Yue Buqun was stunned by this pie falling from the sky, his head boomed, and he didn't know the southeast, northwest, and in an instant.

What is "Jing"

It means calming turmoil and establishing order.

Jing Wusi, the institution that sweeps away the dirt of martial arts and formulates martial arts order, backed by Daqin, isn't it the uncrowned king of martial arts?

His biggest dream of Yue Buqun was to be the master of the Five Mountains Alliance, and he had never thought of any martial arts alliance master.

Becoming the deputy head of Jing Wusi, it is not easy to make Huashan rise?

For a while, Yue Buqun's heart was pounding violently, and his mouth was dry.

How majestic are the six doors of Daming?

Everyone in the rivers and lakes despises the imperial court eagle claw, but who does not aspire to become the imperial court eagle claw?

Good practice in the six doors, this is not a word, but a fact.

But the six doors only deal with criminal cases in the rivers and lakes, and Jing Wusi's authority is greater than that of the six doors.

Zhang Sanfeng sighed secretly: "In that case, the poor road obeys the order." "

On the one hand, Zhang Sanfeng has been squeezed into a corner by the words of Ying Zheng, and there is no way to retreat, on the other hand, Zhang Sanfeng is also clear that there is too much dirt in the martial arts and needs to be cleaned up.

The reason why Ying Zheng let Zhang Sanfeng be the master is also because he is highly respected in martial arts, has unparalleled reputation, knows many things in martial arts well, and many things are very easy to operate.

"Yue Buqun."

"The grass people are here!"

Yue Buqun was an agitated spirit and quickly answered.

Huan Zhengman said with deep meaning: "Do you know Wang Mang? "

Yue Buqun pondered the meaning of Huan Zheng's words in his heart, and slowly said, "I know." "

"The Wang family was a foreign family with power at that time, and the Wang family had nine marquis and five of them serving as great simas, which was the most noble family in the Western Han Dynasty. Most of the people in the clan are generals and marquises, living luxuriously, with dogs and horses, and comparing with each other. "

"Only Wang Mang is pure, simple in life, humble, and industrious. He served his mother and widowed sister-in-law, raised his brother's widow, and behaved in a disciplined manner and a rigorous style. He served his uncles internally, very thoughtfully, and accepted the Magi externally. "

"Later, he held a high position, but he never respected himself, and he was always able to honor a corporal and be honest and frugal, and he was deeply loved by the people. Celebrities in the government and the public praised Wang Mang. "

The conversation changed:

"The Duke of Zhou was afraid of the rumors, and Wang Mang was humble and respectful. Xiang Messenger died in the first place, and who knows the truth or falsity of his life? "

"If Wang Mang's life had come to an end, without his usurpation, would future generations have a completely different evaluation of him?"

Before Yue Buqun repelled the evil sword spectrum, his first half, what he did, could be regarded as a humble gentleman, and he defended the way of eliminating demons, in a word, he did not live up to his name of a gentleman's sword.

Without the ambition of the rise of the Huashan Sect and the oppression of Leng Chan, Yue Buqun might be able to be a gentleman's sword.

Regardless of whether the gentleman's sword is true.

If you can disguise for a lifetime, and do everything in line with what you do, you are a true gentleman.

Yue Buqun only felt as if he was standing naked in front of Ying Zheng, his mind was thorough, and he instantly understood that he was all seen through by Ying Zheng from the inside out.


Kneeling on the ground, he said loudly, "The grass people must remember what His Majesty said for the rest of their lives!" "

"Whether it's true or not, we'll know later."

Huan Zheng looked at Zhang Sanfeng:

"The most basic thing for Jingwushi is to standardize the martial arts sects and account for the world's sects, all sects must be registered with Jingwushi and so on, the location of the sect, how many people, the structure of the sect, the leader, and who the elders are, must be clear."

"Those sects that hide dirt and dirt must be liquidated, dissolved when they should be dissolved, banned if they should be banned, and dealt with with should be dealt with, only those sects that abide by the laws of Daqin can exist."

"The court will not care what the sect does, but it must not cross the laws of Daqin!"

"Also, big sects such as the Shaolin Temple, which only own more than 100,000 mu of land, do not pay taxes, and the monks of the sect do not engage in production, so they have two choices: one is to keep a small amount of land property, which must be paid taxes in the future, and the other is to keep all the land property, but to make up the taxes of the past ten years."

"The Shuhui will send some people to help the two of you build the shelf of Jing Wusi, and you can also find someone to fill the personnel yourself."


The two bowed in unison.

Ying Zheng took out two Ten Thousand Realms Talismans and asked the two to recognize the Lord: "Something can be reported to me through the Ten Thousand Realms Talisman." "

He finally looked at Ling Hu Chong: "Ling Hu Chong, you are lazy and unrestrained, this kind of personality is very appreciated, but there should be a limit to being bohemian and liking to make friends." "

"Well, after all that, you and Xu used to be more or less friends, this is just Xuan's advice to you, you don't listen to yourself."

Saying that, Ying Zheng stepped out and had already arrived in the Daqin world.

After destroying the Mengyuan Empire, the Wujian world has basically been pacified, and the rest of the affairs are how to take over the Wujian world.

During this time, Daqin had already sent thousands of talents to the world of martial arts, some of which were trained by the imperial court, and some of which had passed the imperial examination.

These people are basically sent down to the grassroots level, or a township, or a county.

Daqin's will needs to be transmitted through them, as long as the grassroots level is stable, everything can be stable.

What's more, Daqin is still sending talents to this side in a steady stream.

"Hmm... The air in the two realms is still a little different... The aura became more and more intense, at least ten times richer than before. "

Ying Zheng stands tall above the void, the most obvious is that the grass and trees are becoming more and more lush, in the past, the trees were only two or three hundred meters at most, but now, Ying Zheng swept casually, and the trees three or four hundred meters high were everywhere.

Some trees stand tall above the earth like three, towering into the clouds.

Yingzheng also felt the breath of spirituality from these trees, and as time progressed, the spirituality would become more and more sufficient, and finally the spiritual wisdom might be opened.

The tree that turns on the spirit is a monster.

In the distance, an eagle is circling, its sharp eagle eyes looking down on the earth, this eagle is full of gold, brilliant, as if cast in gold, shining dazzling in the sun.

Suddenly, the eagle swooped down, and a moment later rose up into the sky, with an additional prey on its claws.

It was a giant python, at least more than twenty meters, the thickness of a bucket, covered in black scales, twisted and struggling under the claws of an eagle.

In this comparison, the golden eagle that resembles a golden-winged peng also spreads its wings and is more than ten meters long, which is a behemoth.

The eagle tightly grasped the giant python, its claws pierced the scales, and penetrated deep into the flesh, and the giant python could not break free even if it struggled. _

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