"The Great Phoenix King disappeared under the eyes of the little demon."

Xiao Hei suddenly got up: "What did you say?" The Great Phoenix King disappeared under your nose? Is it possible not to say goodbye? At his speed, you can't see it even if you leave. "

"It's not." The bear demon shook his head vigorously: "The Great Phoenix King is not leaving, but I watched him disappear into the spatial crack. "

"Show me."

Not long after, the two demons came to the palace of the Great Phoenix King, looking at the place pointed by the bear demon, Xiao Hei frowned, and disappeared in place without saying a word.

In Xianyang Palace, Ying Zheng was instructing the twists and turns in the Ten Thousand Realms General Talisman, and suddenly said: "What to do when you walk around, come in when you come." "

Xiao Hei restored the Qilin prototype, the beast's face was full of smiles, and the demon emperor humbly stunned the demon at this time: "Master, you are giving instructions." "

"There is something to say quickly, and there is a fart to release quickly."

Ying Zheng frowned slightly.

"The Great Phoenix... Oh no, the little phoenix is gone. Xiao Hei quickly said solemnly.

The Great Phoenix King is the phoenix beast with a phoenix bloodline that was almost preyed on by the giant eagle but was saved by Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng lowered his head slightly, and in the light of his eyes, the line of cause and effect radiated hundreds of millions, and he waved slightly, and the thread of cause and effect belonging to Xiaohuang rattled.

"Master, what's wrong with Little Phoenix?"

"Nothing, this is his opportunity."

The line of cause and effect of the little phoenix is not broken, and through the line of cause and effect, Ying Zheng can see that the little phoenix fell into the natural trap of space, disappeared in the Daqin world, and shuttled into a huge, ancient world.

"It's okay."

Xiao Hei breathed a sigh of relief, his relationship with Xiao Huang was not bad.

Huan Zheng glanced at him: "You demon emperor is doing well, what reward do you want?" "

Xiao Hei smiled, and said with a righteous face: "It is natural to do things for the master, how can you ask for any reward." "

"Recently, the Mingshan grapes watered by Mingshan Lingquan have matured."

Yingzheng seems to be casual.

Xiao Hei's beast eyes widened several times, and his saliva flowed, and he said pitifully: "Xiao Hei shaved the horse for the master, and worked tirelessly, the master should not be stingy with a little grapes." "

Mingshan Lingquan is a naturally formed spring water, the water of this spring, clear and moist, refreshing, after being discovered, it was blocked, for the imperial palace forbidden area, the internal affairs office has to go to fetch water every day to supply the palace.

A small mouthful of water from Mingshan Lingquan is worth a hundred taels of gold in the black market, and all the fruits supplied to the royal family are watered by Mingshan Lingquan, and the ripe fruit is no longer ordinary fruit, but a spirit fruit, placed before Daqin dominates the world, so that a fruit cultivated is enough to increase people's power for ten years.

The fruit watered by Mingshan Lingquan water is not effective, even the taste is excellent, Xiao Hei has not forgotten it after tasting it once, and since then he has regretted becoming a demon emperor, staying in the palace every day, Mingshan grapes must have everything.

Huan Zheng was surprised: "Didn't you take it for granted? "

Xiao Hei glanced at the little Pixiu who was eating Mingshan Water on the side, and went crazy with jealousy, that position should have been his, but it was occupied by Xiao Pixiu, and this little Pixiu also looked at it innocently with a pair of stupid cute eyes.

"Little brat! Grab my spot, there is always a point I will snatch back this position! "

Little Dark scolded, and the smile on his face became brighter: "But... If there is a little reward, Xiao Hei will be more motivated. "


Huan Zheng scolded lightly and waved his hand: "Go and get it yourself." "

"Thank you master!"

Little Black Big Joy.

After Xiao Hei left, Ying Zheng began to give instructions on the compromise, and many of the recent compromises were a problem, that is, the territory of Daqin had been expanding.

Huan Zheng flew to the starry sky to see that the land of the Daqin World had expanded more than ten times compared to the beginning.

The territory has expanded tenfold, replaced by many problems, fortunately, although these problems are many, they are not very serious, after all, the extra territory is uninhabited land, and there are more problems in land reclamation at most.


In some huge, ancient world, the little phoenix fell from the space trap to this world, and his body has turned into powder, and only his soul is fluttering.

You are greeted by the boundless earth.



The sky was bleak, but countless stars were faintly visible.


The little phoenix's soul shook, and he saw the endless distant sky dome, and the roar of thunder was deafening.


One by one, I don't know if it is a million miles or tens of millions of miles, the electric snake tears through the long sky, illuminating the bleak sky.

The dense electric snake was one after another, and the sky was a large sea of thunder, even if it was hundreds of millions of miles away, Xiaohuang could feel the endless destruction contained in the sea of thunder.

"Who is this doomsing?"

Little Phoenix said in his heart.

In the distance, lightning and thunder roared, and the thunder sea was white for millions of miles, and then purple, red, and black thunder and lightning flashed non-stop.


Another thick thunder dragon chopped down, the sky was blank like daylight, and the little phoenix suddenly saw clearly what the thunder robbery was chopping, it was a tall and indescribable giant.

His eyes were like two stars, really as huge as a star, his hair was really as wide as the Milky Way, thunder and lightning drowned all his body at the end of his sight, and the desolate earth was cracked by thunder robbery, and countless cracks stretched for hundreds of thousands and millions of miles emerged.

The peaks that were thousands of miles high were like small mounds of earth rising from the ground at the feet of that giant.

At the end of heaven and earth, billions of miles of earth cracked, mountains collapsed, and rivers flowed backwards.

"Thief God! Lao Tzu wants to live a second life! "

The giant roared up to the sky, and the sound wave covered the sound of thunder.


The thunder and lightning of the thunder sea seem to be endless, one after another is a hundred miles thick, thousands of miles of thunder and lightning rumbling down, and the electric star explosion is not comparable, as if he does not want to give the giant any time to rest.

I don't know how long it took, Xiao Huang's heart trembled, for fear that a thunderbolt would not know where to slash into him, such a thunderbolt only needs one, or even only the aftermath to make his soul fly.

"The Thunder Tribulation stopped? Did he spend it or not? "

The last thunder and lightning slashed, illuminating the sky, and then the sea of thunder disappeared, and the little phoenix saw clearly, a huge and endless corpse fell on the ground, spanning hundreds of millions of miles.

The corpse was dressed in ancient and strange clothing, and his face was the appearance of a resolute man, even if he died, his body still exuded the momentum of making heaven and earth mourn and ten thousand ways surrender.

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