"How many people do you want?"

"One person is enough!"

Huo Qubing said sonorously.

Those who are familiar with Ying Zheng know that the calmer he is, the stronger the killing intent.

What is reckless means?

That is to kill and hurt.

Since the dead and wounded are not counted, what else should the army do?

The march of the army is the end of the conquest, and the killing is the means.

And this killing is the goal, one person is enough!

"Li Cunxiao."

Ying Zheng's indifferent voice sounded again.

"Yagi Kingdom, Xu needs the land of Fuso, but whether the people above survive or not, Xu does not care, but in the same way, within ten days, the emperor of this country will kneel in front of Xu from outside Xianyang City."

Li Cunxiao laughed viciously: "Your Majesty! The minister only needs one person, and within ten days, the emperor of this country will kneel to meet His Majesty, and the dog-like Yagi people are not qualified to live! "

"Your Majesty! Please! "

"Your Majesty, please also order!"

"Your Majesty! Pick me! "

All the ministers looked at Ying Zheng with their eyes open, but Ying Zheng's gaze fell on Kun: "Kun, the White Eagle Country belongs to you." "

Kun suddenly clenched his fists: "Your Majesty, the minister is best at this kind of thing of destroying the country." "

Dugu, who had been silent, asked for defeat and spoke: "Your Majesty, since the minister became the head of the Criminal Department of this department, he has not made a move for a long time, this time, I beg His Majesty to let the minister make a move." "

Ying Zheng said slowly: "The White Bear Country belongs to you." "

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Mengxiao, the country of Billy is yours."

"Wang Yi, the sun does not set and the country returns to you."

"Chen Qingzhi, Dezhiguo belongs to you."

"Ganie, the Farcivian Kingdom belongs to you."

"Lu Buwei, the Kingdom of Italy belongs to you."

After the distribution, the nine people soared into the sky and disappeared in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

Huan Zheng's gaze fell on Yimei and the others again, and waved his hand lightly: "Okay, you can roll." "

As for the Lord God Space and the others, as if they were transparent people, they also followed Yimei and the others out of the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang.


Seeing the sunlight outside Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum, Song Mei seemed to be dreaming, almost dreaming: "I actually survived?" "

Captain Chu Wang also couldn't believe it: , to survive, it's like a dream, this Qin Shi Huang actually let us go so easily? "

Jiang Yang's face was full of doubts: "It's too strange. Qin Shi Huang doesn't seem to be such a good talker, and the Annihilation Clan comes out of his mouth like a play, why don't you kill us, a person of unknown origin? "

Sportswear woman Liu Baiyi: "What are you talking about, is it not good to survive?" Moreover, these big people are moody, who knows what is going on in their hearts?

"Captain, the exploration progress has reached fifty percent! We sent it! "Yuan Yuan's mind is much simpler.

King Chu pondered for a long time, and couldn't think of the reason why Ying Zheng let them go, and said with a hammer: "Forget it, don't think about it so much, this world will definitely be chaotic, and then we will remain incognito and return to the main god space when the mission time is over." "

"Fifty percent of the exploration mission, 10,000 bonus points per person, which is enough."

Jiang Yang had been thinking in his heart, and he suddenly felt that from the beginning to the end of this exploration mission, there was a hint of strangeness revealed from beginning to end.

This kind of exploration task is fragrant, why can they grab it?

According to the general situation, a squad of their level will be coerced and lured to give them the task even if they grab the exploration task.

However, after they grabbed it, there seemed to be no squad to coerce and lure them.

"Strange... Eccentric...... I don't understand..."

Jiang Yang's thoughts were a mess.

Although the main god space does not allow fighting, and the better-level squad will not be in the same mission world as the low-level squad, there are too many ways they can play, and the high-level squad can play the low-level squad to death.

The most common means is to buy a squad of similar level to them, stab them in the same mission world, and they can't stand a few more stabs.

"Perhaps, you can check it when you go back..."

Jiang Yang said silently, at this time, a faint and indelible voice came from his ears: "Okay, Jiang Yang, sometimes curiosity can kill cats, and those who don't know are also blessings, anyway, the heads of our main god space are pinned to the belt of their trousers, even if they are calculated, it is excellent to have 10,000 reward points." "

"How many squads have been wiped out by the calculation, at least so far we are alive and well."

Jiang Yang's body froze, and he glanced at Chu Wang, he now knew that this captain was not as rough as he seemed on the surface, and he was just a wise and foolish person.


"Specific coordinates of eighteen worlds."

Feeling the information in his mind, a smile was outlined at the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth.

From the moment the Chu Wang squad appeared, Ying Zheng knew that they were from the main god space, and the reason why they could easily grab this almost welfare exploration task, and there was no high-level squad to coerce and lure, was because someone needed them as an intermediary for information transmission.

The message is complex and simple.

The specific coordinates of the eighteen worlds were collected by Win Nightmare.

The medium that transmitted the message was killed by the hand of Xiao Zhonghua and escaped the censorship of the Lord God.

According to the various temptations of Xiao Zhonghua, the existence behind the Lord God may be an unimaginably powerful existence, but the Lord God seems to be just a similar procedure, so that Xiao Zhonghua has been tempted many times, some of which are very risky in her own opinion, but they have not been erased by the Lord God.

"The Gate of Time and Space, searching, locking and locating these eighteen worlds."

As soon as Ying Zheng's mind moved, the door of time and space began to lock and position.

These eighteen worlds are all human worlds, as long as the gate of time and space is locked and positioned, Daqin can put in troops.

"It will take about a year to be completely locked and positioned."

Ying Zheng gently sighed with relief, his eyes swept over the world, the void peeled off in front of his eyes, his gaze saw through the layers of void, and saw a pair of eyes in the depths of the void.

It was not a pair of eyes, but in the cognitive feeling of Ying Zheng, it was a pair of eyes.

If anyone thinks it's a mouth, it's a mouth.

Some people think it's a tree, that's a tree.

These eyes are as high as the sky, indifferent, do not contain the slightest emotion, like the heavenly dome hanging high, and everything seems to be a dog in his eyes.

"Heaven of this realm!"

Ying Zheng's heart jumped slightly, the heavens of this realm actually gave birth to some will, no wonder the constraints of this realm were far stronger than the Daqin World and the Martial World World.

The limit of force in the Great Qin World is Shattered, and the limit of the force in the Martial World is the Great Grandmaster Realm.

And the limit of force in this realm is Martial Dao Tianren.

However, the former and the latter are different, the limit of the former is that these two worlds can only accommodate the Shattered Realm and the Great Grandmaster Realm.

And the limits of force in this realm are set by the will of the world.

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