Jiang Yang's gaze fell on the two foreigners, and he chuckled: "These two white-skinned people also have strong luck, plus a group of people watching from the sidelines, what they have done is basically 100% extraordinary, if we can find out, the progress of our exploration task will be great." "

"Captain, what do you say?"

The captain frowned and thought for a while: "It's okay, we will also intervene in this matter, but don't be a head bird." "

On another mountain, Chen Yulou sneered: "These two foreigners are also fools, and they actually bombarded the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang with cannons, which is simply looking for death." "

A Daoist said softly: "Although we want to kill Qin Shi Huang, the things inside Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum belong to China, and we can't let the two foreigners here destroy it." "

Chen Yulou shook his head: "Dao Chief, these five thousand people belong to Feng Yuxiang's centaurs, and this is also Feng Yuxiang's territory, so it is not a small trouble to stop it." "

"Moreover, the cannon cannot damage the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang at all, and it is very likely that Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum has measures to deal with this violent tomb robbery."

The partridge whistle nodded: "Here the earth should be the heavenly star, the lower should be the earth, it is both a dragon vein, but also a fierce place, the power of the earth is rich, and it is fluctuating violently, and the backlash is coming soon." "

The words did not fall.


The underground where the five thousand centaurs were located suddenly burst out one after another, and those soldiers let out heart-rending screams, waving their hands and running wildly, erupting terrifying flames from their eyes, noses, ears, and mouths.

In just a few breaths, the whole body of the soldier contaminated by these flames burned with flames.

O'Connor and Evelyn, on the other hand, were very strangely not contaminated with flames, originally two flames were ejected from under their feet, but at this moment, the two turned back to urge, just avoiding the sprayed flames, and then saw this terrifying scene.

A Daoist looked at this scene, and his heart couldn't help but be shocked, he didn't expect that the revolt of Qin Shihuang's mausoleum was actually so terrifying, at least thousands of soldiers were contaminated with this flame at this moment, screaming and screaming, and after a few breaths, those soldiers who ran wildly fell to the ground and turned into a pile of black ashes.

These flames could not be extinguished by ordinary means of extinguishing fires, and other soldiers also tried to extinguish the fire, but neither water nor soil could extinguish them, and they could only watch them turn into ashes.


O'Connor and Evelyn looked at each other, and both could see the horror in each other's eyes, and Evelyn said in a trembling voice: "The tomb of the Dragon Emperor... It's terrifying, it must be the undead who are taking revenge on us, O'Connor, I have long advised you not to bombard ... It's better than..."

O'Connor took a deep breath: "Back then, our king and his legion of death could be destroyed, and this dragon emperor may not be comparable to the scorpion king, Evelyn, with me, don't be afraid..."

"Two, it is not good for you to enter the mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, it is harmful for you to bring so many soldiers..."

At this time, a voice sounded behind the two people, and O'Connor looked back, but it was two women in purple clothes, and it was Ziyuan who spoke:

"The tyrant has arranged a lot of vicious means in his mausoleum, and if you enter it rashly, the vicious means in the mausoleum are enough to make you die ten times."

"Do you know how to get in?" O'Connor asked.

Zi Yuan nodded lightly: "We have the most professional people, we can take you in together." "

Chen Yulou saw Zi Yuan walking over with two foreigners, and a trace of displeasure flashed on his face: "Dao chief, although I, Chen Yulou, am a tomb thief, a person in the green forest, and I am doing the thing of cutting off my descendants, but I also know that foreigners do not have a good thing, it doesn't matter if the treasure in the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang falls into the hands of the Chinese, but it must not fall into the hands of foreigners, I don't do this thing of deceiving and destroying ancestors." "

"If the two of them want to bring foreigners in, please ask the Taoist Commander to ask another Gao Ming."

The partridge whistle nodded slightly, did not speak, but also showed his attitude.

In fact, the Yimei Daoist is also extremely displeased now, Zi Yuan came to him to help, he tried his best to find Chen Yulou, Chen Yulou did his best to find the partridge whistle, but this Zi Yuan did not say a word to bring two foreigners in together.

However, when he thought that the birth of the tyrant would be a disaster, he was displeased: "Yulou, Ziyuan's strength is no less than mine, the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang is full of dangers, one more master is more likely to live... Besides..."

The tone of the eyebrow Daoist suddenly became much more serious: "Under the mausoleum, there are dangers everywhere, even you professionals have to be very cautious, these two foreigners will not understand, you want them to live and die." "

"For the sake of Ziyuan's face, you can let them in, but when it comes to the bottom, it doesn't matter if it's life or death, I won't care, don't say the treasure of Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum at that time, keep it so that they can't see the sun."

He lowered his eyebrows to remove demons, but he also killed a lot, and he killed two foreigners, and he didn't even blink his eyes.

Chen Yulou's expression softened, but there was no room for what he said at the beginning, it was difficult to step down, and a gloomy middle-aged man standing behind him took a step forward.

It was Chen Yulou's military master, Hua Ma turned his mouth and said: "Boss, the Dao Chief is right, there may be a big zongzi king in the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, and the Dao chief is a Maoshan master, since he said that Ziyuan's strength is not inferior to the Dao chief, when the time comes, when he meets the big zongzi king, he also has an extra helper." "

"If the leader really sees that those two foreigners are upset, and when he goes under the mausoleum, he will use some means to keep them dead without a place to be buried."

Chen Yulou's eyes flashed with a cold light: "It's okay." "

After Zi Yuan brought O'Connor and Evelyn over, Chen Yulou, Partridge Sentry and others directly ignored them and directly expressed their attitude, only a brow was forced to say a few words simply, or Zi Yuan translated, the two sides did not understand the language, and there was nothing to say.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Suddenly, a deafening sound sounded, everyone shook their eyes, only to see that there seemed to be a thunder and lightning in the sky quickly, and when they got closer, they found that it was a person flying at extreme speed, flashing thunder and lightning around his body, as if the thunder god had descended, because the speed was too fast, the sonic boom was endless, Zi Yuan's expression changed, and she felt a huge threat: "Master! "

"Don't worry, it's my senior brother."

A Daoist waved his hand, looked at the figure, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said in his heart: "Senior brother, I know that you are jealous like a hatred, and you will definitely come." "


After just a few breaths, Shi Jian fell in front of everyone, but it was an old man with black and white hair, wearing a placket, his eyebrows were as cold and hard as iron stone, and he knew at a glance that he was not an easily approachable person, exuding a majestic aura. _

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