In the car, O'Connor looked at an old man dressed in a long robe next to him, and his tone was extremely impatient: "You have taken us around this place for three days, why haven't you found the entrance to the Dragon Emperor's tomb!" "

The old man was holding a compass in his hand, and when he heard O'Connor speak, he looked at him blankly, obviously unable to understand O'Connor's words.

A translator next to him quickly translated O'Connor's words to him, and the old man snorted coldly: "What does this foreign devil know, if the tomb of Qin Shi Huang is so easy to find, it is still the turn of the old man to find it?" Urging the same, Lao Tzu is not affected by this bird qi! "

Saying that, the old man flicked his sleeves, got out of the car directly, and looked back at the translator: "Turn back to Feng Yuxiang and say that the foreign devil can't serve the old age, and the deposit he gave will be returned to him!" "

O'Connor sneered and looked at the old man who left directly: "I have long thought that it is a waste of time to let the Chinese people come to the tomb of the Dragon Emperor, this is an ignorant and unenlightened people, and even the means of finding the tomb are so backward..."

Evelyn frowned slightly: "O'Connor, after all, this is in the land of China, they have survived on this land for thousands of years, and they will definitely know more than us." "

"What about understanding? After three days of taking us around, but not even finding a fart, go back to find Feng Yuxiang, according to our own methods! "

"What method?"

"Let Feng Yuxiang send five thousand soldiers to me, turn this mountain over, and search it all, I don't believe I can't find it yet!"

Evelyn shook her head: "O'Connor, your method is too rough, the movement is too big, the tomb of the dragon emperor we are looking for is after all the mausoleum of the first emperor of this land, if it is exposed, the newspaper reports it, I am afraid that it will have a great impact, at the very least, the people of this land will not allow us to rob the tomb." "

O'Connor laughed: "Evelyn, rest assured, I am not representing an individual this time, but representing the British Empire, doing things for the king, this land is divided, warlords are chaotic, the strength is weak, Feng Yuxiang can't afford to offend the British Empire, even if the people's resentment is boiling here, don't worry about us, as long as something leaks out between our fingers, Feng Yuxiang will naturally help us suppress!" "

"As for those newspapers, they are not worth mentioning under the threat of gunpoint."

Not long after, O'Connor and Evelyn had already arrived at the Shaanxi Overseer's Mansion, and Feng Yuxiang led his troops into Shaanxi this year, and in August he became the commander of the 11th Army Division, subordinate to the direct warlords, and led his troops into Shaanxi After the suicide of Yan Xiangwen, the Shaanxi Overseer, took over as the Shaanxi Overseer, and expanded this place as a territory.

Feng Yuxiang is the leader of the warlords in the northwest, known as General and General Christ, and the origin of General Defection is naturally that he has defected many times.

Up to now, he has defected three times, and he has defected nine times in his life, and Lü Bu is not worth mentioning compared to him.

The origin of General Christ is because "Ji" is the most unique way for Feng Yuxiang to unite the hearts of the army.

After occupying territory in Changde, Feng Yuxiang began to preach in his own army, setting up churches in barracks and having chaplains accompanying the army.

Every Sunday, the pastor was invited to preach to all the officers, and advocated Bible study, prayer, praise, Sunday and other rituals, and Feng Yuxiang personally preached the teachings for the soldiers.

Feng Yuxiang also selected some Christian teachings that met his own needs, and compiled the soldiers' education book "Military Spirit Book", which is divided into "Moral Spirit", "Patriotic Spirit" and "Military Discipline Spirit", that is, the "Three Spirit Books"

However, Christianity is not Feng Yuxiang's faith, Christianity is only Feng Yuxiang's means, on the surface he converted to Christ, but never prayed, only superficial Christian doctrine.

Another reason is that the great powers generally believe in Christ, and believing in Christianity can narrow the distance between them and foreigners, and in order to win the support of the great powers, the warlords of this era have done everything they can.

The Manchu Qing closed off the country, causing the strength of Western countries to catch up, and surpassed the Manchu Qing, after defeat, cut land and pay reparations, revealing the true face of the Manchu Qing dynasty, the bloated giant's gold and jade.

For thousands of years, the countries of this land have been calling themselves the Kingdom of the Heavenly Empire, and the surrounding countries have learned the etiquette and culture of the Celestial Kingdom, paid tribute to the Celestial Kingdom, and are proud to speak the words of the Celestial Kingdom.

However, decades ago, the war pulled the Celestial Kingdom from the clouds, revealing the weak side of the Celestial Kingdom.

After that, the great powers came to attack the Manchu Qing Dynasty, treating the Manchu Qing as soft persimmons, pinching and pinching, cutting land and paying reparations seemingly endlessly, plundering the country's wealth to the fullest.

Since then, the people of the Celestial Kingdom have also changed, and there is no longer the pride of the Celestial Kingdom.

Some people stubbornly cling to the old, unable to see the changes in the world clearly, still clinging to the old and resisting advanced things.

Some people have completely fallen into the quagmire, only feeling that this land is backward everywhere, ignorant, and nothing is comparable to the great powers, as long as it is something left by the ancestors, whether good or bad, it should be discarded, and even the cultural civilization and writing should be completely discarded, and the things of the great powers should be accepted wholeheartedly.

Some people think that the foreigners of the great powers are noble, and the Chinese are lowly, even if the foreigners are not from the great powers, as long as they have a foreign face, they should kneel and lick, and when they meet, they should kneel down and bow down, shouting the foreigner master.

There are also people who do not care about themselves, and think that foreigners or Chinese people are the same, and the good of foreigners can be used the same, and the good of Chinese people can also be used for use.

It doesn't hurt for foreigners to come and be emperors, anyway, as long as it doesn't damage their interests.

Fortunately, this nation is not so easily crushed, they have the most tenacious qualities, and a group of people with lofty ideals, they open their eyes to the world, and they do everything they can to save this nation.

Feng Yuxiang, a warlord and general, is obviously different from other warlords, that is, he has always maintained a simple style and image. Wearing a cotton hat, a cotton coat, cotton shoes, and cotton trouser legs, he looked completely indistinguishable from the simple old peasant in the north, and he could not be seen in the slightest that he was a first-class general, vice chairman, and righteous brother of President Jiang.

As a result, he received the title "General of Cloth"

O'Connor, Evelyn saw in the Overseer's Mansion was Feng Yuxiang, dressed as a peasant, with a cross on his chest.

After O'Connor expressed his intentions, Feng Yuxiang fell silent, revealing an extremely embarrassed look, and after a long time, he slowly said: "Two of you, providing convenience for you is already the maximum thing I can do, if you want to steal..."

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