Southern Song Dynasty, Chen Qingzhi had also captured Jinling.

Western Xia perished, Dali perished, Daming perished, followed by the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, and Nangong only left the capital Jinling, and in just half a month, the whole world underwent earth-shaking changes.

Meng Yuan, on the other hand, was most concerned about the changes in Shenzhou, and at the beginning of the gathering of the Northern Song army, the northern defense was empty, and began to gather the army and prepare to go south.

For the terrifying strength of those mysterious armies shown in the intelligence, the rulers of Mengyuan were a little unbelievable, but when their army had not yet been assembled, the news of the Northern Song Dynasty came, and the intelligence on the Daming side was slightly delayed, and the news of the demise of Daming was received a little later.

Meng Yuan's army suddenly changed from an offensive posture to a defensive posture.

Mengyuan Dadu.

"It's only been long, in half a month, the Northern Song Dynasty and Daming will perish! Zhu Yuanzhang and Yue Fei, where is the strength of the two people here to fight us! "

Emperor Kublai Khan's face was full of shock, and his voice was a little sharp because of fear.

When Yue Fei was not yet rising, the Northern Song Dynasty lost many victories in the war with Mengyuan, and since Yue Fei rose and established the Yue family army, the war with Mengyuan began to lose less and win more.

Therefore, Kublai Khan was well aware of the combat strength of the Yue family army, but according to the intelligence of the spies, the Yue family army was not only defeated, but even Yue Fei was captured.

"Half a month the entire great power of the Divine Land has been destroyed, the next thing should be Meng Yuan, Meng Chixing, you just returned from the Central Plains, have you seen these armies with your own eyes?"

Generalissimo Meng Yuan's soldiers and horses, King Ruyang also looked solemn.

Meng Chixing was dressed in black, standing with his hands in his hands, his figure was tall and martial, calm as a mountain and majestic, and his skin was fair, and at first glance he looked like a god carved out of crystal, surpassing the beauty of all living beings in the world.

If Zhang Sanfeng is the number one master of the land of Shenzhou, then Meng Chixing is definitely the number one master of Meng Yuan.

He had a transcendent status in the Mongol Empire, and was Genghis Khan's personal guard, and for the Mengyuan people, Meng Chixing was not a person, but a god.

Meng Chixing turned around, his nose was tall, and the corners of his lips were distinct, showing extraordinary perseverance and determination. Black clothes and white skin, strong contrast, so that Meng Chixing's whole person is full of a magical charm, which makes people feel cold.

This is because he has cultivated a miraculous skill of transforming matter with spiritual power, and as long as someone sees him, they will feel the strange charm in him.

"I didn't see Zhang Sanfeng in Wudang Mountain, but I learned Zhang Sanfeng's whereabouts from the mouth of Song Yuan Bridge, so I went with it, and then saw Zhang Sanfeng and Bai Qi fighting."

"The result?"

Basiba asked.

He is Meng Yuan's national teacher, and his status in Meng Yuan is not inferior to Meng Chixing, at this time, he is wearing red sand, his face is white and red, his face is handsome, he has an almost monster-like male charm, his eyes are open and closed, and he looks straight into people's hearts, his heavenly court is vast, and standing there has a dusty taste.

"Zhang Sanfeng is defeated in one move!"

"What! Zhang Sanfeng is dead? "

A big man stood up suddenly, he was wearing a Mongolian imperial uniform, his figure was majestic, very stylish, he was born dignified, not angry and powerful, his eyes were electric, cold and had a magic power that saw through people's hearts, giving people a shrewd and powerful but deep feeling of the city.

This person is Si Hanfei's original name Xu Lieqiu, is the younger brother of Kublai Khan, because of his admiration for the culture of the Central Plains, he changed his name to Si Hanfei after entering the Central Plains, and his strength was slightly inferior to Meng Chixing and Ba Siba.

These three are the great masters belonging to Meng Yuan, and the location is also very interesting, roughly showing a three-legged trend.

He once fought with Zhang Sanfeng and finally lost in the hands of Zhang Sanfeng, and his heart was to defeat Zhang Sanfeng and avenge the defeat, and suddenly heard that Zhang Sanfeng died, and it was a defeat, and he was shocked and could not himself.

Zhang Sanfeng and other peerless grandmasters, defeating him in one move, how terrifying should the strength be?

Meng Chixing glanced at him: "In my heart, Zhang Sanfeng is dead. "

"What do you mean?" Si Hanfei frowned slightly.

"I mean very simply."

Meng Chixing's expression still remained shocked: "Bai Qi could have killed Zhang Sanfeng with one blow, but in an instant, he deflected the attack, and the hundred zhang sword qi slashed down from Zhang Sanfeng's side, splitting the wall of that military important town, leaving a hundred-zhang-long knife mark on the ground. "_

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