He suddenly realized that the weapons and equipment that he had neglected before could actually play such a big role on the battlefield.

He used to believe in absolute strength, as long as strength can be crushed, there is no suspense in war.

But he still firmly believes that he will win this battle, because he has not yet made a move!

"It turns out that when Daqin attacked us, he had not yet done his best."

Yue Fei looked at the corpse in the sky like dumplings, and was a little afraid:

"Your Majesty, is that a trick?"

Huan Zheng was surprised: "You actually know the art of mechanics? "

"I have heard of it, from the Mo family, but now the Mo family has declined, and the organ art has long been lost, as early as more than a thousand years ago, the organ art was beaten into a strange skill, not taken seriously, I didn't expect the development of the organ art to be so terrifying..."

Yue Fei shook his head slightly, and looked at Huan Zheng again: "Your Majesty, you don't seem worried at all?" After all, the number of the Great Qin army was far inferior to the enemy army. "

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at Yue Fei, you didn't hear the conversation between Poor Dao and the First Emperor before?

How did he know that most of Yue Fei's mind was on the battlefield, and his heart was deducing the direction of the battlefield.

But even if Yue Fei put his mind on the conversation between the two, he might not understand it, after all, he was a military genius, not a cultivation genius like Zhang Sanfeng.

"Do you know what is the difference between Temujin's army and the Mengyuan Empire?"

Ying Zheng asked a sentence that was not what he asked.

Yue Fei said without hesitation: "The strength of Tie Muzhen's army is far a hundred times stronger than that of the Mengyuan Empire, if it were not for the arrival of His Majesty's Great Qin, the Northern Song Dynasty, and the Daming, no country would be able to resist the iron hooves of Tie Muzhen's army." "

"Other than that, it makes no difference."

Ying Zheng said with deep meaning.

Yue Fei frowned slightly, he didn't understand the meaning of Ying Zheng, from his outsider's point of view, Daqin was undoubtedly still at a disadvantage now, but why was Ying Zheng not in a hurry at all?

In Ying Zheng's view, the Mengyuan Empire under Temujin's rule had no other difference except that its strength was a hundred times stronger than that of the Mengyuan Empire in this realm.

There is almost no difference between them politically, economically, culturally.

That is to say, Temujin has conquered nine worlds in more than a hundred years, but the degree of civilization is almost the same as his beginning, which is a deformed Mengyuan Empire.

Ying Zheng said that he was a barbarian, and he was really not wrong.

In the past hundred years, the Mengyuan Empire under Temujin's rule, only the military strength has increased significantly, despite this, the military strength of the Mengyuan Empire has developed abnormally.

Temujin attaches too much importance to the improvement of the soldiers' own strength, and almost despises foreign objects, which leads to the fact that the strength of the soldiers of Temujin's army is not inferior to the soldiers of Daqin, but they are far behind in terms of weapons and equipment.

Ying Zheng also attaches great importance to its own strength, but he will not abandon foreign things and leave them alone.

The war between the two armies is like the war of two civilizations, one political, economic, military, and cultural are all crushing the other civilization.

However, the latter advocates the law of the jungle, and its long-term ability is still rampant, resulting in the latter's civilization personal strength is not inferior to the former's civilization, but it is not an opponent in real comparison.

The two huge waves collided together, and the iron army wolf horse suddenly slammed into three parts, like three sharp knives, inserted into the army of Daqin.

Bang bang!

But it was the Nightmare Cavalry that rushed towards it, colliding with the Wolf Rider, and the Nightmare Cavalry seemed to be superior, sharper than the sharp knife turned into by the Wolf Rider, and suddenly, almost inserted into the heart of the Wolf Rider.


The long gun in Yingbu's hand swept abruptly, the tip of the gun cut a white line in front of him, like the sharpest guillotine, a dozen wolf horses were stopped and broken, blood mixed with intestines, internal organs splashed, the corpse fell to the ground, and it was trampled in the blink of an eye.


The tail vertebrae of the nightmare unicorn under Yingbu's crotch were like a meteor hammer, rumbling on the head of the giant wolf, splitting the brain plasma of the wolf's head, and then the sharp teeth bit into the neck of the other giant wolf, biting off the neck and ending its life.


Yingbu roared continuously, every shot was like a thunderbolt, fast as lightning, countless gun shadows all over the sky, like a peacock opening the screen.


The rolling wind was fierce, and the shadows of guns were all over Yingbu's body, and at least a dozen people were stabbed by Yingbu every second.


Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Yingbu, this person had a horse face, his eyes were extremely small, and he looked poisonous and deep, like a poisonous snake looking at its prey, staring at people is chilling.

"Name it!"

Ying Buhu's mouth tightened, he clenched his big gun, and drank coldly.

"Kill your man! Mongo! "

The viper-like man sneered and rushed over with a huge mace in hand.

It turned out that this person was Temujin's grandson.

Even if Temujin now rules the nine worlds, he still retains the tradition, and his descendants are also fighting on the battlefield and making battle merits, and Temujin has never raised waste.

Ying Bu let out a long roar, exhaled, and the blood around his body boiled, and his muscles and bones exploded like a cannon.

Before Meng Ge's words fell, he felt that the other party's momentum broke out in vain, and just one person gave him the power of thousands of troops in unison.

His whole body exploded, and a strong sense of crisis swept through his body, but he did not advance and retreat, a wolf's back, the mace in his hand was raised high, and he roared:

"Lao Tzu smashed you!"

Boom, boom!

Yingbu's gun head was like countless city-breaking crossbows shot out, and the smoke and dust in the sky were swept away by his shot, and the radius of tens of meters was filled with dense gun shadows, and besides that, there was nothing.

In less than a tenth of a second, Ingbu fired hundreds of shots, crisscrossing the shadows of the guns, covering Mongo in it.

Zheng Zheng!

Only a dozen continuous metal clashes sounded, and Menggo's mace was pierced by Yingbu's gun shadow, and then the gun shadow hit him.


His whole person and the wolf under him flew up horizontally, and he was already killed without a snort, and when he landed, it was already a pile of minced meat, and he couldn't see the human appearance clearly.

Dozens of wolf riders around him all ended up with the same fate as him.


Yingbu spat out a mouthful of bloody spit and sneered: "It's all on the battlefield, who is still grinding with you!" By the way, what did this person say he just called? The strength is good, the size is an officer ... Forget it, I'm too lazy to think about it, let's kill it first..."

There was no room for Ying Bu to think more, and the next moment, the evil wind was raging on his side, and his gun head jerked upwards. _

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