Tie Muzhen looked at the trembling Kublai Khan indifferently: "It's the emperor of the Mengyuan Empire, according to the generation, I am your grandfather, this is beyond doubt, but it does not belong to your world, just today, the void barrier of this world suddenly opened, and Xu came to this world." "

"The Mengyuan Empire has already ruled nine worlds, and this realm will be the tenth world ruled by Xuan!"


Kublai Khan and the others looked at Temujin with wide eyes, and looked at him in disbelief.

"Grandpa of the other world?"

"Other worlds Temujin?"

Temujin did not have the leisure to explain to them, his palm slid heavily behind him, and the void crack grew in vain, spreading from above the heavenly dome to the ground.

I saw the black mist churning in that crack, spreading mightily, filling the entire city.

Then countless powerful auras appeared in the black mist.

The first to appear in most of the capital were huge monsters, which were about the size of elephants and somewhat similar to tigers, covered with cyan scales, a row of bone spurs on their skulls, only one eye, and two teeth more than a foot long, white and sharp.

On the back of each monster sits a soldier.

After the 100,000 monster cavalry, there are violent apes, these violent apes are covered in black fur, deep sunken eyes, bulging mouths, and full of hideous teeth, each of which is more than two meters tall, extremely majestic, and their arms are as thick as pillars, hanging down and touching the ground.

The huge legion poured out from the void, and the terrifying legion stepped on the void, and the void it stepped on was booming.

Millions of troops poured out from the void, swallowing bulls, and his void shook violently, and it seemed that it would collapse in the next moment.

The entire capital and around the capital were filled with these millions of troops.

"Hahahaha, it is also a familiar world ruled by the Nan people, and my Mengyuan Empire launched a war, nothing more than killing the Nan people, adulterating their wives and daughters, exterminating the Nan people, and seizing everything they own."

A tall and thin man stood at the front of the army and laughed, a brutal momentum emanated from him, and Kublai Khan looked at him as if he saw the sound of creatures wailing, crying, and Meng Yuan's army wantonly killing and laughing wildly in the killing.

"You! Kublai Khan, simply insulted the surname of Xiao'er only Jin! "

The tall and thin man squinted his eyes slightly and looked at Kublai Khan coldly:

"In your hands, the Mengyuan Empire can't actually rule the Nanren, it's simply a shame for the Golden Family, and it's not worthy of being the descendants of the Golden Family! The happiest thing in a man's life is to kill someone's life, take away his property, make his relatives cry, and rape his wife and daughter! Kublai Khan! The faith of the Golden Family has been abandoned by you! "

Kublai Khan wanted to cry, he wanted to ask.

Who are you?

Why does every one come to me either scold or scold

I am also the Mengyuan Emperor, and I have a bit of face.

"I am your uncle Juchi, and I will teach you how to sing in the midst of war." The tall and thin man's eyebrows were arrogant and incredible.

It turned out to be another world of mine.

Kublai Khan said in his heart.

The next moment, Shuchi's expression was stunned: "Kublai Khan, go and prepare the sacrificial wine!" "

"Sacrifice wine?"

Kublai Khan was stunned.

Drag burst into a rage: "How! Have you even forgotten to sacrifice wine? With the blood of the southerners, could it be that the Mengyuan Empire of this world has even lost this tradition? "

Kublai Khan trembled and quickly ordered to go down, and soon hundreds of people were arrested, men and women, old and young.


Butcher knives fell, hundreds of heads fell to the ground, their necks spurted hot blood, someone had a copper basin to catch it, and when the blood was sprayed, they poured the spirit into it again, mixing the spirit with the blood.

"Drink this sacrificial wine! Start our conquest! Take the wealth of the southerners, rape their wives and daughters, and kill them all! "

Temujin drank it all and roared up to the sky!

"Seize the wealth! Adulterous wife and daughter! Kill them all! "

Millions of troops roared in unison, and those apes also beat their fists to their chests and roared.


"Your Majesty! Urgent! "

Li Cunxiao's light and shadow appeared in the council hall of the Ten Thousand Realms General Knowledge Talisman.


Ying Zheng's answer was brief.

"The minister led the army to attack Mengyuan, and in three days he took fifty cities and destroyed the 100,000 army of Mengyuan, but today, the Mengyuan army counterattacked, its number is covering the sky, and it is roughly estimated that it is at least millions, and these millions of soldiers are each strong, not inferior to the strength of my Daqin soldiers."

Does the Mengyuan Empire have such strength?

Ying Zheng frowned slightly, and soon he realized that this might be the self-help measure of the martial arts world.

These millions of Meng Yuan armies may also be the Wu Yuan world, but the Mongolian Yuan armies of other worlds.

This is not the unscrupulous means of the will of the Wujian world, but the level of the Wujian world is too low, so the will of the Wujian world only has instinct, and there is no idea of weighing the pros and cons.

Only the instinctive will of the Martial Arts World only feels that there is an external invasion of me, so I will find an external helper.

As for whether to lure the wolf into the house, or drive away the wolf and attract the tiger, it is not in the consideration of the will of the martial arts world.

"You're not fighting hard, are you?"

Ying Zheng asked.

Although the Nightmare Cavalry Legion is strong and can be traversed in the army of the Martial World, it is looking for death in the face of millions of armies that are not inferior to the Daqin army.

Li Cunxiao's light and shadow shook his head: "The minister immediately ordered the Eleventh Group to retreat and gave up all the fifty cities occupied. "

Ying Zheng nodded and issued an order: "Everyone, come to the council hall." "

In less than five seconds, the light and shadows of all the Great Qin Chongchens who were qualified to enter the Hall of Ten Thousand Realms General Knowledge Rune all appeared in the Hall of Discussion.

"Li Cunxiao, show them what you recorded." Win Zhengdao. _

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