And the Black Ice Platform, the Shadow Secret Guard, Luo Net, and the bad guys have built their own intelligence network with the help of the Ming Sect's intelligence network, and after improvement, they have formed an intelligence network that is ten times more perfect than the Ming Sect.

The intelligence of the Ming Sect, even if it is quickly, quickly, or flying pigeons to pass on the book, the transmission of information needs to be counted in days.

And the information transmission of the Black Ice Platform, the Shadow Secret Guard, Luo Net, and the bad guys is only instantaneous on the Ten Thousand Realms Talisman, which can be called instant intelligence.

In the whole world, no one knows that a large net has covered them in it.

This net is the intelligence network formed by the Black Ice Platform, the Shadow Secret Guard, the Luo Net, and the bad guys.

And with the help of this intelligence network, the newborn Jing Wusi began to show his fangs and murderously killed Wulin.

There is only one purpose!

Cleanse the martial arts! Establish martial arts order!

Whoever has fish and flesh will not forgive!

All the sects, factions, gangs, and religions in the rivers and lakes have ushered in their own ends.

All the sects, gangs, sects, and people who do not prey on the rivers and lakes are a very small minority.

Ordinary people will "carry sharp weapons and kill themselves", not to mention these martial arts masters with high force?

With high strength, they themselves will not think that they are of the same class as ordinary people, and they have force, whether there is a very strict restraint, bullying, and the common people are very common.

And not fish meat, bullying the people such as the Wudang faction, his founder Zhang Sanfeng is alive, and he is just and honest, bright, consistent in words and deeds, strict rules have been formulated, once there is fish meat, those who bully the people will be dealt with strictly, in addition to Zhang Sanfeng himself is the first person in martial arts, the majesty is extremely strong, so the disciples of the Wudang sect also rarely dare to fish meat, bullying the people.

There is also Cihang Jingzhai, who needs to maintain a bright image and will not do the things of the people of fish and meat.

There is also a sect like Huashan, the whole sect has two or three cats up and down, Yue Buqun is also known as a gentleman's sword, and will not destroy his own image, so the reputation of the Huashan sect in Huashan's generation is quite good.

There are also sects such as the Iron and Blood Banner Gate that establish rules with "virtue and righteousness" and convince people with "virtue and righteousness".

Or that Jianghu is a large dye vat full of ink, and it is difficult to avoid contamination in this large dye vat.

On the street, people came and went, and a mother was walking with a little boy of several years old, feeling a little tired, so she wanted to put the little boy down and let him go by himself.

But the child did not adhere to the unforgiving and wanted to let the mother hold, the mother was a little tired, saw the little boy standing in place and did not go, gestured to take a few steps forward, signaling that if you don't follow me again, I will leave.

The little boy pouted and was aggrieved, touched two handfuls of tears and wanted to go to his mother's side.

At this time, two beggars suddenly walked over, just blocking between mother and son, blocking her line of sight.

The next moment, a beggar came out from the side, hugged the little man, covered his mouth, and ran towards the alley on the side of the street.

"My child!"

When the mother saw this scene, she shouted hoarsely and wanted to chase over, but before she ran a few steps, she was hit to the ground by the two beggars, and by the time she got up, the beggars had disappeared without a trace.

This scene was seen by the people of Jing Wuji, and this area was where the Gang Daren divided the rudder.

The Gang is also in the clean-up category of Jing Wusi, the number of people, the Gang must be the largest gang in the world, the entire Gang has ten rudders, which are Daren, Dayi, Dali, Dazhi, Daxin, Dazhong, Daxiao, Da Lian, Da Shame, Da Yong, but unfortunately the Pi Gang has done a lot of things for adultery.

There are people who are righteous and thin, such as Hong Qigong, Qiao Feng, and Guo Jing, and there are also murderers and arsonists.

Although the ten rudders are named "benevolence, righteousness, etiquette, wisdom, faithfulness, filial piety, honesty and shame", most of the members of the gang are abducted and stolen, murderers and criminals, and do all kinds of evil.

One of Yasutakeshi's men helped the woman up and led her to chase, while the other nine chased her.

Jing Wuji's people didn't seem to be in a hurry to catch up with the child called Hanako, not in a hurry, that called Hanako had some skills, sensing that someone was chasing him, and exerted his steps, like swimming fish, and the speed increased a little.

The name Hanako was very familiar with this area, running around in this well-connected alley, running to a remote and silent box, suddenly pushing open a gate and running in.

Jing Wusi's people chased in, but it was a large courtyard, and there were at least hundreds of beggars in the courtyard, either sitting, lying down, or standing, looking unkindly at the nine Yasutakesi's people who chased in.

"Hand over the child!"

Ling Hu Chong said coldly, he was the leader of this team of Jing Wusi, responsible for cleaning the rudder of the Great Ren Gang.

Only one of these hundreds of beggars is sitting on a chair, although the clothes are patched, but it seems that they can be sewn up, the whole person is white and tender, not at all a beggar, about forty years old, with seven bags hanging from his waist, it seems that his status in the beggars is not low.

"What kid?"

These seven bags of beggars are inexplicable: "What child? Here are all beggars, what are the children? "

Ling Hu Chong frowned slightly: "But I obviously saw that Hanako walking in here with a child in her arms." "

The seven bags of beggars sneered: "Anyway, I didn't see it, are you mistaken, although my beggars disciples are all over the world, not every beggar is my beggars." "

"Did you see that?"

He asked the beggar next to him, and the beggar giggled: "I didn't see it." "

"I didn't see it either."

The beggars in the courtyard all laughed and looked at Ling Huchong and the others mockingly.

Ling Hu Chong's chest rose and fell sharply, and he took a deep breath: "You refuse to hand over someone?" "

The seven-bag beggar laughed: "Friend, I beg to make friends all over the world, but it is not without temper, no matter how aggressive you are, for this unwarranted thing unlimited beggars, don't blame us for not being polite!" "

"Also, walking the rivers and lakes, seeing righteousness and courage can be, don't mess with people who shouldn't be messed with!"

He has lived for decades, and in such a mixed gang as the Gang, he has seen too many fledgling and full of blood, thinking that he can calm the unjust things in the world with his own skills.

But in the end, the facts will always tell them that the unjust things under the world are not something they can settle.

"It seems that you are toasting and not eating and punishing wine!"

Ling Hu Chong slowly drew his sword, and the blade was sharp.

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