There are thousands of types of beasts in the world, and the number is far better than that of humans, and a huge number of young beasts will be born every day, every month, but Daqin cannot kill all the beasts in the whole world.

Although killing all beasts can be done once and for all, eliminating the emergence of alien beasts and monsters, but only the human world, isn't it very monotonous?

It is a matter of many years to send troops to strangle the beasts that are about to become alien beasts, and killing a batch will give birth to a batch, and it will never be killed endlessly.

Feng Hao bowed his hand and said, "Your Majesty, what is neglect?" "

Huan Zheng flicked his fingers, sleeping Xiao Hei was in pain, collapsed three meters high, and blinked his huge eyes: "Master, is there something to order?" "

"Look, does this guy have the potential to become a demon king?"

Ying Zheng pointed out that Xiao Hei looked at Qunchen.


The group of ministers are very smart, a little bit through, instantly understood.

"Your Majesty's heroic name!"

"This method solves all problems once and for all."

Xiao Hei was still in a daze, not understanding why Qunchen looked at him and praised.

Could it be that I unknowingly did a great good deed?

Blackie fell into a fantasy.

Looking at Xiao Hei's confused look, Ying Zheng fell into hesitation.

Can this really be the king of ten thousand demons?

There are thousands of wild beasts, thousands of exotic beasts, countless in number, and endless killing, since this is the case, Yingzheng will send them a king to rule them, and play the most basic constraint, so that ninety percent of the problems caused by foreign beasts can be solved.

Now there are actually not many exotic beasts in the entire world, and the most powerful such as golden eagles, giant bears, and hundred zhang giant pythons, the strength has not reached the level of martial arts heavenly people.

And Xiao Hei, this guy, summoned from Ying Zheng, is the strength of the Martial Dao Heavenly Man, and now he has reached the Law Phase Realm, and he is more than enough to be the king of ten thousand demons.

Although Ying Zheng did not canonize Xiao Hei as a national beast, the popularity of the Qilin Rui Beast in Daqin is still very high, and Ying Zheng opened up the Fortune Dynasty, and his share of luck is very large, and now it has reached the realm of law.

It's just that this Dharma realm Qilin still likes to eat grapes, and every day in addition to eating and sleeping, he is about to become a unicorn pig.

"Your Majesty, recently many soldiers who have fought in the Otherworld have returned, and the news about the Otherworld has been circulated in a small area, and the minister suggests that the news of the Heavens and Worlds be announced." Feng Yu suggested.


"Your Majesty, the messenger of the Ten Thousand Realms Talisman thinks that he can reveal a little."


"Your Majesty, this is the list of officials of the martial arts world of the minister and Feng Xiang."

Wei Yanzi sent a batch of lists through the Ten Thousand Realms General Knowledge, the list of the county guards.

The county magistrate, below the county order, is appointed and dismissed by the left and right ministers, but the officials at the level of the county guard must be decided by the county administrator, and the inner history platform can draw up a list, and the list needs to be reviewed by the governor, and the government agrees.

Ying Zheng swept the list, a total of nine, some were central officials of the imperial court, some were county magistrates, and the county order was promoted.

Behind everyone's list are their lives, political achievements, at a glance, the government swept away, there is no problem, and they agreed.

The world is divided into ninety-nine counties, twenty-five counties in Daming, eighteen counties in the Northern Song Dynasty, fifteen counties in the Southern Song Dynasty, twenty counties in Mengyuan, and twenty-two counties in other regions.

"Remember, as the county warden, Xu does not have much requirements for political performance, only one requirement, within one year, everyone in these ninety-nine counties must understand Qin law and speak Qin dialect!"

"Only by understanding Qin Law and speaking Qin dialect can they enhance their sense of identification with Daqin, and other tasks are secondary, understand?"

Wei Yanzi nodded slightly: "The ministers will inform them." "

"Something starts, everything disperses." Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Wait for the ministers to retreat!"

The group of ministers dispersed, and the little black eyes looked at Ying Zheng: "Master, can I go?" "

This guy can't wait to become the king of all demons.

Ying Zheng glanced at him: "Remember, if you can't see your deeds within the specified period, I don't mind changing one, and the reason why Xu Zhi let you be this king of ten thousand demons is to think about the longest relationship between you and Xuan." "

"Xu actually thinks that Kun is more suitable than you to be the king of ten thousand demons, and if you are not suitable, Xu will change him."

Xiao Hei converged his hippie smile, and his beast face was solemn: "Master, within a year, Xiao Hei will definitely let you see the birth of a king of ten thousand demons." "

After saying that, Xiao Hei wanted to leave, and before he left the hall, he turned around again: "Master, this little thing is on my head." "

Huan Zheng waved his hand: "If it wants to follow you, just follow it, don't let it lose its life." "


On this day, the "Imperial Daily" carried a news, which was a national newspaper, so the news spread throughout the world in one day.

Almost everyone is talking about this.

Heavens and realms!

In addition to Daqin, there are other worlds!

No one doubts the truth of the matter.

Since the birth of the Daily Empire, every piece of news published has been absolutely true.

A lot of it went crazy.

For readers, there are other worlds, which means that their chances of becoming officials are much greater, a radish and a pit, the pit is occupied, even if they are admitted to the imperial examination, they may not be able to get a favorite official position and show their ideals.

But now, there are many more pits out of thin air.

For businessmen, the first thought is whether they can extract more profit from this news.

Next to Xianyang Wharf, Zhang Liang and Han Fei leaned on the window, looking at the bustling pier where countless ships were moored outside, Han Fei let out a long sigh: "That problem really came to me today, Zhang Liang, you probably already knew, knowing that I was so worried, I actually spoke so tightly." "

Zhang Liang smiled: "I actually only found out after Daqin sent troops to fight, not much earlier than you, besides, I was in the cabinet, before, this is a Daqin secret, can it not be tight." "

Han Fei was stunned and looked at Zhang Liang directly: "You are more and more like a qualified member of the Daqin cabinet." "

Zhang Liang raised his eyebrows: "Yes, I am originally, there is no problem of not being like it." "

Han Fei took a sip of wine and skipped the topic: "When Korea collapsed, one of the questions I couldn't figure out was where so much grain and meat came from in Daqin. "

"So much meat, grain, Daqin can't afford it, and all the countries in the summer combined can't afford it, whether it's you or me, or people of insight in various countries, they all conclude that Daqin won't be able to support it for long before it collapses."

"But the facts hit us hard in the face, and Daqin not only did not collapse, but became stronger and stronger, destroying us."

"Now, I understand that the grain and meat are all from other worlds, according to the Imperial Daily, it is a world with highly developed productive forces, and the grain and meat consumed by Daqin are only a drop in the bucket in that world."

"It's a pity that the Empire Daily doesn't have much introduction to that world, in fact, I'm very curious about that world." _

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