"The practice of almsgiving, taking vows, enduring humiliation, perseverance, meditation, and the six degrees of paramita in Buddhism is based on a belief in cause and effect, but it is different from fatalism."

"There is an old saying: either if you don't report it, the time has not come, or it is based on the Buddhist theory of cause and effect. The most commonly heard is "karma", and the Nirvana Sutra of Buddhism has the saying that "the reward of good and evil follows the shadow, and the cycle of cause and effect in three lifetimes is not lost". Heart-stirring thoughts are also due to the causes of past lives, and will also attract retribution in future lives. "

"Cause and effect is called bearing in Taoism, which means that the predecessors did good, and the present person is blessed. The evil deeds of the present and the suffering of future generations are now the summation of the past, and the future is a projection of the present. "

This is the source of things and the things that come after them to bear responsibility for the phenomena that arise. For the sake of man-made. How much it can affect the world is based on energy. Throw stones into the water, the larger the stone, the bigger the wave, the wider the impact, the longer the time, but eventually return to calm. "

Huan Zheng smiled gently: "It seems that you still know more about cause and effect, what if people don't have cause and effect?" "

"No cause and effect?"

Zhang Sanfeng blinked his eyes, and then shook his head firmly: "As long as a person lives, he will definitely have cause and effect, even if he does nothing from birth, lies all day, does not contact anyone, as long as he is between this heaven and earth, he will have cause and effect with this day, this earth, air, space, dust, everything." "

"If a person has no cause and effect, there is only one possibility..."

Huan Zheng looked at Chishu in Tie Muzhen's army and said softly: "Zhang Sanfeng, you are very smart, worthy of being Zhang Zhenren..."

Zhang Sanfeng looked confused and puzzled, how could he listen to the meaning of His Majesty the First Emperor, as if he had known me for a long time?


Ying Zheng flicked slightly.

"Kill kill kill! Rush me! "

Chishu rides on a huge armored tiger, armed with a halberd, and drives the army to charge.

Suddenly, Chishu's whole person froze on the armored tiger, the halberd froze slightly, and then the halberd blade strangely stabbed towards his head.

The halberd blade roared, as fast as thunder, and instantly pierced Chishu's head.


The head of Liuyang Kui was burst, red and yellow blood mixed with various things splattered, his qi and blood were too strong, and the blood rushed out from his neck like a fountain more than ten meters high, and then turned into a blood mist and fell.

The core figure of the Mengyuan Empire, the prince.

Temujin's son, Chijutsu, died inexplicably.

More like suicide.

What a horror this is.

Zhang Sanfeng only felt creepy, all of them appeared dense goosebumps, he clearly saw that Ying Zheng's hand gently fiddled, the means seemed peaceful, but the meaning contained in it simply made the worldview have a earth-shaking understanding.

Combined with what Ying Zheng told him before, he instantly turned white.

This First Emperor Majesty, cause and effect.

If a person has no cause and effect, he can only die.

The causal straight line of Chishu was directly shattered by Ying Zheng and died directly.

The straight line of cause and effect is rooted in the soul of living beings, and in the soul, living beings can affect the line of cause and effect, and the line of cause and effect can also affect living beings.

If a living being dies, the thread of cause and effect is broken.

If the line of cause and effect is broken, it will also cause violent death, because there is no living being without a line of cause and effect.

Unless Daluo is achieved, no living being can be separated from the connection of cause and effect.

In the previous Zhang Sanfeng's view, cause and effect are just ethereal existences, and there is no substantial thing.

But now it seems that cause and effect are real things, but their own realm is too low to see or feel.

So, what about your own cause and effect?

Zhang Sanfeng was shocked, looked down at his body, and said in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, is the cause and effect of the poor road also mastered by you?" "

"You guess?" The answer is specious.

"Then Your Majesty, why don't you kill Temujin, according to the opinion of Poor Dao, as long as Temujin dies, this army will be defeated by half, and the soldiers of Daqin will have fewer casualties."

Zhang Sanfeng had the answer, simply stopped thinking about it, anyway, whether this thing exists or not, from now on, this First Emperor His Majesty is not at all as tyrannical as written in the history books, moody, as long as he does not offend him, his little life can still survive.

Huan Zheng smiled indifferently: "If he dies now, he will see when he is defeated, and besides, it is not interesting to kneel in front of Xu with a corpse." "


Ying Zheng's voice suddenly became as if it came from another space, high above, full of cold meaning:

"The soldiers of Daqin need to have an opponent of equal strength to sharpen them, if they make a move, this war will have no suspense, Xu is the emperor of Daqin, the ruler of Daqin, not the protector of Daqin."

Zhang Sanfeng's heart was shocked, and he suddenly understood that this was the view of treating the same problem from different angles, and he was thinking about how to reduce the number of deaths.

As the emperor of Daqin, he thought about how to maximize his benefits in this war.

Sharpening the iron-blooded division through this war and destroying Temujin's army by the way is the greatest benefit.

"Now just a gentle collapse..."

Ying Zheng gently and slowly twisted a thread of cause and effect that Zhang Sanfeng could not see:

"Temujin will be violently killed, but what is the point of that?"

Tie Muzhen's strength, according to the division of the Great Qin World, is two levels higher than Li Cunxiao's Law Phase Realm, and it is an external incarnation realm after the realm realm.

With such strength, after Ying Zheng walked out of his own path, he could be crushed to death with one hand.

Similarly, in Temujin's view, on the side of Daqin, no one is his opponent, his army is far superior to Daqin in terms of numbers, and the personal strength of soldiers is not inferior to Daqin, except for equipment and weapons.

But Temujin did not believe that weapons and equipment could erase the gap between the two armies.

This war, the Mengyuan Empire will win!

Perhaps, this is the emperor's faith.

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