He was afraid of his strength, but at this moment, he felt that Ying Zheng's strength was far stronger than him, and this giant palm alone gave him a power that he could not match in any way.

At this moment, the shock in Tie Muzhen's heart was unimaginable, he couldn't imagine why the so-called strength of Daqin was not stronger than the Mengyuan Empire, and why the strength of the government would be so much stronger than him.

By what?

The five fingers fell like the Optimus Pillar, and the five "Optimus Pillars" surrounded the entire battlefield.


With the five "Optimus Pillars" standing between heaven and earth, an invisible fluctuation spread in all directions, spreading to the entire battlefield in the blink of an eye.








All the waving movements froze, and their angry expressions, hideous expressions, yelling expressions, laughing expressions, heavy expressions, were all frozen on their faces.



In the air they also stagnated.

This piece of heaven and earth was static, imprisoned by that indescribable fluctuation, even dust, air, and wind were stagnant, and the entire battlefield seemed to become a magnificent picture between heaven and earth.

"What a situation!"

"How did everything stop!"

"It seems that this heaven and earth are imprisoned..."

No matter who was on the battlefield, they stopped moving under this fluctuation, standing frozen in place like a sculpture, and only an incredible shock appeared in the depths of their eyes.

Even the powerhouses of the Dharma Realm such as Li Cunxiao and Kubilai have each become characters in this magnificent picture, and the wave set off by the two attacks stirred up the space in a radius of thousands of meters, but even their attack fluctuations fell into a strange static picture.

This kind of supernatural power beyond everyone, the shock in everyone's hearts can be imagined.

In the entire battlefield, only that group of people could still move, and when they suddenly saw this scene, they all stood in place at a loss.

"Don't you go fast yet?"

At this time, a faint voice sounded in their ears, the voice was flat, but extremely majestic, like a cloud hanging from the sky, like a heavenly emperor pitying all living beings, and the heavenly power was mighty.

The people were taken by this might, and they could not help but bow down, kneel and worship, trembling, sincerely fearful, and did not dare to get up, let alone run.


The space above the people cracked, and a figure slowly walked out.

In this magnificent picture of all things static, Ying Zheng stepped out and stood with his hands in his hands, standing on the void.

The black robe is fierce, the figure is majestic, the head is golden, there is a black hairpin, the feet are black boots, and a black belt is wrapped around the waist.

The majesty of this person's form, the sky, this earth, all seem small, as if this heaven and this earth are not as large as him, as if the reason why this heaven and earth exist is for the people who lift it up.

His eyes are as deep as an endless starry sky, and as long as he glances at each other, he can't help but immerse himself in them.

"Who is this person?"

Everyone in Temujin's army could not move, but their eyes could move, and one by one, their eyes widened, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

"This man... It seems to be..."

"It's the emperor of Daqin, Ying Zheng!"

Before Ying Zheng and Temujin fought in front of the battle, there were still many people who recognized Ying Zheng, and at this moment, they immediately recognized it.

"Immortals! Immortal! The gods bless us! "

All the people were constantly kowtowing, their faces full of awe.

Ying Zheng frowned slightly, his mind moved, the giant palm of Optimus shrunk, and then slowly fished out, like an ant, fished these hundreds of thousands of people in his hands, and slowly let them go outside the battlefield.

"Aaaah! I don't believe it! "

Under this invisible fluctuation that solidified everything, Temujin's face was extremely hideous, and his body burst out with immeasurable anger, wanting to break free from this bondage.

"Aaa Open it for me! "

Zheng Zheng!

Temujin's face was exposed, and his strength all exploded, and under this unprecedented oppression, he burst out with unprecedented strength, and his fists were clenched.


His fist actually broke a little confinement and moved a little.

Ying Zheng glanced at him, slowly put the people down, and flicked his fingers at will, Temujin's body involuntarily moved on its own, and then turned into a kneeling motion.

Yingzheng also strengthened Temujin's confinement power, freezing him in place like a mosquito in amber.

At this time, he couldn't even move his eyes.

A voice sounded in his ears: "Kneel well, I want you to see with your own eyes how your army is defeated." "

"I don't believe it!"

"I am invincible!"

"I am Genghis Khan!"

"I will not lose!"

Temujin roared in his heart, but it was still to no avail.

Ying Zheng glanced indifferently at Temujin, who was kneeling in the void, and turned back.

The moment he returned, the power of spatial solidification on the battlefield disappeared, and everyone resumed their movements.

"Your Majesty the First Emperor! His Majesty the First Emperor! His Majesty the First Emperor! "

Seeing that Ying Zheng was so powerful, the morale of the Great Qin army was greatly boosted, and a loud roar sounded, and the roar of nearly two million people shook the sky.

On the contrary, panic spread among Temujin's army, the enemy emperor showed invincible divine power, and their emperor, Temujin, was frozen into a humiliating posture, kneeling on the void, it has to be said that it was a big blow to their morale.

Once panic spreads, it fills the mind and is difficult to dissipate.

"Okay, you can go on."

Ying Zheng said lightly to Kundao, and then with a finger, a thousand-meter-long crack opened in front of him, and a Venerable Golden Beamon jumped out of it, and then a Venerable Soldier Demon God jumped out of it.

After the twelve Soldier Demon Gods, there were surging golden dragons.

They were all placed in the space ring by Ying Zheng, this space ring came from the mortal cultivation world, which contained more than a thousand miles of space, and it was not only a simple space, but also a living being.




Hundreds of golden beamons showed their true bodies, all of them were hundreds of meters high, of which Kun was more than a thousand meters, all of them exuded wild and powerful momentum.

Roar, roar, roar!

Beamon roared up to the sky, pounding his chest with both fists, shaking heaven and earth.

Boom rumble!

Twelve soldiers and demon gods who exceeded a thousand meters trampled the earth, and with each step they took, the earth trembled violently, and the weapon they held with a handle similar to their body looked terrifying and terrifying. _

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